Thriller Tour Group

1003 Walking on the Rainbow Carpet Mr. Xi Ming is great [mainly because of excessive...

When Yukihime Heisan, who was dressed as Sif, the wife of Thor, and the B2 Western Cowboy, who was dressed as Frey, the god of sunshine, walked across the Hongqiao, although the audience in the virtual hall looked up intently, there was no cheering as before. It was silent, with only a few whispers. When the tour guide glanced at him, the sounds disappeared, leaving only tight silence.

Tour guides and tourists are different. With An Xuefeng and the group of brigade captains making a good start, even the weakest newcomers don’t have to kowtow when they meet the top tourists. There is no class distinction among tourists, because of the oppression of tour guides, except for some Except for the dog-licking tourists who completely rely on the tour guide, the vast majority of tourists are in the same camp. Even if there is a division between east and west districts, there is not much class bullying.

Therefore, the audience will cheer and scream when passengers pass through Hongqiao. Whether they are big passengers like Yu Xiangyang and Bai Lian, or newcomers like Miao Fangfei and Miranda, they all cheer enthusiastically.

However, when it was the tour guide's turn to cross Hongqiao, the virtual hall suddenly went cold. A few newcomers who had just joined the hostel and had not yet been deeply trained by the tour guides did not know anything about snow queens or western cowboys, but they wanted to cheer politely, but were blocked by the experienced travelers next to them.

"Stop making noises, are you going to kill yourself?"

The old man lowered his voice and scolded: "Quiet, don't make any sound."

The newcomers don’t quite understand why they cheered when the tourists passed by and booed when the tour guides passed by. Obviously, the seniors around me were more excited than anyone else when the tour guide group photo poster was posted in the virtual lobby just now. I watched it hundreds of times this afternoon. Why was it that when the real tour guide passed by Hongqiao, Ye Gong was so aggressive that he didn't dare to say anything?

But thinking about it in his heart, seeing that no one around him said anything, the newcomer kept his mouth shut.

What is the attitude of the vast majority of tourists in hotels towards tour guides?

There is fear, hostility, hatred, and perhaps some expectations and yearnings, but tour guides and tourists are not fellow travelers. This awareness cannot be completely changed by Wei Xun, who has just entered the hotel less than half a year ago. A tour guide who is aloof, a tour guide who watches with cold eyes as the tourists struggle to death during the scenic spot tasks, a tour guide who wears a cloak and listens to the hotel's instructions and does not have to complete the scenic spot tasks.

When the tour guide was not around, the vast majority of the audience made no secret of their complicated emotions towards the tour guide, showing curiosity and voyeurism. But when the tour guide actually came in front of them, they were as silent as stone statues, watching silently. This is The safety principles that have been engraved in my bones after surviving in the hotel for so many years.

If you don't stand out, don't coax, and don't get extra attention from the tour guide, just like a sheep among the sheep, you won't be stared at by the beast.

There have been tourists who dared to boo the tour guides, especially in the West District, which advocates individual heroism. In the past, there were often hot-headed people who commented on the tour guides in public in order to show off. But without exception, these people quickly disappeared. Among them was the most arrogant and arrogant peak traveler in the Western Region, who seemed to be the vice-captain of the relatively advanced brigade. He followed the Lizard Duke's team on an unsolvable journey, and then died.

With a butcher-guided team, death can easily find you. But the captain at that time did not believe in evil, so he wanted to find an explanation to the Lizard Duke, and then he was killed by the Silver Moon Killer.

Tour guides cannot kill tourists at will, but the hotel acquiesces to challenges and death battles between tourists. Of course, the battles in the virtual hall must be conducted in the ring, and no private fights are allowed. The brigade captain and deputy captain were both dead, and the team was almost dispersed. Later, I don’t know where the news came from, saying that the deputy captain was killed by the Silver Moon Killer during the journey. It seems that he accidentally joked about the Lizard Duke’s costume during a celebration, and he was remembered by the Silver Moon Killer. , died miserably during the journey.

It is also said that the Lizard Duke does not like to hear other people cheering, saying that he seems to be enjoying himself as much as he is being watched. Not only him, the Devourer is also very withdrawn, and the Black Widow makes people afraid to approach her. Perhaps because the tour guides who can return to zero have all contracted with abyssal creatures, and are always restricted by the countdown to death, the relationship between tour guides is colder than that between tourists, and their class status is more obvious. Worship of forced tour guides is common, and the top tour guides above With this behavior, other tour guides will naturally follow suit, even some who like cheering scenes will not show any difference.

