Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 1046 Tomb of the Tusi King (5)

The deep forest is gloomy, the cold wind is solemn, and a halo of light in the depths of darkness leaps forward, very fast, dragging out a trail of light.

Even with people on his back and running at this speed on the mountain road, An Xuefeng ran very steadily. Yi Ling rode on his back, feeling that the taut muscles under her body were as hard and powerful as rocks, and the hands holding him were as steady as iron. Carrying Yi Ling was as easy as carrying a paper figure.

Where did An Xuefeng come from? Is he still a human being?

Yi Ling was dissatisfied. He originally held An Xuefeng's shoulders tightly, but his hands were sore at first. He simply grabbed the man's collar, tightened it harshly, and strangled An Xuefeng's neck. Who would have thought that the running man didn't react at all, his breathing was still steady, and he even straightened up a little - An Xuefeng was over 1.9 meters tall, and Yi Ling refused to lie on his back honestly, insisting on deliberately straightening his waist. Pressing his shoulders, he lifted himself up, like riding a horse, very restless.

With such a superposition, Yi Ling's head was even higher than An Xuefeng's, standing out from the crowd, and then Yi Ling's head was almost swept by branches protruding from both sides of the mountain road. Those leaves were fluttering over his head, and the branches that even Miao Fangfei couldn't touch with her feet could stick to Yi Ling's face as long as he raised his face. Even if Yi Ling quickly leaned down, he still inevitably touched some of them. Leaves, this made his expression change drastically.

The thick darkness is like tar wrapped around the dead leaves. The cold wind blowing through the leaves makes the rustling sound seem sticky and greasy. Anyone who touches the leaves will definitely be crushed on the head by the dead leaves. This is no less than a mysophobia for a germophobe. A big fight. Even though Yi Ling has a special status, these black leaves that are deadly to ordinary people are harmless to him and will not even stick to his body. They just fall down along the snow-white hair, but Yi Ling still feels like It felt as if he had been pushed into a quagmire and rolled around.

Seeing the dark leaf swaying, it was about to fall on top of An Xuefeng's head. But as if he had some sixth sense, An Xuefeng, who was running, suddenly swerved to the side, avoiding the leaf, but causing it to almost float back to Yi Ling.

This person definitely did it on purpose.


Yi Ling clicked his tongue and turned sideways to avoid the leaves. He felt more and more unhappy, but at the same time he felt a little interested.

I have never seen such good skills before. This An Xuefeng is really interesting, but I don't know how many days he can survive. For a person with such strong vitality, the mountain god must love to eat it.

Don't die before he can take revenge. Yi Ling is very vengeful.

"Can everyone in the family keep up? Then let's speed up a little more."

Although the corner of his mouth turned down, Yi Ling's tone had an inexplicable feeling of excitement: "The situation is a bit bad, the funeral drums are ringing, someone died tonight, we have to avoid the funeral procession."

"When running, please take your luggage with you and don't leave it behind. Remember to stay within the light range and don't deviate from the mountain road."

"What mourning drum? Something is chasing us."

An Xuefeng frowned and sped up after listening to Yi Ling's words. At the same time, he gave an order: "Fei Bai, you go to the front to explore the way. Peng Pai, you go to the back. Don't let everyone fall behind. Just hold on. We will arrive at the B\u0026B soon." ”

"Zero Guide, please show me the way."

"Why, Mr. An still uses me to guide you?"

Yi Ling smiled casually, with a soft voice that sounded a little sinister: "I think Mr. An is more suitable to be this guide than me. After all, I can't run with my family in the dark like you."

"The lights were too dim just now. I was afraid something would happen and I had no choice but to offend you. I'm sorry."

An Xuefeng didn't answer the question, and actually apologized first. His eyes shone faintly in the darkness, and his pupils enlarged, turning from human eyes into a pair of animal eyes! However, An Xuefeng had tried it just now when he was leading the way. His tiger eyes, which were supposed to be able to see things in the dark, were unable to see through things in the darkness at all. The eyesight is better than that of human beings, but they can only see clearly what is within the light range.

