Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 106 Exploring the Secrets of Northern Tibet (49)

Washington, Seattle.

"Damn weather!"

A middle-aged white policeman cursed in a low voice and held down his police hat, but it was completely unable to block the increasing rain. He was soaked to the skin, but he still had to carry his baton to maintain order. He looked forward to going home early, taking a comfortable hot bath, and eating some roast chicken, but the endless crowds of people in front of him made him despair.

"Damn it, why are there so many people!"

"Tonight is Monster's comeback performance. You know how famous this rock band is."

Another policeman who was equally embarrassed laughed and used his baton to drive away the crowd that was still pushing forward despite someone falling in front of him not far away: "Hey, get out of my way. I don't see anyone in front of me." Did you fall down?"

"Monster? Didn't this band break up two months ago? I even accompanied Jimmy to their last show. After coming back, this kid cried for three days because he had no future."

Middle-aged police officers came to help, herding the chaotic crowd into lines like sheepdogs. There are not only young people gathered here, but also middle-aged people and even old people, but their faces are all smiling with joy and excitement. Most of them are wearing T-shirts with the portraits of the home band musicians on them, and they are shouting loudly. , singing the band’s famous song, even batons couldn’t break up the warm and crazy atmosphere.

"Disband? No! Monster will never disband!"

A young and skinny man screamed excitedly. The white T-shirt he was wearing was completely soaked by the rain. The rain soaked the white T-shirt slightly darker, and the portrait printed on the T-shirt became more and more intense.

He was a gloomy and handsome young man with slightly curly black hair, pale skin, and deep blue eyes, which attracted everyone's attention like magic. He doesn't look like a rocker at all. Putting on a dress is more like going to play piano in the Golden Hall of Vienna.

"God and Satan bless, Odile is cured of his illness!"

The hot blonde girl wearing tight hot pants next to her was so excited that her eyes were stained with tears. She and the young man kissed each other excitedly. The passion was so intense that the cold rain was dyed with warmth.

"Oh my God, the young people these days."

The middle-aged policeman shook his head and told them to go back to the team with a straight face. He said to himself: "Odile, I think I heard Jimmy say this name. It seems that he plays the drums?"

"He's the lead singer and guitarist of the band. He's been on the Ole Op Late Night Show. Women all love him."

The other policeman shrugged: "Okay, I like it too, this guy is really good at singing."

Middle-aged policeman: "Is he terminally ill?"

"Who knows, there were rumors flying around that the band was about to break up, but now it seems like it's not a big deal - hey, don't go against the crowd, the exit is over there!"

The police shouted loudly and rushed over to stop the retrograde man wearing a cloak who looked like a Death Eater fanatic, but he came back soon, with a weird look on his face, looking around like a thief, and whispered excitedly to the middle-aged policeman: "Man, it's a real person! You must not believe who I just saw, it was Odile!"

"Are you dazzled? The concert started earlier, how could the lead singer be here?"

The middle-aged policeman didn't believe it: "Besides, if he appears here, he won't be afraid of being torn apart by his fans?"

The young policeman said anxiously: "It's the real Odile, it must be him. I won't admit my mistake!"

The middle-aged policeman shook his head indifferently: "Okay, okay, then, did you ask him for his autograph?"

The young policeman was stunned for a moment: "I, damn it, God, I forgot..."

The young man wearing a long cloak walked away from the crowd. He walked very fast, and the corners of his robe were flying. If anyone looked carefully, they would find that the rainwater falling on the cloak would be bounced away naturally, making it completely unable to soak in.

He walked deep into the parking lot, got into the back seat of the extended black Cadillac, lay down and closed his eyes.

The next moment, the young man appeared in an American retro country bar. The bar was so big that it was almost as big as half a football field. The heads of various wolves were hung on the four walls of the bar. The tables and chairs here are all custom-made and are wider than normal models. A dozen customers were chatting and drinking in the bar. When the young man appeared, everyone looked at him.

