Thriller Tour Group

1006 Settlement [Part 2] New code name

The snow-white Icelandic horse ran in the violent snowstorm, like a bright lightning or an aurora. It ran faster and faster, and its strong figure gradually blurred in the snowstorm. It seemed to have turned into a group of snow wolves. The wolves chased and climbed to the highest snow peaks in the blizzard and howled in unison. Then the snow peaks of the wolves merged into one giant frost giant, waving a war spear made of ice crystals and shouting and laughing roughly.

Suddenly the Frost Giant cracked and shattered, and the white color that rushed forward turned into an aurora arrow shot out from the fingertips of the Valkyrie. This arrow passed through the storm and snow, passed through the sea where the rotten whale leaped, and the silver lady melted. The cracked abyss, flying over a group of human-faced seals basking on the black beach, passing through the final darkness of the death of the sun, passing by the poisonous dragon Nighold who fell to the ground dead, Ymir, the ancestor of giants, the God of War, the God of Thunder, and finally It turned into a javelin in the hands of Odin, the King of Gods. The power exploded and was covered in blood. The dying God-King devoted his last strength and threw it out with a roar. In the hearts of all the spectators, the aurora arrow unexpectedly came out from the sky with exclamations. Lasers shot out from the screen and shot at Bingyi who was standing at the highest point of Hongqiao! The audience in the virtual hall filled with murderous intent felt pain in their cheeks.


The heartbeat rang loudly in the depths of the soul. Everyone subconsciously held their breath and their pupils shrank suddenly. They watched the white-haired tour guide on the Hongqiao who was more handsome than Odin when he was young. He just smiled and raised his hand, which could tear apart the space. The aurora arrow just stayed on his fingertips and was held in his hand. The audience felt as if their hearts were being held by him. They could even feel the cold and strong fingers of the tour guide and the meaning contained in them. of powerful force.

Thump, thump, thump.

The Aurora arrow melted in Bingyi's hand, like a white heart, melting away all the murderous intent and vigor, glowing with new and tender vitality. When Bingyi let go of his hand, white light flowed down and fell beside him, turning into the original Icelandic horse again. The white horse, carved out of ice and snow, snuggled docilely beside Bingyi, licking his fingers affectionately. After Bingyi smiled and patted the horse's head, it hissed in pleasure. After looking at him reluctantly, wings sprouted from its back and flapped. Wings flew back to the big screen.

Its body was blurred and elongated after hitting the big screen, like an overturned paint flowing downwards, outlining a continuous white glacier on the big screen. But its gem-like deep blue eyes did not melt together, but really rose to the snow-white glacier like gems, turning into the dark blue outline of the World Tree.

I don't know when the blizzard stopped, along with the low and shocking horn sound. The surroundings suddenly became quiet, leaving only a hoarse and charming humming sound echoing in the mountains, and the rolling hills under the blue world tree. The snow-capped mountains are sparkling, and the dark blue drips down, like the roots of the world tree rooted in the snow peaks, outlining the mysterious and complex dark blue rune characters in the pure white.

The meanings they represent naturally appear in the minds of all viewers.

[East-West District Competition·Iceland·Carnival Dinner]

Boom——! !

The next second, with a thunderous and deafening sound, the big screen in the virtual hall suddenly collapsed, like a snow mountain collapsing! Audiences looking up in the virtual hall can even feel the cold snow foam falling on their faces! But before they could panic, the debris that spread out like white ice crystals after the big screen collapsed turned into beams of light. Hundreds of lights were like light beams shaking on the big stage, suddenly sweeping through the darkness and reflecting on the surroundings of the virtual hall. Spots of light are illuminated, and in each spot there is a figure doing different actions. For the contestants in this competition, the light spots reflect exactly the clips of their movements in the competition, showing each person’s Highlight moment!

