Thriller Tour Group

1013 Game, your brain is really dirty


An Xuefeng grasped the tip of the knife that was stabbing him. Blood flowed down between his fingers and made a sizzling sound when it fell on the sickle that was specially designed to kill the son of destiny. However, it seemed that the sickle had been corroded. The originally extremely sharp tip of the knife It was covered with a dull rust color, and seemed to be much blunted. The blade was tense and there was a faint buzzing sound.

An Xuefeng was very strong, even a life-haunting person would have a hard time grabbing the knife from his hand. However, his power is not limited to this aspect. With a sharp scoff, the tip of the sickle instantly turned red, and the scalding heat hit him. The blade turned into extremely hot and blazing sunlight and exploded in An Xuefeng's palm. This blow was quite lethal. An Xuefeng's palm turned red with a sizzling sound, and bones were faintly visible among the flesh and blood. However, the light of the explosion failed to return to the life-seeking person. Instead, he was still tightly clenched by the hand showing the bones. , plunder, and then crush without mercy. At this moment, the man's expression remained unchanged, but a little blood stained the white robe on his body.

This ray of sunlight pollution originating from the Inca Sun Gate was completely destroyed by An Xuefeng, and even affected the pioneers of the Sun Gate, causing injuries to those who wanted to kill.

"Don't try to get his idea."

An Xuefeng said in a low voice, still sitting with his shoulders straight, and his eyes fell forward on Wei Xun who was displayed on the big screen. He didn't give Xi Ming an extra look. Just looking at the surface, it was completely impossible to tell that he had just interacted with Xi. There has been a confrontation between the people. It's just that he has completely opened his eyes now. During the mental bombardment with Ximingren just now, not only Ximingren was awake, but he was also awake. It was a pity not to feel Wei Xun's power covering more, but An Xuefeng was mentally The moment the force hit him, he realized the intention of the life-seeker.

He wanted to find out more about the secrets of the origin of the ‘Master’ and to anchor the fate of the Master.

This made An Xuefeng extremely vigilant, like a cold gleam on his spine, he issued a warning to those who wanted to kill him.

"That's what I should have said."

The man said indifferently, the blood stains on the white robe disappeared quietly, and seemed to have returned to his body, just like An Xuefeng's hand, which was rapidly growing blood and flesh and returning to its original state. Both of their eyes fell on the screen, not even giving each other a glance. However, a new round of confrontation began in the darkness. The powerful forces in a small area collided and disappeared. The darkness between the two seemed to have small blossoms. The flowers exploded, and the sickle aimed at the Son of Destiny sometimes appeared and sometimes disappeared. It needed to drink more blood before it could become a killing move against An Xuefeng in the future.

However, An Xuefeng had already made adequate preparations since he learned about the sickle from the Tower of Babel. His blood falling on the blade was not absorbed by the sickle, but turned into a layer of blood rust that corroded the surface of the sickle. , and even the 'Behead Destiny's Child' rule in Corrosive Scythe. During the fight, the two people still didn't look at each other, but they were saying harsh words to each other.

"Hey, if you want me to let go, there's no way."

An Xuefeng said coldly with no expression on his face: "If he didn't value you... hmph."

"Don't think I don't know about the despicable methods you used."

Xi Mingren said calmly, with a sharp light flashing in his eyes: "Taking advantage of others' danger, * * * he will pay the price sooner or later."

If Wei Xun hadn't been watched by Wang Pengpai and paid close attention to during his first trip to the hotel, he wouldn't have been targeted by An Xuefeng as soon as he arrived, and he would have signed the contract when he was about to die. Without that contract, Wei Xun would not have formed a soul contract with An Xuefeng so quickly until he joined the journey home.

"It's a joke, our meeting is destined."

An Xuefeng was unmoved and sneered: "You left him a message saying to be careful about me. Don't you know that he will definitely come to me because of this?"

"Or do you think that his affection for you is not that deep... you didn't expect that he would look for you for ten years?" An Xuefeng spoke faster and with an imposing manner: "But I think so, you are using his performance to spy on him What is the intention behind the fate of the original title!”

"This is a matter between us brothers."

The Mingxi man said indifferently, and his attack became more fierce: "It has nothing to do with you, an outsider."

"It's irrelevant, how could it be irrelevant?"

An Xuefeng chuckled, the Return Sword was half unsheathed, and the terrifying power full of twisted pollution from the Sun Gate fell on the orange-yellow sword, sparking a dim light. The light and shadow fell on his face, and the corners of his mouth were obviously raised, but there was no smile in his eyes: "Actually, he should have come to the hotel ten years ago."

An Xuefeng suddenly said: "The astrologer said he saw the wrong fate and the wrong person. He was the one who should have entered the hotel ten years ago, not you. What method did you use? Did you borrow his destiny?"

An Xuefeng did not continue. After all, this was not a place suitable for discussing secrets. There was still a puppet master sitting on his left. Although he was now trapped in the power of the master, they were too close, and the movement here was not small, maybe Will wake up at any moment.

"If he had come in ten years ago, we would have had more experiences and deeper feelings."

An Xuefeng changed the topic and thought of the tour guide Wei Xun he saw when he was infiltrated by the power of dominance. He thought that if they could have fought side by side when they first entered the hotel, An Xuefeng, who was never overly affected by things that could not be changed, actually felt that regret. And hearing his sincere sigh, the man's voice became deeper and deeper, filled with real anger:

"Go to hell, beast."

