Thriller Tour Group

1014 Conqueror Wei Xun There will be another update soon

Although the passenger Wei Xun has been selected by the hotel's light beam, he started to choose this performance. But 'Tour Guide Yi Ling' was still there. He openly noticed the new costumes of An Xuefeng and the Dream Chaser, and calmly turned around and chatted with the Dream Chaser with a smile before others noticed anything unusual. Most of Wei Xun's mental energy is currently in the passenger Wei Xun's place. There is very little left here, which shows that he is often easily distracted.

But even if there was little mental energy left here, he could still completely remember the current situation of An Xuefeng and the Mingren at a glance!

It looked like the two of them had a fight, but I don't know if they fought after they left or... hiss, they couldn't have been taken away by the hotel because of the fight here, right?

Wei Xun thought uncertainly.

The gowns they wear are woven according to the hotel's rules and will never be damaged under normal circumstances. But if An Xuefeng were to fight against a life-haunting person, there would definitely be holes in his dress. Speaking of which, the puppet master should know what happened just now. After all, she was sitting so close, and Wei Xun could tell that she was also the one who woke up early from the power of dominance.

"Speaking of which, your performance is really impressive."

Seeing that Wei Xun had been distracted for a long time, the Lizard Duke on the side raised his eyebrows after calling several times without getting a response. Dream Chaser took the initiative to cover the way, and Dream Chaser, who turned into Thor's hammer, tapped Wei Xun's finger, knocking him back to his senses.

"Yeah, I feel pretty good too, but I'm just too hungry. Did you bring any candy to Dream Chaser?"

Wei Xun asked after coming back to his senses, pressing his temples a little tiredly.

"Tsk, let me just say that acting is a good thing."

The dream catcher didn't bring any candy, but with a snap, Wei Xun took the bag of chocolates thrown by the Lizard Duke. It's hard to say why someone who owns a dog-wolf would carry chocolate with him. Maybe a werewolf can't eat it so he has to carry an air wolf. However, chocolate was a good thing for Wei Xun now, so he immediately opened the bag and started eating it.

"You don't doubt that I poisoned it."

Lizard Duke complained, but the corner of his mouth curled up and he said lazily: "You look like a good boy coming to the West District to be a tour guide."

In this performance featuring the title of 'Master', the tourists saw that the tour guide on their first trip had become the explorer Yi Ling, while the tour guides saw that the first time they led the tour was with Yi Ling. Zero double tour guide.

“The hostel gave me a lot of inspiration.”

Wei Xun quickly drank half the bag of chocolate and drank some water. He usually doesn't like sweets, but now he can only make up for his consumption by eating a lot of sugar. Speaking of the performance just now, he couldn't help but recall the dominating performance under the blessing of the hotel... He couldn't think too much, most of his mental energy was with the passenger Wei Xun. The current power here is not enough for him to recall that this dominant power has been developed to the extreme. It is easy to burn his brain. Wei Xun started eating a lot of chocolate again.

But apart from the feeling of dominating everything and making people excited and crazy, the composition of this performance is enough.

Wei Xun also just mastered the power of domination when he was in Iceland. Although once he mastered it, he dominated difficult things such as An Xuefeng, ***, butterfly fragments, etc., and later dominated the destruction of the 30th North Latitude, but There are still endless possibilities for this power. After all, it should be the title power that matches the level of ‘life-seeking person’.

This dominating performance was Wei Xun's first inspiration. What kind of performance should be designed to make better use of the entire audience and allow him to deeply appreciate the higher level of dominating power? The first is to choose the direction of dominance related to people. He dominates power and can also dominate people like An Xuefeng who have soul contracts with him. In other words, he can dominate people's souls.

But it is impossible for the hotel to let him touch the souls of all the people in the hotel. After all, the soul connection with the hotel is the cornerstone of the tourist guide's existence in the hotel.

From another perspective, the soul and memory are closely related. If Wei Xun can dominate the soul, he can also dominate people's memory - this involves the memory rules of the hotel. Wei Xun is the most familiar with this, after all, his spiritual sword breaks through the rules of memory. Doesn't the hotel want to train him to be the person in charge? It's normal for him to continue to make breakthroughs in this area.

Of course, Wei Xun didn't completely step on the hotel's red line. He generously left the most sensitive part of memory to the hotel to decide, and the hotel's proposal also made him very interesting - to guide all tourists for the first time. The tour guide in the memory of the journey is replaced by him, and then he controls the development of the journey.

The first trip was definitely archived by everyone in the hotel. At that time, the tourist guides did not have any title props that could block the hotel's live broadcast. The hotel had the most complete control and did not worry about someone's memory being confused and causing an accident after the entire show.

And Wei Xun can dominate the "memory of the first journey" arbitrarily, and at the same time dominate part of the memories of all the people in the hotel and let them develop new developments. It stands to reason that the first trip should be the simplest, and there is no need for a double tour guide. For those top travelers/big guides, returning to the first trip is no different from cheating, and there should be no extra feeling. However, Yi Zero is a magical tour guide with infinite possibilities. The first time he led a team, he embarked on a journey to the 30th North Latitude. There was nothing impossible about the journey he led, and everything was at the limit of everyone's endurance.

This is Wei Xun's limit. Even if many of the tourists/tour guides in the hotel are on the same team for the first journey, if they can be put together to perform, it will be a performance that dominates tens of millions of journeys at the same time and involves countless people. He tapped the potential of mastering people's memory to the limit, and saw the highest scenery in advance that was beyond his current ability.

