Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 105 Exploring the Secrets of Northern Tibet (48)

The vocal pattern of the blood ladybug is different from that of Xiao Cui and Xiao Jin. Perhaps it is because Wei Xun has not yet completely conquered it. Those "puff" sounds are not like the clear dialogue between Xiao Cui and Wei Xun. , more like some primitive insect sound.

Wei Xun listened to the bloody ladybug's "pop" for a long time, and pondered for a moment: "Puff?" ’

The blood ladybug made no sound, and Wei Xun's eyes saw a small red particle falling from the lama's body, bouncing on the golden dharma wheel throne and then rolling to the ground, motionless.

"Lama Wrong, the changes in this body are really bizarre."

Wei Xun calmly stepped forward and stepped on the bloody ladybug, letting the fox cub swallow it back. Being able to be swallowed by the fox cub shows that the blood ladybug has returned to its strange sleeping state, but there are still many changes in it. We will wait and see carefully when we return to Wei Xun.

"These are all omens for Dunpasing to surround the Buddha."

It’s really hard for the wrong lama. He has been fighting on the front line against demons for a long time and has only a soul left. Wei Xun, the troublemaker in this gang, has to justify himself. Lama Cuocai solemnly walked to the throne, tapped his body sitting on the throne with his fingers, showing a hint of surprise, and then his expression turned out to be a bit surprised.

He turned around and suddenly wanted to salute Wei Xun.


Wei Xun reacted quickly. He directly supported the lama without letting him bow. He was curious: "Did you see any omens from the Buddha?"

Lama Cuocha wanted to worship him several times, but after all, he was just a wisp of light soul now and could not match Wei Xun in terms of strength. Finally he gave up and solemnly said: "My body has imprisoned the demon shadow for decades. Although there are Protected by the golden throne and containing my hundred-year magic power, it is no longer a monster."

Lamas of the Yongzhong Bon Religion pay attention to nature. Both body and soul are given by nature. Therefore, they do not cultivate the afterlife like Buddhism, but cultivate themselves, both mind and body.

Only when both of them reach the Great Perfection can they finally return to Wei Molongren, the place where the Buddha was born, after death. Otherwise, they will fall into reincarnation and experience the hardships of the human world again.

Although Lama Tsocha's soul and state of mind have been perfected, he sealed the demon with his body and his body was filled with demonic energy, making it impossible for him to achieve double perfection. But Lama Cuocao looked at it indifferently, without any resentment. He had the understanding that if I don’t get rid of the demons, someone else will. Therefore, he did not hesitate to give up his soul just to get rid of the demons.

Therefore, Wei Xun's previous estimate was correct. If he could not capture the demonic fire in time and control the lama's demonic body, Lama Cuocao would sacrifice himself and completely destroy the demonic atmosphere in Xiaolin Temple and never let it leak out.

"The messenger just subdued the demonic fire, and there were various changes in the demonic body, all of which are the evil demonic states in the scriptures. The demonic flames were subdued, the demonic shadow dissipated, and the original body of the great demon in Selincuo must have reacted."

Lama Cuocao sighed: "The great devil's methods are extremely evil. I originally thought that it would completely turn this body into a puppet, but I didn't expect that it would eventually reach perfection and become a vajra glazed body."

Wei Xun:?

"Does the messenger know what the vajra glazed body is?"

Lama Cuocao was so happy that a happy smile appeared on his calm face, and he even asked Wei Xun questions.

"What is the vajra glazed body?"

Wei Xun asked cooperatively, and he was also curious about what Lama Tsocha was going to say.

"Legend has it that the golden-winged roc was born on the big iron tree in the Jiuchong Crystal Mountain of Wei Molongren. When it was born, it had gold and silver eyes as dazzling as the sun and the moon, diamond horns, wings like swords dancing in the air, and copper-colored sharp blades. Hot sand rain fell from the gaps between the feathers*”

"The golden-winged roc will use its silver eyes to see the evil devils and poisonous dragons, and use hot sand rain to burn their souls. It will use its golden eyes to see the reincarnated Buddha, see the purest blood of the Xiangxiong Kingdom, and use diamonds to The horns give them blessings. After the death of the purest bloodline of King Xiangxiong and the death of ancient sinners, their bones will become diamonds."

