Thriller Tour Group

1009 The Devil Merchant’s Arena, there will be another chapter in a moment

"It's my turn."

The devil businessman sitting in the second row with Yin Yang Butterfly heard this and sat up straight. At the moment he sat upright, a beam of light came down and just enveloped the devil businessman. The big screen also showed The figure of the devil merchant could not be seen, and other places in the hall were plunged into darkness. Even the Yin-Yang butterfly beside the devil merchant could not be seen at all, as if this beam of light separated the two worlds of light and darkness. .

"Can't he hear it now?"

In the darkness, Wei Xun moved his fingers with interest, and tentatively called the Devil Merchant, but saw no response from him, and no other sounds even appeared on the screen. It's like two worlds. The place shrouded in white light is like a small pure white settlement space. Rather, the Devil Merchant failed to settle at Hongqiao, but settled here on the spot.

"Do you think anyone can go up to Hongqiao?"

The Lizard Duke said boredly. He was too lazy to watch the newcomers settle. Their voices would not be played in the dark, and they would not affect the devil merchants in the settlement. However, they could still chat with each other. To be honest, the hotel didn't necessarily want Wei Xun to settle the bill on Hongqiao. It wasn't because the audience accidentally called Director Cui instead of the code name, and Wei Xun shamelessly stood still on Hongqiao. The hotel This is the only last resort!

Besides, Wei Xun was the strongest tour guide this time, and he was given special treatment by the hotel. It would be difficult for any other tour guide to be treated leniently by the hotel.

"I didn't expect that the Devil Merchant would come second."

Wei Xun glanced at the devil merchant who was doing the settlement with his eyes closed in the white light, while looking at the picture displayed on the big screen. Of course there will be no opening animation this time. The sound of settlement resounding in everyone's minds directly announces the start of the settlement of scores for this competition.

[The scores obtained in this competition are being settled! 】

[Due to the high difficulty of this journey and your excellent performance in the competition, you will receive double points! 】

This time the settlement sound turned out to be the voice of the Black Widow, and unlike when the Y-0 settlement scene appeared directly in the minds of the audience just now, the settlement scene of the Devil Merchant was displayed on the big screen in all directions, and in the virtual hall outside, everyone The large screen projects light and outlines a dynamic 3D picture in the sky above the hall. The first scene is frozen in the devil businessman sinking into the glacier water shining with silver light deep in the Great Fissure of Silfra. Half of his body is soaked in silver light, and half of his body is invisible. In the shadows, death and divinity are intertwined, showing a strange and grand beauty.

[Selected by Silver Lady Slud to promote the development of the day’s attraction tasks and even the Nordic mythology series tasks: 4000 points]

Then the large crack in Silfra dissipated, and the light above the virtual lobby of the hotel dispersed and regrouped. What appeared were two hands, one left and one right. The right hand belonging to the devil businessman had clear joints, and a narrow ticket stood between the fingers. It's a journey exchange ticket.

[Exchange journeys in the competition to enrich the attractions tasks in the competition: 5000 points]

Scenes of familiar and unfamiliar images flashed over the virtual hall, together forming the account of the Devil Merchant's experience in this competition. The images of the hotel simulation are realistic and the effect far exceeds that of 3D. The re-enactment of this scene also opened the eyes of many viewers. When sinking into the depths of the Silfra Fissure, the audience could feel the coldness of the glacier water and the horror of being submerged and suffocated; when the undead sang rock music The hearts of the audience also trembled, and they were trapped in the terrifying atmosphere of undead fanaticism and could not extricate themselves.

Generally speaking, the points settled by the Devil Merchant are not as many as those of Yi Zero, and the items are far less abundant than him, but it depends on who you are comparing with. Not to mention other things, he, the Devil Merchant, was able to stand out among new and old tour guides not long after he entered the hotel, and was ranked second only to Yi Ling, which is enough to prove his talent and will.

Even if there are actually many tour guides and even tourists who murmur in their hearts, they feel sourly that the Devil Merchant is taking advantage of Yi Ling, and all the points he gets are in vain, and I can do it, but the vast majority of the audience is discerning. Everyone remembers the outstanding performance of the Devil Merchant in the match. Even though the two Icelandic teams basically stayed together during this trip, the Devil Merchant’s light was not completely obscured by B Zero. On many occasions, he was able to compete with B Zero. Zero has good coordination and can be of great help.

When Wei Xun formed a tour guide group before the doomsday, he used the devil merchant to integrate the spiritual "knife" of the tour guides in the West District. His unique "knife" shape and function could not be replaced by the Lizard Duke.

If you put aside Yi Ling, a completely unreasonable tour guide, and compare the Devil Merchant with the rising star tour guides of other eras, his growth rate is also terrifying. He is not famous for joining any big organizations or major alliances. The Devil Merchant is known for his true His strength earned him admiration and admiration from the audience. When the epic changes in the virtual hall ended and darkness returned, with only the devil merchant shrouded in light, the audience subconsciously held their breath and waited for the final settlement.

Even the Lizard Duke also devoted part of his attention to listening to the final settlement. After all, the Devil Merchant has a very good relationship with Yi Zero, and after all, he is their rising star tour guide in the West District. Although the arrival of the Tower of Babel is essentially a danger outside of the competition, the hotel also scored points for the Devil Merchant's wonderful performance in Babylon. Overall, his total score is extremely impressive!

