Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 1051 Tomb of the Tusi King (9)

I heard that I was going to attend a funeral tomorrow, and everyone suddenly became confused, worried, nervous, and anxious. I wanted to ask Yi Ling for more details, but he didn’t say anything. He just smiled apologetically and said that he didn’t expect it. If it affects the family's appetite, it's better to talk about it tomorrow. Then he took the rice and went out to eat, saying he wanted to go outside for a walk and would be back soon.

"Family members, don't waste this opportunity to communicate with each other and get to know each other. Everyone must have a certain tacit understanding during the funeral tomorrow so that the funeral can be carried out smoothly."

Seeing Yi Ling's figure disappearing into the darkness outside the main room, everyone in the room was speechless for a moment. Who else could eat?

...Facts have proven that no matter how upset you are when you are too hungry, you can always eat. The water in the pot was added five or six times, and the chicken, various dried vegetables, bacon, and cabbage were all eaten, but everyone was only half full, so they simply used the soup to boil potatoes. This bag of potatoes is not big in size. It is cooked through after being simmered for a while. The chicken soup is cooked into the potatoes. They taste fine, soft and extremely sweet.

While the potatoes were boiling, Wang Pengpai, who was very enthusiastic about cooking, hosted a self-introduction meeting for everyone.

Needless to say, An Xuefeng, Bai Feibai and Wang Pengpai are all retired special police officers who have opened a bodyguard company. This time they took over Professor Yu's commission and came to protect him.

Yu Hehui and Wan Xiangchun are professors and students, while Wang Yushu and Mao Xiaole are the duo who are the anchors of the supernatural exploration of death. Lu Shucheng said that he went into the mountains to hunt, and Tong Hege said that he went into the mountains to dig medicines, but how did the hunting and digging medicines come in? They did not say much about the mountain-worshipping practice tour group, and no one asked without curiosity. , everyone maintains the superficial harmony of adults.

Hey, I don’t know when everyone will be able to unite again. Miao Fangfei was worried and made an excuse herself: "I'm taking advantage of the free ticket from this mountain worship tour group to go back to my hometown hahaha... Everyone, look at what I'm doing."

Facing everyone's faint glances, Miao Fangfei smiled awkwardly and said: "Isn't this a free tour? I saw that the introductions were quite formal and the travel agency was also qualified, so I thought I would go back to my hometown anyway, so I might as well save money on the ticket."

Miao Fangfei's hometown is a Miao village in a hilly area in western Hunan, but her family left for the city early. Miao Fangfei went to university in the north, which is quite far away. Both high-speed rail and air tickets are not cheap.

In the past, she had seen jokes online about college students taking home wool from cheap shopping groups. Shopping tours are cheaper than air tickets. You can simply sign up for a tour first and then leave the group when you get there. The tour guide will block you immediately. Later, there were shopping tours that required ID cards and contracts to be signed, and compensation for leaving the group early.

However, it is impossible for this kind of contract to take effect, and loopholes can still be exploited. After Miao Fangfei read the news, she had an idea and decided to use it as an excuse to join the group.

Not to mention anything else, this mountain worshiping practice tour group is completely free, with all the tickets and air tickets, free accommodation, and free meals. It is really a pure baptism of faith and brings benefits to the family members of the church.

But from a normal person's point of view, Miao Fangfei got herself into such a ghost place just because of her desire to take advantage of it. It really revealed a kind of stupidity of college students, which made Mao Xiaole, who had always been quiet, unable to help himself. Complained: "Go back to your are really brave, you dare to sign up for this kind of tour online."

"So are all the Gu worms being transmitted real?"

Wang Yushu's focus was different from Mao Xiaole's. He was watching Miao Fangfei's big snake swallowing chicken bones with great interest. The originally terrifying snake was like a trash can puppy. It was obedient and swallowed all the chicken bones that Miao Fangfei vomited.

"If you don't mind, you can let Banban eat these bones."

Miao Fangfei made a joke to liven up the atmosphere: "If these meals are made from rotten matter from snakes, rats, insects, ants, and if it tastes something wrong, it will immediately sound the alarm."

However, her joke not only failed to liven up the atmosphere, but also immediately extinguished the lively atmosphere.

"Ugh...what should I do? I'm still so hungry, but I can't eat anymore."

Wang Yushu said with a mask of pain. He just took a bite of the stewed potato on his chopsticks, then swayed and fell back into the lunch box.

"Look at your potential."

Mao Xiaole said disgustedly and continued to eat potatoes with an expressionless face: "You are so stupid. If there is something wrong with the rice, I won't let you eat it in the first place."

