Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 1071 Tomb of the Tusi King (25)

"It's so disgusting. It's full of bugs."

Outside Li's house, Yi Ling frowned and complained, letting a little golden butterfly fly around him diligently, and occasionally lifting up his sleeves so that the little butterfly could fly in and clean away any insect eggs that might be on it. He also took off the straps that covered his eyes, and his beautiful blue eyes were full of disgust.

The world is different in Yi Ling's eyes. Unfortunately, not only can he easily see through the darkness, but he can also easily spot bugs - all kinds of bugs, whether they are invisible to the human eye, bugs disguised as other creatures, or bugs that have not hatched. All insect eggs can be completely discovered by Yi Ling. He didn't even know how he had such a damn talent for nausea. He had looked inside through the open door of the Li family hall and almost vomited.

The entire hall was covered in darkness. The ground, elegiac couplets, and people were all covered with tiny black insect seeds, squirming like newly born cockroaches. Except for the shrine and the coffin, which were still clean, the rest of the place was covered in insects. When it is full, those tiny bugs can even invade the body as the person talks and breathes, making Yi Ling's eyes feel dirty just by looking at it. Damn it, he was originally very interested in participating in his family's first test, depending on his mood whether to make it more difficult or provide some help.

Now he had lost all interest. Even if he didn't enter the main room and just stood in the patio where the insect concentration was low, with corn shoots around him always threatening him, Yi Ling still almost got stressed.

"This Li family is really dirtier than a mud pit. How did it become like this?"

Yi Ling said to himself: "Otherwise, I'll go down the mountain now."

He vaguely remembered that the Li family had worshiped the white tiger for generations. Even if it would be deformed after death, it should develop in the direction of corpse transformation. He didn't know which generation of gene mutation this was, so it was a big surprise for him. He is very interested in the new family members, but if they really get infected here, thinking about taking them into the mountains in the next few days, Yi Ling's arms will become hairy, and he can't wait to take out the insecticide and spray it on himself Spray all over.


As if sensing that he was depressed, the corn shoots stretched out their tentacles, and the two tentacles were tangled in front of Yi Ling, trying to make him happy like a child playing with his hand shadow, which made Yi Ling smile and pinch the corn shoots. The tip of the tentacle: "It's so sad. I said I hate bugs, but now I can only talk to bugs?"

[I don’t like bamboo shoots~I hate insects, they taste good, no, they don’t taste good, I hate them]

The corn shoots were like brainless happy worms, with the tips of their tentacles wrapped around Yi Ling, making Yi Ling laugh. He remembered someone saying that many pets felt like 'people' after being raised by people. Like corn shoots, he doesn't feel that he is a bug, he only feels that he is his Yi Ling's child... Tsk, no, no, no, if he has a child like this, it would still be too sanity.

Yi Ling waved away the nonsensical imaginary images in his mind, and pinched the tiger claw hanging on his chest in a good mood. The tentacles of the corn shoots were connected to it. The body of the corn shoots was lurking under the earth. An Xuefeng There is a subtle connection between Yi Ling's tiger claw and himself. After being connected in this way, Yi Ling puts the tiger claw to his ear and can hear the voices coming from An Xuefeng and the others, just like the wired telephone in the past.


But as soon as the connection was connected, the sound of vomiting came from the other side, and Yi Ling immediately frowned and took the tiger claw away. He held his face, stared at Tiger Claw a few times, and touched some clean hairs still on the bones. He didn't want to have PTSD about Tiger Claw, so he simply ignored the scene and listened to what the corn shoots were saying. .

[They moved the corpses, and there were delicious hairs growing on their hands, which they sucked. The fattest one said it was corpse poison, and they used rice to get rid of it]

The corn shoot said like a child. One of its thick tentacles was still serving as a door for travelers at the door of the fire room. Even if there were no eyes on the tentacles, the corn shoots could tell what happened in the room by feeling the energy and hearing the words. Let’s talk briefly about the matter with Yi Ling.

...It’s just that the words of the corn shoots contain too much of its own subjective feelings, and for some reason, it is not very willing to call people by their names, which sometimes makes Yi Ling find it difficult to hear.