Is there such a thing?

"Congratulations, Lama, on your perfect body."

Wei Xun reacted quickly. Apparently the wrong lama mistakenly thought that his body changed into a diamond, which was the merit he gained from sealing the devil.

Although Xiaolin Temple is the most important and ancient temple of Bon Religion, the status of Lama Cuocha is not as good as that of Priest Guxin, so naturally there will be no "blessing of golden-winged roc horns". But now his body has turned into a diamond, comparable to perfection. How could this not make Lama Tongcha happy?

This is really a misunderstanding that is too coincidental... Wait, is it really a misunderstanding?

What he only wanted when he took the risk was "not a corpse". Logically speaking, it is possible for a lama's body to turn into gold, jade, or even earth and stone. Why did it happen to turn into a diamond that was so in line with the legend of Bon scriptures?

Wei Xun pondered, he had taken ten risks with inanimate objects so far, leaving aside his love for sex. Whenever he took risks with climbing ropes, he always ended up being bitten by them. The grade of the climbing rope is unknown, and its owners are * * * and An Xuefeng. It can be imagined that the quality of the climbing rope is definitely very high.

Wei Xun is still weak at present, so it is natural that he will get backlash for taking risks on the climbing rope.

Wei Xun ventured into the crystal contaminated by the magic fire energy and turned it into food. Wei Xun himself loves to swallow all kinds of demonic energy. To him, demonic energy is food with different flavors and full of energy.

In addition, the level of the Demonic Fire Qi is lower than his, so it is normal for Wei Xun to swallow the crystal Demonic Qi and obtain the Demonic Flame information from it.

It can be seen that although the various results brought about by 'adventure' are unpredictable, they are all logical at a certain point. The demonic energy and the Buddhist energy in the lama's body have been confronting each other for decades, and they are protected by the Golden Dharma Wheel Throne. It is possible for consciousness to arise under the impact of the two completely opposite forces.

Taking risks is more like activating the ‘possibilities’ of things

As the lama said, mummies, frozen corpses and other postures are all evil and demonic states in the scriptures. Wei Xun took risks with the lama's body and it changed into various corpse states, which also shows that it itself has the possibility of mutating in this direction.

Then his last adventure, in which the lama's body turns into a diamond, is no mere coincidence.

Lama Tongcha sealed the demon with his body and hid the Xiaolin Temple with his soul. After being contaminated and assimilated by the power of the demon for decades, he still retained his sanity.

He deserves to get a diamond body and achieve Dzogchen.


After thinking about it, Wei Xun's congratulations became more sincere.

"Without you, the messenger, I'm afraid I would have been contaminated and assimilated by the devil."

Lama Cuocao said sincerely, broke away from Wei Xun's hand and saluted him sincerely. Then the lama turned slightly and saluted the phantom of the snow leopard behind Wei Xun. Just now when the situation was critical, Lama Cuocao saw with his own eyes that the demonic fire tried to invade Wei Xun's body, but was whipped out by the Snow Leopard Protector.

Judging from Wei Xun's ignorance, he must be the Snow Leopard Protector taking the initiative to protect the Lord. He can be closely guarded by the Snow Leopard Protector. He is definitely a person of noble character and has accumulated many merits in his life. He is worthy of being the devil-killing messenger predicted by the Buddha!

Lama Wong Cha's heart is like a clear mirror, and his body can reach Vajra Perfection not only because of this chance, but also because the Demon Slayer and the Snow Leopard Dharma Protector are by his side.

After thinking about this, Lama Cuocai became even more sincere towards Wei Xun, saying bluntly: "With my Vajra body sitting on the throne, the seal of Xiaolin Temple can still hold on for a while, even if the original devil wants to invade and influence it, I'm afraid it will take a long time." It took a lot of effort.”

"If the messenger wants to conquer the demonic fire, I will protect you."

