Thriller Tour Group

1004 Let’s shout this is an order. We haven’t written the settlement treasure yet...

When the audience in the virtual hall was cheering just now, the time passed very quickly. It seemed that the tour guides' costumes were displayed on the big screen before they could even take a closer look. They walked across the Hongqiao, leaving the audience still unfinished.

However, when the whole place was silent and dead, time passed so slowly that it seemed like a year.

The words "Sister Xi Ming" completely killed the game. Even Zhang Xingzang couldn't help but look in a trance. He stared at the big screen for several times in disbelief when he saw these three "goddess" walking across the Hongqiao. After ordering, remembering Wei Xun's instructions, he hurriedly greeted the people around him to continue cheering. Of course, it was An Xuefeng who shouted. Although not many people in the All-Mutual Aid Alliance had the guts to continue shouting in such a silent environment, there were still some die-hard Bingyi. The Feng Taoists and the others had the courage to shout a few times to An Xuefeng, and the Black Widow in the distance. People also echoed a few words.

But just like ink dropped into the ocean, there is no trace in the blink of an eye. Their sporadic shouts were quickly drowned in the silent sea of ​​people. This time, no one dared to follow them. The medium's desperate shout was like a bucket of ice water poured on hot coals, completely The audience was awakened from the Xunxunran lively atmosphere.

It was over, the atmosphere was completely over. Zhang Xingzang covered his forehead helplessly and cursed the psychic in his heart. If you want to cheer, just cheer, what are you asking people to do? Just bark, why did you stop after barking? Don't you want to continue shouting? The number one provocateur, the psychic, just screamed once and didn't dare to shout. Others must know that prodigy doesn't like lively places, so who dares to shout again!

Not only that, but I don’t know which audience even dared to watch the big screen anymore. They lowered their heads in panic, and a group of people around them also lowered their heads as if they had just woken up from a dream. They were like a flock of ostriches. An Xue walked in the middle door. Feng glanced around and could only see the darkness above his head.

This is not possible, An Xuefeng can clearly sense Wei Xun's helpless and depressed mood, and also knows what he wants to do. In fact, An Xuefeng knows more about this than Wei Xun, or in other words, no one in the hotel except him understands the cheers and expectations that bear the burden of an entire era. He can clearly feel the connection with the hotel in the countless hot eyes The resonance of the door.

Hotels are good at making stars, and they are also good at making the best use of their resources. In fact, even if the people of this generation who are selected into the hotel have good talents, after years of training, there will eventually be strong and weak tourist guides who can bear enough pollution and go to the battlefield to eliminate enough pollution. It is still a minority, and the vast majority of people who go to the battlefield will only be cannon fodder that cannot last even half a month.

However, even if they die, their spirit of faith will unreservedly surrender to the strongest person they most expect and trust, hoping that he can take their share and last longer to change this dead situation. This is why the hotel selects the strongest tourist guides and emphasizes it again and again at various celebrations, creating momentum and giving preferential treatment time and time again, so that the concept of "the strongest" can be deeply rooted in the hearts of every tourist guide.

Selecting the first person who is positive, responsible, and responsible is not only to shape the atmosphere of the entire hotel, set a benchmark, and prevent the vast majority of passengers from rioting and messing up due to despair, but also to ensure that when the majority of people go to the battlefield in the end, After death, the spiritual beliefs of this generation can be gathered together, so that the strongest can last longer and eliminate more pollution.

Every year, the hotel launches the first person of the new era at the final year-end celebration of the previous era. The title it awards to the strongest travelers and tour guides is an anchoring recognition. The newcomer stepped on the old man who was about to go to the battlefield and squeezed out the last bit of blood from the old man. Hotels are good at affecting people's spiritual memory and soul. With just a few adjustments, they can not only destroy the confidence of the older generation, but also take the opportunity to set a benchmark for the new generation.

