Thriller Tour Group

1011 The tour guide settlement is over. Please invite the best tour guide to the stage...

"I know."

Wei Xun said calmly, knowing what he was doing. Let’s not talk about the puppet master’s own wishes, but just talk about the current situation in the hotel. Although the people who destroyed the pollution source were not able to take away the pollution source in the end, it was because Wei Xun's incarnation of the sun was caught off guard and strengthened the power of the sun, destroying the pollution source more completely. This was also recorded in the hotel's summary evaluations as assisting in the destruction of the pollution source. .

However, the hotel is not a fool, and it will not really think that the Ximing people have "changed their evil ways". The hotel would never ignore the danger of a life-seeking person, so it immediately implicated the person in charge with real events after his return? ? ? , and is preparing to transfer him back to the West End, his attitude is very obvious. In this case, any action taken by the life-seeking person will definitely attract the hotel's extra attention.

Based on Wei Xun's understanding of his brother, since he has decided to come out of the Sun Gate, he has made complete preparations. It is impossible to stop hiding anymore, and a new big storm will definitely happen soon. The flower petals he snatched, the inheritance he interfered with, the actions of the psychic in Lianbao Yeze, the changes in the East District Butcher Alliance, and now the exchange of invitations from Wei Xun, incarnating as the goddess of fate and coming to the carnival dinner, pointing the sword at the old dream again. , all these traceable actions are like the tip of an iceberg exposed in the deep sea. There is a huge and terrifying plan hidden in the dark sea.

If he wants to take any big action, then Wei Xun and the whole family will explore the tomb of the Tusi King on their way back. The best time is when they are not at the hotel. If the Mingxi people really make a big move by then, it can be expected that the hotel will mobilize more forces that can restrain and balance the Mingxi people, such as tilting more resources to An Xuefeng—— However, due to the presence of Wei Xun, the tense relationship between An Xuefeng and the life-haunting people has shown signs of easing. In order to protect the hotel, there will definitely be more actions, such as transferring the puppet master who signed some contracts with the hotel back to the East District. of.

However, even though the life-seeking man was probably doing something big, Wei Xun was quite calm and not nervous or anxious at all. Not only that, he felt that An Xuefeng was also quite calm. With the hostile relationship between An Xuefeng and Xi Mingren for so many years, he can definitely predict what he is going to do. However, An Xuefeng was not seen single-handedly challenging the Mingren, or the top travelers such as Return, Feihong, and Xuanxue were fully dispatched to jointly encircle and suppress the East District Butcher Alliance and nip the danger in the bud. They only strengthened vigilance and attention in all aspects.

Is it because of him? No, Wei Xun doesn't think that's the case. An Xuefeng is not the kind of person whose will can be shaken easily. He knows how tenacious his spirit is and how deeply connected he is. There is a high probability that there is something else that he doesn't know about. There is something hidden in the doorway that he doesn't know yet.

But that's okay.

Wei Xun looked at the big screen, and the door between his fingers flickered with silver light. He somehow managed to snatch a silver butterfly that was transformed into a hotel rule and brought it back. At this moment, it was flying blankly into the prison formed by Wei Xun's fingers. What a mysterious, powerful and terrifying hotel rule, now it has become a butterfly trapped at his fingertips. Although this is only a very subtle rule, it represents a qualitative change in Wei Xun's control in this area.

The memories blocked by the hotel, the news about the pollution source, the life-seeker's plan, An Xuefeng's plan, and his own plan——

Wei Xun turned his hand and clenched his fist, and the butterfly was completely caught in his palm, no longer showing any silver light.

One day he will investigate everything by himself without anyone else telling him. The growing strength in his body makes Wei Xun convinced that this day is just around the corner.

"In this competition, the tour guide who ranks fourth in overall performance is East District Yin Yang Butterfly."

"The next step will be the on-site settlement of Yin Yang Butterfly!"

The face that appeared on the big screen when the Yin-Yang Butterfly was shrouded in white light was very stinking. Even if it couldn't compare to the devil businessman who was in Iceland with his eldest brother, his score actually fell behind the Black Angel! Fourth place is not a ranking to be proud of. The psychic has always been number one. As one of the strongest combatants under the elder brother, he can't be so far behind!

Yin Yang Die, who was in a bad mood, had a gloomy face, and his terrifying momentum made people subconsciously send chills down their spines. Especially his sun god costume made some people suffer from PTSD. For a while, the audience in the virtual hall became much quieter. Watching the Yin-Yang Butterfly's settlement was a little scary, and some people were wondering if he was gathering momentum to prepare for a challenge to the psychic later.

It is a pity that the audience did not get to see the fierce challenge this time. Yin Yang Butterfly also failed to move up the level - this was expected, after all, he was a psychic in front of him, and the psychic's score has definitely accumulated to a terrifying number over the years. However, the hotel did not give Yin Yang Butterfly a chance to challenge the psychic.

Unlike the Devil Merchant and the Black Angel, who could challenge either the previous one or the latter one, the hotel has stricter requirements for the advanced challenges of elite tour guides. Should they have to exceed the score to have a chance to challenge? Wei Xun guessed like this. He still remembered that when he was settling the accounts, the hotel's announcement said that his total score had 'exceeded' Yi Yi.

