Thriller Tour Group

1008 Stage Performance Ginkgo Leaves

"Why do their host words sound so serious?"

Wei Xun watched the carnival dinner hosted by Bai Xiaosheng and Astrologer on the big screen. Perhaps it was because the winner of the year-end celebration warm-up competition was the East District. How should I put it? Although the hotel where the dinner was held was a Nordic Golden Palace, it was also There were things like walking on the rainbow carpet and signing autographs and taking photos, but once the carnival dinner actually started, the dinner process was not a Western-leaning banquet or a film festival award show, but more East Side.

...To be precise, it feels like the Spring Festival Gala.

After the astrologer and Bai Xiaosheng's opening remarks, they didn't neatly sign up for the list, the top ten guides, the top ten passengers, and then continued to settle accounts. The silver butterfly storm rolled over Hongqiao again, covering the entire Hongqiao and the two hosts. After the butterfly storm dissipated, it was not the new settlers who came to Hongqiao, but a suspended, particularly luxurious one that appeared where Hongqiao originally was. the big stage.

Then, while Wei Xun was still dazed, particularly cheerful and lively music started playing! An extremely tall and lush ginkgo tree appeared in the center of the big stage, accompanied by hundreds of mountain spirits in various poses, and dozens of mountain monsters in human form. The mountain spirit standing at the front had a beautiful face. Well, she has a gentle temperament, wearing a long Hanfu dress intertwined with gold and silver and decorated with ginkgo leaves. She holds a branch made of gold with brilliant ginkgo leaves and ginkgo fruits in her hand, and starts singing along with the music!

To be honest, Wei Xun didn't understand the song she sang. It was the language spoken by mountain spirits, and it was a sacrificial song to pray to the mountain gods. There is a hint of regular charm in the singing, so that even if the audience does not understand the lyrics, they can feel the joy and happiness, yearning and expectation for the future from this melodious and ethereal singing.

It can just put aside the enthusiasm of tourists who have just recovered from the enthusiastic cheering atmosphere, so that they can resonate with the rules in the songs of the mountain spirits through their enthusiasm that has not dissipated. Tourist guides who are talented in this area will definitely be able to understand it. To learn more - this is the power of the East, and the vast majority of those who understand it must be tour guides in the East District.

Wei Xun understood somewhat. No wonder even An Xuefeng was concerned about the outcome of the warm-up match. This is not only an improvement in the strength of one person or a brigade, but also brings more resources and opportunities to the entire Eastern District. If the winner of this competition is the West District, then the situation of the carnival dinner will definitely be more West District, and the singing and dancing will definitely invite the aboriginal people from the West District, rather than these mountain spirits and monsters on Qingcheng Mountain.

...Yes, those who are singing and dancing on the stage are the mountain spirits of Qingcheng Mountain. Wei Xun is also half the owner of Qingcheng Mountain. He feels a sense of the mountain spirits as soon as they show up. Moreover, this big ginkgo tree and the three animals dancing lively under the ginkgo tree The legged deer looks really familiar - isn't this the thousand-year-old ginkgo tree in Tianshi Cave! Wei Xun also picked a lot of ginkgo fruits for Tong Hege and wanted him to plant one in Paradise Lost. How could he be invited to perform in the hotel? ?

"Is it customary for a hotel to invite aborigines to perform at the hotel?"

Wei Xun couldn't help but ask Dream Chaser in a low voice.

Dream Chaser watched the performance very seriously. He probably recognized the Qingcheng Mountain Song and Dance Troupe performing on the stage. The one sitting upright was very different from the one next to him who had squinted his eyes and started to stare at him in a daze, the Dragon Claw Lizard Duke. Hearing Wei Xun's question, Dream Chaser turned slightly and whispered to him: "It's not a routine."

"Usually competitions don't have this kind of performance, only the annual end-of-year celebration, which is the most important every year."

"The circumstances of this competition are special, otherwise there would be no carnival dinner, you understand. But even for year-end celebrations, it is rare to invite aborigines to the hotel. It should be that the pollution of the mountains in reality still makes the hotel very concerned. . Even if Qingshan’s father-in-law agrees to become the superintendent, the hotel will still be worried.”

The dream chaser raised his chin: "Look, the mountain spirits and mountain ghosts invited by the hotel are all from the Taoist temple that has fallen. They lose their secrets as soon as they enter the hotel. You can feel the current state of the hotel, If you sing a song of sacrifice to the mountain god, you can roughly feel the state of the mountain god."

"But after all, they are aborigines outside, and the hotel cannot invite so many people to the virtual hall. If there are such special programs in the future, there will only be one or two at most. The rest should be performed by us."

"Shall we perform??"

Wei Xun couldn't help but raise his voice a little higher, causing the Lizard Duke to look over and smile evilly, and said yin and yang: "What do you mean, An Xuefeng didn't report to our zero guide in advance? This shouldn't be the case. I said it's easy for passengers to have trouble. My own little thoughts——"

"It's just some display of strength, not some singing, poetry reciting or the like."

Dream Chaser forcefully interrupted Duke Lizard's words to sow discord, and explained to Wei Xun seriously: "Just like the past few year-end celebrations, most of them were performances by the host, top travelers, great guides, etc... Lectures Well, it would be more appropriate to call it a lecture.”

Live action…

Wei Xun was a little reassured, but not completely reassured, and asked the dream chaser for more details.

"For example, I went to a group dream during a year-end celebration."

