Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 1049 Tomb of the Tusi King (7)

"I didn't expect that Captain An is such a ruthless person."

Under the dim light, An Xuefeng was pushed to the edge of darkness step by step by Yi Ling. The white-haired guide sighed. Although he was still smiling, there was a hint of regret and regret in his tone: "I can't even save the life of my savior." Even small wishes are unwilling to come true. The world is really in decline, and people's hearts are not as good as they used to be."

"This is not a small wish."

An Xuefeng took a deep breath, couldn't bear it and lowered his voice: "...Don't do anything, Zero Director."

"What, are you a stray cat? You can't be touched unless you give it something to eat?"

Yi Ling said very dissatisfied and took an aggressive step forward. Compared with An Xuefeng, Yi Ling's height is less than his chin. The confrontation between the two is like a Pomeranian barking at a big Doberman, but it is the latter who is at a disadvantage. If it is a mission On the battlefield, An Xuefeng never takes a step back. He can break the situation in ten thousand ways. However, facing the guide with mysterious power that he wanted to test, facing his 'savior' tonight.

When Yi Zero approached, An Xuefeng's first thought was not to take action or to make the relationship more tense.

...Then the bottom line retreated step by step like this, and it became the current situation.

"Let's sit down and talk."

An Xuefeng said helplessly that he could no longer retreat. If he took another step back, he would retreat into the darkness! He couldn't take Yi Ling and start running around on the edge of darkness, that would be too stupid. An Xuefeng tried to reason with Yi Ling, but Yi Ling obviously had his own reasons. Hearing what he said, Yi Ling was very interested: "Sit down and talk? You become a tiger and I sit on you and talk? No question - wait ”

"When was the last time you took a bath? The tiger you transformed into should not be dirty, right?"

Yi Ling hesitated for a second, and then smiled happily: "It doesn't matter, I have to take a shower tonight anyway, come on, let's sit down and talk!"

"I can't be a complete tiger."

An Xuefeng said seriously: "The tiger I transform into will be extremely big and very dangerous. It is very likely that the animalistic fighting spirit will overwhelm human reason -"

"Big tiger."

Yi Ling took a breath, stood in awe, and let out a series of meaningless 'Wow! ’ and other modal words, and then he solemnly said: “How big is it? Can it carry people? Can it be buried inside?”

An Xuefeng laughed angrily. He was not a temperless person. He deliberately glanced at Yi Ling from his head to his feet with a condescending look. In a calm tone, he said slightly provocatively: "If it's Director Ling, that's normal. Even a tiger can carry it."

"After all, you are too light. Are you feeling well?"

"My family's concern makes me feel warmer."

When An Xuefeng deliberately looked down, the corners of Yi Ling's mouth straightened, and then turned into a hypocritical and friendly smile, calling An Xuefeng his 'family': "My body is still good. Not bad, but you have just suffered from the pollution of darkness, but you must pay attention to your body. After all, although I have removed most of the darkness, there is still some residue."

He rolled up his sleeves and said with a smile. His voice was very soft, but it was like a small blade stabbing into An Xuefeng's heart: "You look to be in your thirties, and your body is not as good as that of young people. If you don't take good care of it, don't say anything." It may be inhumane for us to be carrying people... ah."

This time it was An Xuefeng's turn to remain expressionless. Facing Yi Ling's face that was looking up at him, he was about to say something when he saw Yi Ling speak again, but without making a sound, just moving his lips slightly. An Xuefeng can read lips, and what Yi Ling said to him was, "He's very good at carrying people." For a moment, many thoughts flashed through An Xuefeng's mind. Why did Yi Ling say this with lips? Why don't you speak out? Is this more provocative or——

The next moment An Xuefeng saw Yi Ling rolling up his sleeves and smiling, taking a step forward and approaching from An Xuefeng's left. There was darkness behind him and he could no longer retreat. An Xuefeng immediately took a cautious step to the right and pulled away from Yi Ling again. distance. But the sense of crisis suddenly sounded the alarm, something was wrong! Yi Ling's step was too deliberate, as if he was deliberately asked to take a step to the left - wrong!

There was no time to think about it. His body was faster than his brain. An Xuefeng pounced forward to avoid the darkness behind him, but it was too late. The next second, a huge momentum came from behind. Wang Pengpai and the others suddenly rushed out of the darkness and slammed into An Xuefeng. The people behind were still rushing forward and couldn't stop the car at all. With so many people, even An Xuefeng couldn't hold on and was knocked to the ground. The series of people also screamed and tripped. Make personal piles.


