Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 1039 Safe House

"I'm just a failed tour guide."


Ghost Butterfly took a deep look at Yi Ling: "I can't bear the word "appreciation".

What I thought of for a moment was the past many years ago, when the Mingming person had looked at him carefully, and then chuckled and said "appreciate". Ghost Butterfly's mood at that time was very strange. Of course there was excitement and excitement, but the excitement was mixed with trembling and palpitations. It seemed that the sense of crisis was screaming a warning that the appreciation of life-seeking people was extremely dangerous.

Now listening to Yi Ling talk about appreciation again... Ghost Butterfly felt the same trembling, like electric currents exploding along the spine, his scalp was faintly numb, his stomach was spasming, and his breathing was difficult to keep steady - I'm afraid he was right The word 'appreciation' caused PTSD, but at the same time, Ghost Butterfly also forced himself to raise his hand, holding Yi Ling's hand as if forced desensitization. He still held the vampire knife in his hand, and the blade was between their fingers when he shook hands with Yi Ling. The vampire knife was extremely thin and sharp. The blood that had not been completely absorbed by the ghost butterfly flowed between the fingers, soaking Yi Ling's fingers blood red.

At the same time, a trace of dark blood with a blue-purple shimmer merged into the ghost butterfly's blood. Compared with the blood shed by Ghost Butterfly, this trace of blood was extremely small, but when it spread in Ghost Butterfly's blood, it did not merge into his blood. The two were clearly distinct, and Ghost Butterfly's blood actually avoided it automatically, allowing Yi Zero's blood invaded and extended into thin branches, eventually invading the ghost butterfly's blood like branches of a tree trunk that grew wantonly.


The heart skipped a beat, and the ghost butterfly felt Yi Ling's heartbeat in the dark. It was as faint as an auditory hallucination, like a butterfly vibrating its wings. However, this sense of resonance does indeed exist. He and Yi Ling established a certain kind of connection. It was not just a contract between two people, but more essentially, it was between devil insects and devil insects, between Yi Ling and his ghost butterfly, and his core title, and His return to zero alienated state establishes a connection.

What a powerful force, Ghost Butterfly's pupils trembled. Although his butterfly was not a female insect, it could span life and death, and was not afraid of yin and yang. It would be suppressed by the female insect, but only when it was alive. The dark butterfly comes from the underworld and is carefully raised by the yellow spring water, other shore flowers, and Mang Mountain soil collected by the dark clouds. Death is not the end for it, but the liberation of power. After death, it will burst into even more terrifying power, and will no longer be affected by any mother insect. This is a killing move that Ghost Butterfly has never shown in front of outsiders.

However, now Ghost Butterfly can clearly feel that even if his butterflies live to die, or even die again, they will surrender, fear and yearn for the power contained in Yi Zero's blood, which is completely irresistible to all butterfly monsters. , a power that cannot be violated.

Sure enough...Maria butterfly.

"Father of Demonic Insects, my title."

Wei Xun said briskly, withdrew the blood-sucking knife from Ghost Butterfly's hand, and released the clasped hands. The blood on their hands seemed to be controlled by invisible forces. The blood stains were peeled off from the skin, twisted and condensed into a thin blood line. In the middle of the red blood line, there was a trace of blue-purple filaments thinner than hair. After forming, it gradually It disappeared from the palms of the two men.

But it seemed to be vaguely connected to Ghost Butterfly's heart.

"You are now classified as a 'family member' by me and have established a soul chain."

Wei Xun smiled with interest and said: "It's too risky to leave you outside, but it's also an adventure to take you into the tomb of the Tusi King. Although I like unknown and exciting adventures, this is the first time I've taken the journey home. ”

"For their psychological sake, it is better to establish some restraints so that everyone can feel more at ease. But your words of admiration are not false. You are the first 'family member' among you to establish contact with me."

"Do you think the life-haunting people may have left some mark on me after all these years, so you want to add an extra layer of insurance?"

Ghost Butterfly smiled lazily and said in a manly voice: "Although I want to say that Wuyun has conducted deep connection inspections countless times over the years, and even spent money to find hotels and explore many times, the knife wound on my soul has long been healed, and There is no imprint of life-haunting power left behind.”

"But after all, this person can play tricks on fate and trick everyone into becoming a clown. If this is the case, your soul chain may not be safe."

"I'm not doing it for insurance. If it was for insurance, I should be the last person who should go to the Tomb of the Tusi King on the whole trip home."

Wei Xun smiled and snapped his fingers to summon the phantom cat. But the huge soul power just twisted and surged between his fingers for a while before dissipating - the summoning failed, but it also made Ghost Butterfly understand something. His eyes that had been squinting lazily suddenly widened, and he stared at Yi Ling in confusion, his brows furrowed, as if he had encountered something incomprehensible.

"So, it doesn't matter whether you are related to the Mingxi person or not, it will never be deeper than my relationship with him."

This is the intertwining of blood and destiny, and even illusions are closely related. When Yi Ling said these words, he seemed particularly sincere. He wrote lightly: "I am not afraid of trouble, what are you afraid of?"


Ghost Butterfly pursed the corners of his mouth into a straight line, was he afraid of killing someone?

But isn’t it just fear?

Otherwise, I would not have established a deep connection with Wu Yun immediately after fighting him, and then returned to the East Area Butcher League as if nothing had happened. Ghost Butterfly is no longer talking. The blood line connecting him and Yi Ling is like a different kind of connection. It will be relatively active during the initial connection, allowing them to sense some of what the other person is thinking. Ghost Butterfly did not resist this kind of exploration. He recognized Yi Ling. This connection is an exchange of further trust and an attitude.

