Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 1047 Tomb of the Tusi King (6)

Except for Mao Xiaole, no one saw those mourning drums. Even Mao Xiaole himself couldn't tell whether it was an illusion or something else. But at that moment, everyone saw that the lights suddenly dimmed and almost disappeared. It was suffocating and terrifying and dark. It surged up like a tsunami and almost instantly flooded the mountain road, drowning everyone - almost because at the critical moment, Yi Ling used a scarlet whip to shatter the darkness with thunderous force.

So the dim light can be turned on again, and the evil and sticky darkness retreats to both sides of the mountain road, ready to move and surge.

what is that?

The smell of blood gushed out of Miao Fangfei's throat, and her lungs ached with every breath. She felt a strong sense of crisis at the moment when the darkness oppressed her. It was like the sickle of death passing over her head, and it would be cut off at the next step. her life.

What's in the darkness? What exactly is darkness? dark--

Don't look, don't think. Yi Ling's words were deeply imprinted in Miao Fangfei's heart along with fear, and she panicked and suppressed her racing thoughts. Golden Silkworm Gu did not dare to chirp anymore and became extremely honest, as if she was afraid that Miao Fangfei would think more about him.

However, the more unwilling a person is to think about something, the easier it is for him to have random thoughts, and it is difficult for the brain to be completely controlled by people, just like when you are writing a test paper for an exam, a few pop songs suddenly play in your mind. The young Miao Fangfei had a hard time controlling herself, and Bai Feibai, the calmest member of the team, couldn't get rid of his thoughts like a robot. Although Ling Dao said that he only looked at him and missed him, the problem was that they had conditioned reflexes when they looked at Ling Dao. Thinking about this weird Mount Worship Cult, thinking about the weird darkness!

Simply speaking, the people here are very smart and have a strong sense of self-convention. Bai Feibai memorized Pi in his mind and cleared other thoughts. Wang Pengpai said to himself that he was very hungry, and began to numb his brain by naming the dishes. Lu Shucheng and Tong Hege also muttered words, not knowing what they were talking about. Yu Hehui studied Yi Ling's whip while running, Wan Xiangchun carried Buddhist scriptures in his heart, Wang Yushu was worried about his eyes bleeding, and Mao Xiaole, who was weak, took the initiative to take over most of his luggage. He was so tired that he couldn't breathe at all. The mind thinks too much.

But Mao Xiaole, who was the youngest and most likely to think blindly, was completely implementing what Yi Ling had just said. He stared blankly at the white-haired guide lying on An Xuefeng's back, and kept thinking about that whip that was cooler and brighter than lightning.

But even if they no longer think about the darkness, the thick darkness is still approaching. The lights gradually dimmed, and the darkness outside the mountain road became thicker. Darkness fell like a heavy curtain, not only on both sides of the mountain road, but also in front of and behind them, and above their heads.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but even the air became a little turbid and thin, as if they were running in a locked cardboard box. The approaching darkness on both sides of the mountain road can be avoided by tightening the formation. But the darkness like the deep sea above the head is gradually sinking, and the terrifying pressure it brings is difficult to avoid. I can only bend down as much as possible and run as fast as possible, even if the muscles all over my body begin to ache, and my throat stings like swallowing carbon. , eyes blurred with sweat, no one felt left behind at this time, gritted their teeth and ran on the mountain road, one foot deep and one foot shallow.

It's almost there, it should be almost there.

How far did you many minutes?

“How long will the lights stay on?”

An Xuefeng lowered his voice, almost out of breath. Only he and Yi Ling on his back could hear it.

"It can still shine for a long time."

As if he found it interesting that he spoke in such an angry tone, Yi Ling also lowered his voice with a smile and spoke in his ear. Such a close distance made An Xuefeng tilt his head uncomfortably. He was not dismissed by his words and continued to ask: "What I said is that it can protect the whole team, and there is still some residual brightness. The light can still be used." How long will it take to maintain this brightness?”

"Maybe a minute or two?"

He tilted his head to hide, and Yi Ling deliberately moved up in a playful manner. Feeling that An Xuefeng's tone of voice had become colder, he pretended that he didn't notice anything and continued happily: "If nothing happened just now, he would always be able to show off the paper horse tower." ”

"But now that most of the lamp oil has been consumed, it will continue to dim, so you should lead the team and run faster."

"You smell of blood. Are you injured?"

An Xuefeng didn't ask what happened just now, and he didn't see Yi Ling's shocking whip, but he could hear the sound of wind tearing the air as close to his ears, and felt Yi Ling seem to move on his back. , and then the terrifying darkness that suddenly oppressed him receded, and there was a faint smell of blood on Yi Ling's body.

Was he injured? Is he bleeding, or is someone else on the team injured? Will Yi Ling bleed? An Xuefeng was constantly weighing and comparing Yi Ling's strength. He just discovered that there was no warmth at all when Yi Ling spoke and exhaled, just like the cold wind. He had just appeared at the gate of the forest park earlier. When he was young, An Xuefeng felt that he didn't look like a human being.

What exactly is Yi Zero? What is his strength? What is the connection with the leader of Baishan Cult, ‘Ling’, and is there ‘Jia Ling’ above him? Countless speculations occupied most of An Xuefeng's thoughts, and the more Yi Ling showed, the more doubts he had in his mind.

"The smell of blood——"


Leng Buding's cheek was rubbed by something soft and cold. An Xuefeng wanted to avoid it, but he kept turning his head just now, leaving him no room to dodge, and Yi Ling succeeded.

"Okay, now you also smell of blood."