The Shepherd Alliance of Puppet Masters here in the East District has a fairly good reputation. Although the Dream Chaser is lonely and cold-faced, he is actually a rare and truly good tour guide. In addition, the Life-haunting Man retreats to the Gate of the Sun. However, even so, there are still barriers between tour guides and tourists. No audience will cheer when the tour guide passes by, not even the small tour guide audience. They proudly believe that this kind of silence is the best reflection of the tour guide's status.

However, there is something different this time.

The silence in the virtual hall lasted until Xue Ji and the Western Cowboy walked by, followed by Silverfish and Fainting Sheep. They played the two brothers Badr, the God of Light, and Hodr, the God of Darkness respectively. When they walked through the Rainbow Bridge, it was in the direction of the East District. Suddenly there was some commotion from the northern section of the audience, followed by several cheers.

"Faint Sheep, great job!"

"Awesome Fainting Sheep, you did really well this time!"

"Having the style of our mutual aid alliance, Fainting Sheep!"

Hearing this, I almost fainted while holding my breath.

Mom...are you calling me? I'm just a little tour guide... why do you call me... no, no, no, wow, that's so embarrassing...

It was as if his five senses were suddenly sharpened countless times, and he could feel the gazes of tens of millions of people. The face of the fainted sheep was burning, especially when the dignified Silverfish of the Five Great Guides was right next to him, and he felt that the Silverfish seemed to be there but not there. After taking a look, the fainted sheep wanted to shrink up. He was clearly walking on the rainbow carpet with Silverfish, but the audience was cheering for him. How could he deserve this? He wouldn't be put in the shoes of Silverfish in the future!

Fortunately, he fainted later and heard the words "our mutual aid alliance" in the cheers. He knew that his own alliance was cheering for him. For a moment, he felt mixed emotions in his heart. A stiff smile appeared on his face, but he still forced himself to hold on. He straightened his back and even raised his hand to wave randomly.

We can't embarrass their mutual aid alliance, maybe Director C is watching from behind!

The vast majority of the audience actually didn't understand why people suddenly started cheering when this East District tour guide crossed Hongqiao. This tour guide seemed to be a follower of Director C, and he didn't seem to show any special behavior...? Most of the audience were a little confused until they saw the tour guide on Hongqiao making a move and then waving at them.

The Hong Bridge is too high, and many viewers cannot clearly see the faces of people walking on it, but it doesn't matter. The hotel specially installed a large screen with no blind spots in the virtual lobby, which can zoom in to clearly see the movements of people on the Hong Bridge, so the audience They all clearly saw that the fainted sheep was indeed waving to them.

? !

The tour guide is waving at them!

Immediately, many spectators were dumbfounded, with complicated emotions in their hearts. However, some spectators who couldn't hold it back couldn't help but shout out when they saw the fainted sheep waving.

"Faint Sheep! Faint Sheep—!"

"Faint Sheep, you are so awesome!"

The tour guide waved to them. He obviously liked the cheers, so it would be okay to shout, right? Hearing people around him shouting more and more, the audience who had originally planned to remain silent until the end couldn't help shouting. The silent hall suddenly became more lively. Among the cheers one after another, in addition to shouting about the fainted sheep, there were also Someone called Silverfish, and his voice was equally loud.

You must know that Fainting Sheep is only Bing Er after all, and he is also a member of Director C's mutual aid alliance. The audience is quite brave to face him. However, Silverfish is the famous Yiwu tour guide, and no one dares to call his name. Therefore, most people guessed that it was probably the people from the Fengdu Brigade who were shouting. After all, Silverfish was their tour guide, and they certainly couldn't let their tour guide miss the mark.

Since more and more people dare to shout like this, by the time Silverfish and Fainting Sheep finish walking across the Hongqiao, the entire virtual hall has become a sea of ​​cheers!

That's right.

Wei Xun, who was waiting to appear in the giant dragon skull in the distance, looked away. After discovering that the audience did not cheer when Xue Ji and the others appeared, he contacted Zhang Xingzang and asked him to organize his family to cheer when the fainted sheep walked on the rainbow carpet. ! Just kidding, Wei Xun has just touched the resonance of some hotels and the whole audience cheered. His belief bless the secrets of making stars in hotels, and he is planning to experience it when he walks the rainbow carpet as a tour guide.

Why did the audience stop cheering when it was the tour guide’s turn?

That won't work! Whether this is the default unspoken rule of this generation or something else, Wei Xun must hear the cheers! The newly heated place has not yet cooled down so easily. Sure enough, as long as someone takes the lead in cheering, it is easy to pick up the rhythm, especially the fainting sheep's spiritual wave of the hand on the Hongqiao, which makes Wei Xun very satisfied!

After returning home, let the Thunder God ram breed the fainting sheep, and let him raise more good lambs.

Satisfied, Wei Xun was thinking about how to reward the fainting sheep, so he got off Hongqiao to sign autographs and take photos. After walking to the Golden Palace, the fainting sheep couldn't help but sigh.

