Thriller Tour Group

1007 Yi Zero Zero derivative is coming


Brilliant huge silver fireworks exploded at the highest point of the virtual hall. Thousands of bright silver fireworks dragged down and turned into silver butterflies. Countless silver butterflies surrounded the highest point of Hongqiao. The young tour guide who had just received a new code name was flying. , like a mighty silver blizzard, the wings of countless silver butterflies rub against each other in the storm, and the passionate and distant horn sound resounds throughout the virtual hall.

The epic and grand music sounded again. In the music, there were howling wolves, clanging swords, howling wind, and the whispers of the gods before their death. Then the whispers became louder and louder. Finally, it turned into the sound of the hotel’s announcement, ringing in the deepest souls of the audience!

[Winner of the East-West District Competition·East District! 】

[The best tour guide in the competition—Yi Zero! 】

[Unprecedented exclusive honor code——]

【Above Yiyi! 】

Yi zero!

The virtual hall was like a pot of boiling water. The audience didn't know when they would be able to speak again. They cheered and roared subconsciously, and their voices blended into the surging sound waves in the virtual hall. An unprecedented title! Belongs to the most special, their favorite tour guide! While the middle and lower class passengers were simply happy, the top tourist guides were even more shocked and exchanged glances with each other. Especially in the audience of the East End Butchers Alliance, the psychics clasped their hands and were stunned.

The hotel has its own rules for obtaining tour guide codes. For example, if a silver-level tour guide wants to be promoted to gold level, he must complete the team leader assessment. If a C-level tour guide wants to obtain a B-level code, in addition to meeting the score, he must also kill a B-level tour guide to prove his strength. Only then can you truly advance.

The advancement rules of the hotel are strict and cruel. Those tour guides who have great points but lack real combat experience cannot climb to high places. The great tour guides standing on the top of the pyramid are absolutely all genuine and do not have any false combat power.

From C to B is a threshold, and from B to B is an elite promotion, and the treatment you enjoy in the hotel is one after another. If an ordinary second-class tour guide wants to become an elite tour guide, he must succeed in the challenge if the score reaches the standard before he can sit in the opponent's seat - as long as he wins the challenge, there is no need to kill him. After all, high-level tour guides are very important to the hotel. It is said that this is a precious talent that cannot be wasted because of infighting.

The psychic knew that after this competition, the explorers would definitely get a lot of points. Lord Ximing mentioned something about the destruction of the pollution source to him. Just knowing a little about it made the psychic feel thrilling. Not only did the Explorers participate in the destruction of the source of pollution, but An Xuefeng and Lord Ximing were more or less closely related to the Explorers. Compared to An Xuefeng or Life-Xinger whose rewards are already strong enough to have a large number of rules, the hotel will definitely favor the explorers with huge rewards.

The psychic knew very well that the Explorer's score this time would definitely be on par with him. After all, everyone knew very well that only Yiyi could receive the unsolvable level A-level mission, and the Explorer had not yet fully developed it. The Tomb of the Chieftain King is suitable for the hotel to issue tasks, and the vacant seat A in the East District is also suitable for explorers to sit.

So after settling, it's time for the Seeker vs. The Crying Psychic Challenge.

Even the psychic did not expect that the hotel would come up with a unique code name for the explorer! While the psychic was still pondering for a while how much strength he should exert, whether he should win, draw or lose, whether he should return to zero and alienate, etc., and was waiting for Master Xi Ming's instructions, the announcement from the hotel sounded like thunder in the soul. The matchmaker's ear exploded, making him doubt his own ears for the first time, and he was shocked and stunned.

This is an unprecedented privilege! For a moment, the psychic was relieved that he did not have to fight the explorer in front of the entire hotel, but complex and unspeakable emotions arose in his heart. At that time, Mr. Ximing had never enjoyed such an obvious bias in the hotel, no, In other words, Mr. Ximing himself did not want to have too close contact with the hotel, and he refused to accept the title of first tour guide. This was also the case when he claimed to have been at the Inca Sun Gate for five years.

My lord, what do you want?

The medium couldn't help but look up at Hongqiao, where the life-seeker had just walked, and at the tour guide who was surrounded by silver butterflies like a silver storm. In the silver butterfly storm, Wei Xun could not sense the complex emotions of the psychic, nor could he hear the enthusiastic cheers of countless spectators. He looked at the butterflies flying like a tornado, with a thoughtful look in his eyes.

This scene seemed a bit familiar, and the butterfly fragment in my heart trembled slightly, and there was a hint of excitement. Chaotic and broken pictures flashed through Wei Xun's mind, and he felt that the scene in front of him had an indescribable sense of familiarity, and the familiarity and strangeness were intertwined, just like passing through a strange street one day, but inexplicably feeling familiar, as if It was as if I had been there in a dream.

However, Wei Xun failed to take a few more glances at the grand scene of the silver butterfly storm. Before the broadcast in the hotel was over, he felt like he was being lifted up by the butterflies, and then fell down from the eye of the cyclone like a tornado slide. Arrive at the entrance of the Golden Palace Temple.

Wei Xun:.