"it hurts!"

"It hurts, it hurts—I'm going to be crushed to death—"

"Help, help, I can't breathe-"

For a time, people were lying on their backs and corpses were lying across the field, and chaotic and noisy feeble screams of pain came from the crowd, accompanied by heavy breathing. No one could move, they were too tired. After escaping in the darkness until now, their nerves were highly tense. An Xuefeng, the guide and the tallest man who could deal with the darkness, disappeared into the darkness. Everyone's spirit and body reached their limits and collapsed. Under the dim light, they no longer had any strength, like corpses that were still breathing.

He was so crushed that his figure was completely lost, and several of his ribs were broken. Fortunately, even though he was pressed down to his veins, like a monkey trapped under the Wuzhi Mountain, he could still give instructions in a calm tone:

"Wang Yushu, roll to the left immediately, don't press on him."

"Mao Xiaole, roll to the right, come one at a time, lie down on the ground and rest -"

"Crack, click, click."

Annoying clicking sounds kept sounding when An Xuefeng was directing. Yi Ling, who had avoided it in advance, squatted in front of him and took pictures with great interest. He turned on the flash and sound in an annoying way, and kept taking photos from front to back, left and right, making An Xuefeng They couldn't help but feel angry for a while.

"Family members, please take a rest. Tujia Amei B\u0026B has arrived. The place covered by the light tonight is safe."

After taking the photo and putting his cell phone back in his sleeve, Yi Ling became obviously happy. He stood up and faced the crowd of people in front of him who were moving with difficulty under the command of An Xuefeng. He smiled softly and said, "Captain An, wait until everyone calms down." Just bring your family in, I will go through the check-in procedures first and will wait for you there."

After saying that, he left without moving his head, and even took the lamp away from Wang Pengpai's hand. The guide's departure again made people nervous, and the darkness so close was even more unsettling. In addition, An Xuefeng, Wang Pengpai, and Miao Fangfei, who had regained their composure, began to organize, and soon everyone was swaying. He stood up and walked towards the building in front of him.


The steps made of wooden planks made a harsh sound, and there were some rotten and broken places in the middle. You had to be careful when walking on them. Even after entering the B\u0026B, the light was extremely dim. It could even be said that the inside of the B\u0026B was darker than outside. Only the lantern in the hand of Yi Ling, who was waiting at the door, seemed to have been re-lit with lamp oil, bringing safe light.

The surroundings were too dark, so An Xuefeng and others who wanted to observe the surroundings could only withdraw their gazes. The air was filled with a damp and cold smell, and there was also a smell of rotting leather, mixed with the cold wind, until they entered the main room. Room. Yi Ling closed the door with a creaking sound, which made everyone's hearts tremble slightly and gave rise to some uneasy and nervous emotions. The dark and gloomy journey made them feel like they were in a ghost cave, and it didn't look like a serious B\u0026B at all.

"Tujia Amei B\u0026B is an authentic Tujia three-heyuan house with one main and two wings. The two wing rooms are stilted buildings, and we live in the main house."

With a click, the guide Yi Ling hung the lantern on the iron hook hanging from the roof of the main room, took fire and lit the lamps in various places in the main room, and lit the fire pit in the middle of the main room. The room suddenly lit up, the flames beeped and burned vigorously, and the cold and darkness around them were all driven away, making people feel warm and safe.

"There are three rooms on the first floor and three rooms on the second floor. I will give the room cards to the family members. This is where we will stay tonight and tomorrow. The family can go up and make some repairs first, and then come down for dinner at 8:30 p.m."

Guide Yi Ling smiled and distributed the room cards to everyone. An Xuefeng and Wang Pengpai led them to Room 1 on the far left on the first floor. Wang Yushu and Mao Xiaole lived next to them. Bai Feibai, Yu Hehui, and Wan Xiangchun lived in the leftmost room on the second floor, above An Xuefeng and the others. Lu Shucheng and Tong Hege lived in the middle room on the second floor, while Miao Fangfei lived alone in the small room on the far right of the second floor.

"The B\u0026B is located in the mountains, with primitive ecology and limited conditions. If you need water, you can go to the well in the patio to fetch water. Remember to fetch water before zero o'clock, as it will be dangerous later."

"Zero Conductor, can I charge the battery in that room?"

Wang Yushu asked feebly and without any hope. Not surprisingly, he heard Yi Ling chuckle and say: "Of course not."

There is no convenient water and electricity, and even the toilets are outside. If you don't want to stay up late, only a spittoon in each room can solve the problem. It is like going back to decades ago. But now everyone is too tired to think more. After Yi Ling told him to come for dinner at 8:30 in the evening, everyone carried their luggage and went to their rooms one after another.

