Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 1069 Tomb of the Tusi King (23)

The main hall of the Li Family is a bit darker than the main hall of the Tujia A-mei B\u0026B, and there is no fire pit - in other words, the Tujia A-mei B\u0026B is more like an improved special B\u0026B used for tourist reception, while the structure of the Li Jia Sanheyuan is more simple and authentic .

The Li family hall is very spacious, and the four walls are covered with various yellowed and black newspapers. Occasionally, there are a few paintings depicting colorful statues of gods, which cannot be seen clearly. There were four skinny men wearing linen and mourning standing in front of the shrine in the middle of the hall, looking at them quietly. The most eye-catching thing is the black wood coffin placed on the wooden platform in the middle of the hall.

"You are here."

The leader, Li Jun, is taller than the others and wears a longer white filial piety belt than the others. He should be the eldest son of the deceased and the current head of the family. There was no expression on his blue-gray face, and he raised his hand to welcome An Xuefeng and the others to the left. Everyone who was attracted by the coffin and the Li family looked to the left and discovered that there was a wooden bed in the left corner of the main room, and a corpse was lying on the wooden bed without any protection.


Miao Fangfei breathed out secretly to calm down her nervous mood. The hall was so quiet that it was scary. There were so many people here that they could only go to the wooden bed in groups of two to express their condolences. An Xuefeng and Wang Pengpai were the first to come forward. The wooden bed was covered with a mat, and the dead old man was lying on the mat. The old man has already changed into his shroud and bright red shoes. He has a bundle of white gauze wrapped around his waist, an oil lamp lit by his feet, and a round black iron plate on his chest with a small raised ring in the middle. Like the lid of the hanging pot they used to stew chicken last night.

The old man's face was covered with white paper, and his face could not be seen. But judging from his body shape, he must have been extremely tall and strong, at least two meters tall. An Xuefeng also noticed the old man's hand on his lower abdomen. The skin of the big hand was wrinkled like a leaf and was as rough as dry tree bark. The fingers are green and black, with thick joints and a cold light. They look more like black iron bars. Sharp nails protrude from the ends of the iron bars. They are at least as long as two knuckles and do not look like human ones. Rather like the nails of some wild animal.

There was only a few seconds left for everyone to observe. After a brief condolence, An Xuefeng and Wang Pengpai were led to the black wooden coffin in the middle of the hall.

"Please put the ashes in."

Li Jun whispered, and the other three Li family members quietly gathered around, staring at the clay pots in the hands of An Xuefeng and Wang Pengpai. Each of them is over 1.8 meters tall, and they are like several walls surrounding them. They should be invisible but put a lot of pressure on people. But An Xuefeng and Wang Pengpai were taller than them, and their mentality was very stable. They were not frightened, but waited a few more seconds.

"Why pour the ashes in?"

A few seconds later, Wang Yushu, who was second in line to express condolences to the deceased along with Mao Xiaole, came to the coffin holding up his mobile phone for live broadcast.

To be honest, live broadcasting a funeral is really a hellish experience. To speak in such a solemn and solemn atmosphere requires not only courage, but also a thick skin. Fortunately, Wang Yushu has both of these things. The 'Mountain Cult Live Broadcast' is currently the most advantageous privilege for them to collect clues, and it is also the safest way to communicate with these Li family monsters. But they can't hold back because of pressure. Even though he was stared at by four pairs of black eye sockets, Wang Yushu held up his mobile phone and squeezed to the side of the coffin without giving an inch.

After one of them jabbered a lot of dialects that they didn't understand, Wang Yushu would calmly say: "Please speak Mandarin, the audience doesn't understand the dialects."

"Fire ashes have masculine power and can cover up... Abba's (Abba) aura."

In the end, it was Li Jun who spoke, his voice hoarse and his face expressionless: "Let dad go up the mountain smoothly."

"Usually fire ashes can drive away evil spirits."

Wang Yushu asked: "Do we have this kind of feudal superstition?"

This time Li Jun just stared at him, and the black and red worm pupae protruded from the sunken eye sockets, like black and red protruding eyeballs. He remained silent, and Wang Yushu and the others understood.

This was the tacit understanding that there was indeed something wrong with the old man's body.

