Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 1044 Tomb of the Tusi King (3)

The dim yellow light is like a bean, reflecting faintly in the darkness. The hand of the lantern holder is very steady, and even if the person is walking on a mountain road, the light will only shake slightly. If there is any substance in the halo, the surrounding darkness, which is so thick that it is almost agglomerated, seems to be eroded by the light, unwillingly retreating outside the range of the light. But that kind of thick, indescribable filthy malice is still hidden in the darkness, watching the team walking in the mountains unscrupulously.

It seems as if anyone who leaves the range of the light will be swallowed by darkness. It's so dark. People who grew up in the city can hardly imagine that it can be so dark at night. There is no light, and you can't even see the outline of the surrounding vegetation. You can only see the darkness. The sky above our heads was even more obscured by clouds, the stars and moon were hidden, and the darkness was penetrating. After only a quarter of an hour of walking, the people in the team naturally changed their formation. It was no longer Yi Ling who took the lead with the lantern. They followed behind. An Xuefeng, Miao Fangfei, Wan Xiangchun and Lu Shucheng went to the front. Yu Hehui and Wang Pengpai were on the left and right of Yi Ling, Wang Yushu, Tong Hege, Mao Xiaole, and Bai Feibai were behind Yi Ling. Ten people surrounded Yi Ling in the middle, walking at a constant speed through the mountains, and everyone was 'protected' by the lights. within the range.

Even so, Wang Yushu was already in a daze. The cold wind passing by his ears, the uneven ground under his feet, and the rustling of leaves were all like terrifying demonic sounds, all of which made him feel terrified. Countless horror legends were floating around. His mind was racing wildly.

This made him couldn't help but kick Mao Xiaole who was walking in front of him. After a while, he kicked Mao Xiaole. When he saw Mao Xiaole frowning fiercely and turning around, with a reproachful look on his face, Wang Yushu felt that he was not walking. It was like a ghost road leading to hell, and the people around him were not quietly replaced by zombies.

"Xiao Le, the mountain road is so difficult."

After kicking him for more than ten times, Mao Xiaole finally got tired of him and stopped looking back. Wang Yushu had another trick. He lowered his voice and whispered miserably.

"Xiao Le, Xiao Le, my heel hurts."

"Oh, if I had known better, I would have taken the high road."

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu The big anchor.”

"Xiao Le, farewell, we will meet again under the underworld——"

"Stop talking and you will be embarrassed!"

Mao Xiaole was speechless, knowing that if he ignored Wang Yushu, he would be willful and annoying, so he cursed in a low voice: "Take the main road, why take the main road? Your feet hurt after just a while, why don't you take a shortcut? And the main road is that There are no lights on either side, it’s just as dark as here, it’s the same.”

It was rare for Mao Xiaole to say so many words, and there was uncontrollable restlessness hidden in his words. The darkness around him made his nerves tense all the time. He is not a Taoist who is purely deceptive. He has some real Taoism skills. He has a stronger sense of crisis than others. He is even more anxious now. His mind has been thinking rapidly about how to escape if he is really in danger.

He was not sure whether the few remaining talismans passed down from his family would be useful to the dirty things in the dark. Once he decided to run away, the first thing he had to do was to grab the lamp in the guide's hand! But other people in the team may have the same plan as him, especially Captain An, who claims to be a bodyguard, with a very long aura. He is definitely a top player who has been practicing boy kung fu since he was a child. He has been at the forefront until now, and his mentality may be Also extremely stable.

Apart from him, Lu Shucheng and Tong Hege in this team are not weak either, they are both talented people. How bad. The more Mao Xiaole thought about it, the more anxious he became. How should he take Wang Yushu away if something happened? He and Wang Yushu have been live broadcasting partners for two years, and he knows that although he has good physical strength, he is just an ordinary person with no boxing skills. What should he do if he is really in danger?

