Thriller Tour Group

1002 Second update: Walking on the rainbow carpet

The puppeteer was about to burst.

When she was chosen to play the role of the eldest sister of the goddess of fate, the puppeteer felt that her luck was really good recently. Who said it wasn't? After a competition, she had almost recovered most of her strength. At the same time, there were so many difficult people that made the hotel worry and had no time to care about her. Then because Black Widow and George were on the hotel's blacklist, the East District's life-threatening people returned, and the hotel urgently needed to promote a new, stable West District senior executive, preferably a lone wolf who had no involvement with the Devourer.

She had just gone from east to west, and the organization was destroyed. The puppeteer who also had a grudge against Black Widow was naturally the best choice. Although Black Widow seemed to be quite powerful recently, in fact, the puppeteer had already contacted the hotel and received a rule-based task! The hotel obviously preferred her, including this custom dress.

Such a famous Nordic god chose to let the puppeteer become the goddess of fate. Isn't this the favor and hint of the hotel! The puppeteer is a senior director, of course, he knows the routines of various settlement banquets. The classic scenes in the competition are likely to be briefly replayed at the dinner. As the eldest sister of the goddess of fate, she is in charge of the past, so she is naturally responsible for the old dreams!

This involves Bingyi, and it is said that it also involves the old dreams of An Xuefeng and Xi Mingren. The importance can be imagined! The puppeteer also knows that this is an opportunity given by the hotel, and the hotel wants to use this opportunity to collect more information related to their old dreams. It depends on the performance of the puppeteer. However, the puppeteer doesn't care about these. She lives for death. She is no longer the silly woman who used to run the Shepherd Alliance diligently and hide her light and bide her time.

A competition opened her eyes completely, and George's resurrection made the puppeteer amazed! This decade is destined to be full of ups and downs. In this era when everyone wants to run to the East District and everyone wants to be with Bingyi, isn't it a pure fool for her puppeteer to stay in the West District? It's so funny. She doesn't plan to stay in the West District for a long time. Let the Devourer Lizard Duke Black Widow play by herself. Her intention to act by borrowing the hotel is just to completely restore her strength and plan to fly away and return to the East District.

The puppeteer has already seen clearly that according to Bingyi's habit of making trouble, either this carnival dinner or the next time he completely opens up the Tusi King's Tomb, he will definitely make something comparable to this competition and make the hotel overwhelmed. That will be her chance to return! And this time, she will also use the opportunity of the goddess of fate to replay the old dream. While mastering the power of the goddess of fate, she will open some back doors for Bingyi appropriately and get on the road with him. In this way, there is no need to worry about the future!

There is no need to worry about the future...

The puppeteer stared at the stage in the front, not looking sideways, and did not dare to look to the side at all. She sat in the second row, and next to her were her 'Second Sister' and 'Third Sister'.

Why would Bingyi invite Ximingren!

Why would Ximingren agree to play the goddess of fate with An Xuefeng!

My life was about to end. The puppeteer felt that she was a little out of breath. Her tumor and heart were beating together, as fiercely as if they were going to jump out of her throat. She thought too simply. The two of them actually gave up their past grudges and chose to play the goddess of fate. Obviously, there was a high probability that the old dream would be replayed at this dinner, and there must be something that they both cared about. Apart from that, the puppeteer could not find any reason for them to play the goddess of fate at the same time!

... Compared with the second sister who controls the fate of the present and the third sister who controls the fate of the future, she, the eldest sister who controls the fate of the past, is the real controller of the replay of the old dream. If the replay of the old dream is really important, neither An Xuefeng nor Ximingren would trust her to control it. The original good status of the goddess of fate is now like a hot potato. It is no longer a question of surrendering and choosing sides. The puppeteer is worried that they will do something big in the replay of the old dream, and then the hotel will ask her for compensation!

She doesn't have much resources to compensate the hotel now! If it really loses money... In that case, let alone running away, I am afraid that the puppeteer will really have to settle down in the West District and work hard for the hotel to repay the debt!

I have to think of a way... Feeling that the people around him stood up and walked out, the puppeteer stood up calmly for a moment, followed by her eyes and nose, and walked out. Her eyes only went to the small area in front of her, and she didn't dare to look at it any more. It is said that the tour guides and tourists don't care whether the custom dress is male or female. After all, the randomness of the hotel is uncontrollable, and everyone has such a thing. But if it really happens to me, who can not care at all?

Especially some men with strong self-esteem, she, the puppeteer, has so many puppets, and men's, women's, and children's uniforms are at will. I have worn custom-made dresses, not to mention men's styles, even monster-style furry costumes. I have also grown beards out of curiosity. I don't think it's a big deal to wear them when I go out, I just think it's interesting. But some men wear skirts and robes as if they are dying.