As if he had encountered something disgusting and dirty, the sickle that had always been exposed suddenly appeared like a crescent moon and slashed towards An Xuefeng's lower back! Unlike the tip of the knife, which had been corroded and dulled by An Xuefeng's blood, the blade of the sickle had not been corroded by blood rust. Instead, every time the tip of the knife came into contact with blood, it was stained with a trace of the regular power that killed An Xuefeng.


With a buzzing sound, the Return Sword was completely unsheathed and blocked the sickle. The blade failed to hit An Xuefeng's body, but the white robe at his waist was quickly dyed red by the snow! The sharp power of rules was wildly raging on the flesh and blood of An Xuefeng's lower back, cutting through the flesh and bones layer by layer. At the same time, there was a soft sound, and the two people and the nearby chair backs were cut off by the sharp blade. .

However, An Xuefeng didn't care about his injuries. He frowned, the corners of his mouth curled into a straight line, and his face looked strange. Given the life-and-death relationship between him and the Ximingren, it was normal for the Ximingren to ask him to die, but why would he call him a beast? Recalling what he just said, and your mind as a life-seeking person... An Xuefeng's face suddenly darkened.

"You have such dirty thoughts."

He lowered his voice and cursed, gnashing his teeth. The moment he unsheathed his sword and slashed at the man who was in charge of life, An Xuefeng kicked the man's calf with his toes, which could break the Sun Gate. The man who was in a hurry finally jumped up from his seat, holding a sickle and slashing down at An Xuefeng, calling him a "cowardly policeman". And the impact of such a fight would be huge. An Xuefeng and the Mingxiren still held back. After all, it would be embarrassing to be taken away and punished by the hotel. The scope of their battle was only in their row - that is to say. There is only one puppet master.

After all, he was once a top-level director, and he couldn't die.

The puppet master sitting in the row with them was beaten awake immediately.

What am I doing... The moment the puppet master opened her eyes, she felt her heart beating wildly before she could react. The fatal alarm from the tumor made her subconsciously hide to the side. The next moment, she heard a clicking sound, and the chair she was sitting on just now She was pierced by the tip of the sickle, and then suddenly burned to death by the flames of the sun. The fierce and scorching flames hit her face and burned the puppet master's silk hair into black curls. The two people fighting next to her made her feel a curse in her chest. The anger is not vented and unhappy.

Tough luck! What bad luck! She was realizing the joy of taking a two-person journey with the explorer, fighting in and out to open up the journey to the 30th North Latitude, but the joy suddenly disappeared! Moreover, these two damn people didn't care about her life or death when they fought. The puppet master who was affected by the returning sword and sickle several times couldn't bear it. If she could bear it before, she thought she had some friendship with Yi Zero after the Tower of Babel. , added the contact information, and after feeling that he could say a few words, the puppet master couldn't bear it anymore.

The explorer definitely doesn't want to see An Xuefeng and the life-seeker fight.

The confident puppet master did not hesitate and directly submitted a report to the hotel. As a tour guide that the hotel currently hopes to devote resources to training, she also has her own channel to communicate with the hotel.

The hotel didn't find any problems at first. Firstly, An Xuefeng and the Mingren here restrained some strength. Secondly, the inspection responsibility here was handed over to An Xuefeng. Who knew that An Xuefeng started fighting on his own! Now that he was reported by the puppet master, the hotel's attention was swept away. Although An Xuefeng and Xi Mingren had sheathed their swords and stood still a second ago, thanks to them, the row of seats was basically destroyed.

Two people who were invited in dared to fight at the venue? Two beams of light fell, and the hotel temporarily locked them both into a small white room and fined them severely. The power needed to repair the venue was also deducted from these two people. After the row of seats was repaired and puppet master Shi Shiran sat down, An Xuefeng and Xi Mingren hadn't come back yet - the hotel judged that there was a high probability that they could fight because of Yi Zero, and they would not let them out now. If you want to risk it again, if you want to go back to the venue, you have to at least wait until Yi Zero's performance is over.

So when Wei Xun's performance ended and he returned to the Golden Palace satisfied with a deeper understanding of the power of dominance, he immediately noticed something was wrong with a glance.

An Xuefeng and Xi Mingren disappeared, and they were not at the venue!

How is this going? what happened? Could it be because he - when Wei Xun dominated everyone through the performance just now, he actually felt the temptation of the life-seeking man and the obstruction of An Xuefeng. But he didn't think that his rational brother and An Xuefeng, who was concerned about the overall situation, would fight on the spot until they were kicked out of the hotel. He thought it was because of some important matters. For example, in reality, the mountain god is causing trouble again and needs An Xuefeng to suppress it? Or what hotel rules do they feel? Or is it related to the replay of old dreams?

For a moment, Wei Xun's attention was diverted by the two disappeared people. He didn't even pay much attention to the concern of the Dream Chaser and the inquiry of the Lizard Duke. The settlement of 'Passenger Wei Xun' allowed him to upgrade from high level to special level. Wu Xing didn't pay much attention to Wei Xun.

It wasn't until the astrologer and Bai Xiaosheng announced in enthusiastic voices that they would display the poster of Wei Xun, the best traveler, and invited Wei Xun to perform on stage, that Wei Xun saw the figures of Xi Ming and An Xuefeng again... Well, But why do they all have some injuries on their bodies? The white robes look like ripped jeans, somewhat torn.

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