Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 1037 Inhuman Traits

A tour guide can connect with an entire caravan, which is what you can see in a hotel.

But can a traveler - or a caravan - connect with two tour guides?

There had never been such a case in the hotel until a living dark cloud stood in front of An Xuefeng.

"The hotel has never allowed several tour guides to be associated with the same brigade or passengers."

In the conference room on the other side, Mao Xiaole was sent away by An Xuefeng. Only An Xuefeng and Wang Pengpai, the returning captain and deputy captain, and Wu Yun, the captain of Fengdu, were present in the room.

About to enter the Tomb of the Tusi King, involving the resurrection of the Insect Master, and more importantly, under the pressure of Yi Ling's "millions of Insect Masters" fantasies, Wu Yun finally stopped being silent. And An Xuefeng also asked the question he wanted to ask the most:

"There is no such precedent in the east and west districts. Fortunately, in the east district, there are only a few people who guide the brigade connection. In the west district, there are a few people who guide the brigade connection, and it is very chaotic. Someone should have tried it."

"Contacting with the two tour guides is not allowed by the hotel. Although the hotel has not stated this directly, it is written in the rules and cannot be violated."

An Xuefeng's eyes showed a sharp light: "Is it because tourists and brigade can only have a deep connection with one tour guide and can only withstand the mental influence of one tour guide?"

What the Lizard Duke said and what Wei Xun wanted to test, the so-called mutual influence and even possible integration between the so-called deep connection guides, is it quietly reflected in this hidden rule?

"I don't know. Ghost Butterfly and Silverfish are not the same person to me."

Wu Yun didn't catch An Xuefeng's train of thought, thinking he was testing whether the insect master's slices were simply slices, or whether they had developed into different 'people'. He glanced at the conference room, and finally believed that with An Xuefeng's methods, the conversation in the conference room would not be noticed by the hotel. But he is still very determined and stubborn. An Xuefeng and Wang Pengpai must sign an agreement with him. Today's conversation must not be disclosed to anyone except them, even Mao Xiaole, Wan Xiangchun, Zhou Xiyang and other people from the Return or Sunset Brigade. Will not work.

"There will be traitors on the way home, and there will also be spies from other organizations and alliances in the Sunset Brigade. I can't trust them."

Wu Yun said bluntly: "Even if you are Wang Pengpai, I can't say that I absolutely trust you. The only one I can trust is An Xuefeng, he is strong enough."

He is strong enough to withstand all kinds of assassination and oppression. He is so strong that An Xuefeng can keep secrets even if his memory is searched by a hotel. And someone like Wang Pengpai will be kidnapped by someone who wants to be a driver. It is hard for Wu Yun to believe that. He can hold on. This is not a question of character or perseverance, but there are all kinds of strange and various methods in the hotel. What if Wang Pengpai is captured and directly searches his memory?

"Oh, Captain Wu, you are so outrageous when you say that. It really makes me sad."

Wang Pengpai said with a smile, there was no hint of displeasure on his face, he obviously knew the seriousness of the matter and was just waiting for An Xuefeng to give the order to see what he meant.

"I completely believe in Pengpai."

An Xuefeng said in a deep voice: "And as long as you tell me about this matter, I will not hide it from Ling Dao, and he will definitely know."

"He is your tour guide to deep connection, so of course he would know."

Hearing what he said, Wu Yun gave An Xuefeng a strange look: "Don't you guys have a deep connection to the point of spiritual communication? So that's the case, no wonder..."

"No, we have been spiritually connected for a long time."

An Xuefeng interrupted Wu Yun's words and his bad thoughts, and said with an expressionless face but an emphasis in his voice: "On the first day of deep connection."

"Oh, if you say we are spiritually connected, then let's be connected."

Wu Yun claimed that he was not here to quarrel, but he felt that there was something really wrong with the connection between An Xuefeng and Yi Ling, and it might involve some moral aspects. After all, An Xuefeng had not contacted the tour guide in ten years, and he was so strong, and It is sliced ​​and polluted, so the mentality of holding on is definitely a bit abnormal.

