Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 1038 I Admire You

"The lives of tour guides and tourists who are deeply connected are one."

Wu Yun said solemnly, tour guides and tourists can share the harm to each other, whether it is physical harm or spiritual harm. Unless two people are killed at the same time, or some restrictions are placed on one party and a rule-based kill method is used on the other party at the same time, in a sense, one cannot kill one of the deeply connected guides alone.

"At that time, you didn't have a deep connection with Ghost Butterfly."

An Xuefeng grasped the key point: "Even if he is dying, how can your soul power replenish him?"

So it is true that as long as they are connected, even if they are separated later, there will still be some kind of mark on the souls of both parties.

"Isn't that natural?"

Wu Yun said calmly: "He is my tour guide. Even death is designed. It can only be regarded as a slice. We have never been separated. This is the resonance of the soul. If the connection is deep enough, it can be sensed naturally."

"It's hard to describe this feeling. It's just an instinctive feeling. You'll be able to feel it when you, Captain An, have a deeper connection with Zero Lead."

An Xuefeng took a deep breath, and the veins on his forehead tensed up, indicating that the connection between him and Wei Xun was deep enough! Why didn't I realize that Wu Yun couldn't speak before?

"But in order not to be noticed by the hotel, I really have no contact with his other slices, and they don't know my existence - the insect master sealed all the memories before slicing, or it can't be said to be a seal, after all, the slices It is the division and damage to the soul's memory. He cut it too much and the soul cannot bear the memory. "

"His memory is in the deepest part of his soul, and even the hotel can't detect it. But that's not the point... the slicers of the Insect Master are all tour guides. Injuries are common, and returning to zero is normal."

Although the Slices were not at their strongest at that time, they all established contact with the abyssal creatures early and mastered them to zero. Many of them could even return to zero when they led a brigade for the first time. They have great potential. . But because he returns to zero too quickly, has outstanding talent, and is easy to destroy when leading a team, he is basically favored by the Butcher Alliance.

The infected people in the West District entered the West Butcher Alliance, and the Ghost Butterfly in the East District entered the East Butcher Alliance.

The vitality sharing of the guide connection does not automatically share the past when one party's vitality is low, especially since the deep connection between Wu Yun and the evil insect master has been severed, and only the imprint on the soul remains.

Therefore, only when Slice encounters a real life and death crisis - a crisis that destroys and distorts the soul, will this imprint be triggered, allowing Wu Yun to immediately sense who has encountered the crisis, and immediately share the vitality and soul.

This happened to Ghost Butterfly. After sensing the loss of his soul, he immediately determined that the trouble was with Ghost Butterfly, and suddenly felt bad. After all, Fengdu was also ranked fourth in the Grand Brigade, with amazing energy and a strong background. Wu Yun found a way to contact Gui Butterfly as quickly as possible and met with him. Then he directly forcibly established a connection with him.

"With the imprint of the soul, the connection can be easily renewed. There is no need to be like-minded, share ideals, or establish common goals as before."

There was something wrong with the way An Xuefeng looked at Wu Yun, but Wu Yun didn't think there was anything wrong with what he said, and said calmly: "Shallow connections can be connected with just a touch, medium and deep ones are more troublesome, but there is no way. "

"I saw that the ghost butterfly's soul had been cut, almost gouging out the deepest slices of soul essence. It was definitely a human hand that wanted to kill someone."

"But Ghost Butterfly himself didn't know it at all. He was just a little lethargic and thinking about fighting in the Butcher Alliance."

Wu Yun broke out in a cold sweat after discovering that Ghost Butterfly was being targeted by someone who wanted to kill him. He just wanted to take Ghost Butterfly and run away quickly. But Ghost Butterfly has no memory of the Insect Master. He only felt that he came out to discuss cooperation with Captain Fengdu on behalf of the Butcher Alliance. He fell asleep for some reason, and when he woke up, he had an additional connection——

"I was so angry."

On the other side of the reception room, Ghost Butterfly said lazily and made random strokes in the air: "Any tour guide would be angry when he wakes up and finds out that he has been connected. I am a very cold and ruthless butcher tour guide. As a result, I was... Passengers connected - Tsk, at that time I thought this brigade captain was quite interesting, quite strong, and very ambitious at first sight. "

How can you not be ambitious? This is simply audacious! You must know that Ghost Butterfly led the team twice before arriving at Bingjiu, and then even had the honor to lead a team with Mr. Ximing. He was personally taught by him. After coming out, he directly became a second-class tour guide. For a while, he became very popular in the Butcher Alliance, and even The psychics can only be jealous and eat shit behind his back.

