Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 1048 Update

"Team An——"

Wang Pengpai's panicked calls were swallowed up by the darkness, and the moment he left the light range, the thick darkness completely enveloped An Xuefeng. Darkness has weight, and the feeling of danger is even more weighty. For a moment, An Xuefeng felt like he had rushed into some sticky swamp, and the twisting and turbulent darkness around him was like a hail of bullets that could take away his life at any time. , but the most terrifying thing is that this darkness not only seems to have substance, but also pours into An Xuefeng's spiritual consciousness like filthy black mud, hitting his soul like a heavy hammer, making An Xuefeng mentally trance-like for a moment.

"Wow, you are very brave."

But when Yi Ling's voice sounded in his ears, the darkness that poured into An Xuefeng's spirit receded like a tide. The smell of blood surged into his throat, and his face was wet. It must be blood. The darkness corroded his spirit and caused An Xuefeng to bleed from all his orifices. However, the strange thing is that when he bleeds, the darkness in front of him surges and squirms back as if encountering light, no longer clinging to him so tightly, as if he is afraid of his blood - or in other words, the power contained in his blood. .

Sure enough, An Xuefeng made the right bet! Yi Ling said that the white tiger would bless the family members who worshiped the mountain, and then said that there was not enough lamp oil. An Xuefeng boldly guessed that this kind of lamp oil that could dispel darkness was related to the white tiger. Just as he clearly remembered that when he first carried Yi Zero, the originally dim lamp hanging in front of him suddenly became bright again after getting close to him. After a while, the lights became much more stable.

The Tujia people worship the white tiger, and An Xuefeng has the extraordinary power to transform into a white tiger. His power can also hurt the darkness, but the danger has not disappeared! The dispelled darkness only retreated for a few seconds before rushing back. An Xuefeng has always been the best in fighting and dodging in the team. However, darkness is everywhere. An Xuefeng cannot dodge, and he does not dodge. In the acute sense of crisis, The moment he screamed a death alarm, he rushed forward, his fingers tightened like tiger claws, the bones of his hands twisted and deformed in an instant, the snow-white tiger hairs spread like dandelions on his arms, and the powerful forearm muscles tightened, The sharp and pointed nails suddenly tore into the thick and almost suffocating darkness.


In the sharp tearing sound, the darkness that seemed to be substantial before my eyes was actually torn open by these tiger claws! And at the moment when the darkness cracked, An Xuefeng stepped hard on the ground. The tiger claws that tore the hiking boots at unknown moments stepped on the ground, erupting with terrifying power. An Xuefeng rushed into the deeper darkness like a white lightning. , but this time tearing at the darkness caused his fingers to bleed, and he trembled and convulsed like he was losing strength. Testing out the power of darkness, An Xuefeng did not hesitate at all. Before the torn darkness gathered again and hindered his progress like muddy asphalt, An Xuefeng had already held Yi Ling, who was carried behind his back, in front of him and tied him up. The belt was wrapped twice and tied to him.

"Hahahahaha, interesting, so interesting!"

This time, Yi Ling was very cooperative and put his arms around An Xuefeng's neck, clasping his legs around his waist, like a cub hanging in front of the mother koala. He was laughing, as if he had finally discovered What a fun thing, the laughter was so exciting and wanton that it even overwhelmed the increasingly deafening sound of mourning drums and rumbling rolling sounds: "Who are you? Are you a human? Or a tiger?"

An Xuefeng had no time to answer. As Yi Ling said, he was not afraid of the dark at all. It was like an icebreaker equipped with a sharp cone and a hot knife cutting into butter. An Xuefeng felt that the darkness in front of him that was hindering his running suddenly dissipated, but behind him An Xuefeng did not dodge the heavy sense of danger that hit him like a ray of light on his back, and was suddenly hit by the surging darkness.