As soon as it was done, An Xuefeng took the lead in pouring the ashes from his clay pot into the coffin. In order to prevent the ashes from rising up and making a mess, the height of the pouring should be as low as possible. An Xuefeng's hand holding the clay pot to pour the ashes had already reached into the coffin, and his eyes quickly scanned the inside of the coffin. , then straightened up and walked to the side. Behind him were Wang Pengpai, Wang Yushu... After everyone poured the ashes into the coffin, the four Li family members surrounded the coffin.

Normally they can completely block the coffin, but An Xuefeng and his group of tourists are surprisingly tall. Except for Mao Xiaole and Miao Fangfei, as long as they lower their heads, they can see clearly what the Li family is doing - each of them has a coffin in their hands. They all held a teacup, used the teacup to smooth the fire ashes on the bottom of the coffin, and then used the rim of the cup to make circles on the fire ashes. The movement was very slow. It took a few seconds each time before picking up the teacup. The circle will be repeated three times until it is clear enough.

"Why use a teacup to make circles on the ashes?"

Wang Yushu raised his cell phone and asked again, and it was Li Jun who answered.

This is a custom here. Depending on the age of the deceased, a teacup should be used to print a certain number of circles on the ashes, so that the foreign fire ashes at the bottom of the coffin can establish a connection with the deceased.

"It was supposed to be nine neighbors who brought ashes from their homes."

Li Jun said slowly: "But they broke their promise and did not come to express their condolences."

The fire ashes from different neighbors' houses are equivalent to gathering the positive power of several families together, but now the situation has changed, and they can only have the fire ashes from Tujia Amei B\u0026B. Although this can be regarded as being brought here by ‘different people’, it essentially came from the same fire pit.

So according to the original plan, the current positive force in the ashes is probably not enough, and it may not be able to suppress the old man's body.

"Oh, this is such an unfortunate thing. Why did they break the contract?"

Wang Yushu was still asking questions dutifully. At this moment, except for the Li family, only Wang Yushu, Mao Xiaole, Wang Pengpai, Bai Feibai and Tong Hege were around the coffin. Others took advantage of the opportunity when the four Li family members occupied their hands in the main room. They spread out and quietly collected clues.

An Xuefeng's eyes fell on the shrine behind the coffin. There is also a wooden shrine embedded in the wall on the middle wall of the Li family hall. In the center of the shrine is a tablet with a black background and gold rim. A plaque is hung on the wall above. It is so blackened that it is difficult to see what words are written on it. The couplets on both sides of the shrine and the horizontal scrolls on them were all covered with white paper.

To the left of the main shrine, there is a smaller shrine built into the wall. It is half as high and one-third as wide as the main shrine, and houses a wooden sculpture. The carving was too rudimentary, with only a figure, and An Xuefeng couldn't tell whether it was a tiger. The small shrine also has left and right couplets and horizontal inscriptions, but it is smaller. The red paper has faded and is almost white, but there is no white paper on it.

But the handwriting was so blurry that An Xuefeng could only make out a few words. The couplet on the left said "loyalty...pass..." and the couplet on the right said "...return home".

Returning home, isn’t this their hometown?

Something flashed through An Xuefeng's mind. He suppressed it for the moment and continued to observe. Under the main shrine is a wooden carved two-story cabinet-style niche. On the niche is a square copper incense burner. The incense burner is filled with incense ash, with more than a dozen fine incense sticks inserted, and there is only a bench in front of it.

Several large wreaths were placed next to the shrine. They were not the usual colorful ones, but pure white like the door. Looking at them, An Xuefeng's eyes narrowed. In the center of these wreaths is not the usual word "Dian", but the thick black word "Zhen".

"Give way, I'm going to be buried."

They only had time to observe so much. Li Jun and the others had already finished covering the teacup ring, spread a sheet on the fire ashes, and were about to officially bury him. I don’t know what happened. Wang Yushu and the others who were guarding the coffin didn’t look right, but Wang Yushu still held up his mobile phone dedicatedly and chased after the wooden frame bed, hesitating whether to ask a few more questions about the deceased. , Li Jun and the others' expressions were already ugly, and they were really seeking death.

But he can live broadcast with his mobile phone, which is safer than other companions! Wang Yushu was heartbroken and was about to continue asking questions, but something unexpected happened in the next second - Li Jun and another Li family member couldn't lift the old man's body together! Judging from their arms with bulging veins and bulging eyeballs, this should not be fake, but the old man was as motionless as if he were cast on a wooden bed. Even the other two Li family members came to carry the body together, and the last four were tired. Even though he was panting, he couldn't move the old man's body.