When he was so high-spirited, he discussed cooperation with Wu Yun, but he was directly connected. How will Dark Cloud deal with the accountability of the Life-Faker and the East End Butchers Alliance? Is he ready to handle the pressure? What other means are there? Or can he completely hide their connection and let him act as an inside agent in the Butcher Alliance?

Unexpectedly, Wu Yun has such lofty ambitions and grand plans. He has Homeward Bound, Feihong, and Metaphysics in front of him. He has already begun to plot the East Area Butchers Alliance! Wuyun admires him for his ambition. Besides, being able to connect with him also shows that they have the same goals and similar ideals.

What's more, he has been falling asleep a lot recently and is not in good condition. It may be the sequelae of being too polluted due to frequent resets during the previous journey.

It would be nice to have a brigade captain come directly to your door to relieve the pollution. If you think about it carefully, Guitu and the East District Butcher Alliance are mortal enemies. Xuanxue and Feihong are both friendly with Guitu and are also hostile to the Butcher Alliance. From this point of view, Fengdu, who is ranked fourth, is really his best choice! Especially when he first woke up, he was half truthful and half deliberately angry. Under the test, Wu Yun remained silent and let him be beaten and scolded. Even when he asked for many precious props, Wu Yun didn't say anything and directly took out his own treasury to give them to him. He has a connection with Ghost Butterfly and can judge whether he is sincere or not. When the dark clouds appear, Ghost Butterfly is very comfortable.

Haha, the psychic is still on the lookout, but I didn’t expect that Ghost Butterfly is already ten years ahead of me, and he even has tourists who are connected to relieve pollution! With powerful passengers as blood packs, wouldn't he be able to return to zero at will and maintain a strong combat status with a low death countdown at all times?

How can a psychic fight with him?

No, his target is no longer a psychic.

With the full support of Wuyun and Fengdu Brigade, he might one day start a journey to the 30th degree of north latitude. The puppet master, Dream Chaser, and Life Man, successfully climbed to the top! Ghost Butterfly is very confident. He is confident that his potential and talent are not inferior to anyone else. Tour guides like them can only rely on themselves, but he still has a connecting tourist. No matter how you say it, it is his advantage!


"Then he actually asked me to quit the Butcher Alliance. Where did he get the confidence?"

Ghost Butterfly was unbelievable that even though so many years had passed, he could still remember the shock he felt at that time. Wu Yun is really, really beyond imagination. Is this a careerist? His plan is so eccentric, like an antelope hanging its horns?

What effect will his betrayal of the Butcher Alliance have? Luring the Butcher Tour Guide (who will most likely be a psychic) ​​to hunt him down, causing chaos in the Butcher Alliance, eradicating the top leaders of the Butcher Alliance, and causing the Life-haunting People to declare war on Wuyun?

After all, Wu Yun is the fourth-ranked captain of the Grand Brigade. He can be regarded as the leader of a major force. It is not impossible to seduce the life-seeking people. At that time, I thought about Gui Butterfly and my heart skipped a beat. Could it be that Fengdu was fully prepared and was just one chance away from breaking through the Butcher Alliance, defeating the Life-seeking Man, and then supporting him, Gui Butterfly, to rise to power?

‘Have you joined forces with Guitu and the others? ’

Although his heart was surging, Gui Butterfly did not completely lose his sense of control and asked cautiously. The strength of Xi Mingren was stronger than he had ever seen before. Wu Yun alone did not think he was the opponent of Xi Mingren. So is Fengdu uniting with the other three major brigades? Is this a joint action to destroy the Eastern District Butcher Alliance? There must be a hotel involved behind the scenes. This is definitely an epic event that will stir up the whole hotel situation!

"Then he told me—"

Recalling the past, the corners of Gui Butterfly's eyes twitched, and his whole face was a little distorted, which could be seen through the bandages.

‘Join forces? I have this plan’

Wu Yun said solemnly that if things were really irreversible and he had to face the life-seeking people directly, he could only save Gui Butterfly by joining forces with Gui Tu and the others.