It can be said that the hotel can really use people from their flesh and bones to their souls without wasting anything. Of course, this collection of beliefs will also bring stronger combat effectiveness to the first person, giving him many opportunities to resonate with the hotel, and more May touch upon the core secret of the hotel's rules. In order to prevent this first person from really overturning the hotel, the only and strongest red title is essentially a collar worn by the hotel for the hounds.

Tour guides are known by their code names on the rankings, and top travelers can only be referred to by their code names in forums and other places. For the vast majority of middle- and low-level travelers who have no access to these big names, a unique and domineering title is important. It sounds more trustworthy than a real name, and seems to bring more respect than calling someone by his first name.

Therefore, the expectations and expectations for the strongest are partly pinned on the strongest, but also partly pinned on the title. In this way, the strongest person will not be able to use the faith of the entire era to break down the hotel barriers and completely seize the hotel's power.

But An Xuefeng is different.

He was so strong that he was separated from the figures of other eras, and he opened up two journeys to the 30th North Latitude across the era. At the same time, everyone knew that he was so strong that he became the person in charge of the slice. Especially when the life-seeker did not claim the title, the first tour guide was in name only, and the hotel could only forcefully recommend him as the first tourist, the reputation reached its peak.

The return knife is An Xuefeng's symbol, but the return journey at dusk is not An Xuefeng's business card. He stepped on the glory given by the hotel and stood higher, and saw the black scenery that others could not see.

But now, Wei Xun wants to take a look at the scenery at the highest point. An Xuefeng is naturally looking forward to it. He hopes that Wei Xun will become stronger and stronger under his gaze. He hopes that Wei Xun can finally come to his side, lonely. The summit will no longer be lonely.

Although it seems a little premature and unusual to be able to feel the blessing of faith through cheers during a competition, An Xuefeng will never allow anything that Wei Xun wants to happen to him.

Seeing that the entire virtual hall was still silent, An Xueli raised her hand and pressed the shoulder of the puppet master in front of her, and moved the frozen 'eldest sister' to her left, and at the same time she took a step back.

The life-seeking person would definitely be hit by An Xuefeng. When An Xuefeng stepped back, he took a step to the right in advance as if he had a feeling. In an instant, the three Norens sisters walking on the Hongqiao were separated from each other by the three of them. , turned into three people walking abreast. From left to right are the Puppet Master, An Xuefeng and the Life-haunting Man. Hongqiao is not too wide. Although it is more than enough for three people to walk side by side, the distance is still shortened in the end. Then An Xuefeng turned to look at the life-seeker and slowly showed a brotherly smile.


The changes in the three people on Hongqiao suddenly caught the attention of the audience who were still brave enough to watch the big screen. They couldn't help but gasp in shock. When they felt that An Xuefeng on the big screen was actually facing the life-seeking person in a rare way. When he showed a friendly smile, the feeling of shock instantly overshadowed the shock brought by the reputation of the life-seeker. For a moment, the originally silent virtual hall seemed to be invaded by a bunch of rats, and there were rustling shocks everywhere. Sounds, including 'Wo grass! ''Brother, look! ’ ‘Fuck Jess! ' There was a shocked sound, and the audience who had lowered their heads just now and didn't dare to look were pulled and pushed by the people around them. Finally, many people couldn't hold back and boldly looked up to look at the big screen.

At this glance, no matter what uneasy emotions he had in his heart before, they were all shocked into a blank.

This is when the audience is least self-aware and most easily led astray. An Xuefeng knew it well, and after smiling kindly at the life-seeker, he raised his brows and moved his fingers to confirm that the life-seeker had seen his little movements clearly.

After all, Xi Mingren is the one who surpasses this generation of tour guides. From the fact that he has never accepted the title of the strongest tour guide, An Xuefeng knows that he must also know something fishy. From this point of view, Xi Mingren definitely knows what Wei Xun is leading the audience. What exactly does cheer want? I also know what to do. To untie the bell, the person who tied the bell needs to be tied. If the person who orders the bell does not do anything, the next step will be for the two brothers to hold their shoulders.