Without the support of the hotel, Wei Xun would never be able to do this now. Even with the support of the hotel, his current situation is not good. Up to now, Wei Xun's brain is still buzzing and hurting. There is a faint smell of blood in his throat, and his brain feels like It felt like I was drained. I was eating sugar desperately to replenish my sugar. I wanted to sleep on the spot for a few days and nights.

But no, he still has the next performance. After the tour guide's performance is over, it's time for the passengers to settle the bill. In this competition, Wei Xun not only ranked first in tour guide performance, but also deservedly ranked first in the ratings from the tourists. After all, An Xuefeng was really dedicated and serious regardless of whether he had memory or not. , it is natural to take first place.

The first means that there will be posters - according to the ethics of the hotel, Wei Xun understood when he performed that he would have to perform on stage three times this time - the tour guide performance, the passenger performance, and the whole brigade of the best brigade. Performance.

Damn this hotel, even Wei Xun couldn't help complaining in his heart. Although he now knows that 'performance' is definitely a good thing for him, knowing in advance what it will look like when a certain strength of his reaches its limit will save him a lot of detours, and he will be more targeted when developing and exercising his strength. But the performance was not completely without consumption. His current mental state was completely unable to support a performance similar to controlling soul memories.

But it doesn't matter, Wei Xun has already thought about what he wants to play. After eating the chocolate, he smiled and thanked him, took a pile of high-energy pollen balls rolled by Yin Yang Die Xian, and looked at the big screen with the people around him. The red-haired tourist on the Hong Bridge was also looking at the audience with a smile. Perhaps the tour guide and the tourists themselves have different temperaments. Wei was holding a microphone on the Hong Bridge and opening his arms to the dark audience in the virtual hall. Xun's eyes are blazing, his eyebrows are flying, and his smile is wanton, as hot and lively as a ball of fire.

The emerald angel wings were flapping behind his back, and his originally white hair turned into a crimson color due to his costume, which made people not associate him with a certain tour guide. It was like the possibility of another life, without the tour guide's illness. There is no mystery of the tour guide, no barrier between the tour guide and the tourists. Standing on the Hongqiao again, Wei Xun feels that his heartbeat is a little faster, like a leaping flame, but there is no feeling of butterfly fragments attached, it is pure sun, pure flame. , making his blood feel hot.

It was clear that the hotel had noticed his problem, but he still settled with the hotel and discussed the next performance with the hotel as if nothing happened. This tightrope walking feeling really made people's adrenaline soar, and a pleasant shiver ran down his spine. Coupled with the uncontrollable excitement of exploring the limits of domination power and controlling everything in the performance just now, Wei Xun's emotions reached an extremely high point due to the numerous blessings. Wei Xun felt a little high when the settlement was just now. But instead of calming down this time, he made his emotions become more and more intense like boiling water.

Especially when he saw his passenger poster appearing, Wei Xun's blue pupils shrank for a moment and he became even more excited.

And the whole audience was also very excited! Explorers being their own tour guides has completely aroused their emotions, and the appearance of a brand new poster is even more exciting! No matter how good-looking the poster of the Explorer is, it has appeared before, and almost everyone has seen it. But this is the first poster for Wei Xun’s Best Passengers. Based on Wei Xun's excellent performance in this competition, no one doubts why Huitu invited him to join. Everyone knows that as long as Wei Xun does not die early, he will definitely win solo/team posters one after another, but no matter There were so many posters after that, but this first one is definitely the most memorable!

Unlike the Explorer poster which directly shows the whole picture, Wei Xun's poster is just like when the original Explorer poster first appeared. Two dark flames ignited on the originally dark canvas - no, this is not a flame, more like The flickering dim light. Many people immediately thought of the lamp he was holding in the Explorer poster! The lights on Wei Xun's pitch-black poster were swaying, as if being blown by the strong wind, but they gradually revealed the picture hidden in the darkness.

The background of the poster is also a sky covered by dark clouds and snow all over the sky. Hexagonal snowflakes fall on the snow-white hair of the passengers, giving people a momentary vision of being an explorer. But the clear, unobstructed handsome face on the poster soon made people come back to their senses. The person on the poster was not a tour guide, but a tourist.

He was holding a yew long bow and was drawing it towards the people outside the poster. His eyelashes as white as snow could not conceal his deep blue and almost black pupils in the shadows, like ice splashing, tens of thousands of years of blue ice. These eyes were extremely beautiful, but Not many people dared to look directly at it. The murderous aura contained in it seemed to be able to split people's eyes, making people hastily move their eyes to the white hair that was blown by the snowstorm and the crown that pressed the white hair.

Behind him was not some giant legion or Nordic gods, but the back of the tour guide whose outline was slightly illuminated by the dim light. This little light was not enough to completely cover the two of them. Nearly half of the traveler's body was in the cold shadows of gray and blue, but the arrows on his bow that were transformed into the power of the Plague Knight shone with a chilling sharp light. The explorer crowned him, and he guarded the tour guide's back. The divine blood was splashed on his face, unable to shake the coldness in his eyes. He was like a loyal knight, and like a vicious dog protecting his master, even when facing the gods. If he wanted to show his fangs wantonly, he alone would be like a thousand troops.

The cold wind, ice and snow formed icy blue frost flowers on his fingers wearing pitch black gloves, and these exquisite extremely cold frost flowers hung down and twisted into sharp blue-white writing like frost and snow frozen in the lower center of the poster——

[Preliminary competition: Nordic competition]

[Personal limited commemorative poster]

[The best passenger in the competition—Conqueror Wei Xun! 】

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