Hearing what he said, Ghost Butterfly even held his breath. After thinking for a moment, he said in a deep voice: "In this case, it is more appropriate for me to return to the Butcher Alliance to commit crime rather than defect. The Life-haunting Man has been guiding me every day recently, and he will be here soon." In the arena competition, I have a high probability of defeating the psychic. When I get to the second-in-command position in the Butcher Alliance——'

‘The life-loving man will guide you every day? ’

Wu Yun interrupted him and said in a deep voice: "Don't you feel anything?"

"I feel it. It's like a soul contract or something. It should require me to belong to the life-seeking person and not betray him."

Ghost Butterfly said enthusiastically: "He wants to snatch my soul back from the hotel. It's very arrogant, but I think he can really do it!" He has a knife that can cut souls. I really feel that the restrictions on me in the hotel have weakened - I think this knife is either related to the 30th North Latitude or the abyss.'

‘But I don’t want to be limited to the hotel, nor do I want to be limited to the life-seeking man. He is really too dangerous and strong. ’

Ghost Butterfly smiled at Wuyun, and showed his ambition to the newly connected travelers: 'So, I will cooperate with you to subvert the Butcher Alliance, and then--"

Then he wanted to sit on the highest seat. Even if he is not strong enough now, he will try his best to fight for it.

As expected of a traveler who had the same ideals as him, Wu Yun did not show the slightest surprise when he heard what he said, as if he had expected that he would compete for first place.

So Wu Yun also said seriously: 'Subvert the Butcher Alliance, we don't have the strength now'

Ghost Butterfly pondered: 'You are saying that compared to the others in Return, our overall strength in Fengdu is still too weak. Even if we participate in the war, we will not receive much profit after the war, right?'

‘It would be better not to start a war’

Wu Yun said: 'It would be best if you can gradually withdraw from the Butcher Alliance without causing any trouble, but if there is a fight, I will join other brigades, and we are not afraid.'

Ghost Butterfly was a little confused at the time, and asked humbly: 'Wait, what if I gradually withdraw from the Butcher Alliance, and Lord Ximing doesn't stop me? ’

Wuyun wondered: 'After? Then whatever you want to do, you can start your own little organization, or whatever you want to do. I am contacting you personally, not the Fengdu Brigade. You don't need to be burdened by the Brigade, you are very free. ’

very free? ?

Ghost Butterfly had a question mark on his head at that time, and he said incoherently: 'So you are not joining forces with me to subvert and destroy the Butcher Alliance, and make me act as an internal agent? ? No, answer me a question’

‘Why on earth did you connect with me? ? ’

"The life-thirsty man is robbing your soul with a knife. If we don't connect, he can really peel your soul out of the hotel."

Wuyun replied solemnly: 'You will die if you don't connect, so I connected with you. Then he won’t be able to peel off your soul’

Ghost Butterfly:?

Ghost Butterfly looked at Wu Yun, and Wu Yun looked at him. The two of them stared at each other. Then Ghost Butterfly was overstimulated, and his SAN value plummeted to zero, and he fought Wu Yun fiercely.



Wei Xun laughed so hard that he almost burst into tears. He really didn't expect that Ghost Butterfly and Wu Yun's past would be like this.

"You said the knife can snatch souls from the hotel, is this the knife?"

He laughed and took out the vampire knife, casually throwing it to Ghost Butterfly.

"Yes, that's the knife."

Ghost Butterfly raised his hand to take the knife with neat movements. When the vampire knife fell into his hand, the invisible coercion naturally appeared, leaving a deep blood mark on his palm. The blood-stained blade became even redder, as if it had sucked the blood of a ghost butterfly. The black butterfly on the Ghost Butterfly's shoulder flew up in fright, hovering above his head, and for a moment it didn't dare to land again. Until Wei Xun waved to it, and with the tacit approval of the ghost butterfly, the big black butterfly flew gracefully into Wei Xun's hand, folded its wings obediently, and stuck it to his palm.

"I love your butterflies and admire you."

Wei Xun did not hesitate to praise, and extended his hand to Ghost Butterfly: "When we go to the tomb of the Tusi King, let me see your power again!"

The author has something to say

Ghost Butterfly: How can a child cry every day, how can a gambler lose every day?

Wu Yun: You quit the Butcher Alliance, I will support you

Ghost Butterfly:? ? ?


I feel like this meme is also very suitable for life-loving people

Nine out of ten times I bet, I lose, and the one time I win is by robbing An Xuefeng (bhi)


It seems like we have the flu recently. My friend is in the hospital. Most of the doctors, nurses and patients there have colds and fevers. Babies, please be safe when you go out!

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