But who told him to use hard fists? Wu Yun could not teach the first passenger a lesson, so he said as if nothing had happened: "I think the alliance Yi Ling has built is quite good. It looks decent and has the potential to continue the Butcher Alliance."

God knows what Wu Yun was advocating before, such as 'disbanding the tour guide alliance', 'tour guides returning to the brigade', 'arranging meetings at fixed points' and other very tourist-cancer ideas. Now that he is saying that Yi Ling is doing a good job in the mutual aid alliance, he obviously thinks that This caravan is not a good place for a tour guide on the way home. Yi Ling should do more work on his own!

"Ahem, ouch, ouch, I forgot. Feihong and the others said they have something to contact today."

Seeing An Xuefeng clenching his fists and caressing the return knife, Wang Pengpai shed a few drops of cold sweat on his fat face and hurriedly found an excuse to escape from the suffocating conference room. Since Wu Yun had no objection to sharing the news with Director Cui, it was enough that the captain and the tour guide knew about it on the way home. He might as well do what the vice-captain should do.

When Wang Pengpeng left the conference room, the solemn atmosphere still did not ease for a while, but there was no one else present. Wu Yun thought that the conversation could continue, so he continued: "Although in my opinion, they are indistinguishable from each other. But As far as the hotel is concerned, they are two tour guides - the hotel has its own quantitative standards for distinguishing between tour guides. They are different enough from the pest masters, so they can be regarded as tour guides respectively. "

After all, the hotel is not a person. It does not look at people based on "feelings", but more like a supercomputer. For the hotel, the soul is also a kind of data. Silverfish and ghost butterflies are both slices of the bug master, but first of all, the bug master cuts them too finely, and each slice does not get much soul. In addition, his natural love nature makes silverfish, ghost butterflies and infections The three of them were the most involved. They frequently went on journeys and missions and gained too much extra pollution energy.

These energies gradually improved and supported their souls, allowing them to continuously advance in strength. But it is also gradually wrapped outside the soul, 'diluting' the soul. For example, the souls related to the evil insect master only account for 10%, and the others account for 90%... In short, let the hotel judge the data and think that they are not evil. The Mushi Master himself is nothing more than a tour guide mixed with some 'heritage'.

That’s why they can have normal levels and advance normally.

"But no one else can do this kind of thing, only the Insect Master can."

Wu Yun said in a deep voice: "When he died... he moved some hands and feet. In a sense, this slice is not cut by him, and how much he can cut is not under his control. In contrast, this time, Gambling gave his soul inhuman qualities. Whether it was stable enough or a damaged soul that could not be contaminated by a large amount of polluted energy, but could instead be supported by polluted energy, these were new qualities."

What he said was the absolute secret of the evil insect master. An Xuefeng's heart sank when he heard this. Inhuman qualities, a stable soul, not only infiltrated by polluted energy, but also able to use pollution to support the soul - this direction is really obvious, there is someone around him who can do everything and even do it to the extreme. Wei Xun. Coupled with the fact that Die Da's initial appearance was very similar to that of Maria Butterfly, An Xuefeng reasonably suspected that the death designed by the evil insect master was definitely related to the butterfly, and the cutting of his soul might also be related to the butterfly.


"Since the hotel thinks Silverfish and Ghost Butterfly are two people, how did you connect with them at the same time?"

The thoughts in his heart were not shown on his face at all. An Xuefeng brought the topic back to the original track: "In order to hide, it is the most stable connection between you and a tour guide. Connecting two people at the same time will definitely make the hotel aware of the problem."

"So why did you do this in the first place? Ghost Butterfly - was there something wrong at that time?"

"Do you only care about how I connected with the two tour guides?"