For example, if the mountain road at his feet was illuminated by dim lights, An Xuefeng could see the mountain road clearly. And the darkness that cannot be reflected by the lights on the left and right sides - even the lights do not shine much, but An Xuefeng just can't see through the darkness at all.

"I heard something making noises on both sides of the mountain road just now. I felt it was too dangerous, so I started running with everyone."

An Xuefeng said in a deep voice: "Zero Guide, can you see anything in the darkness?"

"Can't you see Mr. An?"

Yi Ling's soft voice was like an entrenched poisonous snake, coming from behind An Xuefeng, giving off a chill. It was obviously a nice voice, but it was not so friendly when it was said, with a bit of deliberate surprise: "There are people in the darkness. There is...that kind of thing."

"Wha, what?"

Yu Hehui, who could barely keep up with An Xuefeng's speed, asked nervously out of breath, almost losing his glasses as he ran. Speaking of which, he works out regularly at home and even runs a marathon. However, this is running on a mountain road with a mountaineering bag and suitcase under dim light. The difficulty is completely different! Not to mention that there is always a terrifying chill in the darkness around them, as if some ghost is staring at the visitor with evil intentions, which makes Yu Hehui tense all the time and consumes far more than normal running.

But before An Xuefeng spoke, no one felt that something was chasing them in the darkness. However, after An Xuefeng spoke, almost everyone could faintly hear the voice.

"Crack, bang."

It's like a spinning wheel running over dead branches and rolling on the uneven mountain road. This rolling sound can be heard in front, behind, left and right.

It seemed like something was rolling with them, but no one could see it.

Even An Xuefeng couldn't see the darkness clearly. No one could see the darkness clearly, so only the guide Yi Ling could solve their puzzles. However, Yi Ling said: "It's best if you can't see it. If you heard some sounds just now, then don't listen carefully."

Yi Ling said paradoxically: "When you hear, see, and think about it, people will gradually be assimilated by the things in the dark, and you will be dragged into the dark world without knowing it."

"So just look at the light and listen to my directions."

Look at the light and listen to Yi Ling's guidance?

The words passed through Miao Fangfei's mind, but she had no time to think. Miao Fangfei was running desperately, and the buzzing sound of golden silkworms that only she could hear rang in Miao Fangfei's ears, resisting the sound of drums that sounded at an unknown time.



The strange sound that once sounded in the darkness in the distance rang again, louder and smaller, vague and dull. This time the sound was very close, closer to them, as if they were right next to them - this was not a heartbeat, but the sound of a drum. ! Is this the mourning drum? Who died and who was at the funeral? Is it a person who dies, or is it a person who is buried?

However, no one dared to speak now. Lu Shucheng, who was running in front, already had a gun in her hand. The gun she was carrying in the bag behind her was indeed a gun! But the firepower couldn't bring her the slightest sense of security, and when they ran, the feeling of thick darkness around them was different. If the darkness before only made people instinctively feel fear and panic, reason issued warnings, and instincts felt danger, then there seems to be something more concrete, evil and cold in the darkness now.

Something was really rolling with them.

"Crack, bang."

Wang Yushu opened his eyes wide in fear. He didn't dare to look around. He only dared to stare at Mao Xiaole in front of him and run away quickly. He pretended not to hear anything and repeatedly chanted about Bodhisattva's blessing and Buddha's blessing, as if he could resist in this way. The sound of the mourning drum that resounded in his mind—the sound of the drum was wrong, it was beating like a soulless drum, and it shouldn't be beaten like this.

He wanted to play the drum, he should play the drum. This weird and terrifying thought had been born in Wang Yushu's heart since the continuous sound of the funeral drum, and it became more and more urgent, as if it was his own lifelong wish - what? Lifelong wish! Get out of here, I don't know how to play the drums! Wang Yushu, who has experienced some supernatural events, knows that this may be the call of a ghost, just like when you are walking in a deserted alley in the middle of the night and suddenly hear someone calling your name from behind.

Once you really look back, once he really can't control himself and wants to play the drum, it's over!

"There's something dirty, Xiaole, there's something dirty!"

Wang Yushu gasped, his voice sounding like it was forced out from between his teeth: "Don't, don't look around, this thing is tricky!"