Lama Cuocha said calmly because both Bon and Tibetan Buddhism have this tradition. Many of the demons defeated by the Buddha's protector will be integrated into the Buddha's own system and become various protector demons.

Therefore, Wei Xun defeated the demon flames, and it was natural for him to conquer the demon flames in front of Lama Cuocha. He would even take the initiative to protect Wei Xun.

This is similar to domestic myths and stories. Evil-doing monsters defeated by gods in the sky often become mounts of gods, or even little boys. However, it is rare for them to kill witches even after they surrender and beg for mercy. This is similar to foreign witches. There are many different religions that exterminate demons.

"Then I'll trouble you, Lama Tongcha."

Since the lama said this, Wei Xun did not refuse. He already had many moves as a tour guide. This demonic fire was exposed, so it was appropriate for him as a tourist. After all, Wei Xun did not have a stable attack method now.

While Lama Cuocao was solemnly protecting the Dharma, Wei Xun took out the crystal lamp. The white crystal that has been polished to an extremely thin surface looks like frosted glass, and the three-color magic flames dancing in it can be faintly seen. The three-color magic flame was trapped in the lamp, but it did not recognize Wei Xun as its master.

Which method should be used to subdue the demonic flames to appear normal? Wei Xun thought deeply, he didn't intend to reveal that he could match the devil.

But Lama Cuocai soon relieved Wei Xun's troubles. He taught Wei Xun the method and formula to accept the crystal lamp as his own magical weapon - there is no need to directly contact the magic fire, as long as he conquers the crystal lamp, he can naturally control it. of magic flame.

It's a good idea... a good way to cover up on the surface.

Of course, Wei Xun would not just collect the crystal lamps, but directly conquer the demon flames. But on the surface he can use the methods taught by the wrong lama.

He and Tongcha Lama had to draw blood from the heart, draw a totem, and recite a difficult-to-speak incantation method. Wei Xun's method of subduing the demonic flame was really rough.

He ate the three magic flames one by one from a distance, and then ate them together again, and all the problems were solved.

After completely subduing the demonic flames, Wei Xun had a thought and ordered them to hide, leaving only the illusory shadow of the demonic flames in the crystal lamp. The real core of the magic flame was received by Wei Xun.

The magic flame is a strange flame. The three colors of flame have different effects. The red flame can pollute and corrode, the purple magic flame can preserve the magic energy and turn it into a demonic shadow, and the black magic flame is a spiritual illusion and attack, and can perfectly hide the evil spirit.

Even the Congcha Lama couldn't see through the hiding place of the dark black magic flame. Wei Xun's use of * * * whispering to force the dark black magic flame to come out was really clever, otherwise it would have taken a lot of effort to find it.

Wei Xun planned to keep the core of the demonic fire in his body.

Although the presence of Xiao Jin in the Demonic Insect Ball can give Wei Xun the "hidden" characteristic, there will inevitably be times when Xiao Jin will be used in the future. The dark demonic fire can completely hide Wei Xun's demonic energy, and his vest can also be worn more stably.

Similar to the flame in reality, the burning and preservation of the magic fire requires a carrier. It can burn on the wick of the crystal lamp, as long as Wei Xun regularly replenishes the pure magic energy. Naturally, it can also burn in Wei Xun's body.

In this way, Wei Xun can use the magic flame to hide his own magic energy at any time, and the burning of the magic flame will also help to train his spirit and will, so that he can be surprised when facing the enemy in the future.

Wei Xun controlled the time of subduing the crystal lamp and led the magic flame into his body. But here comes the problem.

The magic flame can't get in!


The lama who was chanting sutras and protecting Dharma looked alertly and saw a silver-white stuffed leopard tail slapped on Wei Xun's arm and wrapped around it. This leopard tail comes from the shadow of the snow leopard behind Wei Xun.

what happened?

Lama Cuocao watched carefully for a week and didn't notice anything strange. The next second he watched helplessly as the leopard's tail snapped again, slapping Wei Xun's chest like a fly.