"There is a folklore in the Northeast. It is said that hunters who get lost in the mountains and forests sometimes see lights in the dark. If they follow the lights, they can see a house in the mountains."

Yu Hehui sketched with chopsticks and said enthusiastically: "The owner of the house may be a graceful old woman or a beautiful woman. In fact, she invites guests to the house for dinner. In fact, they are all kinds of fox fairies, white fairies, and yellow fairies." Illusion."

"If the hunter is still alive and wakes up the next day, he will find that the house does not exist, it is just a few rocks or a dirty cave, and the delicious food he eats is nothing more than rotten insects and other filthy things."

"Don't you think, our guide is like a spirit in the mountains?"

"Professor, don't say such things."

Wan Xiangchun said seriously.

That leader Zero walked directly into the darkness, and he was able to crush the darkness. Not only was he a mountain spirit or a ghost, he was obviously a capable person. What if he had some means to monitor their discussion? Professor Yu is so outspoken, he might offend Yi Ling at some point. Don’t be afraid of 10,000, just be afraid of the unexpected.

"Okay, no more talking, no more talking."

Yu Hehui smiled good-temperedly, and then changed to something else: "The Tujia people have the custom of dancing in mourning, which is also called dancing "Sa'erhao". When a relative dies, the neighbors and villagers will gather together to sing funeral songs and play funeral drums. Dance funeral dances to honor the souls of the dead*.”

"The Book of the Sui Dynasty records: '...the corpse is placed in the pavilion, and the young men in the neighborhood, each holding a bow and arrow, sing around the corpse, clasping the bow with the arrow as a knot, and beating drums in mourning. The song must be trumpeted, and the crowd must dance. '"

"Dancing... I can only dance Cha Cha."

Wang Pengpai touched his chin depressedly: "Do you think Director Zero will arrange a teaching class for us? At least we need to practice before we can dance at someone else's funeral. What if we don't dance well..."

Not to mention whether the person living here is a human or a ghost. If any taboo is violated, it will cause the sky to be incompetent and the earth to be inoperable.

"Usually, a funeral dance involves two or four men dancing in front of the coffin, and there are also more people. The dance movements usually imitate various animal behaviors, such as 'tiger holds its head, phoenix spreads its wings' and so on. …”

Yu Hehui waved his hands helplessly: "Of course, I'm just a theoretical person. I don't know how to jump."

Thinking about tomorrow, everyone feels a little stressed.

However, Wang Pengpai quickly livened up the atmosphere: "Okay, okay, everyone, eat and drink, don't look sad. There are only two situations around the funeral tomorrow. It's a person's, and it's not a person. It's a person, you can be reasonable, and it's not. It depends on who has a strong fist. Everyone who comes to this mountain worship tour group must have some skills. There is no point in worrying about it now. Let’s wait and see what happens tomorrow.”

"Well, even if you have a few special hands, it's useless if you can't put them to use."

Wang Yushu sighed heavily and grabbed a small potato from Mao Xiaole in frustration: "I am a big anchor. My specialty is that I can really take pictures of supernatural scenes during live broadcasts. I can take pictures even if they are invisible to people - the problem is There’s no electricity in this place.”

Wang Yushu was a little crazy: "Even if I brought a solar power bank, it's hard to say whether there will be sun in this kind of mountain. Alas, if the sun can shine tomorrow morning, there is still hope. If it has to be dark and cloudy all the time, it's really... God is going to kill me...woo!"

"Stop saying unlucky words."

Mao Xiaole severely hit Wang Yushu in the mouth with chopsticks, turned around and said: "I can also draw some talisman seals, but I am only half-assed, just barely - I basically can't beat a guy with Ling Dao's strength."

In this second round of self-introduction, each other can reveal some more unusual methods to each other. After all, the external environment is too dangerous, so we need to unite to some extent.

Lu Shucheng said that her family has been old hunters for generations and has mastered the ancestral skill of wolf taming. If there are wolves in the mountains, she can tame them to help. If there are no wolves, she is very strong in close combat, zombies and the like. You can also hit a dozen things.

Tong Hege is good at preparing various herbal medicines, and has an ointment that can hide the vitality of living people as much as possible. If all the 'villagers' who are mourning tomorrow are dead, they can apply ointment and bet they won't be exposed.

Bai Feibai is good at autopsy, can read the information on the corpse, and can suppress the corpse to a certain extent. If the deceased changes into a corpse during the funeral tomorrow, he can control the situation by being close to the coffin.

Professor Yu is a very famous professor of archeology. His strength is in investigating cultural relics, and he can easily tell the age and background story of the cultural relics - anything with a history of one or two hundred years can be regarded as a cultural relic. This special feature of his Strength is useful.