Miranda lit a candle on the bumpy sea, her rain-soaked hair stuck to her face, and the witch looked back in panic; Wei Xun turned into a killer whale in the dark water, rushed towards his fallen companion, and smashed away the rotting whale carcass; Yun Tianhe in the heavy rain Standing on the bow of the ship, undead parrots hovered above his head, and the cardinal held the Bible in his hand and murmured a prayer; when the snow fell, the Yin-Yang butterfly walked through the streets covered with thin snow, holding a long knife dripping with blood in its hanging hand, and the blood stains passed by the Little Mermaid's face. statue--

Countless figures flashed through the light spot, like a movie playback, one by one, one by one, each tourist, one by one by the tour guide, like pressing the fast forward button, the flashing scenes in the light spot became faster and faster, The light spots of the dead passengers first turned almost white, and then turned into snow-white beams! Beams of light swept across the virtual hall, converging and merging together. After each person's highlight moment is over, the light spot he is in will turn into a white light. Gradually, the light spots will become less and less, and soon only the best performers will remain. There were more than a dozen people - a few people - and in the end only Director C was left in the picture.

The white-haired tour guide fought and ran tirelessly. Sometimes he was Satan, sometimes he was a god. He turned into a snow leopard and a sunbird. Countless people flashed around him, including tourists fighting side by side. His fallen angels include loyal and terrifying worms, gods of death and giant wolves, as well as tour guides who believe in him——

The people fighting alongside him often change, but he never changes. In the end, only the white-haired tour guide is left in this light spot. He is wearing a dark cloak and standing on the highest peak of Iceland with a knife, blood dripping, and he is in a trance for a moment. The figure of the tour guide on the screen overlaps with Bingyi on the Hong Bridge, just like the tour guide in the painting has come to reality. And those snow-white beams of light all converged together to form a snow-white beam of light that shined straight upward, turning into his background, like the trunk of the World Tree towering into the sky, exploding into a huge and gorgeous firework at the brightest moment!

The bright white light shines into the meteors and shines on the Hong Bridge. The snow-white halo illuminates the tour guide on the Hong Bridge. At this moment, the world is dark, but he is the only one who is as bright as day. The grand music resounds loudly. At this moment, the white hair Tour guides make the world take notice! The bright white light like a shooting star suddenly spread out, twisted, and outlined complex patterns over the entire virtual hall. It looked like patterns, but all viewers could understand its meaning. This was a trace of the rules of the hotel, and it was the rules of the hotel. Texture, it is reflected in the depths of everyone’s soul, imprinted with hot words——

[Winner of the East-West District Competition·Eastern District]

[The best tour guide in the competition——]


At this moment, countless people were shouting in their hearts, but the hotel rules did not immediately reveal the code name Bingyi. Instead, they turned into a blur of white light, and various scenes vaguely emerged.

This is score settlement!

Most of the audience was still a little confused, but the top tourist guides quickly realized this and were instantly shocked.

This time the hotel actually settled the bill for Bingyi personally!

The various scenes that emerge in this white light are just like Bingyi's achievements, but not all of them are suitable to be displayed in front of the entire audience, so the most real settlement sound can only be heard by Wei Xun——

[The scores obtained in this competition are being settled! 】

[Because this journey is too difficult and you perform extremely well in the competition, you will get double points! 】

Accompanied by the sound of the hotel, various scenes from the Icelandic Horror Competition flashed before Wei Xun's eyes. The first scene was when he selected the Icelandic horse camp before the start of the journey.

[Lay the foundation for victory in East District selection: 6000 points]

The next scene that appeared was several pieces of parchment, with silver badges pressed on them.

[Get the attention of the four gods and watch the passengers as two gods: 12,000 points]

The settlement of these two scores shocked Wei Xun. The hotel was so generous this time! He still vaguely remembered that when he opened the Tomb of the Tusi King, he only had 3,000 points, which already made him stand out among the others. Who would have known that the points awarded in this competition would be the same as the Indian Zimbabwean currency, doubling and rising. Even if the score has been calculated twice and the tomb of the Tusi King has not yet been completely opened, the score when it is completely opened will be very objective and beyond Wei Xun's imagination!

The hotel settlement is still going on, and the highlight is yet to come!

[Discover and seal the original abyss of Jinlunga Chasm: 10,000 points]

[Continuously breaking through the mental limit: 10,000 points]

[Lead the team perfectly to complete the match and everyone survives: 6000 points]

[Final victory in the competition: 10,000 points]

If the settlement up to this point can be known by ordinary tour guides and tourists, then only the most powerful tour guides and tourists who understand some of the hotel rules can get a glimpse of the subsequent settlement. The scores given by the hotel are even more impressive. Shocked!