An Xuefeng coughed out a mouthful of blood, but used his strength to rush forward faster, like a meteor piercing the darkness, reaching the extreme speed, as if flying in the darkness. His ears were ringing, and there was a burning pain on his back. The darkness corroded his skin. Even though An Xuefeng's powerful flesh and bones were like the hardest wall, he was not completely eroded by the darkness in an instant, but it was like a knife. The terrible pain was continuous, and the spirit bombarded by the darkness caused his every orifice to bleed. The instinct of seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages made him bury his head on the side of Yi Ling's neck, trying his best to listen to his voice, and expel the darkness that tried to invade his soul. Calculating the distance.

Very close, very close to the B\u0026B. Less than thirty seconds after he rushed into the darkness, he was already almost reaching the finish line. An Xuefeng could even vaguely see a large dim light in front of him, resisting the darkness. In the light was an ancient and dilapidated building. That is Tujia Amei B\u0026B, the only safe spot tonight! He was almost there - but only almost. The darkness behind him swept back at an extremely fast speed, and the terrifying pressure was approaching quickly. He might have to withstand the impact of darkness again before reaching a safe point.

Although the pain is not unbearable, the human body has its limits. Can his body still resist the darkness and break through it? Severe pain tore at his nerves, and the sound of drums and rolling was so loud that it seemed like it would crush An Xuefeng's face. However, no horrific imagination related to drums and rolling came to his mind because of Yi Ling's loud laughter. Equally deafening.

"Hahahahaha, so fast, faster, faster!"

Yi Ling was laughing. He tore off the mask of a false smile and revealed a real, somewhat crazy smile. While laughing, he enthusiastically raised a hand and touched it up, restlessly brushing An Xuefeng's side. An Xuefeng had no hands to stop him, so he was caught by Yi Ling. Unfortunately, he did not touch the plush and soft tiger ears as he wished. The man's ears were hot and covered with blood, and Yi Ling touched them with scarlet fever.

He smeared the blood on An Xuefeng's face with his backhand in disgust. Just as he was about to pull his ears and say something like, 'make tiger ears and let me play with them', he felt an abnormally hot temperature. The human body can resist the invasion of darkness only because of An Xuefeng's special power. He is already strong enough, but can his flesh and blood withstand the darkness again?

It would be boring for such an interesting person to die too early.

"Tsk, so be it."

Darkness came with a sharp roar, and An Xuefeng used all his strength to rush forward, like a real tiger. His head had hit the light, but the heavy, terrifying darkness, with the aura of death, hit An Xuefeng's back like a mountain of tack. But at this moment, Yi Ling flicked his wrist, and the scarlet whip spit out a message like a poisonous snake, and suddenly lashed out at An Xuefeng's back.


"I saved your life, and you will be mine until you die."

Yi Ling's excited words struck like lightning, and the whip picked up pieces of clothing and blurry flesh, diagonally across An Xuefeng's left shoulder to the right across his entire back, leaving a bloody whip mark that was deep enough to show the bones. At the same time, the darkness behind him was shattered by this whip, and the darkness that invaded An Xuefeng's flesh and bones was also completely removed by this whip. The scarlet whip slightly absorbed the darkness and wrapped it with dark and evil patterns, but Yi Ling showed a horrified expression before he could laugh - An Xuefeng took him and threw him heavily on the ground. If such a big man was compacted, he would definitely be able to Break his ribs!

Fortunately, this man had strong hands, as if he was very used to protecting 'hostages'. He rolled in a circle immediately after landing, and then stood up, as dexterous as a big cat. The darkness that had been dispersed came back, but it could only fall to the ground in front of his feet like a powerless wave. An Xuefeng has completely stood in the light, and the darkness can no longer cause any harm to him.

His hands and feet had returned to their original state, as if everything that had just happened in the darkness was just a dream. But the torn clothes on An Xuefeng's back, the corrosive scars like fire, and the extremely conspicuous whip marks showed the danger of what just happened.

But for An Xuefeng, the risk was worth it. He probed out a lot of important information. If he had turned into a white tiger during the last dark shock, he would most likely have survived. The stinging pain that penetrated into the bone marrow made the veins on An Xuefeng's forehead twitch, but the creepy feeling of being eroded by the darkness disappeared with the pain, leaving only normal pain. The recovery power beyond ordinary people was allowing his flesh and blood to regenerate. Not a fatal injury.

