Thriller Tour Group

1012 Wonderful performance starring Zero

Go on stage and perform!

The spotlight suddenly hit Wei Xun, and his stagnant smile was displayed on the big screen without reservation, which immediately caused a tsunami of cheers outside. It was not until the virtual hall began to display the best tour guide poster that was displayed on the night of Ragnarok in all directions, and the scene shining above the virtual hall began to lead the audience to relive the wonderful scenes of that night, that the beam of light from the spotlight moved away from Wei Xun.

The corners of his upturned mouth turned down, and the whole person slumped on the back of the chair, like a salted fish that had lost its dream, and his eyes had lost focus. The Duke of Lizard next to him found it interesting, and waved his hand in front of Wei Xun's eyes in a bad way, but was slapped away by the dream chaser next to him.

"Don't disturb him."

The dream chaser warned that Wei Xun must be communicating with the hotel about the content of the "performance" for a while, and this so-called poster display was the last time he communicated with the hotel. If Wei Xun was disturbed by the outside world and came back to his senses early, it is very likely that he would not have finished communicating with the hotel.

"Are you his mother? You are so controlling."

The Duke of Lizard snorted, rolled his eyes at the Dreamer, and said sarcastically: "Poor boy, he will suffocate in the discipline."

The Dreamer's eyes were sharp. Except in front of a few friends, he was not a good-tempered person, especially he had a deep opinion of the Butcher Alliance. Seeing the Duke of Lizard being so cunning, he felt itchy in his fists. Fortunately, just when the momentum was getting more and more tense, Wei Xun came back to his senses.

"Why, have you thought about what to perform?"

The Dreamer was the first to notice the change and asked with concern.

"This kid might as well go up and perform a chorus of fallen angels. I can't wait to see the faces of the White Church."

The Duke of Lizard was cheering on the side, watching the excitement without minding the big trouble.

"The chorus is a good idea, but not now."

Wei Xun smiled and snapped his fingers. The snow-white beams fell down and focused on him. The next moment Wei Xun disappeared from his seat and was teleported to the Rainbow Bridge.

As he appeared, the virtual hall was filled with more enthusiastic applause. The two hosts, Black Widow and Psychic, were still on the Rainbow Bridge. Although they could not say anything because they were currently hosting, Black Widow smiled softly at Wei Xun, and the Psychic nodded carefully. They could definitely see their importance to the explorer!

Soon, when Wei Xun used his finger as a pen to leave his signature on the Best Tour Guide poster displayed in the middle of the Rainbow Bridge, Black Widow and Psychic left the stage and left the Rainbow Bridge to him. Wei Xun, who was standing in the middle of the Rainbow Bridge with a microphone in his hand, looked at his poster for a while. Although he had known for a long time that his Best Tour Guide poster had been released, the poster would not be sold until after the carnival dinner, and no one could leave any image before that. Wei Xun's impression of his poster was only obtained from some people's oral descriptions. Now was the first time Wei Xun saw it with his own eyes.

It is said that this poster has been considered by many people in the forum as the most anticipated tour guide poster, because the explorer holding a lantern in the snow at dusk and turning around to reach out to the tourists has a very unique charm, as if as long as he stands here, turns around with a smile and reaches out to you, then there is nothing to be afraid of.

There is nothing to be afraid of, because the explorer is your tour guide.

The first poster of the explorer is good, but the title power attached to the poster is "Thrilling Journey", which makes people feel creepy and extremely stressed. Even if you can get a warm greeting from the amazing explorer when you open the poster, it is not a poster that everyone can often see.

However, the poster of the best tour guide of the explorer in this competition gives people a completely different feeling. There is no crazy feeling of danger and horror. The white-haired tour guide holding a lantern guides the direction of the tourists like an eternal lighthouse. This sense of security and the feeling of being cared for by the tour guide make the tourists who have been living under high pressure for many years crazy. When Wei Xun felt the enthusiastic cheers from the audience when the poster appeared, he knew that they would definitely like the "performance" he prepared this time.

"Hello, everyone. I'm the Explorer."

Taking his eyes away from the poster, Wei Xun held the microphone and looked at the expectant audience below the stage, saying cheerfully: "Next is the performance I will bring to you, which will definitely be wonderful."

The white-haired tour guide on the Rainbow Bridge raised his chin slightly and looked down at the entire virtual hall from a high place. His blue-purple eyes glowed with light, and like the eyes of a dragon, he flashed an irresistible halo. I don't know when the Odin cloak he was wearing quietly turned black, and the next moment the black color suddenly permeated the entire virtual hall.


With a heartbeat, the enhanced power of the hotel has covered all the audience, whether they are weak or strong, tourists or tour guides, inside and outside the Golden Palace, everyone was instantly covered and affected by the power of the Explorer. Just like the night fell, the eyes suddenly became dark, and only the voice of the Explorer sounded softly in the unconscious darkness. Although he was still laughing, he revealed a kind of majesty that made people tremble.

"This thrilling journey will be dominated by me."

As soon as the words fell, everyone felt that the darkness that enveloped them disappeared, and the images hidden in the depths of their memories came flooding back. The Lizard Duke in the Golden Palace tried to open his eyes, but failed. After muttering in his heart, he simply closed his eyes and leaned on Sitting on the back of the chair, he rarely became interested in the performance. An Xuefeng, who was sitting in the back row, curled his lips, already knowing what Wei Xun wanted to perform. He moved his fingers slightly, and the 'connection' in the goddess of destiny's disguise allowed him to confirm that the fateful man was rarely at peace and did not move, and that he was covered by the power of the hotel's rules. After Xi Mingren was completely immersed in power, An Xuefeng regained his attention and opened a pair of eyes.

