Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 104 Exploring the Secrets of Northern Tibet (47)

Few people can see the dark black flame, which is almost integrated with the surrounding darkness, but there are dots of light on the flame like stars. At first glance, it looks like many fine pearls that sometimes converge and sometimes surge, which looks a bit... Like black sesame paste studded with diamonds.

Especially when Wei Xun approached, the dark flame was suppressed lower and lower, and almost all the fine starlight was extinguished and disappeared. It shook very violently, and the line of fire was twisted and deformed. When Wei Xun let the fox cub swallow it, Black Flame almost couldn't wait to escape into the fox cub's belly and huddled in the crystal glass bottle next to its good brother Hong Yan.

Without the raging demonic fire, the ruins of the side hall of Xiaolin Temple were extremely dark. This darkness is completely lightless, penetrating black. In this boundless darkness, it is very easy for people to lose their sense of direction and time. There seems to be some terrifying monster hidden in the depths of the darkness, peeking out with malicious intent, and an invisible pressure falling on the nerves, which can bring down the mentally fragile people. Drive crazy.

But Wei Xun still never forgets to train himself. He only agrees to get dressed when the constant whispering in his ears distorts his spirit and becomes unbearable. This temporary dark green cloak was the tour guide's cloak that Wei Xun had collected from Ding Yi before. Only the tour guide's cloak was absolutely clean and would not be contaminated by dust or dirt.

When putting away his cloak, Wei Xun looked at his left wrist thoughtfully. The snow leopard's tooth mark has not dissipated, and the mark is really strange. There is no redness or swelling around it. There are only bright red marks on the pale skin. It looks more like some kind of special and cruel tattoo, and the color seems to be darker than before.

When he was taking off his clothes just now, his left wrist was burned. Wei Xun was temporarily unable to determine whether it was the influence of the snow leopard's tooth marks or the reaction of the thorn marks. It seemed that when he was trying to put on and take off clothes in the tent before, his left wrist was always slightly hot, but at that time all Wei Xun's willpower was gone. Used to fight against the whispers and have no time to care.

Wei Xun quickly put on his clothes and walked to the second floor of the Sutra Cave of Xiaolin Temple. It was clear that the demonic fire in the wanton temple had disappeared, but the sense of strong and evil danger was even stronger. The entire Xiaolin Temple was crumbling. When Wei Xun was on the road, he even saw a twisted and changing scene outside the broken temple wall—— The seal of Xiaolin Temple is breaking!

The real Xiaolin Temple, which has been sealed for hundreds of years, is about to be revealed to reality!


When Wei Xun arrived at the first floor of the Buddhist Scripture Cave, he had already heard a thunderous explosion, crackling like firecrackers and chasing after it, making people upset. The darkness swallowed up all the light, and there was demonic energy everywhere. There is only a faint white light, which is the light of Dharma when Lama Tsocha recites sutras.

It's just that this Dharma light was constantly eroded and weakened by the demonic energy, and became shaky. In contrast, the body of the lama sitting on the golden Dharma Wheel throne became green-faced and fanged, completely transformed into a demon.

Several thin arms stretched out from under his ribs and waist, and his chest sunk downwards more and more, as if his ribs were wrapped in a layer of shriveled skin. A purple-black halo circulated, and ferocious and evil demonic energy was continuously released. It was as if The demonic energy was as terrifying as a tsunami.

The purple-red Zhongyan, who controls countless demons, begins to riot!

However, under the increasingly powerful impact and pollution of the demonic energy, the Dharma light on Lama Cuocao, which was originally as weak as a candle in the wind, became brighter and brighter. The more critical and dangerous the situation, the more tenacious he became. This is the practice of Lama Cuocao. A strong will honed over hundreds of years!

However, what it overdraws is the last mana in the soul of Lama Chongcha. If there is enough time, Lama Chongcha can wear away the magic flame, but now the unblocking of Xiaolin Temple is imminent. If it continues, Lama Congcha may explode in order to prevent the magic flame from leaking. All the power perished together with the demonic flames.

But now the situation has changed and Wei Xun has entered the battlefield! The raging demonic energy crazily impacted his five senses, and his ears echoed with crazy laughter and charming soft laughter. What demons have always been best at is mentally twisting and contaminating their enemies, thereby devouring their souls.

