Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 1031 Soul Slice

"A complete soul?"

Wei Xun became interested, raised his brows and snapped his fingers. Dieda appeared on his fingertips, changing from the human form to the original butterfly state under Wei Xun's command.

"Then is its soul intact?"

"can not tell."

Taoist Ban Ming regretted: "Die Da's soul has a contract with you, blocking my peek. The tour guide's soul has a contract with the hotel, and is protected and hidden by the hotel. It belongs to the tour guide's privacy and cannot be seen clearly under normal circumstances. I am After Slice becomes the principal, he can use the rules of the hotel and his keen sense of depth to get a glimpse of the soul. "

"In comparison, you should be able to sense its soul easily."

"If you can sense it, it's a normal demonic insect soul."

Wei Xun said cheerfully: "Compared with the soul of the tour guide, it is definitely not comparable... Die Da should not be selected as a tour guide by the hotel."

"Die Da is just a butterfly after all."

Taoist Ban Ming couldn't help complaining: "Taoist Feng and the others are probably because of the integrity of their souls, so the hotel allows them to be tour guides in the hotel again."

Then he pondered and touched his chin, puzzled: "I can't figure it out, how can the soul be intact after being sliced? Or is it that some special method was used... It should be that a special method was used, otherwise it doesn't make sense. of."

Even An Xuefeng didn't mention whether Taoist Feng's souls were intact. According to normal logic, all slices are complete only after they are fused, and they must be separated piece by piece. Otherwise, if there are complete souls, what is the superposition of several souls after fusion? Or is the soul and spirit several times stronger?

The former is weird and terrifying, and the latter... is even more magical. The half-life Taoist has itchy hands and wants to slice up and beat the soul of a certain evil insect master out of his body, and then carefully study the other person's soul to see what is going on.

"Is it possible that the soul was incomplete when it was first cut, and then gradually grew complete?"

Wei Xun thought of the several times Die Da broke out of his cocoon and transformed, and each time there were earth-shaking changes. Dieda comes from the maggots in Wu Laoliu's body, which are nourished and mutated by Wei Xun's blood. So judging from Die University's information, there are three possibilities.

First, the various powers of the evil insect master were cut out, and his slices all mastered the power of 'transformation'. On Wu Laoliu's side, the related transformation power radiated to Die Da. After the originally incomplete soul underwent several transformations, the soul regained its original shape and finally grew out.

Both of them, the insect master had done some tricks when he sliced ​​the slices, so that his slices could gradually grow.

The 'transformation' of the two is the talent produced by the maggot after it has been mutated by Wei Xun's blood, and has nothing to do with the evil insect master itself.

The possibility of the last one is very low. After all, Taoist Feng and the others have not had much contact with Wei Xun's blood, let alone any mutations. That is, the insect master's own soul slice has special characteristics... growth?

"That would be scarier."

Taoist Ban Ming shook his head: "Who can say that the grown-up soul is exactly the same as the original one? Who can say that the newly-grown soul can be said to be complete? That is 'completing' and 'growing' on the basis of incompleteness. "

It is said that different situations lead to different lives, and different lives lead to different people. The growth of souls also looks like this. Wei Xun recalled the "slicing" of these insect masters he had seen and discovered their personalities. It's really different from the way he behaves. Even his little actions and habits are nothing similar to be observed.

"I just want to know, if such an evil insect master were to be resurrected and their slices were fused, what would become of their souls?"

Wei Xun was really curious. Wu Laoliu was made up of a bunch of maggots, and he really couldn't tell whether his spirit was more integrated with his original body. It is possible for the principal and the original owner to merge because they are one in themselves. But if the souls of the sliced ​​insect masters are already intact, can they be fused together again?

Will it collapse due to chaos after fusion, or... will this increase the power of the spirit and soul to a terrifying level? If the evil insect master is really well-planned and this is not an accident, then he should have expected it and wanted this effect, so he would not stop it. But as Half Life Taoist said, the souls in different people's bodies will have different subtle differences when they grow from incomplete to complete. They may be different from the original souls. The twisted soul's power surges, but it is likely to turn into a monster.