No, they are not humans, they are all werewolves with different sizes and hair colors! Seeing the young man come in, several werewolves showed fear and disappeared directly into the bar. The remaining werewolves were all taller and stronger. One of them, a black-haired werewolf nearly two meters tall, drank all the beer in his glass and stared at the cloak that covered the young man's face and body and said lazily and gruffly:

"I said Devil Merchant, when will you be willing to take off this shabby cloak that is an eyesore?"

"That's right, we werewolves never wear cloaks."

A werewolf next to him spoke up. He burped with a beastly smell and licked his yellow fangs with his scarlet tongue: "Unless you are not a werewolf... But if you are not a werewolf, how come you are in our werewolf alliance?"

"Ha ha ha ha."


The other wolves all burst into laughter as if they had heard some funny joke. The howling of the wolves mixed with the laughter was like a group of demons dancing wildly, but while they were laughing wildly, all the wolf eyes were fixed on the devil merchant.

When he stopped and turned this way, the leading black-haired werewolf stopped laughing and his wolf eyes were dark.

"Rilai, your soul only weighs 3.2 grams, which is not as heavy as my dick."

The devil merchant sneered, and you could hear his unruliness and arrogance just from his voice: "If you have time to care about when I will change into wolf skin, why not go see a doctor quickly, and save yourself from being shot by an exorcist - or, you Are you planning to trade souls with me?"

As soon as his provocative words came out, there was no response from the black-haired werewolf. The wolf hair on the back of its neck stood up and it closed its mouth tightly, a bit afraid.

"Tsk, trash."

The devil merchant disdained the taunt and walked to the bartender, the wooden floor creaking under his feet.

"The sale of souls is prohibited within the Alliance's premises."

The bartender at the front desk muttered. He was a fat middle-aged white man with heavy bags under his eyes. He was smoking a large marijuana cigarette and had fat piles on his face.

"I'm willing to abide by the league's rules, as long as no idiot threatens me."

The devil merchant said coldly, but compared to when he faced the black-haired werewolf before, he was a little more restrained towards the bartender.

The bartender said: "No one will threaten our wolves. Boss Rex said that he is willing to baptize you at any time."

"I feel honored that Boss Rex has taken his fancy." The Devil Merchant said neither humble nor overbearing: "But you also know that that guy doesn't like Fluffy very much."


The bartender drained his cigarette and held out a metal sign: "No. 32."

Hanging on the wall behind him was a huge, monster-like gray metal wolf head. When the bartender placed the metal sign, its originally closed wolf mouth opened, and the bloody mouth was large enough for an adult man to pass through.

"Werewolves don't have much patience."

When the devil merchant walked towards the wolf head and passed by the bartender, he heard the other person whisper hoarsely. The devil businessman lowered his eyes and looked at the ground. He saw the shadow of the bartender stretched infinitely. The black shadow was not human at all, but a ghostly wolf shadow.

The wolf shadow opened its bloody mouth at him, as if threatening. The devil merchant looked away indifferently, and walked into the metal wolf head expressionlessly. When the wolf's mouth closed and opened again, it was no longer a bar outside, but a private residence of ten square meters.


After the metal wolf head disappeared, the devil merchant took off his cloak and threw it on the back of the chair. He was tall and strong, with a chiseled face and an aggressive look. He was as handsome as the lead singer on the fan's T-shirt. But his left eye is pink, and there are faint patterns of purple six-pointed stars under his eyes.

This is exactly the change brought about by his original purple title of 'Devil Merchant'.

Although the current strength of the Devil Merchant cannot fully display the power of the title, the purple identity title for the soul is extremely powerful.

The devil businessman took control of all the tourists in the group for the first time, opened two new attractions, and the number of people watching the live broadcast reached 100,000. He topped the list of rising tourist guides in the West District and was directly killed by the leader of the "Werewolf Alliance", the largest tour guide alliance in the United States. Rex invites.