Yi Ling chuckled, but his tone was full of innocent curiosity and evil, and patted An Xuefeng's shoulder gently: "Darkness can't hurt me, and this is certainly not my blood. Don't sniff around like a hound. It's the most important thing now." That's not what matters."

Yes, these are not the most important things. Yi Ling's hand holding the lantern rested on An Xuefeng's shoulder. An Xuefeng could see the lamp hanging in front of him from the corner of his eye. Although the dim light came on again after the darkness receded, it was obviously not as bright as before. And it is dimming almost at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The lights dimmed and darkness approached.

Although they were running fast enough, in this highly tight environment, they didn't know how long they could last. An Xuefeng kept counting the seconds in his mind to calculate the time and the distance. That long road is 4.6 kilometers long. If you walk non-stop at an ordinary person's speed, it will probably take more than an hour. Their shortcut is almost three kilometers and takes more than half an hour to complete. If we speed up, half an hour will be no problem. The guide said it right.

But this is a mountain road, dark and dangerous. They can't fall behind or leave the light range. They are not his SWAT team. They don't have the tacit understanding of marching in a formation, and they have very good physical strength. He had walked almost 1.5 kilometers in the previous quarter of an hour. According to normal standards, the speed was definitely enough. He could reach Zima Pagoda within half an hour, so An Xuefeng did not suggest speeding up. It would be too risky to speed up on an unfamiliar, dark mountain road. , and may also face the strange guide Yi Ling. An Xuefeng is not willing to compete with him for the right to speak for the time being, and just keeps observing from the front.

Until he heard the sound of drums and the weird rolling sound, and the sense of crisis that had been practiced in life and death sounded a sharp alarm, An Xuefeng immediately made a decision to run, he must run. Yi Ling said that the lights would stay on for an hour, and then gradually dim after half an hour. From this point of view, it was enough time for them to reach the Paper Horse Tower in half an hour, but it was not enough, not enough at all.

However, even if they started running, the danger would come too quickly and the lights would dim too quickly. They were probably still one kilometer away from the paper horse tower. It would only take five minutes at most to run such a short distance. But if Yi Ling said it was one or two minutes, then their whole team would not be able to run - An Xuefeng could be faster alone, but only he could be faster, and the others could not keep up with the faster speed.

And now it is difficult for the lights to illuminate the way forward. Lu Shucheng and others who were originally running in front have retreated into the team, and now An Xuefeng is taking the lead in running at the front. The lights unscientifically covered the team behind him, but failed to illuminate the front. Half a meter in front of Xuefeng's face was thick and thick darkness. The sense of crisis that hit his face made it hard to breathe. It was like an oncoming fist, making An Xuefeng's whole body tense up to resist the thought of dodging.

The better a person is at fighting, the harder it is for him to evade his body's instincts, and the more nervous his nerves are, the louder the rumbling drums will be, and the sound of rolling nearby will become clearer.


Suddenly, An Xuefeng's pupils shrank suddenly, and he saw a black shadow falling from the mountain road, lying in the middle of the narrow mountain road, and fell in front of his feet! What is this darkness? How big is it? Danger - countless thoughts flashed through An Xuefeng's mind, but he dismissed all distracting thoughts in an instant and solemnly said: "There are branches blocking the road." At the same time, he crossed the 'branches' with a single leap.

When he said it was a branch, the black shadow was just a narrow branch. It was even said that the people who were following him didn't see clearly what was on the ground, so they jumped indiscriminately after the people in front. They were running very fast now, leaving the danger behind in the blink of an eye.

But the light became even dimmer. An Xuefeng knew that there would be more dangers and could not continue like this. He spoke quickly and lowered his voice: "Zero Guide, the consumption rate of this lamp's oil is different from that of the people who need to be protected." It depends on the number of people.”

"Yes, it seems that you are not only very sharp in movement, but also very sharp in thinking, just like the head of our big family."

Yi Ling praised, seeming a little bit weird, but An Xuefeng completely ignored his tone and just said: "If there are fewer people in the team, the light can stay on longer."

"Of course, if it's just you, the light will stay on for another hour."

Yi Ling's tone became softer, and An Xuefeng could feel the strange and scrutinizing eyes coming from behind him: "If you run with all your strength, they really can't keep up with your speed. So, are you planning to leave your family behind?" "

An Xuefeng said casually: "Who knew that the lights wouldn't be able to hold up the B\u0026B anymore - you said before that the darkness wouldn't hurt you?"

"of course not."

Yi Ling had some weird premonitions in his heart, but then he was disturbed by An Xuefeng's words. He asked: "There is no way, and there is no other choice. According to your rules, is it illegal to abandon your family?"


Yi Ling was noncommittal, although one's true nature can best be seen in danger, and An Xuefeng, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, might abandon his teammates. But Yi Ling still believed in his first impression and wanted to try him again. He had an idea as soon as his eyes rolled. Yi Ling chuckled and said: "There are other options - actually there are."

"The consumption speed of lamp oil is not only related to the number of people, but also related to the strength."

"You are the strongest in the team, right? If we don't have you and only protect others, the light will still be bright enough."

There was a hint of provocation in Yi Ling's voice: "Would you choose to leave the rest of your family behind, or sacrifice -"

But before he finished speaking, An Xuefeng took the lantern away from his hand and gave it to Wang Pengpai next to him. Then An Xuefeng suddenly accelerated with a lunge, and rushed into the darkness ahead with Yi Ling on his back!

The author has something to say

I originally wanted to finish them all and update them together, but the more I wrote, the more I left unfinished. Let’s update them separately. There will be another update later! Babies can get up tomorrow morning and watch it together!

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