Wrong Lama:?

Wei Xun was closing his eyes and holding the crystal lamp tightly. It seemed that he had reached the most critical moment of subduing himself. Lama Tongcha could not disturb him. He could only sweep the snow leopard protector's leopard tail across Wei Xun's body, forehead, cheeks, behind the ears, and neck. , even the waist, thighs and ankles.

Is this some special way of protecting the law?

The old lama couldn't quite understand.

But it is always a good thing that the Snow Leopard Protector is so close to Wei Xun.

Lama Cuocao smiled reassuringly and continued to help Wei Xun protect the Dharma.

"Phew, finally conquered successfully."

Wei Xun opened his eyes, with a joyful smile on his lips——

In fact, Wei Xun's mind is full of questions!

Is his body an iron wall? Why can't this demon flame get in anywhere?

Wei Xun was in disbelief that the magic flame was not damaged, but bounced all over his body like a pinball hitting a wall. Could it be the traces of thorns left on his wrist?

If the delay continued any longer, the wrong lama might become suspicious, so Wei Xun could only let the magic flame sit on the wick for the time being, and put the lamp and the magic flame back into the fox cub's belly.

"Thank you so much, Lama, Dharma protector... huh?"

"What's wrong?"

Seeing the hesitant and thoughtful look on Wei Xun's face, Lama Cuocai asked with concern.

"Lama, how long can the seal of Xiaolin Temple be maintained?"

"When the rooster crows."

It was four o'clock in the morning when the rooster crows, and now it is one o'clock in the morning, with three hours to go.

Wei Xun said: "I want to go to the third floor of the Buddhist Scripture Cave to have a look."

Lama Cuocai didn't ask any more questions, and went down to the third floor of the Sutra Cave together with Wei Xun. Only this time at the entrance, Wei Xun took out the dazzling crown.

It was what he got in the Nine-Layered Swastika Crystal Tower, the crown with golden wings and roc horns!

This crown represents the pinnacle of ancient Xiangxiong's exquisite craftsmanship. It is based on gold and diamonds and is inlaid with countless expensive gems. Even in the absolute darkness of the third floor of the Sutra Cave, it still naturally emits a faint light.

When Wei Xun took out the crown, Lama Cuocao immediately saluted it slightly to show respect. Wei Xun held the crown and walked towards the northwest corner of the Buddhist Scripture Cave with a clear goal.

Just now when Wei Xun put the magic flame and crystal lamp back into the fox cub's belly, the magic flame reacted to the crown with the horns of the golden-winged roc!

Wei Xun is their master now, and Demon Yan naturally reports everything to him. It turns out that the one who made the strange move is Dark Demon Yan.

Previously, the red demonic flame burned wantonly in the Tibetan Scripture Cave, and the purple-black demonic flame turned into a demonic shadow and was sealed on the second floor of the Tibetan Scripture Cave. Only the most concealed black demonic flame escaped the lama's perception and came to this Tibetan Buddhist temple. The third floor of the Sutra Cave - the wrong Lama is so seriously polluted by demonic energy, it also has a share of its contribution. But the dark demonic flames couldn't go any further, and couldn't directly disrupt Lama Tongcha's mind.

Because there are items with strange energy hidden on the third floor of the Scripture Cave, the Dark Demon Flame is particularly afraid of them.

The aura on the golden-winged roc bird-horn crown is very similar to that item.

"Lama, what's behind this?"

Wei Xun finally stood at the northwest corner of the Scripture Cave. The demonic spider web that originally covered the entire cave wall had dissipated, revealing the real cave wall. The Buddhist Scripture Cave is built deep in the Black Rock Mountain. The walls of the cave are naturally black. The temperature is very low and it is as cold as touching a piece of ice that will not melt.

Moyan's feedback made Wei Xun immediately think of the main items of the journey. In fact, even without Moyan's reminder, he would have thoroughly searched Xiaolin Temple.

After all, Wei Xun got two main items on the journey, the Dapeng Garuda Badge and the Dapeng Garuda Horn Crown, at the Zhangzhong Ruins. It stands to reason that there should be one or two items in the second attraction.