But the Devil Merchant has always been a lone ranger who goes his own way. If it weren't for an accident, he wouldn't have joined the Werewolf Alliance.

As the name suggests, the tour guides in the Werewolf Alliance are all werewolves. Blood Wolf Rex has a special title, which can give the tour guide the subsidiary title of 'Werewolf'.

Transforming into a werewolf has many benefits. You no longer need to use a cloak or mask to hide your true appearance. You can have strong strength and a strong body. There are even many special wolf species, such as the killer shadow wolf, the thief void wolf, etc.

The Devil Merchant is favored by Blood Wolf Rex. If he is baptized by Rex himself, the Devil Merchant will directly receive the subsidiary title of 'Shadow Wolf' comparable to the title of Deep Blue. After transformation, he will be a Shadow Wolf instead of an ordinary werewolf.

Moreover, the Devil Merchant is now just a B125 tour guide, so he can enjoy the services provided by the Werewolf Alliance to A-level tour guides. The location within No. 50 is all due to the Werewolf Alliance's internal efforts to win over him.

But the Devil Merchant kept stalling and wavering, turning into a werewolf without being baptized. Even though werewolves have many benefits, the so-called baptism is actually drinking blood. Werewolf blood is extremely poisonous, and the tour guide who becomes a werewolf will be controlled by Rex for life and will never be able to leave the werewolf alliance.

This is what the devil merchant does not want.

However, if you want to compete with a certain major force, it is extremely difficult to survive in the cracks between the major forces. Even if he is a rising star tour guide in the West District, he is just an object of competition and does not have the right to choose independently. On the second journey, he was almost assassinated from the air by the captain of the Exorcist Brigade. It was the warning given to him by the Werewolf Alliance.

But the devil businessman should not die. Under the assassination of the exorcist brigade captain, his death countdown reached zero, and he spontaneously transformed into an abyss-type monster. He narrowly escaped death and unexpectedly got the attention of an A5 little witch. , received an invitation to the abyss tour guide’s tea party, and was introduced to the S3 great tour guide Black Widow at the tea party.

Blood Wolf Rex is an A1 tour guide, a different level from Black Widow. Using Black Widow as an excuse, the Devil Merchant gets more breathing space. But he knew that he could not have both sides, he had to make a choice and join one side.

But the Devil Merchant neither wants to become a werewolf, nor does he want to be Black Widow's spider puppet. His childhood experience has made him both withdrawn and arrogant. He doesn't want to be anyone's vassal, and just wants to be himself.

What was before him was an opportunity.

The devil businessman opened the drawer and took out a golden pocket watch from a pile of brand-name watches. This pocket watch is of primitive workmanship and looks to be quite old. It was left behind by the ancestors of the devil merchants. It is said that their family was once a British aristocrat for dozens of generations. They all have pure black hair and blue eyes, and their bloodline can be traced back to the ancient Roman Empire.

Later, the family declined day by day. During the war, the family moved to America and tried to re-develop but failed. When the generation of the Devil Merchant arrived, his father died young and his mother disappeared. He grew up in an orphanage, and only those related to the past family were left. This pocket watch.

At the age of thirteen, Odile left the orphanage, sold his gold pocket watch, bought a guitar and started playing rock music in a band. His talent was so good that he really became famous in singing. But when he was most successful and his career was at its peak, Odile collapsed on the spot during a tour and was sent to the hospital where he was diagnosed with terminal liver cancer.

When he was initially struggling to develop, he had days and nights reversed. In addition to not taking drugs, he smoked and drank heavily. He was diagnosed with terminal cancer at a young age. This is how life is. Odile is terminally ill and his life is counting down.

Whether you are rich or poor, you are the same after death. This was something Odile could not accept. After receiving only conservative treatment in the hospital, he left the hospital, sold his property, and spent a lot of money to find various ways to treat the disease and extend his life. By coincidence, Odile saw the gold pocket watch he had sold for tens of dollars when he was young at a secret auction.