For example, now.

[Insect farmers say that they all have delicious insect eggs on their bodies. My father’s vegetative person says that he has the most delicious insect eggs on his body. He sucks them and smells good.]

[The fattest one took some delicious-smelling blood to get rid of the insect eggs, and my father’s vegetable man took out some weird-smelling grass and asked everyone to eat some.]

[Then they spit out all the delicious insect eggs and burned them all with fire. Ugh, what a pity, Bamboo thought... Bamboo didn't want to cuckoo]

Sensing his father's mood, Corn Bamboo Shoots immediately started to cry, not daring to say anything else. He always felt that if he continued talking, something bad would happen that would make his father angry.

"Forget it, you better stop talking about the corn shoots."

Yi Ling pressed his forehead. He really didn’t know which one was more disgusting, listening to Tiger Claw live or listening to Corn Shoots’ narration: “Why didn’t you call them by their names?)”

【ah? 】

The corn shoots were confused, as if they didn't understand. Yi Ling patiently asked again, and then he heard the confused words: "The names are all given by Father. Father didn't give them names, so of course they don't have names."

Corn Bamboo Shoots then said excitedly: [Bamboo shoots...can you name them? Does the father want to hand over the power of naming to bamboo shoots? very happy--】

"Not really."

【Okay! 】

"So you haven't seen them before?"

[Gu? 】

"Why do you call Tong Hege 'Father's vegetable'? What does he have to do with me?"

【Everything belongs to the Father, they all belong to the Father】

The corn shoots were a little anxious, and pointed at the tentacles in the air: [Father's vegetable, father's fat man, father's short man, father's werewolf - they are all father's, and father's father! 】

Yi Ling:?

"Father? Whose father?"

Yi Ling, who was questioning the corn shoots, was surprised: "Are you talking about my dad? Do you know my dad?"

[Father... is father, that is, that is, the father that father has, is the father of bamboo shoots! 】

Corn Bamboo Shoot became anxious, pointing with its tentacles, pointing at the tiger claw hanging on Yi Ling's chest: [Bamboo Shoot's father! 】

"You said An Xuefeng is the father?"

Yi Ling was even more surprised, raised an eyebrow, and even laughed: "He gave birth to you?"

[ father]

The corn shoots were very confused and said naturally: [Father and father have bamboo shoots, father is father, father is father]

"So that's why you let An Xuefeng go to the shrine that night?"

[It’s not time yet, my father said to call me at two o’clock]

The corn shoots proudly straightened their tentacles and swayed happily: [The shoots can tell the time, but it’s not time yet! 】


Yi Ling sneered and didn't bother to question the corn shoots. He didn't have a brain as a worm. His life and soul were all under his control. He would only cry when he asked urgent questions. Now that was probably all he could answer. In fact, Yi Ling didn't believe much in Worm's words. He just wanted to find out if An Xuefeng had any other trump cards that could confuse Worm. The attitude of the corn shoots towards An Xuefeng always made him feel something was wrong.

Now what the corn shoots said made Yi Ling more curious, but it didn't matter. It was interesting for the family to have their own little secrets. It would be interesting for him to find out personally. He only hoped that An Xuefeng didn't really have anything to do with the bugs. He hoped that An Xuefeng could not only transform into a tiger, but also become a vixen that confuses the bugs. That would definitely make Yi Zero ecstatic.

"I hope the tiger doesn't get fleas, otherwise it will be too troublesome to deworm it."

Yi Ling thought to himself and looked back behind him. At the end of the Li family's courtyard wall, a short black figure flashed past, like a child or a ghost. But Yi Ling hopes that the concentration of ghosts in this village can be higher, at least not like it is now - the darkness has receded a lot at this point, and the sky is bright, although there is no sun yet. It was foggy and gloomy everywhere, and the Tujia stilted houses in Zhimata Village were looming in the fog. There was a salty smell in the air, and even the wind had a damp and sticky feeling, just like the sea breeze.


Subtle sounds came from all directions, and the entire Zhimata Village 'woke up' after the darkness receded. Not long after, several tall and thin figures appeared on the wall of the Li family courtyard, hesitating and wandering there, as if they wanted to come over, but every time When they get close they are whipped away with whips that come out of the ground.


