Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 1045 Tomb of the Tusi King (4)

Unexpectedly, the guide Yi Ling was a very wicked and willful person. He had such distinct emotions that the inhumanity of Yi Ling, who had white hair and was blindfolded, was reduced and he became more like a living person. It's not like the puppets or ghosts that Wang Pengpai and the others secretly guessed at first, which is a good thing from this aspect - this is not a good thing!

The guide Yi Ling who revealed his true nature is really difficult to deal with.

Wang Pengpai was suppressed by his smiling comment that he didn't like the smell of cigarettes. Miao Fangfei quickly picked up the topic and asked: "Director Ling, do you wear cassock because you believe in Buddhism?"

The large cassock was not suitable for hiking in the forest, especially since Guide Ling was wearing a pair of cloth shoes, and it didn't look like he was walking on a mountain road. Miao Fangfei was still a little scared of Yi Ling and did not dare to directly ask him if he could walk faster. She wanted to test this aspect in a tactful way. Is it more dangerous if they walk faster in the forest at their current speed and disturb the darkness, or... Or is it just because the zero guide is not moving fast, so it is this speed.

Although the latter sounds outrageous, Miao Fangfei inexplicably felt that anything could happen to Yi Ling when she thought that Director Zero had hissed at the beginning so that everyone did not dare to speak and think wildly. It turned out that it was just because he hated the smell of cigarettes.

Maybe he just doesn't want to leave quickly!

But Yi Ling didn't follow her routine at all and said, "No, I don't believe in Buddhism." This killed all her subsequent topics. But Miao Fangfei was very strong. She just smiled awkwardly, and then continued to change the topic: "Then why are you wearing a cassock? I thought the local guide would wear local Tujia costumes. Haha, does the cassock have any special meaning?"

"Of course, you know, although the Tujia people believe in many gods, worshiping nature, totems, ancestors, and various hunting gods and mountain gods, later Taoism, Buddhism and Christianity were introduced successively, and the Tujia people's beliefs also emerged had a certain impact*”

Yi Ling seemed to have finally regained his professionalism as a guide. He smiled and introduced the Tujia people's beliefs. Yu Hehui, the archeology professor next to him, pushed up his glasses and his eyes brightened: "Yes, I have read an article before. The most important thing is that the Buddhist culture of Mount Fanjing is influenced by the Tujia culture in the Yinjiang Tujia and Miao Autonomous County. The local Tujia people generally worship Guanyin Bodhisattva, and the Bodhisattva has a higher status among the local Tujia people. There are very few real monks, but there are many who dress up as laypeople——"

"I have never seen this kind of cassock you are wearing."

Wan Xiangchun interrupted the instructor who couldn't help but talk endlessly when talking about folk customs, and sharply asked the key point: "The black and red cassock, is this the symbol of the Mount Worship Cult?"

The original meaning of the word "cassock" in Sanskrit is messy and improper. Many colors are mixed together to form a cassock. The Buddha asked his disciples to wear cassocks to transform themselves into themselves. He asked everyone to wear cassocks made of fabrics of various colors. Don't be attached or greedy, and your heart will be pure.

And pure colors, such as the five correct colors of 'green, yellow, red, white, and black', are not as good as the Dharma and should not be the color of the cassock. Including the pure black Hai Qingyi inside Yi Ling's cassock - that is, the wide-sleeved coat inside the cassock. Generally speaking, there are more khaki and brown colors, and the pure black Hai Qingyi itself is not legal.

However, there are many different opinions from ancient times to the present. Black has now become a common color for Hai Qingyi. There are also black monks' robes in Japan, but black and red cassocks are still extremely rare, or Wan Xiangchun's research I have never seen it before, it definitely has some special meaning!

"Oh, the cassock you are wearing is really majestic."

Wan Xiangchun's tone was a bit aggressive. Wang Pengpai was worried that he would offend Yi Ling, so he suppressed his initial depression and laughed to make up for it. He was also curious: "Do our worshiping mountain cultivators also wear cassocks?"

"No, this is not the robe that is the symbol of the Mountain Worship Cult."

Yi Ling answered Wan Xiangchun's question first, and then smiled at Wang Pengpai: "Of course, of course, the family's Hai Qingyi has been prepared and is in the B\u0026B where we will stay tonight. It's just that not everyone wears cassocks." Everything can be worn.”

"Oh? Then what kind of person does it take to wear a cassock? Can Yi Ling guide you?"

