Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 1050 Tomb of the Chieftain King (8)

After being slapped twice by Captain An, Wang Pengpai felt comfortable all over. The gloomy feeling of being peeped by the darkness along the way was gone, and his panic was settled. No matter how dangerous the situation is, An Xuefeng always has a way. Wang Pengpai admires him for this most. What he trusts is not only Captain An's strength, but also his extremely stable mentality.

There was nothing to see in the room. An Xuefeng and Wang Pengpai simply tidied up and went out with wooden buckets to fetch water. Before going out, Wang Pengpai tinkered with a small watering can and took it with him for self-defense. It was filled with dark red liquid. It is said to be an exclusive secret recipe passed down from Wang Pengpai's family. It is mixed with glutinous rice pulp, black dog blood, chicken blood and a large amount of cinnabar. After special treatment, even a thousand-year-old zombie will be stunned when it is sprayed with this blood.

"After you ran away, Captain An, I held the light in one hand and this little watering can in the other. Don't tell me, don't tell me, my watering can is like a warm baby in such a dark and cold environment. Fever."

Wang Pengpai couldn't stop nagging: "So there must be something dirty in the darkness, but it's not impossible to cure. As long as we two brothers work together -"

An Xuefeng raised his hand, and Wang Pengpai immediately fell silent. He stopped talking to Captain An and almost called him brothers. He held the barrel in front of him with one hand and clenched the small watering can in the other, and looked warily in the direction An Xuefeng was looking.

The structure of this B\u0026B can be regarded as a three-heyuan, with everyone living in the main house in the middle. The second floor of the main house is purely occupied, while the three rooms on the first floor are occupied by people on the left and right sides. In the middle is the main room with a lantern hanging. An Xuefeng and Wang Pengpai live in a small room on the left side of the main room. Outside the room is a wooden corridor that connects the entire first floor. It is blocked by railings. You have to go to the front of the central main room to get down the steps to the patio.

When An Xuefeng walked through the main room, he found that the main room was open, so he glanced inside and saw the back of Yu Hehui. He was holding a bucket in one hand and a candlestick in the other, standing in front of the wall in the middle of the main room, leaning forward. It seemed that they were studying the shrine on the wall by the light of the fire. Under the dim light, the scene looked a bit eerie, especially since Yu Hehui was observing so carefully that An Xuefeng and the others didn't even know they were passing by.

An Xuefeng frowned and winked at Wang Pengpai. Wang Pengpai stepped forward knowingly, 'Hey! ’ I had to pat Professor Yu on the shoulder.

"Professor, what are you looking at?"

"It's surging."

Yu Hehui was startled and took a few steps back to avoid it. He regained consciousness slowly and turned around to look at Wang Pengpai. Seeing him winking at her, he hesitated for a moment and looked back at the niche, and then followed Wang Pengpai out. .

"Professor, please pay attention to safety. Where are Bai Feibai and the others, and why are you allowed to move alone?"

An Xuefeng said solemnly, ghosts and gods can confuse people, and it is often extremely dangerous to act alone. It is no exaggeration to say that when they went out and saw Yu Hehui standing alone in the main room facing the shrine, Wang Pengpai and An Xuefeng felt in their hearts It all clicked. If it weren't for the fact that he already had some basic trust in Yi Ling and Yu Hehui seemed to be in good condition, Wang Pengpai might have sprayed Professor Yu's face with black dog blood.

This is not the first time that Yu Hehui has encountered supernatural and evil events after going underground and into the mountains for so many years, so he should be vigilant.

"I was careless, but although that shrine is a bit weird, it should be safe."

Yu Hehui apologized with a wry smile: "When we came out, we met Yi Ling in the main room and chatted with him for a while. He said he was going to prepare dinner tonight, so Xiang Chun and Fei Bai went to get the ingredients."

"I'm not alone. Director Ling and I were both in the main room just now, and he just left."

Being alone with Yi Ling is not considered a person. How dangerous this is! Wang Pengpeng murmured in his heart, but seeing that Captain An didn't say anything, he didn't say anything either. Yu Hehui also thought he had something on his mind and frowned. The three of them went to the patio to fetch water. After walking down the steps, Wang Pengpai knew why the main room door was open. The patio is the open space in the middle surrounded by three/four rooms, which can also be said to be a small yard. The patio of Tujia Amei B\u0026B is very large, but there are no lights standing there. Only the light reflected from the main room illuminates a bright area, which can reach the well in the middle of the patio.