After returning from the settlement, Yin Yang Die was even more unhappy. She sulked with a slumped face. She shrank down and half of her face was exposed. Her eyes did not dare to meet Wei Xun's. To be honest, he was looking forward to and even eager for a formal showdown with the psychic, and he even wanted to show his strength under the spotlight. The eldest brother did not choose to challenge the psychic when settling the bill. Yin Yang Die could understand it. After all, how could a boss challenge his subordinates in public? It would be a loss no matter whether he won or lost! Mr. Xi Ming has never challenged a psychic... Well, thinking about this sentence, I feel that it is very damaging to my character.

In short, if anyone wants to fight the psychic on behalf of the adults, it must be him Yin Yang Butterfly!

It's a pity that this time his score still failed to exceed that of the psychic. I really don't know how many points he has accumulated. Yin-Yang Butterfly couldn't help grinding his teeth. Now Yin-Yang Butterfly regrets that he was not active in leading the journey. He wishes he could be reborn and go back to the time he just entered. The involution began when we were in the hotel.

Wei Xun didn't know that Yin Yang Die's little mind was thinking so much. He had long thought that there wouldn't be many challenges in the tour guide settlement this time. As he expected, in the next tour guide settlement, the Little Witch, Silverfish, Dream Chaser and Lizard Duke, ranked from fifth to eighth after Yin Yang Butterfly, did not participate in the group competition.

Their four tour guides were ranked too high. They were either A-level/S-level guides or B-level elites/A-level elites. Although the points obtained in this competition are considerable, they have not yet reached the level of advancement. The hotel is very strict in this regard, and even if there are any exceptions for over-leveling/pre-challenging, they will not be available now. It's just that although there is no group competition, the audience is very excited to watch it. A big boss of this level will live broadcast to show you what else you are dissatisfied with. What a wealth of experience!

It wasn't until the ninth-ranked Fainting Sheep came on stage for settlement, and the psychic judged that his total score exceeded B-30, and was between B-29 and B-30, that there was a new arena challenge. Fainting Sheep's strength has soared after this match, but the weak point is actually the return to zero. The magic sheep he established contact with in the abyss was a bit weak, and it was difficult to defeat other guides at this level.

But this arena match does not allow for zeroing, which is actually good for the fainting sheep. Relying on the abyss sheepskin given to him by Wei Xun, coupled with various experiences such as herding human sheep in his old dreams, herding the Thundergod ram for Wei Xun, as well as the muscle memory and reaction speed of escaping from death many times, Dizzy The success of the reverse battle with B30 reached the end of the ring countdown, and the battle ended in a draw.

Due to the preferential treatment given to challengers by the hotel, the fainting sheep can be regarded as a successful challenge. Jumping from C-2 to B-30 in one go, it is really like riding a rocket! When he got off the ring, the Mutual Aid Alliance, Sunset Troupe, Laoshan Troupe and other audience areas all burst into warm applause, which shocked everyone, and even most of the audience clapped together, as if he was a sheep who fainted. As if he were playing an important role, the sheep fainted happily and returned to his seat with a smile that he couldn't hide, looking cheerful and silly.

After he settled, his attention fell on the only three tour guides who had not been named among the twelve tour guides. When Captain Ghost's name was called out by Black Widow and the light fell on him, both the Western Cowboy and Xue Ji couldn't help but feel disappointed and bitter in their mouths. It's really shameful that they didn't rank in the top ten of the twelve picks. However, they failed to get on the main line from beginning to end in the competition, and their performance was indeed mediocre. This is also an unchangeable fact, and they were actually mentally prepared.

In fact, according to the performance, the Ghost Captain's score should not have dropped to tenth place. He should have been angered by the hotel... Seeing the Ghost Captain's expressionless face when settling the settlement, the Lizard Duke looked at Wei Xun with a half-smile, and deliberately rushed to Wei Xun. He lip-synced "Tour Guide Alliance", Wei Xun pretended not to see anything, sat calmly, and applauded enthusiastically after the ghost captain returned, showing great sincerity and enthusiasm!

But the idiom that extreme joy brings sorrow is really true. When the tour guide and the tourists settled at the Middle Gate Hotel, the black widow and the psychic stood side by side on the Hongqiao. The sound of joy echoed in the entire virtual hall. A program was also inserted to stir up the excitement of the carnival dinner.

"Friends from the audience, the tour guide settlement has ended! Today is a day of reunion. From the cold five Nordic countries to the lively carnival dinner in the virtual hall, everyone gathers together happily."

"Today is also a memorable day. I believe everyone still remembers our best tour guide for this warm-up match!"

Wei Xun was sitting comfortably in his seat, smiling and listening to the Black Widow and the psychic reciting the Spring Festival Gala host's verses in a cadence. He felt happy in his heart. Just when he was looking forward to a performance of the same level as the Qingcheng Mountain Song and Dance Troupe, he suddenly felt This host’s speech doesn’t seem very good! Just when Wei Xun had an ominous premonition, he felt a beam of light shining on him!

“Next, we invite Explorer, the best tour guide in this competition, to come on stage to take photos with his posters and sign them, and give us a wonderful performance!”

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