Wei Xun who wants to complete the main line of the journey will certainly not miss it.

"This stone wall..."

Lama Tsocha approached in surprise and pressed his hand on the recess of the stone wall. There was a hidden stone ring there.

"This is a secret room that preserves the tokens of King Shang Hung from past dynasties."

Although the status of Xiaolin Temple is not as good as that of Saikang Temple, it has a special status among the upper, middle and lower three elephants. It is said that the Xiangxiong king who unified Xiangxiong and defeated the other seventeen golden bird-horned kings dreamed of the Garuda while staying at Xiaolin Temple. Therefore, he was the real king chosen by the Garuda.

Therefore, in the future, princes and princesses with the blood of King Xiangxiong will all arrive at Xiaolin Temple at the age of fourteen and leave their personal tokens in the secret room on the third floor of the Sutra Cave. It is said that if the next king is truly chosen, the Garuda will appear in their dreams.

Let's not talk about whether anyone is lying. Everyone went back and said that they dreamed of a roc. According to various religious legends, personal belongings are usually tainted with a trace of the owner's aura or even soul. Leaving them in the secret room on the third floor of the Sutra Cave is also a kind of blessing and blessing.

Wei Xun politely said: "Can I open it and take a look?"

"Of course you can."

Lama Cuocao did not refuse, but was a little confused. He kindly reminded: "Most of those items were destroyed in the burning of the devil's fire, and this is not the real ruins of Xiaolin Temple. Even if there are items left, they should be in the outside world, not here. ”

Wei Xun smiled and did not change his mind. Lama Cuocao then pulled up the stone ring, and with a roaring sound, the stone door that could only allow one person to enter was pushed open, revealing the dark secret room inside.


This time, it was the wrong lama who was surprised, because he clearly saw something flashing in the secret room!

Wei Xun entered the secret room with the crown. The space inside was not big. Like a Buddhist scripture cave, many pits were carved inward on the stone wall for placing items. At this moment, the dark stone wall was illuminated by the precious light on the crown. This light was like a spot of light floating in the darkness, drifting to a pit on the stone wall at the same height as Wei Xun - the light that Lama Cuocha saw came from it!

Wei Xun walked to the stone wall and used a narrow crystal knife to hook out the items in the pit. The fine gold chain that was exposed at first looked particularly beautiful on the white crystal.

But the next moment, the crystal turned black and shattered! Wei Xun narrowed his eyes. He saw the thick black demonic energy and ominous bloody resentment entangled on the gold chain, flowing out like boiling water, rushing madly towards him, the only living person.

"Don't come in."

Wei Xun said to Lama Cuocha without turning his head, and the crystal lamp appeared in his hand. The three-color magic fire burned violently, and in the end the pure white lamp was reflected in purple. The purple fire that could devour the stored magic energy burst up, engulfing the gold chain and burning wantonly.

But Wei Xun's eyebrows did not relax. He saw that although the magic energy on the gold chain was devoured by the purple fire, the bloody resentment and some dark black ominous energy were still there!



Wei Xun retracted the magic fire, and the violent purple fire pulled away and pulled the gold chain down from the pit. It fell to the ground with a "dingdang" sound, and its full appearance was revealed in front of Wei Xun. The golden chain was unexpectedly simple, without other gems for decoration, only a semicircular pendant at the end of the gold chain.

Wei Xun had excellent eyesight and saw that the surface of the gold pendant was inlaid with fine and glittering gems of various colors, forming a small upper body portrait of a man. Although the image was a little distorted, thinking of the era of the ancient Zhangzhung Kingdom, it was an incredible and exquisite skill to be able to inlay a human figure with gems on the surface of gold that was less than the size of a coin.

Wei Xun keenly discovered that there were several tiny notches on the straight side of the semicircular pendant - could it be that it was not complete, and there was another half?

