Thriller Tour Group

1010 The Puppet Master really makes people feel like they have a light on their backs

"Why don't the hotel just treat it? It's so stingy."

Wei Xun waited for the devil businessman to sit back down and handed him a piece of ginseng slice. The devil businessman, whose soul was bleeding, took the piece of ginseng and put it in his mouth naturally. He smiled lazily and said, "That's what hotels are like. Ah, we’ll have to wait until the end of the world to see it become more generous.”

Tong Hege's strength has increased significantly after this competition, especially after integrating the core of the Nordic World Tree, he has more powers such as 'creation' and 'regeneration'. Ginseng slices, which have the best healing effect, can now be said to be almost indestructible special medicine. The wounds on the soul of the devil merchant after eating this ginseng slices are healing at a speed visible to the naked eye, and soon he will be healed. No more bleeding.

"Speaking of which, your code name has changed too quickly. I'm really not used to it."

After the settlement, the devil merchant obviously relaxed a lot. He was obviously a little nervous about challenging in public before. When Wei Xun came back from the settlement, he didn't say a few words. Now he is completely relaxed. Black Widow and Ling are outside. During the warm-up of the matchmaking session, she smiled and whispered to Wei Xun in the front row:

"This is an honorary title specially given to you by the hotel. Zero is such a great card."

"Both and each other, A12 is not bad either. Speaking of which, your soul fusion technique is so well hidden, I didn't even know it."

"It's not really hiding, it's just that I just tried new moves in the past few days and I'm not yet proficient at it."

The devil businessman waved his hand: "Speaking of the success of the challenge, there are various factors. The hotel will not let us return to zero in the ring. If we can return to zero, the first 12 numbers will be too difficult. If we want to win, we will have to pay a heavier price."

"Oh? Can't it be reset to zero and alienated?"

Wei Xun became interested and discussed the experience of the arena match with the devil merchant several times, until the psychic announced that the tour guide who ranked third in the overall performance of the match was the West District B3 Black Angel. The bright pure white beam of light fell again, removing the black The area outside the angels returned to darkness, and the two of them turned their attention back to settlement and whispered in the darkness.

"It sounds strange to me, why?"

The Devil Merchant wondered: "Dream Chaser and Lizard Duke should be ranked higher than me, right?"

According to the costumes, Yi Zero is the well-deserved first, playing Odin, the King of Gods. Lizard Duke and Dream Chaser play the God of War and the God of Thunder respectively. No matter how you look at it, they should be ranked first and third. Speaking of which, the Devil Merchant was originally prepared for his turn to come after the two bosses had finished settling their accounts, so he was very calm when the fight came down - he really didn't react!

He felt like he was in a dream when he stood in the ring for a duel. Although he really didn't think too much and fought with all his strength, after winning the challenge and coming back with a new code name, the devil businessman still felt that something was not right.

"This is a comprehensive ranking and a lot of factors are taken into consideration."

Wei Xun was also a little curious about this. Lizard Duke would never answer such boring questions. Fortunately, Dream Chaser was there to explain a few words.

"The two of us as leaders have a special status. We are a hunter team. Essentially, we are not considered to participate in the competition normally in the early stage."

"And you know that this last year's competition and year-end celebration are essentially to push the next generation of tourist guides to grow up as soon as possible. Whether it's building momentum, resource allocation and preferential treatment, the hotel follows procedures in this regard. of."

The Explorer is the strongest rising star tour guide in the East District, and the Devil Merchant is also a rising star tour guide in the West District. They are not weak in strength and talent. Yin Yang Butterfly seems to be a veteran, but he is also a tour guide belonging to the next era. The comprehensive ranking calculated by the hotel is actually as early as Dream Chaser expected.

The hotel has dressed the three of them up as the three strongest people in Norse mythology, and they will also comprehensively evaluate various factors. Performance, strength, ranking, and even the expectations of the audience (the vast majority of tour guide tourists), etc.

When he said this, Wei Xun and the Devil Merchant both understood, but even if they were lower in the overall ranking, they would not be worse than Xue Ji and the Western Cowboys, who had not been part of the main line in the whole process. In this match, the total There are only eleven tour guides, and the top ten will have the honor of on-site settlement. It will be embarrassing for whoever is not selected among the ten. Anyway, the embarrassing ones cannot be Dream Chaser and Lizard Duke.

After chatting for a while, Defender Xun and the Devil Merchant became quiet and continued to watch the settlement of the Black Angel. Speaking of which, when the rankings were announced, there was quite a noise among the audience in the virtual hall. No one expected that the third-placed one would be this little-known Black Angel, whose overall score was even better than that of Yin-Yang Butterfly and the others. All high!

Many people murmured in their hearts and doubted the hotel's rating standards. But there were also many people who exclaimed excitedly, remembering that the Black Angel had just walked across the Hongqiao with An Xuefeng and Xi Mingren - that's right. He was qualified to cross the Hongqiao with these two big guys, so how could the Black Angel They are ordinary people! The audience in the West District cheered especially enthusiastically. Although there was only one Yi Ling in the East District who outperformed the tour guides of his generation, their West District side was also pretty good. The first and third rated tour guides in the West District this time were all their West District tour guides, which was amazing!