Captain An is fine, after all, he is a good man. But seeing the Hipster dressed as a goddess, the puppeteer really has to be extremely careful, for he is worried about whether he can keep his eyes.

Especially the hotel also asked the three sisters of Norens to walk the red carpet together, and take photos at the end of the red carpet, at the main entrance of the Golden Palace -

Walk the red carpet!

Wei Xun, who walked out with the devil merchant, really found it interesting that the hotel could even do this. Forty minutes before the carnival dinner started, the tour guides and tourists who had already sat in the lobby were reminded by the hotel to go out and walk the red carpet. Of course, unlike reality, this red carpet is not a blanket spread on the ground. The hotel has made it very gimmick. They will lift it high from the complete and extremely threatening terrifying dragon skeleton behind the Golden Palace. Walking out of the skull's mouth, he stepped onto Asgard's Rainbow Bridge, walking over the entire virtual hall and all the audiences, and walking on a rainbow carpet until he reached the entrance of the Golden Palace.

There will be a pure golden wall erected there for them to sign autographs and take photos, so that the atmosphere will be completely heated up, and no tourist guide, no matter how homely, will never miss this carnival feast!

After learning about the hotel's arrangements, Wei Xun was thoughtful. The hotel held a carnival dinner with such great fanfare and tried to attract the attention of all tourists and tour guides. There must be some intention.

Could it be that the hotel planned to use the carnival dinner to attract everyone's attention and restrain An Xuefeng and the life-seeking people so that they could do something themselves?

"Oh, this is more people than my highest concert ever!"

Looking at the vast ocean-like audience in the virtual hall from afar in the giant dragon skeleton, and hearing their enthusiastic cheers that seemed to lift the roof of the hotel, the devil businessman couldn't help but murmured in a low voice and pushed Wei Xun with his elbow.

"It's time for your passengers, it's our turn now."

In this "walking on the rainbow carpet", the tourists go first, and the tour guide comes last (An Xuefeng and Xi Mingren, who were invited by the invitation letter, do not follow this order). And they don't go one by one, most of them go together in twos and threes. Only those passengers who have performed extremely well in the competition are qualified to 'enjoy' the cheers of the audience alone, such as Miao Fangfei, Dan Lin and others.

Most of the top travelers appear in the front and middle. The hotel really needs to build momentum for the next generation of new travelers and set a new example. In this way, this generation of old people disappears on the battlefield, and the next generation of young people can quickly find the backbone, so that people will not be panicked for too long. Hotels have always done this. An Xuefeng also told Wei Xun about his experience. It was during his first year-end celebration. He defeated all veterans and newcomers and won the title of the strongest. Who stood at the top? sky.

That day, the hotel praised him to the highest level, and all tourist guides had to look up to him. That supreme honor and the hotel's praise made him the well-deserved number one tourist, and he has not slackened off since then for ten years.

The backbone of this generation of young travelers is obviously Wei Xun. He was the last one to appear, and he attracted very enthusiastic cheers as soon as he appeared. When the devil merchant pushed Wei Xun because he was distracted, in fact, most of Wei Xun's mental energy had already fallen on the passenger Wei Xun. He walked slowly onto the Rainbow Bridge, with the six emerald wings trembling slightly behind his back. His red hair was like fire. Michael, the Son of Light, was powerful and extremely dazzling, like the rising sun, like hope.

"Wei Xun—Wei Xun!"

"Wei Xun—Wei Xun—!!"

Wei Xun's performance in previous trips, especially in this competition, was good enough for countless viewers to remember him in their hearts. When he walked across the Rainbow Bridge, just as he cheered for Yu Xiangyang and Lisa just now, the tens of millions of viewers in the virtual hall also cheered for Wei Xun! When the cheers sounded like a wave and echoed throughout the virtual hall, Wei Xun vaguely felt something as he walked across the Rainbow Bridge.

The moment he walked onto the Rainbow Bridge, the hotel pulled Wei Xun's consciousness into this puppet to bear the cheers. And in the shouts and screams, he felt the strong emotions of the audience, their expectations and expectations. Expectation, but also vaguely felt the resonance between tourist guides and hotels. This is the hotel creating stars, or perhaps gods! The strongest person alone cannot be regarded as the number one person in the hotel. Only one who is recognized by this generation and has the same belief and expectation can be called the real number one person in the hotel!

An Xuefeng is the first such person! Wei Xun was inexplicably excited. 'Passenger Wei Xun' was still too immature. Wei Xun could feel that the expectation and trust were not very strong. He quickly walked across the Rainbow Bridge, took a photo at the entrance of the Golden Palace, and then said the same thing as before. The passengers who had already arrived stood at the door and watched together. They heard the warm cheers gradually disappear after he passed, and the scene gradually became quiet. When the tour guide dressed as a Nordic god walked across the Hongqiao, the whole place was silent.

It’s time for the tour guide!

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