Wu Yun silently glanced at An Xuefeng. He had already mentioned the key points of 'inhuman characteristics' and 'the soul was not cut by the evil insect master himself', and he was already ready for An Xuefeng to continue questioning! As a result, he brought the topic back just like that, which made Wu Yun couldn't help but wonder whether the return trip triangle that was so popular in the forums outside was really the story of two travelers and a tour guide, or was it the story of two tour guides and a traveler? That Wei Xun In fact, he is also a tour guide. Does An Xuefeng want to sit back and enjoy the beauty of everyone?

Probably not. After all, An Xuefeng has some character. What's more, according to the speculation after Silverfish came back, Wei Xun and Yi Ling are probably more closely related... Tsk, it's too confusing, forget it, don't think about it. .

Wu Yun gave up thinking, and An Xuefeng asked him and replied: "The ghost butterfly is connected to me in the ghost state, and the silverfish is connected to me in the living state. One of them is connected to me personally, and the other is connected to me." It's the 'Black Cloud' as the brigade captain, which is related to the soul slices of the evil insect masters in their bodies, and it's also related to my core title."

"But the hotel's ability to agree to this kind of thing is still due to the influence of the past... You know, Ghost Butterfly was very powerful back then, and almost defeated the psychic medium in the ring competition."

"Yes, I know."

An Xuefeng nodded. This was a quite sensational arena match back then. It was in this arena match that Ghost Butterfly revealed that he had a deep connection with people. Later, he used various means to hide the connection from others. Who is this person? Finally, he retired sadly due to many rumors spread by psychics. It seemed that he had been hit by some kind of blow, and he was no longer active in completing tasks to earn points. When challenged by people behind him, he just beat him casually. His ranking kept falling, and finally he dropped. Arrived at Yishi.

Even An Xuefeng didn't know that the liaison passenger Gui Butterfly tried to hide was Wu Yun, but no one would have thought of Wu Yun.

"You and Ghost Butterfly had a deep connection before the arena match. That means the problem started before the arena match."

An Xuefeng frowned: "Is he a life-seeking person?"

"That's right, he's a life-seeker."

Wu Yun said lightly: "Ghost Butterfly was targeted by the Mingxi people... Maybe he had been in Bingjiu's position, which attracted the Mingxi people's attention."

The position of 'Bingjiu' is not suitable for everyone, it is like a private place for those who are desperate for life. The scores of other tour guides have reached the advanced level, and few can reach the level of Bingjiu.

But I don't know whether it was the Ghost Butterfly's bad luck, the interference from the evil insect master's soul, or the hostel's action - he just happened to advance to the position of Bingjiu, and he defeated the "Bingjiu" of the life-seeking person, and was immediately teased. The orderer noticed. But at the beginning, no one knew about this rule, and Wu Yun didn't pay any extra attention to it. After all, the insect masters all wanted to be number one in Slicing, and the Butcher Alliance was the number one guide alliance, so it was quite normal to join the Butcher Alliance.

At that time, his focus was on Silverfish, who was restrained by the puppet master, and he didn't pay much attention to Ghost Butterfly's career. After all, there was a hotel watching covetously, and it would be detrimental to him to pay more attention to Ghost Butterfly. It wasn't until one day that Wu Yun suddenly felt a palpitation in his heart, and his soul power rapidly drained out, as if to fill some hole, Wu Yun suddenly realized that something was wrong.

Something happened to Ghost Butterfly.

The author has something to say

The fever has gone down, babies! I still have a bit of a bad cold, but I'm feeling much better. I've resumed and updated the plot, and the progress is soaring!

Let Wuyun send 500 red envelopes to the babies today to express your gratitude!



Wu Yun: The tour guide alliance should be disbanded, all tour guides should return to the brigade, and the tour guides should work in the brigade. Tourists who are not connected with tour guides are prone to perversion!

[Now - after meeting An Xuefeng]

Wu Yun (raising his sign at Yi Ling): Run away!

An Xuefeng:?


Wu Yun: Although I am connected with two tour guides, one is with me personally, and the other is with me and the entire brigade, but I am a loyal and good traveler (unlike some people)

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