So what does he use as an anchor?

Deeply connected brigade captain?

Wei Xun became more and more interested in the evil insect master. He discussed the slices with Taoist Ban Ming again. After seeing that the time interval was almost up, he returned to the home station, almost in time for lunch. It was a great deal to harvest so many important clues in just half a day. During lunch, Wei Xun took the opportunity to talk to everyone on the way home about what he had seen today, and the people on the way back obviously knew more than the Taoist Half Life. He traveled abroad all the time. , more knowledgeable.

The boss suspected of being sliced ​​by Black Widow has eyeball-like patterns on his cloak. If anyone in the West District has such a pattern on his cape, he must be the one! ! ! , He has been elusive all year round. It is said that he took over the task of guarding the abyss like ###, and stationed in the abyss alternately with him.

However, those in charge who have mastered the rules can change the patterns on their cloaks at will. If they only fight with ¥¥¥, it is not impossible to change the pattern of the cloak to disguise themselves.

In addition, little Emily was taken away, and a new kind of pollution was absorbed into the human skin map, which will come to the Tomb of the Tusi King. He didn't say anything about the transfer and deprivation revealed by Black Widow. Instead, he looked at An Xuefeng and came to see him later. It was inappropriate to communicate mentally at the dinner table, and it was even more impossible to say it in front of other people. This information was a bit too private.

Wei Xun didn't talk about the most important thing about stripping away and transferring the soul, so the rest of the chat was very relaxed, and they talked about the hotel again. This time the hotel really sent almost all the tour guides and brigade teams from the east and west districts to go on the trip. Fortunately, Feihong's mission here in the East District was not too heavy, and Qi Lecheng was traveling at the wrong time. During this time when the hotel dispatched missions most frequently, he was busy doing it. For a while, he persisted in visiting this side of the road every day. The gate looks like you are entering the tomb of the Tusi King to see the world.

But everyone knew that he would not leave the hotel easily. After all, after returning home and Xuan Xue to do their tasks, only Feihong would be left to look after the house. Staying in is as important as going out, and the hotel may have other arrangements. Wei Xun said casually, and everyone laughed and listened. They are all top travelers who have seen the big world. They will not be swallowed by the human skin map because of some new pollution. "It's so scary. Thinking about it makes me anxious." ’ and worry.

In contrast, what is even more worrying is receiving people who will soon visit on their way home after lunch.

"Captain An invited Captain Wu, Silverfish and Daoist Feng to visit us this afternoon."

Yu Hehui said solemnly: "The rules and contracts for exploring the tomb of the Tusi King this time must be settled in advance, and... I remember that Silverfish prevented Taoist Feng from attending the ideological and moral classes of our Mutual Aid Alliance before. Who are these two people? The problem needs to be clarified thoroughly before going to Tai Hou Tin.”

When the Mutual Aid Alliance just started the ideological and moral class taught by Responsible Demon Chong, Taoist Feng came very frequently. After every class, he actively contributed to the alliance, looking very ambitious and hardworking. Until later, when Silverfish stopped him from taking ideological and moral classes, he stopped coming very frequently. Wei Xun was also working at that time and had no time to care about him.

"The day after tomorrow?"

Wei Xun thought of something and ran around for a while and came back: "The hotel application for opening the tomb of the Tusi King has been approved."

"That's right, the day after tomorrow."

Wang Pengpai added cheerfully: "The time is exactly the same as when your brother led the team to take the Gannan Great Ring Road. The hotel recommended Huang Chen as an auspicious day."

It seems that the hotel really wants to pack up the two brothers and throw them out at the same time. It will never happen that one of them leaves and the other stays at the hotel!

The author has something to say

I’m too sleepy. I’ll try to catch the insects tomorrow when I see them!

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