Wan Xiangchun, on the other hand, has passionate blood - no joke, his blood is extremely hot, full of yang energy, and has an excellent effect in exorcising evil spirits.

"Everyone is still a child these days."

Wang Pengpeng muttered in a low voice. He originally wanted to say that he had hot blood, but Wan Xiangchun said it first, so he could only talk about specific things.

"Hey, Lao Wang, I'm an experienced driver. I know how to use any means of transportation as soon as I get started. But there's not even a mule in this deep mountain and old forest, so there's not much room for me to use it."

Wang Pengpai had a sad face, and Wang Yushu also felt sad. The two of them had no place to show their strength, but they were in trouble. They were really like brothers.

After Wang Pengpai finished speaking, everyone looked at An Xuefeng.

Dare to carry Yi Ling on his back, and rush into the darkness and arrive at the B\u0026B safely, An Xuefeng already has a filter in everyone's eyes. Everyone thinks that he must be the most powerful one, and his power is definitely very special. Tonight when he was helping people move barrels, someone noticed the changes in his hands, and they already had a guess in their minds. When An Xuefeng spoke, the guess was completely confirmed.

"I have the power of a tiger and can partially transform my body into a tiger."

An Xuefeng said solemnly: "Director Ling said that the white tiger can protect my family in the darkness. Indeed, after transforming into a tiger, I can indeed attack the darkness. This is the key to my survival."

"Hiss, attack the darkness!"

Wang Yushu looked in awe. They were still thinking about how to survive, but this man had already started to attack the darkness. It was so terrifying!

"The white tiger is the patron saint totem of the Tujia people. Xiao An happened to be able to turn into a white tiger. This time he is really lucky."

Yu Hehui smiled, and Miao Fangfei also joined in the fun, saying with a smile that the white tiger would bless us and we will go well tomorrow——

"Do you want the white tiger to protect you?"

Suddenly, a soft and smiling voice sounded in Miao Fangfei's ears. Yi Ling returned to the main room without knowing when! Everyone was startled, like a duck being strangled by the neck. The lively discussion stopped abruptly. Mao Xiaole and the others almost jumped up in fright. Even An Xuefeng was nervous. He was sitting directly opposite He was looking at the main door, but he didn't even see when he came in!

Miao Fangfei, who was the closest, froze and dared not move, like a mouse being stared at by a snake. The spotted snake next to her instinctively wanted to protect its owner, but it was entangled by a bigger, bright yellow snake. Stay suppressed and unable to move.

No...that's not a snake...

What was entrenched next to Yi Ling's legs turned out to be a huge, bright yellow scary worm like a giant python!

Banban... no, it won't be eaten by worms, no - Miao Fangfei's mind was buzzing with confusion. She gritted her teeth and came to her senses as quickly as possible. She was just trembling and wanted to say something, but she heard Yi Ling's voice. She whispered softly in her ear:

"Family, do you want a white tiger to pray for blessings? You can buy it from me."

"The blessing of the white tiger totem is one yuan a day, three hundred and sixty-five yuan a year, starting from three years, and there is a discount for ten years -"

"I'll buy……"

Before he could finish his words, Miao Fangfei trembled and screamed: "I'll buy it! I'll buy it for ten, ten years!"

The author has something to say

I'm going back to my hometown tomorrow, and I may have to live in the village. I'll ask for leave first. I'll put up the leave request form tomorrow afternoon. I'll make up for it the day after tomorrow!


That’s right, Xunxun sent corn shoots to listen underground all the time (?)

After listening to what Miao Fangfei said about gathering shopping bags, I wanted to do some fashionable shopping elements on a whim, so I just found an excuse.

It turns out that Xun Zai is a butterfly living in a ravine. He only dares to cheat one yuan a day. He is afraid that if he cheats too many people, he won’t be able to afford it. If no one buys it, it won’t be fun (Yun Bei)


Zhangjiajie tourism does have this kind of routine. Over at Huangshi Village, I will first tell you about various things like driving corpses in Western Hunan, and then talk about the white tiger totem to ward off evil spirits. Then you go into a small room one by one and ask a "shaman" to read your palm to determine your fortune, and then pray for blessings from the white tiger totem. Thirty cents a day, one hundred yuan a year, usually three, six, or twelve years.

Don’t believe this, it’s all IQ tax! If you are cheated, you can still ask the staff for a refund!

Tudie Xunxun cheated even more. He didn’t ask for three cents a day, but wanted one piece (bhi)

Earth butterfly, bad!

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