"Captain, you are really scaring me to death..."

The room was on the first floor and at least there was no need to climb stairs. Wang Pengpai dragged his luggage into the room and lit the candles in the room as Yi Ling asked. The candles placed on the wooden table were unexpectedly bright, illuminating the small room.

Two single wooden beds with a table in the middle. There is a bathroom behind a door, but there are only two wooden buckets, one large and one small. If you want to take a bath, you have to carry water and boil it yourself. The floor looks very old, and many places are raised like it has been soaked in water. It makes people wonder if walking on it will break the boards.

Time was tight, so Wang Pengpai and An Xuefeng quickly exchanged information on each other. On Wang Pengpai's side, after An Xuefeng and Yi Ling left, the lights really brightened up all of a sudden. They ran all the way to Tujia Amei's B\u0026B and were safe. The real danger was on An Xuefeng's side.

Both the darkness and the guide Yi Zero are the most dangerous. An Xuefeng was going to go down and have dinner with Yi Ling in a while, so An Xuefeng talked about it.

"That means he is particularly interested in White Tiger?"

"Maybe he's interested in people who turn into tigers."

An Xuefeng said solemnly: "I want to keep his interest longer."

At that time, Yi Ling insisted on seeing him turn into a tiger's tail. To be honest, if this was the price of getting closer to the guide, it was too cheap, and An Xuefeng could completely accept it. Even if Yi Ling said he wanted to retaliate, he would directly take action himself. They are all men. No big deal. Northerners are not afraid of public bathhouses.

But as Yi Ling approached step by step, An Xuefeng felt a strange sense of oppression from him, like a hunter latching on to the prey he was interested in. The few dozen seconds of escaping in the darkness echoed in An Xuefeng's mind repeatedly. Yi Ling's words, his emotions, and the character he displayed were all extremely vivid.

He likes challenging, exciting, and interesting things that he has never seen before, and is very interested in strong people who exceed expectations. Of course, he is also somewhat interested in tigers.

Of course, the fastest way for Yi Ling to recover from this excited state is for An Xuefeng to directly create a tiger tail for Yi Ling to play with. Maybe he will be more enthusiastic and take the opportunity to make more excessive demands, or maybe he will be boring and feel that it is nothing more than that. But in any case, Yi Ling will be quieter after meeting the needs.

But that's not what An Xuefeng wants. So far, regardless of his identity or strength, guide Yi Ling is undoubtedly the most dangerous enemy they have ever encountered, or an inhuman one. And they still have a long journey to get along with each other.

An Xuefeng wanted to keep Yi Ling's eyes firmly on him like fishing. This is safe enough for all of them. After all, for some people, they only like to conquer the things they grab by themselves, and have no interest in the things that others push over, even if they are the same item.

Because what is more valuable to them is the process of conquering challenges.

Therefore, An Xuefeng used a series of words to attract Yi Ling's interest, and used provocation to arouse his desire to win, and he succeeded in his small revenge, allowing Yi Ling to vent his anger, and there would not be too many negative consequences. mood. This series of actions can be said to be very successful, but An Xuefeng still keeps reviewing it in his mind.

Grasping people's hearts is like walking on a tightrope, it can easily fall over. He needs advice from bystanders, such as Wang Pengpai.

And Wang Pengpai did give a very profound insight:

"Captain, you will be in danger."

Wang Pengpai sighed worriedly, looked around, and lowered his voice: "I think at Lingdao, he doesn't look like a human being. He is sinister, a bit like the kind of monster in the mountains written in the book at my house."

"If you want to say it's a spirit, you can't just look at the appearance of a man or a woman, you have to be careful."

Wang Pengpai hinted: "Captain, you can transform into a tiger, and you are very yang-y. Maybe he is not interested in tigers - ah, it hurts, captain, let go!"

The author has something to say


[Senior Lecturer An: In three words, Ling Dao moved my heart 180,000 times (?)]

An Xuefeng [casual]: I can turn into a tiger

Yi Ling [Surprise]: Tiger!

An Xuefeng [scare]: A very big tiger is very dangerous!

Yi Ling [Shocked]: Big tiger!

An Xuefeng [faint]: The bestial fighting spirit can still overwhelm human reason——

Yi Ling [Heart-beating and ecstatic]: A pure tiger! Animal nature prevails over reason!


Report to Ximi, Director Ling will be turned into a pervert by An Xuefeng (sad)

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