Red light flowed in An Xuefeng's eyes, like circles of scarlet blood, and the power of the hotel rules circulated. He seemed to have a 360-degree perspective and could see the entire virtual hall in his eyes. When everyone closes their eyes and is immersed in the performance, they must have such a pair of eyes sharper than a hawk to inspect everything and guard against any accidents and mistakes.

However, after looking around, An Xuefeng quickly closed his left eye. It was enough to patrol the hotel with only one eye, and he used the closed eye to watch Wei Xun's carefully prepared 'performance'. I only 'saw' that the surrounding scene was constantly changing after a strange change of color blocks, and then the scene after stabilizing was shocking.

The picture that freezes in everyone's mind is their first trip after being selected by the hotel! Under the shock, everything around him became extremely real. Some people heard the sound of rain hitting the car window, some felt the bumps of the boat pushed by the water waves, some smelled the smell of mud in the mountains and forests, and the sound of the bus driving on the mountain road. It shook and vibrated, and some people shivered, feeling that the air suddenly became colder.

For a moment, it was like going back in time. They all seemed to have returned to the time when they first took the journey. They opened their eyes and woke up from various means of transportation. They looked at everything around them with fear and vigilance until the sound of inaudible footsteps could be heard. , it seemed like someone was walking leisurely by him, bringing with him a gust of cold wind, giving him an aura that was different from that of tourists.

It's a tour guide.

This thought crossed everyone's mind, but when they boldly raised their heads to look, they couldn't help but their pupils suddenly shrank, and they were stunned!

"Hello passengers, I am the tour guide for this trip."

That was not the despicable, ugly, arrogant, indifferent and incompetent tour guide they remembered, or the indifferent and indifferent tour guide who stood by and bullied the weak. He wore a raven crown, with dark wings covering the upper half of his face. Under the mask were skin as pale as new snow and lips so pale that they were almost colorless.

He seemed to be smiling, with the corners of his lips slightly curled up, and he chuckled calmly under the spotlight. It's not the kind of smile that makes people feel safe at first glance. His smile seems to have a wanton charm, and he seems to be looking at all the travelers with great interest, like a king inspecting his territory, all eyes are focused on him. After getting on top of him, the tour guide smiled with satisfaction and said:

"I will accompany you all through this thrilling journey."

"You can call me - Zero"


It was as if thunder exploded in the depths of everyone's souls, instantly pulling them deeper into the ocean of memory controlled by the power of the Lord. Almost everyone was completely immersed in the memory of their first journey and no longer had any reaction to the outside world. Only An Xuefeng, who still had one eye open and was half awake, heard the ensuing announcement from the hotel.

[Next, please enjoy the wonderful performance brought by Yi Zero Explorer——]

[Skit "True Love Is Forever: If My Tour Guide Was That White-Haired Man"! 】

Hotels are accustomed to naming names. An Xuefeng was about to laugh when he heard this embarrassing name that would always be on the list of carnival dinner commemorative programs. However, his attention could not help but be immersed in memories, and he was inevitably distracted by the last one. Attracted by the tour guide standing in front of him, it seemed that he had gone back to the time when he first entered the hotel. The empty white robe on his body seemed to have turned into a criminal police uniform. There seemed to be Wang Pengpai's nervous and low voice in his ears, but An An Xuefeng's attention was focused on the tour guide at the front, until he saw the white-haired tour guide looking over and smiling at him if he felt something.

If they had met ten years ago...

An Xuefeng couldn't help but think.


Inside the bus, the man pulled down his hood and glanced at the young tour guide at the front. He is a tour guide, so the scene is naturally different from what tourists see there. The scene that appeared next to him was when he led a brigade for the first time, and Wei Xun was the tour guide who co-led the brigade with him, standing next to him. At such a close distance, people can clearly feel the power coming from Wei Xun's body and the power performed by this 'performance'.


The same initial title has reached a different end point, and the cold-blooded people have taken different paths. The difference between the master and the life-seeking person represents the difference in their own strength. The man ignored the white-haired tour guide beside him who seemed to be winking at him. He only nodded perfunctorily from time to time when he came over to talk to him.

Most of his attention is devoted to feeling this difference in detail. The same starting point allows him to talk about deeper spiritual realm feelings, analysis, evolution, and realization... through the opportunity of 'performance'. He understands the younger brother's character and the rules of the hotel. He knows that the hotel will basically choose Wei Xun to perform, and Wei Xun has a high chance of becoming familiar with the power of the 'dominator' through the performance. This is a performance not to be missed, and he must catch it Opportunity to live in depth.

It’s just that this is not the most important reason why the life-eater came to the carnival dinner this time. It is also impossible for him to truly and thoroughly analyze and perceive the ‘fate’ of the master, because he knows——


When he followed the feeling of power and explored deeper, almost touching the source of Wei Xun's power, Xi Mingren felt as if he had encountered a hard and cold metal wall, ruthlessly blocking his probing spirit, and Give a deterrent warning.

It was An Xuefeng who was deeply connected with Wei Xun, like an ugly dragon guarding the treasure, mercilessly warning all intruders.


The Mingxingren had known this would happen. He didn't pull back from the collision just now, and neither did An Xuefeng. It was nothing more than a no-holds-barred confrontation. The side effects of the mental impact made the Mingxingren feel a little dizzy. He stopped probing further, and was about to retract his energy to continue probing, but suddenly stopped in the next moment.

'If they had met ten years ago'

At the moment of the violent collision, both his and An Xuefeng's spirits were shaken violently, which also allowed Mingren to capture the most intense thoughts in An Xuefeng's mind at that moment.

Met ten years ago? Met ten years ago?

Ten years ago Wei Xun was just fifteen years old!

The man in the audience opened his eyes indifferently, and suddenly a sickle appeared in his hand, and the tip of the knife pierced the waist of An Xuefeng next to him!

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