Mao Xiaole's hidden worries were hidden in his increasingly impatient tone. He hoped that Wang Shuren would hear the problem, but it turned out that Wang Shuren was really a fool who would make him angry!

"Wow Xiaole, I knew you cared about me. In fact, my feet don't hurt very much!"

Wang Shuren said with exaggerated surprise, stepping on the point where Mao Xiaole broke out, and laughed in a low voice: "Do you still remember when we climbed the Five Mountains in five days? The traffic of that series of videos at that time was amazing. Thanks to Xiaole for your persistence, otherwise I might Just give up when you climb Mount Huashan, it’s too—tiring.”


Hearing this, Mao Xiaole scoffed coldly and relaxed his frown. It seems that Wang Yushu has seen their current situation clearly and is trying to counter him - the time they climbed Mount Huashan, it was not that Wang Yushu was tired and wanted to give up, but that they encountered a ghost on the Long Sky Plank Road in Mount Huashan.

The situation was very dangerous at that time. On the right was a mountain wall with chains for people to hold on to, and on the left was a cliff of ten thousand feet. The plank road at the foot was so narrow that it could only allow one person to pass sideways, but on the plank road in front there was a large mass of flesh and blood mixed with bone stubble. The mud completely blocked the way, and the flesh-and-blood mud squirmed, corroding the plank road so much that it made a teeth-sharp creaking sound. The resentment was so deep that it must have been the aggregation of the resentment that fell off the cliff from the long sky plank road over the past many years.

At that critical moment, it was only through the remnants of Mao Xiaole's ancestral talisman that he could escape and ascend to heaven. Wang Yushu mentioned this matter here because he was secretly asking Mao Xiaole whether his residual talisman would work in the current situation.

"This is not Huashan."

Mao Xiaole said solemnly, making a pun: "Let's go quickly. Don't fall behind when it's dark. We can rest until we go to the B\u0026B."

There was no turning back. The very suspicious local guide Yi Ling gave them two plans. One was to take the main road to Zima Tower, which was almost all concrete roads. It's just that this road is quite circuitous, four to five kilometers long, and it takes more than an hour to walk. It may take nine o'clock to reach the Paper Horse Pagoda.

Another option is to take a small path through the mountains and forests and take the paths that the locals are familiar with. It will take about half an hour to get there, and they can still catch up with dinner at the B\u0026B.

In fact, normally, An Xuefeng and the others would not want to choose a mountain path. This thing sounds dangerous, especially with such a weird guide leading the way, the risk factor is doubled.

However, when the guide took them into the forest park, everyone personally felt how ominous and terrifying the darkness surging around them was, and their mentality suddenly changed. Even if there were no lights on the road at night, we could only rely on the weak light of the lamp in the guide's hand to dispel the darkness... The man known as 'Professor Yu' cautiously asked how long the lamp in the guide's hand would stay on.

Yi Ling smiled and said in a very soft tone that the lamp would not go out in an hour, but the special lamp oil in it would gradually lose effectiveness after half an hour.

"The white tiger will bless the families who worship the mountain, but there is not much lamp oil stored here."

Yi Ling said softly: "My family will stay at the B\u0026B for two nights. We must leave lamp oil there, otherwise something dangerous will happen."

"Every family is very important. I hope nothing happens to the family members before they actually visit the Holy Mountain."

Really, although Yi Ling lowered his eyes and smiled when he spoke, very gentle and elegant, but there was an inexplicable sense of playfulness and coldness, like some kind of curse. Every time he heard the word "family" from his mouth, Wang Yushu's goosebumps would appear one pound at a time. Judging from the expressions of most people around him who couldn't help but frown, it seemed that others felt the same way. I always feel like being called 'family' by such a weird person, and just saying yes, it seems like I am about to be pulled into some dangerous and weird 'family'.

Even though Yi Ling immediately took out the list from his cassock sleeve with a smile and called the names by family like a serious tour group, the weird feeling still didn't go away. No one dared to respond. Seeing that An Xuefeng, who looked very reliable in the No. 1 family, raised his hand in response, the others also acted in a similar manner, only raising their hands and saying nothing.