"Director Ling said that the door of the main room will be locked at midnight, and there will be no light, so it will be dangerous to fetch water."

Professor Yu babbled and pushed open the heavy wooden cover covering the mouth of the well to prevent fallen leaves and rain. There was no windlass beside the well to facilitate lifting water, not even a hemp rope. If you want to get water, you have to lie down at the mouth of the well piled with stones, bend half of your body and use a wooden bucket to scoop water from the well. This process seemed extremely thrilling to the suspicious people. When Yu Hehui scooped out water, Wang Pengpai was standing next to him, while An Xuefeng stood between the well and the main room.

Fortunately, after the two buckets of water were scooped out, no ghostly hand appeared in the well and dragged Professor Yu down, or the door of the main room suddenly closed and plunged them into darkness. This is a very classic horror scene. But the three of them still broke out in a cold sweat. Instead of going through the trouble of going back and forth a few times, An Xuefeng simply asked Wang Pengpai and Yu Hehui to move down the large wooden barrels used for bathing in their two houses and fill most of the barrels with water.

Then An Xuefeng's hands turned into tiger claws, and he easily carried the large wooden bucket filled with water on his shoulders and sent it back to the rooms on both sides. When I came down from the second floor, I met Wang Yushu and they came out to get water. After all, they were friends who escaped together in the dark. Wang Yushu’s arms were shaking because he was so tired that it was difficult to carry a small bucket of water. An Xue could help. Fengdu helped and broke out in a sweat. When he returned to the main room, he saw Miao Fangfei standing by the fire pit, carefully setting up a small pot to boil water.

An Xuefeng had just helped her carry the big bucket and told Miao Fangfei, who lived alone, to pay attention to safety. After seeing him come down, Miao Fangfei enthusiastically asked them to come over and drink some hot water. Although the fire burning in the fire pit cannot withstand the darkness and relies on the lamp hanging on the iron hook, the warm burning flame always makes people feel at ease, especially in this already cold month.

An Xuefeng thanked Miao Fangfei for her kindness and saw a snake peeking out of Miao Fangfei's sleeve and drinking water from her cup. It didn't show any strange color. He had already smelled the smell of snake on Miao Fangfei's body. Wang Pengpai was very interested and asked Miao Fangfei what kind of snake it was, and they got close to chatting.

"I was so nervous when I entered the main room that I didn't even look carefully."

Miao Fangfei trusted her companions very much. After chatting for a few words, she felt that her feelings were initially in place, so she mentioned various details that she had observed after entering the hall.

Especially the shrine on the middle wall.

The walls on all four sides of the main room were blackened, and even with all the lights on, the light was very dim. The shrine made of the same dark wood on the wall was very inconspicuous. You can miss it at a glance, but if you look closely, it is absolutely obvious. can be discovered. To be honest, such mysterious things would definitely be noticed by everyone. Miao Fangfei was startled when she suddenly noticed the shrine.

"Normally, the Tujia people's shrines enshrine various gods or wooden carvings of tigers, but this shrine only has a small jar."

Miao Fangfei hesitated to speak. In fact, this earthen jar with dark grease on it can easily make people have bad associations, such as an urn, corpse oil and the like... something that is very important at first glance, Miao Fang Fei wanted to lure An Xuefeng and the others to observe.

"What, is there actually an earthen jar in the shrine?"

Wang Pengpeng stood up in a serious manner and went to see the shrine with Miao Fangfei. An Xuefeng and Yu Hehui were the only ones left by the fire pit. An Xuefeng filled the fire pit with firewood and looked sideways at Yu Hehui, who was still deep in thought.

"Do you know what's in the shrine?"

An Xuefeng's voice was so low that only the two of them could hear it. Yu Hehui, who had always been uncomfortable before, took a deep look at him, took off his glasses, sighed, wiped the water mist on the lenses, and whispered to him: "Director Ling is said that the shrine was originally enshrined in It was a wood carving of a white tiger. Later, when the wood carving disappeared, the earthen jar filled with lamp oil was placed in the shrine.”

An earthen jar filled with lamp oil?

This was something An Xuefeng didn't expect, but after being surprised, his expression became more solemn.

"Yeah, no one would have thought that an earthen jar filled with lamp oil would be placed in a shrine like this. Moreover, Ling Dao casually told me that this was the last jar of lamp oil in the B\u0026B."