A premonition made him spend his last tens of millions of dollars to buy the pocket watch again. He was destitute when he had the pocket watch in his hand, and now he has no extra money after getting the pocket watch back. It's like reincarnation.

But in the past Odile had a healthy body and had unlimited possibilities. Now he is seriously ill and can only survive.

On the way back after taking the pocket watch, Odile fell ill. It was late at night and there was no one around. He was so ill that he could not call an ambulance. If there was no accident, his life would have ended that night.

But when he fell, the gold pocket watch that Odile was holding in his hand also fell to the ground and was completely thrown away. There is actually a semicircular gold pendant hidden inside the watch case, with a small portrait of a woman's upper body inlaid with fine gemstones.

Odile suddenly gained strength at that time, and he held the pendant in his hand with all his strength. Then……

Odile showed up on a cruise ship.

From entering the Horror Hotel to now, from Odile to the Devil Merchant, he has been pursuing the secret of the pendant. Finally, on the last journey, while exploring a forgotten cemetery, the devil merchant accidentally activated the pendant and received a mission!

[Confrontation Mission: Princess Aurel’s Bloodline Curse]

[Task Level: Dangerous]

[Task description: Princess Aurel's thousand-year curse is condensed in this gold chain. As a descendant of the princess's blood, you will be subject to a cruel curse, which can only be lifted by finding a king's necklace that matches it! By combining the two necklaces into one, the owner of the complete version of the necklace will be the winner of this confrontation! 】

[Reward: Priority for side selection in the east and west district end-of-year celebration pre-match games]

The Devil Merchant is well aware of the importance of the warm-up match to the tour guides and tourists from both the East and West districts. Given the importance of fighting for the district, if he can really get this reward, he will receive certain protection from the hotel. Not to mention being qualified to challenge Blood Wolf and Black Widow, at least he would have more autonomy.

And he is on the advantage side in this task!

After research by the Devil Merchant, Princess Aurel had always been deeply in love with King Xiang Hung, and she even took many secret medicines that were harmful to the body and was willing to give birth to a child for him. But King Sang Hung had more than a dozen concubines, and in the end, he made a concubine who was the first to give birth to a prince and had a grudge against her as his queen.

Although Princess Aurel soon discovered that she was pregnant, King Shang Hung was seriously ill at that time and the queen who gave birth to the eldest prince was in power and tried to murder her several times. In order to preserve the flesh and blood in her belly, Princess Aurel had no choice but to contact her distant mother country. When the Shang Shung Kingdom was in civil strife, she was picked up by the mother country's envoys. Little did she know that she would never come back.

And the child she gave birth to was the ancestor of Odile's lineage.

Therefore, as the princess, Odile holding the princess pendant has two characteristics.

[King Shang Hung’s Guilt: The King will not hurt you and cannot attack you]

[Princess’s Missing: Princess Aurel missed King Shang Hung throughout her life. Every two hours, you will get the king’s real-time location! 】

With these two points, Odile is almost invincible!

However, he has been unable to receive the mission because the candidate for the king has not yet appeared. This time Odile rushed back to the station because he got the notice from the hotel.

The candidate for king has appeared!

[The king and princess of the confrontation mission have all decided! 】

[King: Xiaocui, location: Undetectable]

[Princess: Devil Merchant, Location: Seattle, Washington]

[The confrontation mission has begun. The locations of the king and princess will be updated every twelve hours. Please find each other as soon as possible to lift the curse! 】

"Xiao... Cui?"

The Devil Merchant spoke in Chinese with a strong accent. Unlike the rankings in the Western District, where the tour guides from the European and American Districts were evenly matched, the top three first-class tour guides in the Eastern District were all Chinese, and the majority of the top ranking tour guides were Chinese. The Zhangzhung ruins are located in the territory of China.

Therefore, the Devil Merchant has been studying Chinese hard since the end of his last journey. With the character of the devil businessman and his advantage as the princess, he will definitely take the initiative and sneak into the East District to ambush the king!