Since the lamp oil is limited, we can only choose a small road in the end. No one dares to bet on the consequences of the lamp oil extinguishing, and they are not even willing to experience the "weakened effect of the lamp oil". Even Lu Shucheng, who looked very irritated, didn't say much, just wanted to The fastest thing to do is get to the B\u0026B first.

This brigade is full of young people, and they all seem to be in good shape and have good physical skills. Even Professor Yu, the most elegant and gentle professor, seems to exercise regularly. His speed should be much faster than it is now.

The problem is still with the guide Yi Ling. He has been walking at a steady and unhurried pace. The speed of the people around him cannot affect him at all. On the contrary, those who walk in front will leave the group if they walk too fast, so they have to turn around and look for him. He, as a result, their overall speed was slowed down.

Wan Xiangchun quietly looked at the navigation just now with a solemn expression. They were still a full 1.5 kilometers away from the Paper Horse Tower, but they had already walked for fifteen minutes, and there was only a quarter of an hour left before the half-hour limit. The anchor and the Taoist priest could be heard whispering from behind, and the atmosphere in the team was getting more and more tense. The more tense and depressed he became, at this moment someone finally spoke and tried to talk to Yi Ling.

"Guide...what shall we call you?"

Miao Fangfei was the first to break the deadlock and boldly spoke to Yi Ling. She clenched her fists nervously in the darkness. This move was actually very risky, because as soon as she walked onto the mountain road, Wang Pengpai smiled and wanted to talk to Yi Ling, but as soon as she opened her mouth, Yi Ling raised her finger with a smile and shushed. . At that time, everyone was shocked. Miao Fangfei also thought a lot, thinking that maybe it was a rule not to talk when walking this way, otherwise it would attract the attention of other terrifying beings.

But until now, she has been observing the surroundings, and at the same time letting the golden silkworm Gu in her arms sense the surroundings, she feels that there should be no rules against talking - maybe it was just dangerous at the intersection, but it is okay now? In short, Miao Fangfei mustered up the courage to take this step. She can't continue at the current speed. The light in Yi Ling's hand seems to be a bit dim!

"Just call me Zero Guide."

Fortunately, Yi Ling did not shush her again, but replied with a smile: "It's great that my family has finally recovered. I was supposed to introduce Zhangjiajie Forest Park to everyone along the way, but I think everyone is tired. I was speechless, so I decided to let everyone take a break.”

Miao Fangfei: "Huh??"

Why are you so tired that you can’t speak? No, didn't you shush everyone at first and tell everyone to stop talking? ?

"Zero Guide, we are all in good physical strength, we are not tired."

Wang Pengpeng took advantage of the situation and asked pitifully the doubts in everyone's mind: "I wanted to talk to you about folk customs before, but didn't you shush me at that time? I thought it was some special rule about not talking. ,Is not it?"

"No, it's not a rule."

Yi Ling looked at him with a smile: "Mr. Wang, you must have just smoked before. Sorry, I can't smell cigarettes, so when you spoke at that time, I could only 'shhh'." "

As he spoke, Yi Ling raised his hand to cover his nose, showing a slightly disgusted expression, but it was like joking with a good friend: "Practice is about tolerating each other. Mr. Wang and everyone are willing to tolerate me. He is really a very tolerant person." People.”

ah? ? Was it because he smelled of smoke in his mouth at first? ?


Wang Pengpai was so choked that he couldn't speak. He only felt that his fists were hard. Wang Yushu in the back couldn't help but feel dumbstruck, "Help, this guide must have done it on purpose. Why is he so evil and ill-intentioned?"

The author has something to say

Wang Pengpai: Huh? ah? ah?

Wang Pengpai: I @! # ^\u0026*·——


Zero evil intentions【X】

Cats are good, people are bad! 【√】

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