He didn't mind letting Yi Ling know his old stories, and was more interested in Yi Ling's thoughts.

In a silent tacit understanding, the two quickly exchanged their thoughts and partial memories at the moment. Wei Xun got his wish and saw the past when Wu Yun left the Butcher Alliance - during that time, the life-haunting man suddenly became busy, as if he was caught up in something, and he had no time to care about the ghost butterfly for the time being. It seemed that there was something more interesting to him. Something appeared. This must be Wu Yun and the forces he controlled behind the scenes, and they paid a price.

In short, until the day of the arena match, just like the 'protection' that Wu Yun solemnly promised, Ghost Butterfly never met the Mingxiren alone again. Before the arena match, he released some specious clues, which were found by the psychic forces. Then he freely fought with the psychic in the arena match, and half of his body was exposed intentionally and half following the psychic's plan. The truth of deep connection.

What followed was a series of meticulous plans, fueled by public opinion. Ghost Butterfly took advantage of the medium's fanatical admiration for the life-seeking man and his desire to stand closest to him, and used the power he had managed in the Butcher Alliance, plus The dark clouds inside and outside cooperated with each other, as well as the life-haunting people whose whereabouts were a mystery during that time, and all kinds of favorable conditions, right places and people, Ghost Butterfly finally successfully disappeared and exited the Butcher Alliance alive.

Now that I think back to those days, my memory is all blurry. What impressed me most was the nerves that were always tense at that time, the strong emotions of excitement and tension, the extremely unstable SAN value, the headaches day and night, and the mental tension before it reached the limit. The relief and comfort that comes from connection will always come in time.

Then Ghost Butterfly knew where he and Wu Yun were like-minded.

He has great ambition and the inexhaustible motivation to fight for his ambition. Standing at the top and controlling his own destiny has always been his pursuit.

But at the same time, he also has caution engraved in his bones. Fighting and Gou seem to be two qualities that should not appear in the same person, but Ghost Butterfly is such a contradiction. He can fight desperately on his own, but when the situation is unfavorable and the enemy is too strong, he can also patiently lie dormant and make secret arrangements, waiting for an opportunity.

And the dark cloud is his safe house when he is dormant. If both of them try their best to get the first place, if something goes wrong, they will be finished together. Both Wuyun and Feng are safe - Wuyun is strong, has a stable personality, doesn't like to gamble, and is very reliable in a sense; the Fengdu brigade does not have a glorious history that would be targeted by the hotel, and there is no relationship with the return journey. The relationship is so close that almost all the top passengers in the Fengdu Brigade have the title of ghost. They are very difficult to die and can withstand pollution very well.

When the ghost butterfly wants to be stubborn, he can still be stubborn in Feng. Just like for so many years, even An Xuefeng didn't know that the dark clouds were still connected to him.

So that's it.

Wei Xun was thoughtful, stroking the blood lines between his fingers. When examining Gui Butterfly's thoughts and memories, his eyes also fell on Gui Butterfly. Gui Butterfly's eyes should be long and narrow, with phoenix eyes at the end of his eyes. The single eyelids make his eyes not big, but they have a classical charm. , the pupils are very dark, as if stained with ink, looking cold and tired. But after looking at it for a long time, I found it very pleasing to the eye, even a little handsome.

The rules of the hotel blur the face of the tour guide, and even if you have seen it, it is difficult to remember it. Just like when Dream Chaser took the initiative to pick something out, Wei Xun no longer had a specific image in his mind, only a general feeling remained.

But the 'feeling' Ghost Butterfly gave him was the clearest. Speaking of which, Wei Xun had already included Tong Hege and Yu Hehui into the "family" of the father of the devil insects. However, Ghost Butterfly is the "family" with the strongest sense of existence, and there are other kinds of things that Wei Xun has never brought to Wei Xun. Feel. Why did Dugui Butterfly become Bingjiu, but Dugui was targeted by those who wanted to kill him and had to lie dormant for many years? Back then, the dark clouds surrounding Ghost Butterfly were like walking a tightrope between the hotel and the life-seeking people. Many dangers arose because of it. If there was a slight deviation, the outcome would be destruction.

Sometimes, bad luck and good luck also illustrate the uniqueness of this existence.

Found it, Ghost Butterfly is probably the 'main body' that occupies more of the insect master's slices. In fact, it can be judged from the appearance and the zero alienated state that the ghost butterfly is the most beautiful. How can the butterfly be so difficult to see? In terms of appearance alone, Wu Laoliu is the ugliest, followed by Xiao Hong, who is incredibly ugly. As for Taoist Feng, it was mainly because his appearance did not meet Wei Xun's aesthetics, and his skin was too yellow, but he got better later. Silverfish and infected people are both pretty good——

The expression of Ghost Butterfly, who could sense Yi Ling's memory and what he was thinking at the moment, gradually became distorted.

More than just silverfish? ?

Okay, how many people live in his 'safe house'? !

The author has something to say

Ghost Butterfly [Gloomy]: Ah, there are so many people

Wuyun just gave all the insect masters in the world a home! (bhi)


Today, my mother went out for dinner for her birthday and came back late. I’m sorry for the late update. Let Ghost Butterfly send five hundred red envelopes to the babies, bum bum bum!

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