Yi Ling said with profound meaning: "Yes, in the entire Baishan Sect, I am the only one wearing this black and red cassock——"

Hearing what he said, Wang Pengpai rolled his eyes, Wan Xiangchun and Mao Xiaole looked solemn, and Miao Fangfei also thought in her heart. Sure enough, Yi Ling is definitely not a small role. This kind of momentum, this kind of dress, this kind of mystery with a black cloth blindfold, he is definitely a high-ranking member of the Mountain Worship Sect! Especially this cassock... I don't know if it's a stereotype. An old man wearing a cassock looks like an abbot. A white-haired young man like Ling Dao wears a cassock and looks like a cult leader!

He can't really be the leader of the Baishan Cult. Help. The people around were silent for a moment, and even An Xuefeng, Lu Shucheng and others who were exploring the way in front turned around to look, with solemn expressions on their faces. Everyone came to worship the Mountain Cult for their own purposes. They haven't even entered Wuluo Mountain yet, they just wanted to find out something from Yi Ling first. They didn't expect that he would self-destruct so early, which made everyone feel unsure. In the center of this silent and tense atmosphere, Yi Ling's temperament, holding the lamp, seemed to suddenly become evil, terrifying, and unpredictable. The dim and flickering light cast shadows on his face, making the corners of his raised lips look inexplicably eerie and sinister.


There was a faint sound in the darkness in the distance. It was not clear, but it seemed like it was just the sound of their violent heartbeats. Wang Yushu couldn't help but swallowed. Forced by the tense atmosphere, he subconsciously grabbed the backpack behind Mao Xiaole and stared wide-eyed in the darkness. And at this time of high tension, when using all the senses to capture Yi Ling's movements, even though the guide Yi Ling still spoke softly, the voice was like thunder in human ears. He said:

"——I wear this black and red cassock, of course because it looks the most handsome. No one in the Baishan Cult is more fashionable than me."


ah? ? ? ?

This person, this person definitely did it on purpose! Isn't this a joke? If one time is not enough, why should we do it a second time? Everyone present was not very good-tempered. Wang Pengpai was not the only one who had a hard fist, but everyone was holding back. Seeing that no one said anything, Yi Ling pretended to be surprised: "Why, you are all from big cities outside. Don't you know that many of the evil cult leaders in the comics dress like me?"

At this moment, he seemed to be talking about the leader again, but Wang Pengpai was calm and expressionless after hearing this. He just laughed a few times in his heart and did not believe Yi Ling's nonsense at all. Miao Fangfei was still unyielding and followed his words to dig out information. : "Ah, indeed, I have seen a popular anime before. The leader of the evil cult in it is wearing a cassock, and your hairstyle is very similar to his, haha ​​- so is there internet access in this mountain? There should be a signal, I still want to continue watching the drama.”

"Of course the Internet is connected, and your mobile phones have signals."

Yi Ling smiled with interest, and used his free hand to twist the white hair hanging around his face: "Not only the cassock, white hair is also a standard feature of popular anime characters."

"That's right...and there are also people there who are blindfolded."

She actually discussed anime with Yi Ling. Miao Fangfei felt complicated. She glanced at her watch and was secretly worried. Just now, everyone was thinking of ways to talk to Yi Ling. He completely controlled the rhythm and didn't pay attention to the time at all. In the blink of an eye, they had been chatting for almost five minutes. Although their walking speed did not slow down, it was almost impossible to reach the B\u0026B in time at this speed unless they started running——

"Really? There is also a blindfolded person in the animation. His eyes should be very beautiful, right? What color are they?"

Yi Ling's voice suddenly sounded, as close as if it was in her ear. Miao Fangfei didn't react. When she wanted to answer Lan, she subconsciously turned her head and looked sideways, only to see Yi Ling right beside her. His transparent face was very close to her, and his fairy-like white hair was almost touching her face. side. Miao Fangfei's pupils suddenly shook, and she swallowed the words in her mouth. She had never been so close to a man! Subconsciously, she held her arm tightly to prevent the stressed Gu snake Banban from jumping out and biting people. Miao Fangfei couldn't control the expression on her face. She leaned back to try to distance herself, and then she saw Yi Ling's fingers clasped around her. The black straps in front of her eyes were pulled down, and the dark blue-purple eyes that were different from ordinary people under the snow-white eyelashes reflected the light like gems, reflecting her face.

Yi Ling said faintly: "It's not also blue, is it?"