When he saw the location of the two parties, the devil merchant's eyes turned cold. He originally took precautions against this and took over the task only after returning to the hotel. But he didn't expect that his true location would be exposed.

But the location of the other party cannot be ascertained...could it be said that he is on a special journey? Or is there a special title?

The Devil Merchant is not panicking, so what if the other party's location cannot be discovered? As long as he knows the title of 'King', he can abduct the soul of the other party through soul trading.

It's just the title of 'Xiao Cui' that really makes the Devil Merchant a little confused, but he doesn't panic at all. The devil businessman logged onto the external network, seriously opened Baidu Encyclopedia, and typed the word ‘Xiao Cui’ using an unskilled input method.

In fact, you can guess a thing or two about the various names of the hotel just by looking at the name. For example, the name Devil Merchant, you can roughly guess that it has something to do with buying and selling souls, the devil, etc.

The title "Xiao Cui" must be the same. The devil merchant checked it on Baidu and quickly identified the most likely target.

"Xiao Cui" is a short story in classical Chinese* written by the Qing Dynasty novelist Pu Songling. It roughly tells the story of a fox girl repaying a favor. The Xiao Cui in the article is exactly a vixen.

The cultures of the East and the West are different. The Devil Merchant doesn't know much about monsters and monsters, but when he was brought into the Werewolf Alliance, the Devil Merchant suddenly realized it.

It seems that the 'king' is a vixen.

As a 'princess', he is a man, so it is normal for the 'king' to be a woman.

The woman, with the title of vixen, has almost the same strength as him, so the selection will be much easier.

The devil businessman acted resolutely and directly booked a flight to the capital of China. It is very difficult to contact tour guides in the east and west districts. Unlike tourists who can travel everywhere, top tourists travel around the world.

Most tour guides from the East and West districts can only meet each other during year-end celebrations and some special gatherings. In reality, Western tour guides who want to go to the East are also restricted by hotels.

Not only are the hotel halls separated from the east and west, but the tour guides in the east and west are not the same, including the general tour guide list, rising star tour guide list, etc. Although the senior tour guides must have their own ways to communicate with each other, the Devil Merchant himself is not restricted by the Werewolf Alliance and Black Widow forces, so how can he obtain information through them.

The hotel has many restrictions on both tour guides and only opens the door to confrontation between the east and west districts. The devil businessman can fly to the east by plane. When he enters the hotel in the east, he will naturally enter the hotel lobby in the East District.

There was no rush, he had to take care of everything before that.

"Xiao Cui..."

The devil merchant's left eye narrowed slightly, and the six-pointed star glowed under his eyes. First, a bait was planted for ‘Xiao Cui’.

If the other party is really stupid enough to take the bait...that's fine.

All the benefits given by the devil have a hidden price tag.

* *

‘Devil businessman? ’

Outside the Xiaolin Temple, Wei Xun had just introduced Lama Cuocai to other tourists, and returned to the tent with Snow Leopard to sort out the harvest of the scenic spot, when he received a report from Xiaocui.

Xiaocui said: ‘She gave me a magic crystal stone’

According to the inherited memory that Xiaocui received when she transformed into a female insect, this magic crystal contains very powerful energy, and it does not possess demonic energy. It is just a negative energy, which is particularly useful for females.

Most of the abyss underground demon ant clan builds their nests near the magic crystal veins and digs the magic crystal for the queen to eat.

Wei Xun didn't expect the other party to move so quickly... I'm afraid he got some convenience. After all, from the official start of the confrontation mission, the pendant held by Wei Xun will be affected by two characteristics.

[The expectations of King Shang Shung: The princess carries the purest blood of the kingdom in her belly and is the future of the kingdom. You will not be able to attack the pregnant princess! 】

[Princess’s Expectation: Princess Aurel has missed King Shang Hung her whole life. When you and the princess are within two kilometers, you cannot leave each other unless the two pendants become one! 】

These two items are not related to the curse. The curse falls on Xiao Cui, but these two characteristics will be affected if Wei Xun takes over the task and holds the pendant.