However, Wei Xun found that the devil's whisper was so vague that it was like a layer of glass, and it was intermittently unable to affect him at all. This is Wei Xun's performance under the murmurs of * * * several times. He can withstand the extremely polluting murmurs of * * *. It will be in vain for the devil to try to seduce him with magic sounds!

Wei Xun penetrated the heavy demonic energy at an incredible speed and reached directly in front of the lama's body. The narrow crystal knife appeared. Wei Xun held the knife in both hands and cut off the two new demonic hands that had grown out of the lama's body!


The demon phantom that was fighting with the Error Lama screamed in anger and pain, but it was premeditated. The Lama's body cracked from the middle like a torn cocoon. The golden throne under it collapsed at the same time, and the Error Lama was swallowed up by the backlash. His face turned pale, and the Dharma light around his body suddenly became unstable and weak.

"No, the seal is broken!"

The lama hissed anxiously, and all the magic power was condensed on the vajra and swung towards the demonic body, but the demonic flames showed no resistance. Only a small part of the demonic energy was torn away by the vajra, while the vast majority of the demonic energy came crashing down like a waterfall. They want to break away from the lama's body and attack Wei Xun to seize a new body!

'adventure! ’

Wei Xun's eyes were sharp. Although Moyan's move was tantamount to throwing himself into a trap, he could take out the lamp and subdue him in minutes. But if the demonic flames were to escape completely, the lama's body would probably be destroyed by the demonic energy draining away all his vitality.

Wei Xun directly touched the demonic flame with his hand, trying to push it back into the lama's body. At the same time, he looked at the lama's body where the demonic energy was unbalanced and on the verge of being broken. This body was the key to making the blood ladybug move. Wei Xun treated a dead horse as a living horse. Doctor, risk it directly.

[The adventure was successful! The Lama's body has its own consciousness! ]


Before Wei Xun had time to see the Lama's body change, something unexpected happened. The devil flame wrapped around Wei Xun's left hand and was about to invade his body, but the next second it screamed and was directly pulled out like a purple gyroscope.

Large tracts of black devil energy melted away like ice and snow, and the entire second floor of the Sutra Cave was instantly cleared. Even the purple core devil flame was fading, and the devil energy was getting lighter and lighter, and it was about to dissipate directly!

At this moment, the Lama's body suddenly stretched out his skinny arms and held the purple devil flame. The devil flame that was about to dissipate was like grabbing the last straw and drilled directly into the Lama's body. But then it screamed in horror:

'Let go, let me out! ’

Wei Xun saw purple light emitting from the eyes of the Lama body, and it stopped cracking. The Lama body, which had self-awareness, actually had the instinct to survive and wanted to swallow the purple fire to save itself. The moment Wei Xun looked at it, the Lama body climbed up from the throne like a mummy spider, and two skinny demon arms shot at Wei Xun and the Cuocha Lama like sharp arrows.

But it turned around and ran away at a very fast speed!

How could Wei Xun let it do what it wanted! He turned sideways to avoid the demon arm, and flicked his fingers, and two flames, one red and one black, fell directly on the Lama body. The attraction between the demon flames far exceeded the control of the Lama's body.

At this moment, it was the Lama's body that screamed, and it turned into a burning three-color torch. No matter how it twisted, it could not escape the burning of the demon fire.

If the three demon flames were to merge again, even if Wei Xun collected them with a lamp at the fastest speed, I am afraid that the Lama's body would have been burned to charcoal long ago.

So when Wei Xun ejected the two flames, he also ejected the blood ladybug.

The lama's body couldn't be saved, so he could only squeeze out its last value at this moment, and eat as many blood ladybugs as he could. If it didn't wake up, it would be destined to be the lama's body.

Wei Xun had already opened the treasure box and taken out the lamp. The lamp was small and exquisite, made of a whole piece of white crystal. The base was a magic ore interwoven with black and emerald green. The gold wire was like a vine, winding around the bottom of the lamp from the base, interweaving with the silver wire in the middle. The gold and silver filaments outlined a swastika Buddha shape, making the lamp exquisite and solemn, just like a precious magic weapon, and its wick was a wisp of condensed and undispersed original magic energy.


As soon as Wei Xun took out the lamp, he heard three screams almost simultaneously from the lama's body, followed by a black, red and purple fireball that fled out of the lama's body in a panic like a kicked ball.