During the hotel settlement, Wei Xun once again saw the destroyed Tower of Babel, and saw George and the Black Widow resurrected from the dead. In the end, the Tower of Babel was destroyed and everything turned into darkness.

[Fight against the arrival of the Tower of Babel - Destroy the Tower of Babel (the first destroyer of Journey North): 100,000 points]

One hundred thousand points!

Even though Wei Xun was as calm as he was, his mouth went dry for a while and his heart beat very fast. But if you think about it carefully, this is double the score. Normally, the hotel would give him 50,000 points for destroying the Tower of Babel. This is the first incident in the entire hotel where a trip to the 30th Degree North Latitude was destroyed. An Xuefeng said that the complete opening score for the 30th Degree North Latitude should be around 25,000, so his destruction score this time was 50,000, which is considered normal.

However, if you can get 100,000 points for destroying the Tower of Babel, how many points will you get for destroying the source of pollution? Wei Xun was really looking forward to it, and this time the hotel was no longer stingy. The blacked-out picture lit up again, but it was divided into three parts. The middle one showed An Xuefeng, Wei Xun and Xi Mingren 'working together' to destroy the source of pollution. The image on the left showed Wei Xun holding An Xuefeng's arm. The scene of relief for him, and on the right is the scene of Wei Xun's transformation into the sun's rays reflecting on the life-seeking man.

The meaning of the hotel is obvious! Although the destruction of the pollution source this time mainly depends on An Xuefeng and Xi Mingren, without Bingyi, An Xuefeng's spirit cannot be restored and it is impossible to achieve today's combat effectiveness; without Bingyi, Ximingren will not be 'influenced' together Destroy sources of pollution. In fact, perhaps because they don’t want these two to gain more power, they are building momentum for the ‘first person’ of the next era. The hotel actually gives all the credit for destroying the main source of pollution to Bingyi!

And the points he got for this were also extremely impressive!

[Destroy pollution sources (great contribution): 2,000,000 points]

Two million points!

This time, Wei Xun has almost surpassed the ten years of hard work of a great guide like a spiritual medium! With these two million points as a base, all the points calculated above were reduced to a fraction, and he also jumped directly from the C-level tour guide——

[Calculating your rank, please wait, your score has exceeded the rank limit——]

[Your total score exceeds B-1. In view of your significant contribution to the hotel by destroying pollution sources, you will receive an exclusive honor code specially designed for you by the hotel: B-0! 】

[You can also follow the elite tour guide promotion rules and challenge any elite tour guide from B1 to B10 to get their code name! 】

[Your total score has reached the level to start the ‘A-level breakthrough’ unsolvable task. After completing the task, you will be eligible to directly become an A-level tour guide. Please note that except for B0/Y1, tour guides at other levels are not eligible to start level A breakthrough missions! 】

【Your choice is——】

"This time I really feel like Yi Zero."

Wei Xun was half excited, half helpless, thinking that when he lost his memory in Iceland, he thought that the codename of the life-haunting person should be Bingling. There is no Bing Ling now, but the hotel has come up with Yi Ling! In fact, he is quite interested in challenging the psychic. After all, he wants to judge his current level of strength. However, after asking the hotel and learning that if he wanted to challenge, he would immediately start broadcasting the challenge live in front of the entire audience, Wei Xun temporarily thought about it. He is still divided into two identities: a tour guide and a tourist, and cannot use all titles and methods at will.

He will not underestimate the strength of the psychic, nor will he be arrogant enough to think that he can win without fail. The challenge was better to wait until there was no surveillance from the hotel. Wei Xun felt a few regrets in his heart, but he showed no hesitation on his face.

The next second, the white light in the virtual hall rose sharply, and the silver color representing the rules of the hotel outlined his new code name to all viewers!

[The best tour guide in the competition—Yi Zero! 】

Yi Zero, the hotel’s exclusive honorary code, ranks higher than Yi One!

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