An Xuefeng put Yi Ling down in his arms. He rushed too fast, and Wang Pengpai and the others hadn't arrived yet. Tujia Amei B\u0026B is just ahead, but there is no rush to explore the B\u0026B. The opportunity to be alone with Yi Ling is more important. His eyes fell on the long whip. Yi Zero could cause damage to the darkness. Is this his own power or the power of the whip?

But there should be a price to pay for him too. Moreover, Yi Zero acted to save his life. Not to mention this time, when he waved the whip before, he probably also saved the people in the team. Is it because we haven’t reached Wuluo Mountain yet and the mountain worship sacrifices haven’t started yet, so we can’t die in advance? Or is it because Yi Zero himself is not a crazy person?

Yi Ling will be their guide for the next few days, and he has countless secrets. If his bottom line and principles can be found out, it will be of great benefit to the rest of the trip. As for character——


An Xuefeng frowned and looked suspiciously at Yi Ling, who was still hanging in front of him. Yi Ling also looked at him unhappily. The wooden hairpin on the back of his head fell off at some point. His white hair was scattered and stained with a lot of blood. He looked a little embarrassed, which made his face full of anger. Vividly, Yi Ling frowned and said accusingly: "You rolled off my shoe, and you just want me to step on it?"

Well, Captain An is a very reasonable person. He glanced and found that Yi Ling's shoe had fallen not far away. Haoshenghaoqi asked Yi Ling to stand here first while he went to pick up the shoes. As a result, Yi Ling was very disgusted and said that I had mysophobia and refused to stand on the ground.

I can't smell cigarette smoke and I have mysophobia. An Xuefeng secretly made a note, and without any delay, he hugged Yi Ling like a little monkey and retrieved his shoes. Then he held the shelf for him to support and put on his shoes. Then An Xuefeng handed over the only bottle of water in his crossbody bag. Yi Ling finally gave him a "fairly sensible" look and directed An Xuefeng to pour water. Yi Ling washed his blood-stained hair. He carefully washed the ashes on his hands and face, and even washed away the whip.

An Xuefeng lowered his head and watched Yi Ling wash his face obediently. Yi Ling took off the bandage in front of his face, revealing his whole face. However, An Xuefeng found that he could not remember Yi Ling's appearance no matter what. I can only remember his inhuman, magnificent blue-purple eyes.

Is Yi Ling a human being?

Is this the power of Yi Zero? Or is it another manifestation of his inhumanity?

Guide Yi Ling has so many secrets that he can easily attract the attention of An Xuefeng, a special police officer who is experienced in handling cases. Experiencing life and death has always been the best way to create distance and reveal the true character. He knew Yi Ling's wanton and crazy side, and also knew the dangerous power he possessed, but there were still many things he didn't know. When Yi Ling wrapped the bandage in front of his face, tied his hair, and arranged his cassock , when he showed a false smile, he became that mysterious and dangerous guide again, but An Xuefeng would not let this distance get further.

"Director Zero, thank you for saving me just now."

An Xuefeng solemnly thanked him and showed a hearty smile. He wanted to go further, but when Yi Ling glanced at him and noticed that Wang Pengpai and the others hadn't arrived yet, he immediately changed his attitude and approached him more enthusiastically. He raised his hand and reached out to him. Behind him, he was full of interest——

"It doesn't matter, you are mine now. Come on, take out your tail and let me see it!"


An Xuefeng was so startled that he jumped away to avoid the sneak attack, the smile on his face almost unbearable.

"your people?"

The author has something to say

This is yesterday’s update!


The majestic Kitty Butterfly actually has two faces!

[When other people are around]

Yi Ling [holding the hand, smiling kindly]: Family members, please understand and tolerate each other.

[When only An Xuefeng is left]

Yi Ling [laughing excitedly]: Guys, he is so handsome. He wants to go home with me!

An Xuefeng:! !

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