Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 1032 The strange principal

For the return trip, it’s okay to lead the team and leave on the same day as the Mingxi people. It’s not too late rather than early. Anyway, they won’t leave the hotel before the Mingxi people. That would be too risky.

"Even if the man who lives his life still transforms into a puppet and stays in the hotel to control the butcher alliance, just like he did during those years at the Gate of the Sun, the level of danger in the town is still different from that of his own."

Bai Xiaosheng pushed up his glasses: "I heard that the psychic medium seems to have been arranged by the hotel. It will be safer if he is not in the hotel."

As he spoke, he finished the bowl of rice in front of him neatly. Seeing this, Lu Shucheng asked happily: "Would you like some more curry? I'll give you another spoonful!"

"OK, thanks."

Today Lu Shucheng stewed curry, using different high-quality ingredients and adjusting the spiciness. From Yu Hehui, who has a too sensitive taste and smell and does not eat spicy food, to Wei Xun, who loves spicy food, it perfectly satisfied everyone from top to bottom on the way home. human taste. I heard that these were just by-products of cooking when she was preparing supplies today. She was mainly making portable curry cubes, cans and compressed biscuits to make it easier to carry and eat when exploring the tomb of the Tusi King.

"We rarely bring food purchased from ordinary purchases or at the hotel mall. After all, everyone's load is limited. At the beginning, we were just like ordinary people traveling in a group. We couldn't use space props. To start a journey to the 30th North Latitude, we must Be cautious.”

It happened to be noon when we returned to the station. Wei Xun habitually went into the kitchen to prepare some side dishes, which was a way of cooking with Lu Shucheng to relieve her mental stress. He still remembered that as soon as he entered the kitchen, he was startled by the dazzling array of pots and bowls on the island, and then heard Lu Shucheng explain that he was preparing for this departure.

Lu Shucheng said with a smile: "Because you may encounter any situation during the journey to the 30th degree north latitude. Many mountains and forests are forbidden to fire. Lighting fires in the mountains and forests can easily anger the mountain gods or cause something bad to happen. "

Therefore, curry cubes, compressed biscuits, various cans, self-heating foods, etc. are the main foods for their trip. If the rules in the mountains and forests do not include the prohibition of killing wild animals, they will also hunt and fish in moderation, and infect themselves with the pollution of the 30th degree north latitude through eating, so as to adapt to the 'environment' more quickly and integrate into the environment.

In addition to making people feel full, the food made by Lu Shucheng himself also has some special effects. For example, spicy curry to keep out the cold, mint strips to keep out heatstroke, herbal tea to repel insects, etc. The key is that they all taste very good, and you won’t lose too much flavor even if you eat them cold.

"You must eat well when traveling. When you are mentally confused, overworked, or have negative emotions, good food is the fastest thing that can make people feel happy."

Lu Shucheng said seriously: "We will encounter various dangers during the journey, but traveling itself should not be a painful thing... Ah, of course, this is my idea."

"But the food I make can help everyone stabilize their spirits when they are gradually eroded by pollution. Although Director Cui is here this time, we don't have to worry about mental pollution at all, but you will be tired to relieve our spirits, right? , no matter what, it’s a good thing to lighten your burden.”

"Food that can calm people's spirits is really great."

Wei Xun tasted the spicy beef curry made by Lu Shucheng, his eyes lit up, and he couldn't help but admired: Sister Cheng, the rice you cook is indeed the best I have ever tasted! "

Because food creates a sense of happiness, you will have a more positive attitude, and your spirit will be more stable. It sounds like a passionate food anime. But it is undeniable that appetite is indeed an innate and extremely important basic desire that humans are born with. The preparations for the return trip showed maturity and meticulousness in every aspect and detail. An Xuefeng leads the overall communication with the hotel, Lu Shucheng prepares food, Bai Xiaosheng integrates information, Wan Xiangchun monitors the movements of key forces (Eastern District Butcher Alliance, Fengdu Brigade, etc.), Wang Yushu makes copies and prepares props and items, and Wang Pengpai is responsible for transportation Tools and drones, Tong Hege took the time to refine various elixirs, and Yu Hehui and Mao Xiaole battled to improve their strength. Everyone in the team has a clear division of responsibilities, which makes people feel at ease.

This is a very mature brigade. It has been here in the years when there were no tour guides. Without chores falling on Wei Xun, he can adapt to the strength whenever he wants, go to the orphanage if he wants to go to the battlefield, and He went out for a while and the information he brought back was very important.

"There is something wrong with the principals in the West District. I told you before that there are currently four principals in the West District."

After lunch, before Wu Yun and others came to visit, An Xuefeng and Wei Xun were eating in the Lost Paradise. While helping Wei Xun move the various plants and demonic insects he cultivated in the station to the Lost Paradise, they talked about the person in charge. .

"Yes, I remember that there is no person in charge in the West District whose code name is!!!"

Wei Xun said that he was indeed curious about this, but seeing that no one at the dinner table refuted it, he suppressed his doubts and waited until after the meal to discuss it. As expected, An Xuefeng took the initiative to bring this up.

"On the list of principals recognized by the hotel, there are only four principals in the West District: ###@@@ααα and $$$."

An Xuefeng said solemnly: "But these four principals are not the only ones who really work for the hotel."

Wei Xun was surprised: "You mean!!! He's a peripheral person in charge? Similar to Qingcheng's father-in-law?"

"There has been speculation like this in the past."

An Xuefeng's tone was serious: "But!!! It's different from other peripheral leaders."