Soon, the final result appeared, and Black Widow chuckled and read it out.

[The total score you obtained in this competition is 84,000 points! 】

[Calculating your rank——]

[After calculation, your total score is between A11 and A12! Would you like to challenge the tour guide and get the code name? 】

A11 and A12, Wei Xun thought to himself. In fact, he estimated that they were about the same. Normally, it would be very difficult to catch up with the accumulation of previous people over the years in one journey/match. Even the hotel would not mention Wei Xun's destruction of the Tower of Babel and the source of pollution. A tour guide who knew how to calculate points would know that his points corresponded to the wrong code, and he must have hidden some huge bonus points.

In comparison, the Devil Merchant's score is so high that it seems to be "normal", and he has not yet reached the point of being promoted to an elite tour guide.

"I want to challenge A12."

The devil businessman over there quickly made a decision and submitted an application to the hotel. He did not challenge the stronger A11, but chose A12, which made many enthusiastic spectators couldn't help but boo. But Wei Xun could understand the devil merchant's thoughts. A11 is the first person under the A-level elite tour guides. Just like the psychic medium's strength is different from that of most B-level elite tour guides, he is definitely qualified to challenge the A-level position based on his strength.

A11, who is closest to the A-level elite tour guides, is obviously also very difficult to mess with. The Devil Merchant has always been relatively steady and cautious when his memory is normal. He knows which challenges are meaningful and can be fought, and which challenges will only make him get killed and have no chance to fight back. He also has no hobby of being beaten in front of the entire hotel audience, so The target was chosen almost immediately.

The white light floating outside the Hongqiao suddenly brightened. The devil businessman in the hall disappeared and appeared on the thunder platform transformed from the Hongqiao above the virtual hall. At the same time, a tour guide with an unsightly face in the auditorium in the West District was arrested. White light enveloped him and he was teleported to the arena. This is the good thing about the hotel gathering all the tourist guides for a meeting. If you want to arrest someone and bring them to the ring, you won't be able to find them. There is no need to count down on the ring. As soon as Black Widow said "begin", before she finished speaking, all the audience started to look. When the devil merchant raised his hand, a mountain-sized and ferocious soul dragon appeared next to him.

It's the poisonous dragon Nidhogg!

"Is there any punishment if I don't win?"

Wei Xun asked. When he saw the soul dragon coming out, he knew that the devil merchant was serious about it.

"Other than humiliation, it doesn't seem like much of a punishment to me."

The dream chaser thought carefully about what happened in the past: "There are two choices. After losing, you can either stop playing and your ranking will fall directly to the end of this code tier; or you can continue to fight. If you win, you will get the loser's code name. However, this kind of downward attack is not something that the hotel always condones. It rarely happens, and it cannot be infinite. It can be postponed to three times at most. If you can't defeat the hotel, it will be. I won’t give it another chance.”

"Then how will it be determined if it's a draw?"

Wei Xun asked again, looking at the ring intently. When the devil merchant summoned the dragon soul of Nidhogg as quickly as possible, unsealed the undead monarch, and allowed the devil to possess him, he gained the upper hand. However, the opposite side was also a veteran tour guide with many years of terrifying combat experience. Difficult to deal with. The title of agile movement is very negative, and for a moment he was in a stalemate.

This made Wei Xun a little worried about whether the stalemate would last until the end of the countdown. When the arena first appeared, he noticed the countdown clock hanging on it. Its number had been decreasing since the beginning of the battle. It seemed that the challenge of the arena was still there. There is a time limit, and you don’t know if you will be punished if you fail to end the challenge within the specified time.

To put it in perspective, Wei Xun was not confident that he could defeat the psychic within the ten-minute countdown without using all his trump cards, so he was a little worried about the devil merchant.

"Don't worry too much. If it's a draw, the Devil Merchant will win. This is the challenger's prerogative."

The dream chaser consoled him, but the Devil Merchant was very upbeat and did not wait until the end, and was not judged to be a draw by the hotel. About five minutes into the challenge in the ring, he suddenly merged the souls of the undead monarch and the evil dragon at the same time, combining all the power into one and bursting out instantly. Wei Xun had never seen this move before, but it exploded with extremely powerful power. Successfully knocked the opponent, the original A12, off the stage.

The devil businessman won!

The loser who fell off the ring turned into a white light and returned to the audience. Only the devil businessman was left in the ring. He looked really embarrassed, even his soul was bleeding after the fusion was released, and his body was covered with bone-deep scars left by his opponent, but he stood alone in the ring as a winner, not as a failure.

He won!

The audience who saw the exciting challenge in the virtual hall did not hesitate to applaud. The brand-new A12 Devil Merchant returned to the hall with thunderous applause and faced Wei Xun at first sight. His complexion was average, his skin was pale, his soul was stained with blood, and he looked a little weak. It was obvious that the fusion and use of different soul powers at the same time was very draining for him, and he even had to pay a price. He couldn't stand still, and he was really embarrassed.

However, Wei Xun saw the devil merchant raise the corners of his lips and smile, and raised his eyebrows at him very proudly.

I won.

Before this, who said that a B-level tour guide from the Devil Merchant could beat an A12 tour guide who was ranked close to an elite tour guide?

But he did it, he was no one's follower, he also created his own future!

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