This scene looked a bit familiar. Wei Xun turned on the lamp and reached out to hug it. The panicked three-color magic fire sensed the familiar origin of the magic energy. It didn't care about anything else and went straight into the lamp. It fell on the magic wick in shock. Before they could sit down, Wei Xun turned off the lamp with a click and took it back into the fox cub's belly. Then Wei Xun's eyes moved to the lama's body. Even if the magic fire was lost, the lama's body did not collapse, but it was trembling slightly, and the surface was very obvious. The purple-black face of the lama's body turned into scarlet blood. It seemed that its whole body was gradually melting into blood, and the strong smell of blood was suffocating. "Lama, what's going on?" Wei Xun helped the wrong lama up and asked first. As long as he asked quickly enough, the blame would not fall on him. "This, this is..."

The Cuocha Lama was also stunned, and hesitantly said: "Legend has it that the center of the earth is Weimo Longren, where the souls return. But those demons and evil souls have no place to return after death, and can only suffer the cruel winds of the world until they dissipate. But the Buddha has the means of Vajra Thunder, and also has a compassionate heart."

"The brother of the Buddha Dunba Xinrao, Ganpu Xinrao Buddha, was willing to give the sinful souls a chance to reform, so he turned his body into a nine-layer blood pool. From then on, demons and evil spirits will fall into the nine-layer blood pool. If they can withstand the training of the blood pool and sincerely repent, they will have the opportunity to return to Weimo Longren..."

But this, the Cuocha Lama himself felt that the explanation was far-fetched, but the story of human body turning into blood is the only one that can be interpreted in the scriptures.

Wei Xun knew that the change in the lama's body was caused by the blood ladybug, which was owned by the bee Taoist. It was mysterious and special, but it was inevitable that it would be recognized by the audience outside the venue. If he recognized it, even if no one would associate the blood ladybug with him, it would be inconvenient for Wei Xun to use it in the future.


It was not enough to just use the wrong lama to fish in troubled waters, Wei Xun simply took another risk on the lama's body. Although the blood ladybug was a living thing, the lama's body was still a ‘non-living thing’.

[The risk was successful! The lama's body degenerated into a mummy! ]

It was really hard to explain that a bloody corpse that was bleeding madly suddenly solidified and shrank and turned into a mummy.

Wei Xun calmly asked the wrong lama: “Then how do you explain this?”


The wrong lama's eyes were straight and speechless.

Wei Xun had been paying attention to the lama's body. Seeing that it was shriveled and gradually began to fill up, with signs of blood seeping out, Wei Xun took a few more risks for the sake of safety.


[The risk was successful! The lama's body turned into a frozen corpse! ]

“Lama, this…”


[The risk was successful! Lama's body evolved into a glacial crystal zombie! 】

At this moment, the crystal clear body of the lama finally stopped bleeding. But Wei Xun could faintly sense that Blood Ladybug's mood was getting higher and higher. It was activated by the feast of various corpses and began to revive from its dormant state. It can be seen that it is naturally fond of all kinds of corpses.

No, this won't work. As long as it's in a corpse state, I'm afraid it will still be turned into blood by the blood ladybug in the end. Wei Xun has made several attempts and found that except for the first adventure, which made the lama's body have consciousness, the other adventure effects are based on the properties of the lama's body itself, transforming it into various corpses.

It would be great if the lama's body could be transformed into a non-corpse state, but it's a pity that the direction of the adventure cannot be controlled... Is it really impossible to control it with thoughts?

Should I save it for one last chance to take risks, or take another gamble?

Wei Xun decided to take the risk again. During his adventures he kept thinking about the non-corpse state, the non-corpse state.


The tips from the hostel are so different!

[You have taken ten adventures on inanimate objects, and your adventure experience has increased! 】

【Adventure successful! The lama's body turned into a diamond! 】


The diamond is actually in a similar state to the glacier crystal corpse. Even its appearance has not changed much, it is all shiny. But for the blood ladybug, it is fundamentally different.


Wei Xun heard a strange slow muffled sound. The muffled sound rang in Wei Xun's mind, like some kind of slow Morse code, which only sounded once after a while. Wei Xun listened patiently several times before determining the source of the sound.

This is actually the first consciousness that Blood Ladybug has actively conveyed!

What did Blood Ladybug say?

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