I thought this tour guide was unfamiliar at first, but now the codename Black Angel is completely remembered by the audience. The top tourist guides who knew the true identity of Black Angel were even more careful. Since the hotel doesn't have a rating that puts the Puppet Master down, it seems that it plans to support her in the ring with the Black Widow. I don’t know whether the Puppet Master will take root in the West District or find an opportunity to return to the East District. In any case, this will definitely be another bloody storm.

The audience in the virtual hall had different thoughts and the undercurrent was surging. In the hall, Wei Xun heard the Yin-Yang Butterfly behind him sneer in dissatisfaction, and was upset that the Black Angel's score was actually higher than his. However, Wei Xun was quite devoted to watching the Black Angel's settlement. Her main battlefield in the competition was in Norway. Wei Xun was not completely clear about many scenic spots and tasks, and he watched with relish. The puppet master's score in this competition was also very strong, and compared with the devil merchant, it was really on par.

[Exchange itineraries in the competition and enrich the scenic spots and tasks of the competition: 5000 points]

This refers to the exchange of itineraries between the puppet master, the little witch and the devil merchant.

[Making a significant contribution in sealing the abyss rift: 6000 points]

This praises her enthusiastic help when Yi Ling sealed the great rift of Mount Jotunheimen.

[Cooperate across regions/groups with other brigades to improve/enrich scenic spots and tasks: 6000 points]

This is to praise their cooperation in hanging the big cow in the oldest volcano.

In addition, the puppet master also got a lot of points in the Babel Tower, and in the end, her score was very close to that of the devil merchant.

[Your total score in this competition is 79,000 points! ]

[Calculating your rank——]

[After calculation, your total score is between A12 and A13! Do you choose to challenge the tour guide and win the code? ]

As soon as the settlement result came out, it immediately caused a heated reaction among the audience. A12 is the devil merchant who just got promoted! What will the black angel choose? Will she want to challenge the devil merchant? Some audience members who like to watch the excitement have already shouted, and the devil merchant also sat up straight, his expression became serious, and countless thoughts flashed through his mind.

Fortunately, Zero gave him a piece of ginseng. At present, his injuries have recovered well and he is fully capable of fighting. It is to merge the undead monarchs and their sneak attack. Once others are prepared, it will be difficult to use it again for the first time, so let's fight with real swords and guns——"I choose to challenge A13." The black angel smiled and interrupted the devil merchant's thoughts. Bai Guang fell to help Black Angel to the ring, and at the same time, Bai Guang selected the unlucky tour guide with an even uglier face from the audience in the virtual hall. He had just been knocked down from A12 to A13 by the Devil Merchant, and he was furious. Now this B3 tour guide dared to pick on him? ? A13, who didn't know that Black Angel was the puppeteer, was getting more and more angry. As soon as he got on the ring, he used the title of the strongest. He must teach this ignorant little tour guide a lesson. Then he was kicked off the ring again in less than two minutes, even faster than the fight against the Devil Merchant. He didn't know how he lost. He felt as if he was wrapped in silk threads and was completely controlled. He fell out of the ring like a puppet, without any resistance at all. He even blacked out and fainted during the fall, and was taken to the hotel for treatment. The audience who witnessed this ring match were silent at first, and then suddenly burst into warm cheers! The weak defeating the strong, the crushing reversal is the most enduring and most interesting game. Black Angel's victory is even more neat and unexpected than the victory of the Devil Merchant! Even in the Golden Palace Hall, there were whispers, discussing the power that Black Angel had just shown in the ring match. Black Angel returned to her position amid the thunderous applause of the audience. Facing the gazes from all directions, she just sat there with a smile, leisurely and contented, as if she had long been accustomed to being the center of attention.

"It really makes people feel like a thorn in the back."

The Devil Merchant sighed to Wei Xun after a few glances. The excited mood of confidence and excitement after winning the ring match seemed to be extinguished by cold water, and the noisy blood returned to calm again. Now Black Angel is the real A13, following closely behind him. And seeing that she won the original A13 so easily, if she chose to challenge him, the Devil Merchant, in the ring match, he would probably find it difficult to win... There is basically no hope, because the fusion of the undead also requires internal communication and coordination.

He might have been thrown out before the reconciliation was successful.

The devil businessman felt the incomparable pressure, with Yi Ling in front and the black angel behind him. He took a deep breath and exhaled slowly, but his eyes became brighter. Challenges and pressures are motivation. He likes passionate rock music, and even more so this passionate and restless atmosphere, which makes people want to work harder and see the scenery higher.

"Be careful of her."

The dream chaser on the other side looked more serious after watching the performance of the puppet master, and whispered to Wei Xun.

"The hotel plan is probably going to fail."

The lizard duke next to him also commented: "This woman's ambition is about to overflow, she won't stay in the West District for long."

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