The dream chaser didn't realize that Wei Xun's pupils were shaking, and he subconsciously leaned back. He continued to watch the stage and said enthusiastically: "Let the tourist guides explore their own subconscious in dreams and explore the potential of their original title."

“The puppet master also went up and directed the puppet show.”

"A real person on stage?"

Wei Xun couldn't help but ask.

"Huh? Of course it's a real person, which is a good thing."

Their chat was not a secret chat. The Lizard Duke next to him could hear it and interjected a few words: "You are not worried about consumption, are you? The hotel will pay for this kind of performance."

"That's right, under normal circumstances it would be difficult for me to make everyone in the hotel fall asleep at the same time, especially including so many top travelers and Class-A S tour guides. It's supported by hotel rules... just like we did in disguise this time."

The dream chaser took advantage of the situation and turned the hammer in his hand. He felt like a god of thunder. Wei Xun couldn't help but feel a little itchy: "So you said you really brought the whole hotel into a dream that time? "

"Yeah, it's such a wonderful feeling. I feel that I am so powerful that I can do anything."

The dream chaser sighed: "Everyone is in my dream. I can control everything, whether it is life or death, as long as I want."

"Speaking of which, Xi Mingren didn't attend the year-end celebration that year. He didn't attend for several years."

"If he had fallen asleep that time, I might not be able to help but do something to him. Ah, of course, the hotel will not allow it."

Speaking of this, Dream Chaser smiled at Wei Xun, and Wei Xun also smiled. How can I put it, his relationship with Dream Chaser is really getting better and better. In the past, Dream Chaser would hold back from talking too much about life-threatening people in front of him, but now he has relaxed a little and blurted out some complaints. When it comes to starting and killing people, I no longer have so many scruples.

In Wei Xun's opinion, this is actually a good thing. Being able to say something instead of holding it in your heart shows that this topic is becoming less important. Zhang Xingzang's ability to rescue and establish a deep connection really saved the dreamer's mental state and allowed him to gradually come out of the past. Maybe when he has a chance to have a fight with the life-seeking man in the future, he will be relieved whether he wins or loses.

To be honest, Wei Xun was also worried about the future of Xi Mingren. Sometimes he always felt like that kind of villain boss, with flags all over his body, and sometimes he had an air of impending doom, and An Xuefeng Just like the upgraded righteous male protagonist in the novel...

Well, it doesn't really look like it. How can a promotion-style male protagonist reach the full level and become number one in the first year? How can any villainous boss survive for ten years after the male protagonist reaches the full level? Thanks to the environment of the hotel, where the jungle is strong and the jungle is strong, killing and being killed are all in the name of survival, and the life-seeking people do not have a hobby of killing people. Wei Xun is sure that his brother is not a pervert, and he probably has his own merits in becoming the leader of the Butcher Alliance. For the purpose, the Butcher Alliance has been used as cannon fodder in the past. In reality, if his brother formed such a dark and evil force, it would definitely not end well.

If he meets An Xuefeng in that situation... the young master and the undercover policeman? Wei Xun couldn't help but laugh at the story he made up in his mind. He subconsciously glanced behind him, but he couldn't see Xi Ming and An Xuefeng. As invited guests, they sat in the last row. Wei Xun, who is sitting in the first row, can't see very well behind them, and can only vaguely see the top of their hair. Maybe An Xuefeng is sitting more upright, and looks even more hairy than the top of his head next to him. A little higher.

Just as he was thinking this, Wei Xun saw An Xuefeng's head move up a little, revealing his dark and handsome eyebrows. He must have sensed his voice and sat up straighter so that he could see it. Speaking of which, An Xuefeng maintained his short height when he just finished knitting the costume, which attracted more attention from Wei Xun. When he was walking on Hongqiao, he had already returned to his normal height. After all, he couldn't be more playful in front of the entire audience. The person is short.

An Xuefeng raised his eyebrows at Wei Xun, and Wei Xun also smiled at him. Yin Yang Die, who was sitting in the row behind Wei Xun, couldn't control the raised corners of his mouth the moment Wei Xun turned around, and kept smiling silly at him. Wei Xun looked back and smiled at him, then looked back at the screen. the big stage.

The song and dance performance of the mountain spirits of Qingcheng Mountain has just ended. The golden ginkgo leaves fell down like a golden rain, just like the two golden pieces falling from the sky at the concert. The audience who picked up the ginkgo leaves can get a little protection and good luck. It made people extremely happy, and the applause when the ginkgo tree elves and the others left the stage were particularly enthusiastic.

After they 'exited', the stage turned into a Hong Bridge again. This time the hosts standing on it were no longer Bai Xiaosheng and the Astrologer. Instead, the ones standing on the Hong Bridge were the Black Widow and the psychic! Wei Xun finally understood. It turned out that the host this time was a special guest during the previous live broadcast of the competition. As Black Widow completely offended the hotel, the hotel can still let her be a special guest. It can be seen that The hotel has a strong sense of ritual and a good sense of sex.

The high-rise is stable and the sense of security is unparalleled. Affected by the previous cheers in Hongqiao, when these two not-so-reputable directors came to Hongqiao to host the show, the audience actually gave them polite applause.

Amidst the applause, Black Widow and the psychic also brought refreshing news - they announced the top ten tour guides in this competition, and will organize the subsequent settlement and on-site battle!

After all, there is only one Yi Ling, and he is the only one worthy of the honorary title specially set by the hotel. If other tour guides want to advance, they have to fight with real swords and guns.

"In this competition, the tour guide who ranks second in overall performance is West District Devil Merchant."

"The next step will be the on-site settlement of the Devil Merchant!"

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