Yi Ling's eyes are actually blue!

For a moment, Miao Fangfei's brain was in chaos. The huge shock made her lose her mind. The thick blue-purple color suddenly crashed into her brain like a butterfly fluttering towards her face, disrupting everything. After coming back to her senses, Miao Fangfei swallowed suddenly, and suddenly found a cold hand in front of her mouth, gently placing it in front of her mouth. This was Yi Ling's hand, covering up Miao Fangfei's scream that almost escaped her mouth. .

"Shh, we can talk, but don't scream."

Yi Ling said softly: "Darkness feeds on fear, and screaming is like a beacon, making us stand out in the eyes of darkness."

His voice was no longer as frivolous as before, and when it rarely became serious, it had an indescribable aura. Miao Fangfei's eyes widened and her eyelashes trembled slightly, she didn't dare to speak, she even held her breath, her face turned red from holding it in, and she could only nod.

"In that case, don't scare people."

It wasn't until another more mature, serious male voice came from the front, and Yi Ling's hand in front of Miao Fangfei's mouth was pulled away, that she seemed to remember to breathe and gasped suddenly. When they raised their eyes, they saw An Xuefeng arriving in front of them at some point, holding Yi Ling's wrist with his strong hands. Presumably even if Yi Ling hadn't taken action just now, An Xuefeng, who was always paying attention, would have covered Miao Fangfei's mouth in time to prevent her from screaming.

But now, even though he had pulled Yi Ling's hand away, An Xuefeng still held his wrist and said seriously: "There is not enough time. If we want to reach the B\u0026B within ten minutes, we have to run."

"Guide, can you run?"

Yi Ling didn't say anything. The strap he had pulled off had not yet been pulled up. At this moment, one of his eyes was exposed. He stared at An Xuefeng quietly, then looked at his hand that held his wrist, tugged the corner of his mouth, and made a sound. Still smiling, but it sounded a bit hypocritical: "Why, if I can't run, my family, are you going to drag me away?"


It's a pity that you didn't wash your hands, I am mysophobic - but the words could not be said. Yi Ling felt an unimaginable force lifting him up. He didn't have time to react. He was like a cat that was dazed by the back of its neck. In the blink of an eye, he didn't know what was going on. He actually lay on An Xuefeng's back! Yi Ling was shocked and subconsciously grabbed An Xuefeng's shoulders. The lamp in his hand flickered and was placed in front of An Xuefeng. The originally unstable and dim light became stable again.

"It's time to start running. Follow me and don't fall behind."

Listening to An Xuefeng talking to himself and giving orders, Yi Ling frowned, surprised and a little annoyed. He stretched his feet down and wanted to jump down, but damn, he couldn't touch the ground! What did this man eat to grow up to be so tall? He kicked An Xuefeng's leg and said grimly: "You - ugh!"

An Xuefeng started running without any warning, and Yi Ling couldn't say anything, but instead got a mouth full of wind!

The author has something to say

Sorry for the late update! I changed the version of Miao Fangfei’s scream several times, some with her screaming, some without screaming, some with her own scream, and some with Ling Guo controlling her scream (?). I finally settled on this version, so it’s a little late, bow!


Someone An has initially mastered the skills to deal with Zero Guide!

In this regard, the vindictive Zero Director said that the future is bright!


p.s. The comics of Miao Fangfei and Xun Xunti are based on the magic return battle, hahaha, but Xun Xun wears cassocks for a serious reason, which I will write about later!


I’ve done a lot of research on cassocks, and it’s all there. According to regulations, you should avoid the five positive colors of cyan, yellow, red, white, and black, and the five secondary colors of scarlet, red, purple, green, and sulfur. These are not as good as Dharma color. But it is also said that after Buddhism was introduced to China, people wore red clothes during the Han and Wei dynasties, and there were also black clothes, green clothes, brown clothes, purple clothes, Fei clothes, etc. given by the imperial courts in the Tang and Song Dynasties. I am bald after studying them. As for the Hai Qingyi inside, some people say that black is not as good as Dharma color and should be mud-colored or brown. Others say that black Hai Qingyi is very common. In short, there are various opinions.

This cassock and the clothes underneath are all transformed from Xunxun’s tour guide’s cloak, so it’s black! The red color has some added ingredients, which I will write about later~

*From Baidu Encyclopedia and "A Brief Discussion on the Mutual Impact of Fanjingshan Buddhist Culture and Yinjiang Tujia National Culture"

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