But before he spoke, Mao Xiaole had already opened his yin and yang eyes. That's right, he has a pair of yin and yang eyes, and he can see some gods and ghosts without the help of cow's tears, willow leaves, grave soil or the like. However, "seeing" is not necessarily a good thing. Human sight has weight. When you see a ghost, the ghost also "sees" you, and you will fall into the world of ghosts.

To be precise, Mao Xiaole's pair of yin and yang eyes are like provocation skills, watching for ghosts and ghosts to come, which makes Mao Xiaole extremely cautious every time he opens his eyes. But it didn't work this time. The darkness around them, the sound of drums, and the rolling sounds that had been following them all gave Mao Xiaole an unprecedented sense of crisis. When the wind of death passed by his neck, even the dullest person would feel great terror.

In the great terror, Mao Xiaole opened his yin and yang eyes, and held two remaining talismans tightly in his hands, ready to trigger thunder to crush the darkness as soon as the ghosts pounced. But the next second he opened his eyes, his hair stood on end and cold sweat broke out on his back.

Unable to see, he saw nothing. His eyes could only see where there was light, and his yin and yang eyes could not see what was chasing them in the darkness.

Not a ghost.

what is that?

Something scarier than a ghost.

It was unimaginable, unimaginable. Mao Xiaole's eyes widened and his breathing almost stopped. He wanted to close his eyes, but his five senses were instinctively raised to the highest level. A good swimmer drowned in the water. The more people who have been exposed to supernatural and terrifying existences, the more they can imagine the horror. The darkness gradually became blurred in his perception. Gradually, Mao Xiaole seemed to see the people rolling behind them on the mountain road. round object.

They were taller than people, their leather surfaces were stained with ashes, and the drumheads were vibrating abnormally, as if someone was beating a drum inside - what was rolling with them turned out to be a drum! One, two, three, four, five, six, seven... Mao Xiaole saw ten drums in total, which corresponded to the number of their tourists. Each drum stood upright and rolled, taller than people, like extremely high walls, trapping them on the narrow mountain road.

If these drums fell down, they would definitely be crushed to death.

When this thought flashed through his mind, Mao Xiaole suddenly became alert. No, you shouldn't think like this! But he was too slow to come to his senses, and the big drum that sandwiched them was exactly what Mao Xiaole thought, and it fell heavily in their direction. He hurt the whole team!


In an instant, Mao Xiaole shouted loudly, threw up the remaining talisman and pointed to direct the thunder to strike the drum. However, in the next second, a chill hit his cheeks.


It was like thunder exploding in the ears, but it was not the sound of thunder talisman. A long scarlet whip was drawn from the air like a snake. The whip licked the side of Mao Xiaole's face, like a flame, and the coolness turned into burning pain in an instant. , his head was buzzing, and Mao Xiaole, who was slapped in the face by the whip, was shaken. After being shocked, he looked up again, only to see that all the 'big drums' around him had disappeared. The darkness was still dark, and nothing could be seen. And he was being dragged away by Wang Yushu, almost being swallowed by the darkness.

"I'll say it again."

Yi Ling's voice came from the front. Mao Xiaole, who had not yet recovered, stumbled and ran after Wang Yushu, subconsciously looking ahead. The white-haired guide who was being carried by An Xuefeng did not look back. He put one hand on An Xuefeng's shoulder and lowered his other hand. The sleeves of the broad monk's robe were rolled up, and a scarlet whip was wrapped around the exposed arm. The whip that had not yet been wrapped hung down slightly like a snake's tail, and was stained with blood.

His blood.

But Yi Ling's voice was the same as before. He didn't blame Mao Xiaole, nor did he scare anyone. He just said softly: "Family members, just look at the lights and listen to my directions."

"Don't think about it, don't look at it—"

"Just look at me."

"I will take everyone to a safe place."

The author has something to say

Sorry for being late, dears! Let the swollen-faced Xiaole give out five hundred red envelopes to everyone, bow!

It’s Xunxun who plays with the whip! In fact, the whip is transformed into a vampire knife~

Mom, your whip has been inherited by a good child!

Director Hong:.

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