Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 1033 Dark Clouds

Captain Wu Yun of Fengdu may have something wrong with his mind.

This was Taoist Feng’s heartfelt emotion after a few minutes of meeting on his way back.

Being able to open the tomb of the Tusi King together with Director Cui is such a great thing. In this situation, any words such as 'rejection, NO, no' sound particularly harsh. Even though Wu Yun's 'disagree' should be referring to Silverfish, who might be his competitor this time, Taoist Feng still felt an unhappiness welling up in his heart, and immediately distanced himself from Wu Yun Silverfish, for fear of this. The sound of 'disagree' pollutes the air around you.

Especially when he heard that Wu Yun still firmly rejected Sanlian, Taoist Feng felt extremely complicated. While he secretly prayed that Wu Yun would increase his efforts and really blow away Silverfish's chance to open the tomb of the Tusi King, so that he and Cui Dao could work together as tour guides, he felt inexplicably annoyed in his heart and completely disapproved of Wu Yun's behavior. Behavior.

Those who push out the blessings they have received will be punished by God! Obviously, Silverfish will definitely gain a lot after a competition, and if he seamlessly travels to the 30th North Latitude, he will definitely be able to be a B-3, not to mention B-1, B-2 when he comes out. Pinocchio is nothing to be afraid of, and the challenge The success rate of the rune refiner is definitely not small.

If you missed this time, how could you have such a good opportunity! Sure enough, one still has to choose the right brigade/alliance to have a better future. Taoist Feng complained in his heart that he had not had much interaction with the Fengdu brigade before. Whether he was in the Butcher Alliance before or later in the Mutual Aid Alliance, he was always in the circle of the Tour Guide Alliance. He was a bastard, and all he knew were tour guides - he had a relationship with Ghost Yi Yi 49 before, but later ventured into the Mutual Aid Alliance and unexpectedly found a new direction in life.

Look, the people in their mutual aid alliance are all strong people. The strongest tourists, A-2 tour guides, S3 tour guides, and rising star tour guides from the east and west areas are all in their alliance. Especially after watching the live broadcast of the competition and the carnival dinner, Director Cui's image continued to rise in the hearts of Feng Dao people.

What is an unprecedented Yi-Zero tour guide!

As long as you complete the tomb of the Tusi King, you will definitely be able to become a first-class great guide!

So promising for our alliance!

Feng Taoist has really forgotten how he felt when he first joined the Mutual Aid Alliance, thinking of just grabbing a handful and leaving. He only felt that his career was greatly satisfied. After buying Cui Dao's latest poster, he seriously posted it on his wall. He was very excited. With trembling hands, I became more energetic when cultivating the queen bee and queen. It was completely different from the feeling I had when I was in the Butcher Alliance.

Although the East District Butchers Alliance is the number one tour guide alliance, and the Mingren are the strongest tour guides, Taoist Feng feels from the bottom of his heart that the Mutual Aid Alliance has a future. He really watched Cui Cui step by step up to where he is now - although he didn't watch for long, after all, it was only a few journeys and we were already almost at the top, but this feeling was really different, especially since he was the first He is one of the first tour guides to join the Mutual Aid Alliance, and has always been willing to invest in ALLIN. Director Cui also has some impressions of him, and will take the initiative to take him to some events, such as the last 'dinner party'.

But even Taoist Feng never dreamed that such a good thing as opening the tomb of the Tusi King together with Cui Dao would happen to him! Although he thought countless times when watching the live broadcast of the match that if he were in the position of the Devil Merchant, he would definitely do better than him. He also wanted to participate in personally starting the journey to the 30th North Latitude, but in any case, the tomb of the Chieftain King was most likely Cui Dao's personal responsibility for their return trip.

If there is a rumor that the team will be led by a pair of tour guides this time, Taoist Feng will definitely give it a try. Even if the opponent is a dream chaser, he will definitely sign up. However, there is no faith in the way back. He, Taoist Feng, recommends himself. It's a bit out of place, I don't know how to wink, so I can't do this.

Despite this, Bee Daoist still worked hard to prepare magic honey, make concentrated honey, refine bee venom, upgrade portable hives, cultivate stronger bee species, apply for abyss nodes and worm hunting to cultivate tacit understanding, and at the same time, he and more powerful The Demon Bee Queen established a relationship, improved her combat effectiveness after returning to zero in the devil training, and squeezed her potential to the limit, as if preparing for the next journey.

...Even if there is little hope of going together to open the tomb of the Tusi King, these preparations will not be in vain. Maybe they will come in handy on some journey.

Opportunity awaits those who are prepared.

When he learned that he was really called to the home base for a meeting, and that Director Cui intended to go with him to the Tomb of the Tusi King, Taoist Feng's mind went blank, his heart beat so fast, and he felt as if he was floating in the clouds. He was so surprised. Hit, ears ringing, mouth dry. The last thing he could think of was that Director Cui had a mysophobia. He didn't know how he took a shower and packed up so quickly. He felt like he was in a dream.

It wasn't until he saw dark clouds and silverfish in the reception room on his way back that Daoist Feng suddenly woke up and his fingers were cold.

He had only heard of two tour guides in the hotel, but never heard of three tour guides leading a tour. It was such a coincidence that Silverfish came at this time. If it was also for the Tomb of the Tusi King... No, no, no, Team An had officially invited him to be a guest on their way home. It couldn't be to buy purified magic honey! So they must want to invite him to the Tomb of the Tusi King. So Silverfish and Wuyun are here to talk about other things?