It stands to reason that only the core manager has the black robe that is standard in the hotel and has the authority to take turns in the hotel. External managers who are extra ‘hired’ by hotels do not get this preferential treatment at all.

but! ! ! The difference is that he is not on the list of principals in the West District, but he does have the black robe of the principal. He was not there when he was on duty at the hotel, but he did control some of the rules of the hotel. He was basically stationed in the abyss on weekdays. Even the *** was only seen when the new leader was born and all the leaders were pulled out to watch the ceremony. Several times, the relationship failed to build at all.

"I thought before!!! It was more likely slices of Galactus."

An Xuefeng said: "It's so special."

If he were a slice of the Devourer, then some of the hotel's contradictory practices and vague restrictions on him would make sense, but this time Wei Xun brought different information. Did Black Widow seek cooperation with Galactus, or did she? ! ! Is it her secret slice?

"No!!!, it's also ###. There is a high probability that one of the principals stationed in the abyss is related to the Devourer, and the other is a slice of the Black Widow."

An Xuefeng's voice was cold: "It's more likely that Black Widow is also being used!!! Actually, I have something to say to ¥¥¥."

An Xuefeng has received the latest punishment list issued by the hotel, and the person being punished is Black Widow. The verdict of the hotel is that the Black Widow, who was grounded in the hotel, used illegal means to bring back her child, along with the principal! ! ! Invading the battlefield orphanage, taking away little Emily, and repelling the guard chief ¥¥¥. This is a heinous crime and must be punished.

This punishment is not just as simple as deducting money. The hotel will also flog the black widow. The executioner is the captain of Whitechapel. After the flogging, she will be forced to go to Parliament for trial.

But judging from the time, this is all after they set off. It is a pity that Black Widow cannot be seen being whipped. But after the verdict, this matter was determined by the hotel, which made people think! ! ! He is the person in charge of the slice that Black Widow has been hiding for a long time.

But maybe that’s not the case.

"Black Widow's plan includes her own death. In order not to fall into...that situation, she will also hide her boss well."

An Xuefeng doesn't think so! ! ! It's a black widow slice, but I think more keenly! ! ! He and ¥¥¥ must have had a secret conversation during the fight. Wei Xun also regretted that he could not see more. After all, he was sliced ​​away by Cen Qin when they fought in a destructive posture.

"Maybe he's working as a human trafficker."

Wei Xun joked: "Maybe they are trading the infected people who passed out and disappeared... That's right."

Wei Xun, who was squatting down to observe the moving of the demon ants on the parasite plain, stood up, looked at An Xuefeng and raised his eyebrows. He looked at him thoughtfully for a few times, then suddenly smiled and said teasingly: "When you saw my Sometimes I think I’m very handsome.”

The stripping and transfer mentioned by the Black Widow was secretly told to An Xuefeng by Wei Xun from his mind when he first returned to the hotel. An Xuefeng also frankly said that he did not have any relevant memories, but the memory was too clean, it should be The relevant memories were sealed by the hotel.

The hotel is not free to seal all memories. If it seals the memory, or it has violated the rules of the hotel without the legal identity of the principal, it must lose its memory and keep it secret. Either he knows a secret he shouldn't know, so he loses his memory to save his life.

"The peeling transfer syndrome mentioned by Black Widow and the problematic theory of deep connection proposed by Lizard Duke are essentially the hotel's attempt to create more powerful tourist guides."

An Xuefeng chuckled: "How can there be such a coincidence? I still told you to let you know."

"Either the West District starts to plan for you, or -"


"Either the hotel is really planning to subvert something or planning some big plan."

An Xuefeng sighed and did not continue. He just moved Wei Xun to his side: "When the Tomb of the Tusi King is opened this time, many secrets of the hotel will be revealed to you. It always treats developers preferentially."

"But to be on the safe side, I won't find a hotel to seal my memory when I go to the Tomb of the Tusi King this time."

Memory and 'thinking' are also a type of energy. They have even seen the destruction of pollution sources. Once they go to the site of the Tusi King's Tomb and have random thoughts, it is likely to cause a violent counterattack from the local pollution.

Therefore, you have to act well when you play the role of ordinary people heading into the mountains as a group. Finding a hotel to seal the memory is expensive, but the effect is good, but the final interpretation lies with the hotel, whether it will swallow that memory. If you sign a contract with a tourist guide and temporarily forget about it, the price is lower, and you don't have to worry about the hotel taking action. On the way home, Bai Xiaosheng and Wan Xiangchun were both good at hypnosis, and they felt more comfortable using it on their own. Wei Xun was also curious about the difference between hypnosis and the feeling of sealing memories in a hotel.

It's a pity that Wu Yun and Taoist Feng came too quickly this time and did not leave enough time for Wei Xun to experience it.

"Let Silverfish and Taoist Bee fall asleep and then be thrown into the tomb of the Tusi King by Yi Ling?"

Wu Yun frowned, his face as dark as the bottom of a pot: "I don't agree."


"I'm OK!"

Three voices sounded at the same time. At the same time, Taoist Feng stepped aside, widened the distance between him and the dark clouds, looked at him in disbelief, as if to say, "Who are you to make the decision for me?", and then he immediately said seriously again. Yi Ling expressed his position: "Sir, I completely obey your arrangements."

That was the tomb of the Tusi King. Yi Ling decided to take him with him to open up the Tomb of the Tusi King!

Double tour guide, double tour guide with Cui Dao!

Taoist Feng was a little dizzy and his mouth was dry. He really didn't expect that such a good thing could happen to him.

Director Cui must have seen his continuous contribution to the Mutual Aid Alliance. This is really a blessing!

The author has something to say

Let Taoist Feng send 500 red envelopes to the babies today!

I've been running around the hospital these past two days, so I'm really sorry for the slow update schedule! I'll have nothing to do tomorrow, so I'll resume normal updates. I'll adjust my schedule back as soon as possible!

There will be more updates tomorrow, bobobobo!

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