Yu Hehui smiled bitterly and sighed: "Without the special lamp oil, it is difficult to walk in the dark. If anyone..."

The lamp oil, which was so precious and important, almost equivalent to life, was placed so generously in the shrine in the middle of the hall without any protection. If someone took it or dropped it, the consequences would be unimaginable. Such important news was hidden in his heart, which made Yu Hehui think repeatedly. Regardless of whether what Yi Ling said was true or false, and whether there was lamp oil in the jar, once everyone knew about it, it would probably cause some conflicts.

Of course he hoped that the lamp oil in the earthen jar was fake, or that Yi Ling only told him about it, but after hearing this, An Xuefeng said in a deep voice: "Yi Ling is probably a person who likes to test human nature and likes to watch people struggle and conflict. guide.”

When he was on his back, Yi Ling gave him two choices, whether to leave the whole team and go to the B\u0026B alone with a light, or to leave the light to others and fall into darkness. This is undoubtedly a test of human nature. However, An Xuefeng reviewed the situation afterwards and found that the most self-sacrificing idea of ​​"leaving the light to others" was not a dead end, because Yi Ling, who was not afraid of the darkness, was on his back.

Perhaps this can reveal something about Yi Ling's character, but An Xuefeng never makes any conclusions in advance.

"Be prepared, he'll probably tell everyone about the lamp oil."

An Xuefeng just said in a deep voice: "The people in this team cannot be completely trusted."

It was getting closer and closer to the agreed time of 8:30, and other people came to the firepit one after another. An Xuefeng stopped talking to Yu and Huiduo and helped to boil the water. Wait for Yi Ling to bring Wan Xiangchun and Bai Feibai back. Wan Xiangchun was carrying two heads of cabbage, a bag of potatoes, a bunch of unidentified dried vegetables and a strip of bacon. Bai Feibai was carrying a chicken in his left hand, and kitchen utensils such as a chopping board and kitchen knife, a large spoon and a pair of chopsticks in his right hand.

There were no benches, so everyone sat cross-legged around the fire pit on the ground. The iron tripod is placed on the fire pit, and the hot soup in the pot on it is already boiling. There is not much luxury dinner, and the Tujia people do not have slag cakes. The roasted potatoes buried next to the fire pit are the staple food, and the prepared chicken and dried vegetables are , cabbage and sliced ​​bacon are simmered in a pot, simply adding some salt, green onion, ginger and chili, it is steaming hot, and paired with Tujia’s homemade chopped pepper sauce. In people's eyes, this is already considered a delicacy.

Yi Ling did have a bowl of rice to eat, but he was the only one who had it. The others didn't even have bowls, and each was only given a pair of chopsticks. They had to go back to their rooms to get lunch boxes, thermos cups and other containers to drink chicken soup. But the amount is really not that much, especially for someone like An Xuefeng, who has a good appetite and cannot eat even one chicken. He can finish this pot of stew by himself, but now it takes ten people to come. points, it can only be counted as a taste.

Fortunately, the potatoes are full. An Xuefeng peeled the potatoes and ate them with chopped chili sauce. While listening to the conversations and introductions of the people gathered around the fire pit, he was worried about Wei Xun who had entered the mountain early. If you don't see him at the B\u0026B, it means that he may have entered deeper into the mountain and is more dangerous.

An Xuefeng would also like to go into the mountains as soon as possible if possible, but they still have to stay at the B\u0026B for a day.

Why do you have to stay one night in a B\u0026B tomorrow?

"Families on the road should have heard the sound of funeral drums."

Some people were also confused, especially Lu Shucheng and Tong Hege, who were also a little anxious. She asked the question, and Yi Zero's answer successfully made everyone lose their appetite.

Yi Ling said with a smile: "Tomorrow there will be a funeral procession going up the mountain from Zhimata, which will block our way. We have to wait until they pass before we can enter the mountain."

"My family will also go to help with the funeral tomorrow. It will be very lively then - everyone should go. After all, this Tujia Amei B\u0026B is the property of the village, and the family members live in the B\u0026B for free. Something happened to the village, and our family People always want to lend a hand.”

Yi Ling said meaningfully: "The free one is the most expensive."

The author has something to say

Yi Ling [Seeing Through the Red Dust]: Free is the most expensive.

Yi Ling [draws out the black card]: So I give you money, take it and spend it!

An Xuefeng [smiling in anger]: Okay, okay

I took the little butterfly cat back to the house and tossed it over and over for seven days and seven nights!

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