Or is it that Wu Yun got some news from the Mutual Aid Alliance and wanted to use his connections to insert Silverfish into the queue so that Silverfish can advance faster?

Or maybe... a terrifying thought appeared in Taoist Feng's mind. It can't be that Captain An prefers Taoist Taoist Bee, while Director Cui prefers Silverfish!

If Director Cui really had the intention, then he wouldn't be able to fight it no matter what. Dao Feng's face was as cold as usual, but in fact he had put on a mask of pain in his heart. Fortunately, he didn't have any more random thoughts on the way home, and he quickly explained his intention to invite him as a guest this time. Completely ignoring the noisy dark clouds, Taoist Feng's heart finally started beating violently again at this moment, his fingertips became warm, and he responded repeatedly.

Why is it risky to be thrown into the tomb of the Tusi King after falling asleep? How can a journey to explore the 30th degree north latitude be risk-free? Let’s go in first! If you have any questions, please ask later!

Most of the time, Taoist Feng is an extremely cautious person, but occasionally he will be as crazy as a gambler ALLIN and take a big gamble. He has never lost a gamble on the Mutual Aid Alliance, and he will never miss this golden opportunity.

"It's still too dangerous to throw it in after falling asleep."

Wu Yun said solemnly, with a sincere tone: "Even if it is to avoid being noticed by the hotel, there must be other better ways."

Why don’t you apply for three tour guides from the hotel? Why don’t you get tickets to the Tusi King’s Tomb through formal channels? Why——

Needless to say, Wu Yun is also a smart person and understands the situation of the evil insect master at the moment. He had never said anything soft or begged anyone in his life. He also knew that Wu Laoliu had "sneaked" into the tomb of the Tusi King and had to slice up other insect masters on the way back to be on the safe side. An Xuefeng And the returning team members must be very dissatisfied.

But it's still too risky to 'throw it in'. The incompletely opened Tomb of the Tusi King is like Schrödinger's cat. It's unclear whether the monsters inside are in a peaceful state or crazy. Can Yi Zero determine the exact ‘drop point’? After ‘sleeping’, could he really hide from the investigation of the contamination of the Tusi King’s tomb? On the way home, will the whole Wuluo Mountain come to life and have any impact on the sleepers? These are all unknowns.

Even though An Xuefeng was the most powerful traveler and Yi Ling was an absolutely promising tour guide, and he had the richest experience in opening a journey to 30 degrees north latitude in the entire hotel, Wu Yun still didn't dare to take the risk. The silverfish is his deep connection traveler. If the silverfish dies, the entire Feng will die suddenly. Of course, due to the special clustering state of the evil insect master's slices, maybe the deep connection will fall on the other slices after the silverfish dies. .

But no matter how many slices there are, this time when we go to the Tomb of the Tusi King, we will attack if we don’t go, and if we go, we will attack with the whole army. The possibility of being singled out is too high, so it is really not a good time.

Especially when he thought about the next trip he was going to take part in, which the hotel had just officially announced this morning, Wu Yun frowned even more.

If he could participate in the journey to open the tomb of the Tusi King, at least he could sense the status of Silverfish and the others at any time, but he was sent by the damn hotel to the Gannan Great Loop Line led by the Mingren, and the hotel also appointed him as the deputy captain. Not to mention the difficulty of this journey, it was also a hellish journey. It was obviously targeted by the hotel, which made him completely unable to spare any time and had no time to pay attention to the situation at the tomb of the Tusi King.

Once an accident occurs, he will be unable to support or rush over, and even the connection between the tour guide and the tourists will become blurred due to the two separate journeys, helping the silverfish to bear the injury... maybe the possibility of him getting injured will be even higher.

It was really too dangerous, Wu Yun sighed deeply in his heart, turned around and whispered a few words to Silverfish. The two of them seemed to have some kind of argument. Although it couldn't be heard in the conversation, it might have been a quarrel in their minds. It was clear that Silverfish suddenly opened his collar in annoyance and took out a pack of cigarettes. He wanted to smoke, but he saw Cui again. The director was standing aside, so he winked at An Xuefeng.

An Xuefeng, who had been stoic just now, was now considerate and said he would take a break before continuing with the business, and then went out with Wu Yun, as if they were going to smoke together.

However, after leaving the reception room, Wu Yun put away the cigarette case. Then he took out a gloomy wooden box and handed it to An Xuefeng. This is an unsolvable storage item. It has a large interior space and can carry 30 degrees north latitude and abyss pollution. An Xuefeng seemed to have expected it. He took the gloomy wooden box and opened it at will, then raised his eyebrows.

There are five almost identical matryoshka dolls placed in the gloomy wooden box, with only slight differences in size. They are not the exquisitely made and smooth wooden Russian matryoshka dolls commonly seen on the market. It is unclear what kind of animal skin and bones they are made of. There are thick hairs in the gaps, and the paint used to draw the patterns is more like blood, exuding a strong and unclean pollution power.

This is the stuff of the abyss.

"It will lock the tour guide in a zero state and blend into the local polluted environment without being discovered by the 'aboriginals'."

Wu Yun said in a deep voice: "Just like the aborigines."

The author has something to say

There will be another update soon, my dears! I’ll update it as soon as it’s finished. Babies, you can wake up tomorrow morning and watch it together. Take a bow!


Taoist Feng [Unbelievable]: I don’t know why, but I get angry when I hear the dark clouds talking.

dark clouds:?

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