Suddenly, Wei Xun saw the eyes of the man's statue blink and look at him. The eyes originally inlaid with black stone turned red! Wei Xun's mind was dizzy, as if a human-sized evil black energy was about to flow into his body - this was an energy completely different from the devil's energy.

Can it be eaten?

Wei Xun thought reflexively, he was instinctively afraid of this, but he also felt hungry. Wei Xun understood that this thing was also edible for him, but it was not very palatable, just like a poisonous pufferfish, which would have a negative impact if not handled properly.

But before Wei Xun could figure out how to deal with this strange delicacy, he "saw" this ball of black energy fiercely ejected from his body and shrunk by more than half.

There was indeed something wrong with his body. Not only would the devil's energy be bounced away, but even this weird black energy could not invade his body.

Wei Xun saw that the shrunken black energy was unyielding and continued to rush into his body, but it was bounced back. Each time it bounced, it would shrink by half, and soon it changed from the size of a human to the size of a jelly bean. The uncomfortable evil darkness also decreased by half. The trembling black 'jelly bean' shrank on the golden pendant and finally dared not rush forward again.

Wei Xun tentatively reached out to pick up the gold chain, but saw that the black jelly bean was shaking wildly, jumping left and right, as if shaking its head desperately.


Wei Xun raised his eyebrows, but unfortunately, perhaps it had suffered enough from Wei Xun, and now it was small and weak, so the black jelly bean could not make more complex movements than shaking its head.

Although the other party was not a good thing and had bad intentions at the beginning, it was related to the key items of the main line of the journey after all, and it could not be ignored. If Wei Xun touched it again, it would probably be reduced to ashes.

Wei Xun gave up the idea of ​​picking it up directly and tried to put it into the fox cub's stomach, but the fox cub shook his head desperately to refuse. Its stomach is really not a trash can! Moreover, it vaguely recognized that the evil energy like black beans is specifically aimed at the soul. It is now in the state of residual soul. If it eats it, it will definitely have a stomachache.


Wei Xun curled his lips and his eyes fell on the golden-winged Dapeng bird horn crown. He had long discovered that the crown in his hand had been glowing, and the light was brighter when the golden pendant fell. There seemed to be a connection between them.

In this case...

Wei Xun put on the crown.

The gold and diamond crown pressed on the pure white hair, and Wei Xun wore it just right. White hair, blue eyes and the crown made him look like a noble prince from a foreign land.

After putting on the crown, Wei Xun looked at the golden pendant again, but found that the black "sugar bean" on the pendant had turned into a black little man kneeling on the pendant.

It was really small and black like a stickman. Wei Xun heard it muttering like crazy, and after listening carefully, he found that the little man kept saying "no, no".

"What's wrong?"

Wei Xun squatted down and asked. The difference between their reminders was too big. When Wei Xun opened his mouth, he saw that the black little man was almost blown away by him.

"No, no, my queen has black hair and blue eyes, not white hair. '

The little man shook his head desperately and looked at Wei Xun disappointedly: 'You are not my queen! '

Wei Xun did not reply. He turned his head and looked at the Lama.

"What's wrong?"

The Lama asked with vigilance and worry when he saw him turn around.


The Lama could not hear the little man talking. Only Wei Xun could hear the little man's voice when he was wearing the crown. Wei Xun realized that this conversation might be private. He did not speak, but thought directly in his mind: 'Look at what this is. '

With the fox cub around, Wei Xun can easily change his hair color. According to common sense, he should change his hair color to black to trick the villain again. But he is extremely perceptive. King, princess, if this is a special task, it may involve role-playing or the like.

He has no interest in becoming a princess.

‘What is what? ’

The villain looked stupid, maybe because his strength was weakened too much and his brain was not strong enough. He stared blankly up in the direction Wei Xun pointed. When he saw the crown on his head, the villain jumped excitedly and said sharply: "My king's." Crown, this is my king’s crown! ’

'It's mine, the crown. ’

Sure enough, there are crowns, and they can communicate through consciousness.

Wei Xun took off the crown and saw that the villain turned into a black ball. Only after wearing the crown is he no longer a villain. This is very interesting. Wei Xun doesn't know what the audience outside will see... but if it is really a confidential mission, I'm afraid all the audience will see is a small black ball.