"Baby corn."

Yi Ling pressed the bridge of his nose, and at a glance he saw tentacle-like worm tentacles surging in the shadows on the other side of the courtyard wall, constantly chasing away figures who wanted to approach. Ah, of course, this is not the territorial awareness of the corn shoots. Even if you don’t listen to the voice of the corn shoots, Yi Zero can subtly guess what the corn shoots are thinking [Go away, you delicious insect eggs, my father won’t let me eat them, you Get away, suck! 】

"There are really more and more disgusting things."

Knowing that these were villagers who were going to Li's house to express condolences, Yi Ling raised his broad sleeves and covered his nose, holding his breath.

"Let's go, corn shoots."

Yi Ling led the worm into the door of the Li family's compound. Compared with the 'awakened' Zimata Village, the old zombie of the Li family was still there, the shrine was still there, and it was somewhat cleaner.

But when all the condolences villagers come in, it won't be clean for long.

"If I ruin the funeral and destroy the village, the mountain god won't necessarily be angry."

After crossing the threshold, Yi Ling said with a smile: "After all, I still hold Miao Fangfei with the golden silkworm Gu and An Xuefeng who can turn into a white tiger. The mountain god doesn't want them to turn into insects."

[Kill, kill them, eat them! 】

The corn shoots are shouting, and the earth is shaking. It is its huge body that is squirming.

"Don't take action yet, it's not good if there is too much noise."

Yi Ling walked across the patio, and there was a rustling sound from the Li family's door behind him. Someone outside the door had already squeezed to the door, but they were afraid of Yi Ling and the corn shoots and didn't dare to come in yet.

"I don't have the patience to stay here until night. This cassock has not been changed. I hope it won't be stained with too much insect blood."

A scarlet whip appeared in Yi Ling's hand. He held the whip and picked up the fallen wreath at the door of the main room with a chuckle. As he approached, he heard a clanging noise in the main room.

"This old boy wants to run away!"

Wang Pengpai let out an almost voice-breaking roar, and the door of the hall in front of Yi Ling shook violently, as if someone had bumped into the door.


The already overwhelmed door shook and collapsed. Yi Ling stood outside the door holding a whip. He was surprised to see that in the messy hall, the closest ones to him were An Xuefeng and Lu Shucheng. They smashed Li Jun to the ground like wolves and tigers. He was in a state of embarrassment, with some pungent black and green liquid on his body, and he didn't know if it was blood. The whole hall was a mess, smelling of burnt electricity.

The door of the main hall fell down. An Xuefeng, who was worried that the villagers had come to express condolences, gritted his teeth to suppress Li Jun's body movement. He raised his head alertly, only to see that the person who came was actually Yi Ling. An Xuefeng's pupils shrank suddenly, and he saw the white-haired guide wearing a cassock bending down against the light, lightly sweeping his hair with a whip, as if he was smiling.

"A fight? That's great!"

The author has something to say

Corn shoots have also been dreamed about by dreamers, but worms have no brains and more instincts. It is instinct to get close to Team An (Yi Zero's deep connection object). You can't tell for a while whether it has amnesia or is really small. Fool()

All the insects that Ling Dao needs to use when he loses his memory have been chased by Mengmeng. The Tusi King is too involved with insects, and if the demon insects have too much memory, something will happen!

Feeling much better now! I’ve also made a new outline, and I’ll write the supplement tomorrow (I’m sure I can write it once I’ve made the outline, so I’ll give you a preview), chirp!


Corn Bamboo Shoots [pointing]: Father’s father is here too!

Red Team:?

Corn Bamboo Shoots [Stupid Mouth]: A father owned by his father!

Red Team:?

Corn Bamboo Shoots [Urgent]: Owned by the father, the father of the bamboo shoots!

Yi Ling [Understood]: Worm father, who? Could it be golden silkworm Gu?

Corn Bamboo Shoots [loudly]: It’s a tiger insect!

An Xuefeng:?