"It turns out this is what it feels like to be cheered and watched by so many spectators."

He pressed his chest, his heart was beating hard, and he couldn't help but sigh.

"It's so enthusiastic... I feel like my soul is getting a little hot. Senior Silverfish, how do you feel? Senior Silverfish... ah..."

Only then did the Fainting Sheep notice that the silverfish next to him was unusual. There was a gloomy aura surrounding his body, and he felt as if an old man was forced to be exposed to the sun. He was so frightened that the Fainting Sheep did not dare to speak. , watching the silent silverfish raise his collar and quickly go up to the second floor and enter the hall.

When the Fainting Sheep and the Silverfish finished walking on the rainbow carpet and the Little Witch, who played Freya, the Goddess of Love, walked onto the Rainbow Bridge, the atmosphere in the virtual hall fell silent for a moment, but soon someone in the West End audience started shouting for the Little Witch. Name, no one is a fool. The Mutual Aid Alliance cheered and the sheep fainted, and it turned out to be Bingyi’s handiwork. Since Director Bing wants the tour guide to also receive warm cheers, let him get his wish! The tour guides and tourists from the Black Widow's faction in the west area of ​​the virtual hall received the order and cheered. The little witch also beat snakes and followed the stick, smiled, hugged the cat and gestured to the audience. The goddess of love and the charm of the succubus attracted countless The audience's hearts skipped a beat when they saw her smile, and the atmosphere suddenly became heated again, and then never cooled down again.

After the Little Witch, Captain Ghost, who played the role of the Moon God, and Yin Yang Butterfly, who played the Sun God, joined forces to walk on the rainbow carpet. The cheers were louder than before. The butchers of the East District Butcher Alliance were even more howling with the tacit approval of the psychic, and the atmosphere was so heated that it exploded. , after the Ghost Captain and the Yin-Yang Butterfly passed by, when the devil businessman playing the role of Vulcan Loki boarded the Rainbow Bridge, the audience cheered even more enthusiastically. I don’t know whether they were cheering for the devil businessman or for the fire god Loki he played. The atmosphere was extremely lively for a while. Even the audience who couldn’t let go completely let themselves go and joined in the group cheers.

Later, when the Lizard Duke, who played the God of War, and the Dream Chaser, who played the God of Thunder, walked across the Rainbow Bridge, the whole audience was cheering! Who is the tour guide who will appear next? It should be Director C! The hearts of all the audience were beating fast and their faces were hot. They were all ready to cheer for the explorers. However, when the tour guide dressed in white robes and dressed as the goddess of fate walked onto the Hong Bridge, many people were confused.

Who is this tour guide? Black Angel? Why not an explorer? Why could she, a little tour guide, go to Hongqiao behind Lizard Duke and Dream Chaser?

But it doesn’t matter, just join in the fun and cheer with everyone!

"Dark Angel, Black Angel—!"

But why are three people walking on Hongqiao together? There should be only two people in total, Black Angel and Explorer.

When Black Angel, who played the role of the goddess of fate, walked onto the Hongqiao, the moment the cheers started, the sharp-eyed audience noticed that she was not coming alone, but with three people. The three tour guides looked similar in appearance, all wearing white robes. , should be the three Norensi sisters, but some viewers who saw the tour guide's group photo several times couldn't help but wonder. In their memory, there are no three Norensi sisters in the group photo. Only the Black Angel plays the eldest sister among the goddesses of destiny. .

So who are the other two people?

The curious audience hurriedly looked at the close-up view of the big screen, but were completely dumbfounded when they saw the appearance of the 'goddess' behind Black Angel.

This this.

Isn't this Team An? ?

Team An turned out to be a tour guide? !

No, his face is so clear, Captain An is a tourist! Then why did he walk the rainbow carpet with the tour guide? ? Was he invited by the explorer?

Who is the other person? Isn’t he an explorer? The tall goddess of destiny behind An Xuefeng was reflected on the big screen. Her long, ink-dyed hair was braided into a simple braid and hung down beside her. She was dressed in a simple white robe, but she was very powerful. His face seemed to be covered by mist. He must be a tour guide. Was he also a tour guide invited by the explorer? The invitation can only invite relatives, relatives of the explorer...? !

Some sharp-thinking spectators had their pupils trembled and their hearts almost stopped beating. But then they heard a shout from the East District audience. When many spectators had already started cheering for Team An, the psychic medium’s shout was particularly special. Clear, straight to the soul.

"Master Xie Ming, that's great!"

? !

? ! ! !

ah? ? ? ?

The entire audience suddenly felt like a group of geese being strangled by the neck, and the entire virtual hall was silent for an instant!

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