Although Xiao Cui's address is currently unknown, the confrontation between the East and West Districts is very clear. If the other party is from the West District, Xiao Cui must be from the East District. According to the opponent's actions to start testing now, he should be a strong and impatient person. There's a good chance he'll find the East End.

In reality, the East District includes many countries, but there are only two in the hotel, the East District and the West District. Wei Xun is traveling as a new traveler, and will return directly to the hotel after completing the journey.

If the other party was waiting for him at the East District Hotel, or went directly to the Xiangxiong Ruins to intercept the beard, then he would have to be prepared in advance.

Wei Xun said: 'It's useful for females... Can you sense the other person's gender? ’

Xiao Cui said honestly: ‘No’

Did the devil businessman use a special method to find out Xiao Cui's gender? Otherwise, why would she give the 'King' a magic crystal that was useful for females? Or did he think it was female from the name 'Xiao Cui'?

No, this is too hasty. The Devil Merchant should have other ways to confirm.

‘How did she give you the magic crystal? Can you communicate? ’

'No way...I feel like this is devil's bait'

Xiaocui analyzed rationally: 'The devil's bait targets the soul. She has a way to give things to me without direct contact.'

Then he paused and said, "Master, can I accept it?" ’

Wei Xun was preoccupied with grooming the snow leopard. When he heard this, he said curiously: 'You know this is bait, why do you still want to accept it? ’

‘My soul has been sold to the master’

Xiaocui said matter-of-factly: "Even if he wants to buy and sell my soul, I don't have a soul anymore."

Wei Xun listened to Xiaocui's explanation and quickly understood. Among the abyss demons, there are many who can buy and sell souls. They will design to hand over their items to the person who wants to abduct the soul. The so-called equal exchange, the most powerful ones can even buy the other party's soul with just one sentence.

But now Xiaocui and the devil merchant are in two places, and the other party can only use this method to send him gifts from a distance. If Xiaocui accepts his gift, then the devil merchant can buy one percent or a few tenths of his soul, depending on the value of the gift.

Xiaocui is a Falala-level female insect. A magic crystal can buy at most one-fiftieth of her soul.

And Xiaocui is Wei Xun's demon insect, which is equivalent to the great demon Wei Xun owning her soul. Therefore, even if Xiaocui accepts the magic crystal, its soul will not be sold directly, but will form a soul contract and fly to Wei Xun.

As long as Wei Xun is stronger than the other party, he can simply tear up the contract and deny it at all.

‘Is it so unreasonable? ’

Wei Xun smiled, and his pleasure was sensed by Snow Leopard. Snow Leopard straightened up and licked Wei Xun's cheek.

'Are you sure I am stronger than her? ’

Xiao Cui was sincere and complimented: "In terms of abyss power, the master is the strongest I have ever seen!" ’

‘Then take it’

Wei Xun also wanted to see the opponent's methods in advance. He should return from his journey in five days, and he would definitely face off against this devilish businessman. While the * * * love has not disappeared yet, even if the other party really has some powerful tricks, Wei Xun can still cheat.

Sure enough, just as Xiaocui said, less than a second after he took away the magic crystal, a soul contract appeared in front of Wei Xun. This was a contract that only he could see. The dim parchment-yellow contract was written with devil The words were written, and the demon merchant purchased one-fiftieth of Xiao Cui's soul with a magic crystal.

Wei Xun sensed that the energy contained in the contract was indeed not as strong as his. If Wei Xun wanted to, he could easily destroy it.

But once the soul contract is destroyed, the other party will also notice something strange.

‘If I don’t tear up the contract or sign it, what will happen to this soul contract? ’


This involves Xiaocui's blind spot. He thought for a while and said hesitantly: 'The master is stronger in the abyss than the devil merchant. If the master deducts the soul contract, the other party should not be able to sense it.'