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution between 2023-11-3023:39:19~2023-12-0200:03:16~

Thanks to the little angels who threw the rocket launchers: 2 Qiqi; 1 Shiver Thermogen;

Thanks to the little angels who threw the grenades: Ruoxi, Qiqi, and Maomao want to go to the sky 1;

Thanks to the little angels who threw the landmines: 70262462, Qiqi 4; , heat 1 for three minutes;

Thank you to the little angel who irrigates the nutrient solution: Hey hey hey hey, Qitase has no tower 340 bottles; I don’t want to owe another 200,000, 254 bottles; Mijiu 181 bottles; Last, today I also bought Yunsu Meow = 100 bottles of OωO; 88 bottles of Xinyao Huanxi Maotou; 70 bottles of Yiwen, Qing Alumina, and Balter; 66 bottles of Wei Xuechen’s wife; 64 bottles of Xishou Huolin; 62 bottles of Yan Ruoxi. ; 61 bottles of Lemon Essence; 56 bottles of Chirmi, TZ, Bengbeng Puppet, Mi Mi Nuo, My Taxira; 50 bottles of Dark Night is Young and I'm Not Here; 61,748 bottles of Pippi Rabbit; 47 bottles of Crane; 46 bottles of Ding Ding Ding; 42 bottles for an unknown passerby; 41 bottles for Zhaoyeqing and Yunshu; 40 bottles for Shengxiaruhua, An, and Dugu; 39 bottles for Oops, So Many Brains; 37 bottles for Qianyue Liuge; 36 bottles for Moyuan Changli; and 36 bottles for Wuqiao. , 32 bottles of lemon tea; 30 bottles of Tianbao Jiuru Su Muqiu, my recommended Yin Yuejun, Lizi with only bones left, Sun, I am a big sleeping insect, Bai Ziliang, and Silver Winged Fish; 28 bottles of boiled water; Qingguo Qingcheng ~ 27 bottles; Matcha is not sweet 25 bottles; Yunxi 24 bottles; YJ 22 bottles; Orange Road 21 bottles; Little Fairy ~, Canglan, ax_Abyss Butterfly Can Dream of Small, Green Sand Courtyard, Tedah, Unseen Qingshan Old , Burger loves to eat Wallace, a creek is rushing, online reminder, tsk tsk tsk, moonlight, then, ah 嘘嘞, osmanthus, Mu Yunzi, Wu Jiu, falling trees begin to fly red, , summer summer summer summer summer , Little Hippie Let Me Touch, Afu Z, Muzi Yueyao 20 bottles; spiritual practice and self-cultivation 19 bottles; 4788559818 bottles; Xiao Xiaole, Huiheng 16 bottles; lemon mango juice 15 bottles; Yuanjian 14 bottles; Wu Ning ·12 bottles of Yezi; I want the moon? Come to me, Nidhogg, 11 bottles of Zhao Yijiu; Hibiscus, Mo Shiwu, 68818012, Be careful, Brother Cheng is here, Lu Li Qi Guang, Qing Xiao, Su Su, Glass Wool, Sweet Xin Nuoyu, I Moved the Civil Affairs Bureau, Wolfberry Ming Tea Picking, Junge Jin, Phantom Sound, Why I Can’t Treat a Sickness, 10 Bottles of Half-Dream Life; The Lazy Cat on the Street Corner, Misheng, Purple Mist 8 bottles of Miman, One Pot Mushrooms; 7 bottles of Bo Sauce; 6 bottles of Love Fish; 5 bottles of Lemon Probiotics, Murphy's Law, Pangxi, Midnight, and Muxi; 4 bottles of Sour Lime; sue Ziyue, 3 bottles of flowers in the small town; 2 bottles too lazy to name; Lagrange, Xiyan Years, Jiangshan Old Woman, Luo Yue, Ruan Ling Cake, Chattering, Carbohydrates Always on the Way to Lose Weight, Shuo Ye, Magic Chirp, Xinxin Bu Ke cp, Gu Xingmian, Wandering Clouds, No Return, Lin Shangjia Zen, Ting Yun, Hua Nong Ying 2, 41912343, Super Powerful Piggy Bank, Dazai Maomao, Xiao, Qingmeng Xinghe, 1 bottle of Qian Liu Shang;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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