'I am the king'

Wei Xun slowly flicked the crown on his head:

'No, you are not the king, I am the king, I am, you are, I, I live, I die...'

The villain resisted fiercely at first, then he talked to himself in a confused manner, and suddenly he began to cry, so sad that he even forgot to say 'I am the king'.

'I am dead, my kingdom is ruined, and that bastard is on the throne. My princess, my princess...yes, princess! ’

‘The princess is pregnant with my blood, so he will be a pure-blooded king, the purest bloodline of my Golden-winged Dapeng royal family. If I find the princess, I will find the princess! ’

The villain gasped like crazy, and it suddenly charged towards Wei Xun, as if it was about to rush into his body. Of course, Wei Xun didn't refuse anyone who came, but it was a pity that this little man stopped suddenly when he rushed in front of Wei Xun, and started to cry again, which was extremely sad.

‘What the hell are you. ’

Wei Xun said calmly, although the villain cried miserably and pitifully, Wei Xun had not forgotten how vicious and cruel it looked at the beginning when it wanted to invade his body.

'I am……'

'What? ’

'I am a……'

Wei Xun sneered: "Speak louder, how dare you claim to be king with such a small voice?" ’

‘I am the curse of King Shang Hung’

The villain glared at Wei Xun with resentment, and Wei Xun immediately threatened to pick up the gold pendant. The villain was so frightened that he shook his head and gave up.

'I'll give you a minute. ’

Wei Xun smiled. It was difficult to tell who was the curse just from the scene at this moment.

‘One minute, life or death, let’s see if you are of any use to me. ’

"You can talk now."

The villain is at a loss. Now that the curse is involved, it's still a question of whether it's of any use?

Wei Xun said: ‘Fifty seconds. ’

‘I am cursed by the blood of King Shang Hung, and the one on the pendant is me! ’

When he saw that Wei Xun was coming, the real villain knew the truth and confessed directly. It turned out that it was a personal token left by a certain King Xiang Hung in the secret room of Xiaolin Temple when he was fourteen years old. There is another half of this gold necklace, which is in the hands of his most beloved and noble concubine.

But he favored this concubine for a long time, but she was never able to get pregnant. In the end, King Shang Hung made the princess who gave birth to his eldest son his queen. Then his health gradually weakened until he died young.

However, after the death of King Shang Shung, his soul did not disperse. It was still lingering in the capital of the Shang Shung Kingdom and was even conscious. This is not a good thing for him, because he heard a shocking secret.

His heir, the eldest prince, turned out not to be his biological son, but the result of an affair between the queen and an adulterer!

When the villain yelled this sentence full of resentment, a sound from the hotel sounded in Wei Xun's mind.

[Confrontation Mission: The Bloodline Curse of the Shang Shung Kingdom]

[Task Level: Dangerous]

[Task description: The thousand-year curse of King Shang Hung is condensed in this gold chain. Once you pick it up, you will suffer a cruel curse. Only by finding a princess necklace that matches it can it be lifted! By combining the two necklaces into one, the owner of the complete version of the necklace will be the winner of this confrontation! 】

[Reward: Priority for side selection in the east and west district end-of-year celebration pre-match games]

End-of-year celebrations for the East and West districts... Priority in selecting sides for the pre-match?

What reward is this?

Wei Xun asked: ‘Why can’t I accept the mission? ’

Normally, when a task appeared, he would accept it directly and by default, but this time it was different. Wei Xun could feel that he had not received the task.

The villain said of course: 'Because I haven't entered your body yet! ’

Wei Xun understood. It seemed that the prerequisite for accepting the mission was to be cursed. As mentioned in the task description, the person who picks up the necklace will suffer a cruel curse, and this curse will also urge both parties to complete the task as soon as possible.


‘Then come’

Wei Xun said calmly: "Curse me."

Cursed villain:...