‘Don’t you feel that the transaction was unsuccessful? ’

Xiaocui shook his head: 'When the contract was generated, the sale had already been completed, but it had not been settled yet... Many people who buy and sell souls would not settle it immediately, because once settled, if my soul is lost, I will lose my soul. I will also find that one-fiftieth of my soul can't do anything, it will only make me weaker.'

‘Then let’s see how much dowry the princess will give our king’

Wei Xun smiled and buttoned up the soul contract. Xiao Cui's face turned green with embarrassment as he cooperated with his teasing.

‘If the bride price given by the princess is enough... I can’t let her come to meet the king.’

After deducting the soul contract, Wei Xun turned his attention to the current journey. He gained a lot from Xiaolin Temple this time, including a gold pendant, a three-color magic fire, and a diamond lama body. If the fox cub hadn't swallowed Yang Qi and enlarged the abdominal capacity, I might not be able to hold it.

In terms of title, the title of adventurer really suits Wei Xun's heart. The only drawback is that the number of adventures is too few. It is now five o'clock in the morning, and the number of available adventures for both living and non-living things is zero. It will be at least after six o'clock to take risks again.

But one thing Wei Xun is very satisfied with is that the time limit for the number of adventures is refreshed according to the time of his first adventure. In other words, at 5:45 yesterday morning, Wei Xun took the risk of climbing rope for the first time. At 5:45 this morning, the number of adventures with non-life will be completely refreshed, regardless of whether Wei Xun did it yesterday or not. Exhausted times.

The number of adventures for living beings is calculated in the same way. Wei Xun's adventure against An Xuefeng at six o'clock yesterday will be refreshed at six o'clock this morning.

When the number of adventures was refreshed, Wei Xun's mind went over the total clues he had obtained from the beginning of the journey to now. The Zhangzhung ruins and Xiaolin Temple have been completed, and the only thing left is to go to the shore of Serinco Lake to seal the big devil.

But sealing the big devil is the ardent wish of the wrong Lama, and it is also the Manchu-Han banquet in Wei Xun's dream. But the main line of the journey is not in this aspect.

All the items in the main line of the journey were related to the Xiangxiong remnants, and when Wei Xun got the gold necklace, he learned a shocking secret, that is, starting from the unknown generation of Xiangxiong King, he was no longer the pure blood of the Golden-winged Dapeng family. , Queen Li Dai Tao Jiang allowed herself and her adulterer's son to ascend the throne of Xiangxiong.

This is definitely a very critical point in the main plot of the hotel. When he devoured the demon's shadow in the Nine-Layered Swastika Crystal Tower, Wei Xun could roughly confirm that the eagle flute made of the right wing of the golden-winged roc was in the hands of the original demon of Serincuo. Counting this, four of the five items that need to be collected for the main line of the journey have been collected. As for the last one, Wei Xun believes that it must be related to the introduction of the eagle flute successor.

The descendant of the Eagle Flute has lost all his ghost hair, leaving only the parasitic wasp controlled by Wei Xun. Everything is under control.

But Wei Xun still cautiously asked Lama Cuocha.

"Gandan Baiju..."

When Lama Cuocai heard Wei Xun mention this name, he was stunned for a moment, and then showed a wry smile.

"Amala said she had been preventing Gandan Baiju from going to Qiongzong Mountain."

Wei Xun closely observed Lama Cuocao's expression and said something shocking: "What is the relationship between Gandan Baiju and the Xiangxiong remnants?"

"So you have discovered it... you are worthy of being a demon slayer."

Lama Cuocai sighed and told Wei Xun everything without hiding anything.

Lama Tsocha sealed Xiaolin Temple thirty-three years ago. A few decades ago, Amala, the guardian of the sacred mountain, brought a sick Tibetan teenager to Xiaolin Temple to find Lama Tsocha.

Amala said that he was the last member of the bloodline of King Shang Hung. Because he had been sick since birth, Amala was afraid that he would not survive, so she thought of the past traditions and wanted to store the boy's personal belongings in Xiaolin Temple. The third floor of the Sutra Cave is for praying for young people.