It turns out that the hotel created this silver butterfly storm to get him off the Hong Bridge! You should have told me earlier, he is not the kind of person who insists on staying on Hongqiao without reason, so why let him slip down directly. It would be so embarrassing if the audience saw Yi Ling sliding down the slide on the spot. All the coolness he had just pretended to be would be gone!

Fortunately, the silver butterflies transformed by the hotel rules were very tight, and no one could spy on him. The tour guide B landed safely and quietly. Listening to cheers on the Rainbow Bridge felt completely different from listening to cheers on the ground. Wei Xun could almost feel the roar of the mountains and the sea. The shouts and shouts were connected, shaking his breathing for a few seconds, as if the air was squeezed out by the passionate emotions, making people feel like drums and difficult to breathe. No, no, no, I can't stay here any longer. Wei Xun doesn't want to cause any more commotion. With the cover of the silver butterfly storm, he quickly left Yi Ling's brand new signature at the signature area, and then hid in the Golden Palace Temple. As for taking pictures, the hotel had taken hundreds of photos when he was standing on the Rainbow Bridge, with all kinds of postures, expressions and backgrounds. As soon as he entered the Golden Palace Temple built by the hotel, the cheers outside seemed to come from another world, and instantly blurred a lot, allowing Wei Xun's still violently beating heart to slowly calm down. The guides and tourists who had walked through Hongqiao before had already entered the lobby on the second floor and were seated. Outside the lobby, Wei Xun simply tidied up his Odin costume, then pushed the door and walked in.

There was no "creaking" sound when the door of the palace built according to the hotel rules was pushed open, but after this door was pushed open, Wei Xun was greeted with a baptism of eyes - all the tourists and guides in the lobby looked at him in unison! The reason was simple, the big screen at the front of the lobby that was broadcasting the grand scene in the virtual lobby was the culprit.

But Wei Xun had been mentally prepared before he came in. Facing everyone's attention, he walked forward calmly all the way to the first row of the guide seat area. As "Odin", he was going to sit between "Thor" and "God of War".

The good dragon dream chaser stood up without saying much and made room for Wei Xun to come in. The Lizard Duke leaned on the other side like a master, with his two long legs lifted up on the table, and only the back two legs of the chair were on the ground, shaking. When Wei Xun came over and sat next to him, Duke Lizard glanced at him.

"You are so capable that the hotel gave you a special code name."

Still shaking, Duke Lizard laughed to Wei Xun. Only the people in the front row could hear his voice. He smiled maliciously and whispered, "I thought I would see your wonderful performance against the psychic... Speaking of the code name given by the hotel, they don't think you can't beat the psychic, Director Zero."

"I haven't fought him yet, how do I know who will win or lose."

Wei Xun glanced at him, and was used to Duke Lizard's tone of provoking trouble. He said indifferently, "There will be many opportunities later. You can fight anytime you want."

"I am thinking of something."


Dream Chaser cooperated with Wei Xun.

Wei Xun raised his eyebrows and deliberately said slowly: "Since a B-level tour guide can have a B-0, then can A-level and S-level tour guides also have A-0 and S0?"

"From the attitude shown by the hotel this time, it is not impossible."

The dream chaser pondered after hearing this, and analyzed it carefully. Before he could continue, he saw Wei Xun smiled, and the Duke of Lizard who heard the words just now looked a little stinky. Duke of Lizard is not a person who plays badly. Losing to the Devourer and failing to get S1 is the second most incomplete thing in his heart after the Silver Moon Killer, which makes him feel uneasy. Especially since he is in charge of the West District Butcher Alliance, every time others mention the comparison between the two major Butcher Alliances, when they mention that the leader of the East District Butcher Alliance is the first in A-level, and he, Duke of Lizard in the West District, is only S2, Duke of Lizard feels uncomfortable all over.

However, if there is another S0 above S1, he will feel even more uncomfortable. The Duke of Lizard was getting angrier and angrier as he thought about it. His chair stopped shaking. His fingers exerted force unconsciously, and his eyes showed a hint of ferocity. Until he heard the laughter of Bingyi-Yiling beside him.

"Okay, you did it on purpose, didn't you!"

The Duke of Lizard didn't understand anything. He was angry and laughed on the spot. He snorted coldly and tried to break the four legs of Wei Xun's chair with a sweep of his golden dragon tail. But the dream chaser was right next to him, so how could he succeed? The two great directors of the East and the West fought back and forth secretly, and finally the picture on the big screen changed, and after a new voice sounded, they temporarily stopped fighting.

The silver butterfly storm that swept across the entire rainbow bridge dissipated, and two figures stood on the rainbow bridge. It was as if the hotel had cast a magic spell, sending Yiling away and sending the host of this carnival dinner-familiar appearance, familiar voice, the two carnival dinner hosts standing on the rainbow bridge, were Astrologer and Bai Xiaosheng!

Just listen to their voices alternately resounding throughout the virtual hall.

"The gods of the old days perished in the dusk of embers."

"A new era will be born from the silver storm."

"The best tour guide Yiling in this competition has been awarded the honor of an exclusive honorary code-"

"Announcing the carnival dinner tonight."

"Officially start/Officially start!"

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