After several efforts with no results, the Li family lowered their heads and chatted in dialect for a while, and then Li Jun walked towards An Xuefeng.

"You want us to help carry the body to the coffin?"

After listening to Li Jun's plea, An Xuefeng's eyes flashed with a dark light, and he looked at Wang Pengpai. After Wang Pengpai nodded solemnly, An Xuefeng understood.

"The burial should be your family's business. We are outsiders. It is against the rules to interfere in such an important matter."

"It's's okay, there's nothing against the rules..."

"So, that means the Li family has already accepted us?"


"Didn't you accept it? That would be difficult."

An Xuefeng played a trick and used some of Yi Ling's usual tone. When he said it in a more oppressive tone, it seemed particularly difficult to deal with: "Then we have to take a big risk if we take action."

"Not much risk..."

Li Jun muttered, but when he saw Wang Yushu live broadcast, he swallowed the rest of his words. The chrysalises in his eye sockets were squirming anxiously, protruding and staring deeply at An Xuefeng, like the retractable eye stalks of a snail, which was very disgusting. But An Xuefeng just raised his eyebrows, his eyes turned into tiger eyes, and he faced Li Jun coldly. The atmosphere in the hall gradually became sinister. Miao Fangfei and others stood vigilantly beside An Xuefeng, ready to take action at any time.

"Is it the custom here to attack guests in front of the mourning hall?"

Wang Yushu was still stirring up the confusion with his mobile phone live broadcast, and said very rudely: "If you want to help, show some sincerity. Do you want to rely on your words? Please, adults, please speak more realistically. We are zero-involved." 's family.”

"You are here to threaten Captain An, whom Director Zero admires most. Director Zero's worms must have heard it!"

The author has something to say

Wang Yushu [Threat]: How dare you threaten Team An! That is Director Ling's favorite tiger. Director Ling is standing on the old crooked-neck tree in front of your house, staring at you every day!

Li family:! !

Zero derivative:?

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution between 2023-11-2800:11:45~2023-11-2823:11:22~

Thanks to the little angel who dropped the shallow water bomb: 1 love life idol hair;

Thanks to the little angel who threw the rocket launcher: Yun Qi 1;

Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: Xin Yao played with the cat head and didn’t like to eat 1 carrot;

Thanks to the little angels who threw the landmines: Xin Yao, 3 cat heads, Gui Chen, A Pig Under the Peach Tree, and Yinchuan, 2; Mo, Nan Chi Wei Yu, what's the situation, this is a nickname , Lu Li 1;

Thanks to the little angels who irrigated the nutrient solution: 270 bottles of Yelan Canghai; 90 bottles of Mustard Dahui; 76 bottles of Lezheng; 60 bottles of Hehehe?; 58 bottles of Xixi; 50 bottles of Xi and Li Buyan; 46 bottles of Shi Nian; Meow Meow~40 bottles; 6682195134 bottles; Qipan 29 bottles; Dandandandan 21 bottles; Good night, Leosley playing with pen.Jpg, I really want to be quiet, the most amazing face in the world, oo, a cat in the left hand and a cat in the right hand Yi Meow, Rouge Qingcheng, Xiao Xiaole, Aurora, Chen Xi, Jibei Polar Bear, Minghai Sashimi, Aye 20 bottles; Tang 15 bottles; Wang Lanlan Wants to Sleep 13 bottles; Sanhuo Children 12 bottles; Small Transparent ~, Sleepy Tuanzi, A Pig Under the Peach Tree, Jiang Zhiqiu, Jing Xixi, Xianyu Benyu, Ji Xiaoyue, ax_Abyss Butterfly Can Dream of Xiao, Hibiscus, Lazy Cat, Yuzhi 10 bottles; Li Nu and I don’t go out, 6 bottles; Li Xiaobai drinks without sugar~, Tingtang, Warm Ranran, Lin Yuanxiao, 5 bottles; Luoyue, Lagrange, Moutou, Nidhogg, Lingxiu, Jiujiuoney86,. 2 bottles; Sheng Lingyuan, Yueer who likes rock sugar grass, 52095666, Huayu in the small town, Xiao, Miracle stops without hair, Xiyan years, Carbohydrates that are always on the way to lose weight, Nan Chi Weiyu, Yi Yu, Laosan Tao Si, Ban Meng Fu Sheng, Jiangshan Old Woman, Xun Yuan 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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