The Shang Shung dynasty died more than a thousand years ago, and it seems incredible that the blood of King Shang Shung is still alive. However, Amala and her family have been guarding the sacred mountain for generations. Their ancestors were Queen Shang Shung's most trusted maids, and they have great respect for her. If so, Lama Tsecha still believes it.

In fact, when the Shang Shung dynasty was still around, I don’t know which generation started, the king no longer put personal belongings in the Buddhist scripture cave of Xiaolin Temple. Amala did this just to wish Gandan Baiju a healthy and safe life.

But something strange happened. Gandan Baiju’s personal belongings could not be put into the third floor of the Sutra Cave.


Lama Cuocha didn't say it directly, he just shook his head, but Wei Xun understood what he meant - Gandan Baiju was not the bloodline of King Xiangxiong.

I am afraid that since the generation of King Xiangxiong who no longer kept personal belongings in Xiaolin Temple, they are no longer pure bloodline of the Golden Winged Dapeng Familia.

Not to mention that Amala couldn't believe it. How could the bloodline that had been guarded for generations suddenly no longer be the bloodline of King Shang Hung? Gandan Baiju couldn’t believe it at all!

"Gandan Baiju ran down the mountain, and I don't know what happened next. What happened next..."

Later, the demon revived, Xiaolin Temple was destroyed by the demonic fire, and the wrong lama sealed the demonic fire and sacrificed it. Except for Amala and Gandan Baiju, no one knows about the past events of that year.

This is the difficulty of the main line of the journey. Amala is not in the scenic spot at all. From the Shangshung Ruins onwards, tourists can no longer find Amala to verify this past event. If Wei Xun had not rescued the errant lama, he would not have been sacrificed, and he would not have been able to learn this past event from the lama's mouth.

Wei Xun understood clearly. Looking back after knowing the previous situation, Gan Dan Bai Ju did only two things. The first is to prove that he is the purest bloodline of King Shang Hung.

The second is if you can't prove it, then change yourself into the blood of King Shang Hung - as for how to change, you have to ask the devil.

The various primitive sacrificial relics in Wenbunan Village may be Gandan Baiju's sacrifices to the devil. Why the seal in Serincuo Lake suddenly cracked more than thirty years ago is probably related to the successor of the eagle flute.

Or how could the descendant of the Eagle Flute be swept away by the demonic energy the day before yesterday and brought to the shore of Serincuo Lake? There is definitely a connection between him and the original devil.

Then Wei Xun's goal was also clear, to purify the successor of the Eagle Flute - if he could still be saved, he would be purified alive. If his connection with the devil is too deep, he will die to be purified.

"Six o'clock..."

Wei Xun chatted with Lama Cuocha again about the 'Snow Leopard Protector', and when he returned to the tent, the number of adventures for both adventures had been refreshed. They will set off for Selinco at 7:30 this morning without stopping to rest along the way. They will arrive at the lakeside campsite at about 3 am.

The drive is long, and the demon has resurrected, so there may be various dangers along the way. So Wei Xun had to figure out one thing before setting off.

"What happened to your teeth marks?"

In the tent, Wei Xun held up the snow leopard's big head, faced its pure and clear gray-blue eyes, smiled and whispered word by word: "Xue, leopard, protector?"

The snow leopard tooth mark on his left wrist is still not gone. If it is just the snow leopard's special identity... you must know that the other half of the tooth mark is a * * * thorn pattern.

When Wei Xun fell into a mental storm before, it was the snow leopard that kept biting his hand, but Wei Xun didn't pay attention at the time. But now that I think about it, how could Snow Leopard keep him connected to reality? Even its fang marks can prevent any evil spirit or any curse from invading his body?

The snow leopard's tooth marks and the * * * thorn patterns each account for half, no more and no less.

If they were equal...

‘What the hell are you’

Wei Xun whispered in his heart and pressed his forehead against Snow Leopard's:


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