‘Look, it’s not that I don’t cooperate, it’s that you can’t do it’

Wei Xun lowered his eyes, still smiling, but his eyes became indifferent and cold: "Get out of the necklace, this is mine."

‘You, don’t you want to help me? ’

The cursed villain Qiqi Aai said: 'If you can find the descendant of my princess and get the other half of the pendant from him, the two pendants together will be the key to the treasure of the Shang Shung Dynasty...'

‘Fifteen seconds. ’

Wei Xun said: "Hurry up and find a way for yourself to survive."

Curse the villain: 'You, you, you, you...'

Wei Xun: ‘Five seconds’

The cursed villain screamed with resentment: 'Well, if you want me to leave the necklace, you have to find me a new place to live! ’

In other words, curse is a necessary condition. But it is not necessarily Wei Xun himself who accepts the curse. However, if you are not cursed, you will not be able to accept this mission.

Wei Xun suddenly had a flash of inspiration.

If the curse is on a creature he has a contract with...

Wei Xun first confirmed: ‘What is the content of the curse? ’

The cursing villain said gloomily: 'I am a peace-loving person, and the curse will certainly not kill anyone. It just prevents you from harming any living or non-living things - any attack you make will make the other party healthier. Any curse you cast will make the other person luckier...'

‘What a vicious curse! ’

Wei Xun was shocked! I felt lucky in my heart. Fortunately, the curse didn't attach to him. Otherwise, wouldn't it mean that he would no longer be able to purify the demons, and wouldn't be able to fight back if he encountered an enemy?

If he is really cursed, I'm afraid he can only put everything aside temporarily and go find the 'princess'.

But if this curse is used properly, it will be a huge convenience...

Wei Xun asked more details related to the curse, and then had a meeting with the fox cub Jin Xiaocui. In the end, Wei Xun decided to let the curse fall on Xiao Cui.

Xiao Jin wants to suck blood, and the fox cub possesses him to fight. Only Xiao Cui is the most suitable target. It can hide in the ball of demonic insects, and is protected by the insect swarm. It usually assists Wei Xun in commanding the insect swarm, and does not go up to charge into battle.

‘Leave it to me! ’

Xiao Cui was full of energy, and her green eyes were shining with hope. She looked at Hu Zai and Xiao Jin with a faint sense of evaluation and comparison. The matter of purifying magic honey made Xiaocui realize that only by following Wei Xun would he have a future, but he was the last one to follow Wei Xun, so his qualifications were naturally lagging behind. He had to work harder to get more respect from Wei Xun.

This time is the opportunity Xiaocui has been waiting for!

【You accepted the confrontation mission! 】

As Wei Xun expected, he also received the task after the cursed villain fell on Xiao Cui. Without the cursed villain, Wei Xun picked up the gold chain, and sure enough he heard the hotel's prompt.

【drop! You have obtained the necklace token of King Shang Shung. You already have three items related to the remnants of the Shang Shung Kingdom. The collection progress is 3/5]

This necklace that resonates with the crown is indeed the main item of the journey. Wei Xun then searched the entire Xiaolin Temple ruins, and after confirming that no items were missing, he stepped on it, put away the lama's body that had turned into diamonds, and returned to reality with the wrong lama wearing a Gusin skin thangka.

The little skull lama spider couldn't come out with him, he was already dead in the past. Wei Xun finally saved him, and Lama Cuocao recited sutras for him. His skull was placed in the main hall with great care, just like other lamas who died to protect Xiaolin Temple and the land of northern Tibet. .

Before leaving, Wei Xun took out Xiao Jin and put Xiao Cui into the Ball of Demonic Insects.

[Hey, the second attraction project is completed! 】

After leaving the burning Xiaolin Temple, the hotel prompt sounded in Wei Xun's mind, but it rang several times in succession!

[The king and princess of the confrontation mission have all decided! 】

[King: Xiao Cui, Location: Unknown]

[Princess: Devil Merchant, Location: Seattle, Washington]

[The confrontation mission has begun. The locations of the king and princess will be updated every twelve hours. Please find each other as soon as possible to lift the curse! 】

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