Even though his face was blurry, An Xuefeng could feel the man's suddenly gloomy aura and he suppressed his anger for the time being. If it hadn't been for the Rainbow Bridge, they would have definitely fought! However, at such a carefully planned carnival dinner in the hotel, if he and An Xuefeng really got into a fight, they would most likely be thrown out by the hotel and banned from attending the dinner.

After all, they came in by invitation letter and did not participate in the competition.

"Take back your disgusting expression, it's really disgusting"

The man's tone was cold and sinister. At the same time, he paused slightly and glanced into the distance. An Xuefeng chuckled, tapped his fingers and flicked the Return Knife. The horoscope person looks in the direction of the medium. In the audience camp of the East District Butchers Alliance, the psychic always paid close attention to the movements of the life-seeking people. Feeling the attention of adults, the psychic suddenly felt like a drum. Years of tacit understanding made him understand immediately, so the psychic shouted loudly again : "Master Xie Ming, that's amazing!"

"Shout together, this is an order."

After shouting, the scene suddenly became quiet again. The psychic looked back at the East District butchers and ordered coldly: "Otherwise, you will die."

The psychic had been the boss of the East Area Butchers Alliance for so many years after the mercenary lived in seclusion in the Puerta del Sol, and it was not for nothing. After he gave the order, no one dared to disobey him, and soon there were shouts and shouts.

"Sir, the most powerful tour guide!"

"Master Xie Ming, that's amazing!"

Since they couldn't resist, the butchers and tour guides who were trying to drive the ducks to the shelves became more and more relaxed with shouts and shouts. They are inherently bad-tempered and like to scare tourists the most. When they saw that the entire audience was as silent as a chicken because of their shouts, some butchers and tour guides started shouting. They kept their voices down at first, but then they simply let go of their voices and shouted completely. Some astute tour guides noticed the subtle difference between the two active calls of the spirit medium, and then thought of the changing positions of An Xuefeng and the others on Hongqiao. For a moment, the guide couldn't help but guess that if the spirit medium dared to take the lead, there was a high probability that the spirit medium would take the lead. It was the adults who secretly ordered him to shout.

If that's the case, what are you afraid of? Just shout!

"Master Ximing is the strongest!"

"Master Ximing, you are my idol!"

For a while, people were shouting all kinds of things, but when they were shouting to their heart's content, another loud voice howled: "Team An is the strongest, Team An is awesome!"

"Team An is the strongest!"

"An team - An team!"

It was the Homecoming and Sunset Troupe who were shouting! I don’t know whether it was because I couldn’t get used to hearing people shouting for my life all over the place or something else. The Sunset Brigade started shouting at each other, and after a few shouts, Laoshan and Crimson Brigade, who are also brothers in the troupe, also followed suit. , the number of passengers is large, they are healthy and confident, so the shouts of the East District Butchers Alliance were suppressed in one call.

How can this work! This time it’s not just the butcher tour guide of the East District who quits his job. Most of the tour guides are used to being domineering and domineering. How can they accept such anger! Although An Xuefeng was so powerful that they couldn't beat him, but now that the Mingxi people came out, even if they cheered for the Ming people, it would be the two giants who would fight, and their little tour guide would not be affected.

So I don’t know when it started, but the tour guide and tourists started shouting at each other. One side yelled "Master Ximing is the strongest!" and the other side shouted "Team An is awesome!". For a while, the virtual hall became lively again. This excitement was also full of tit-for-tat anger, and the volume was even louder than before when it was purely lively. It should be bigger, arousing emotions and making the audience even more excited. The audience in the West District was originally watching the excitement, but some people also joined in the fun and shouted a few words, "Black Angel, Black Angel!" ’, after all, this is the only West District tour guide on Hongqiao.

However, after shouting for a few times, it felt boring. How could the Black Angel be worthy of appearing in the shouting together with An Xuefeng, so the people around him actually started shouting for Ximing and An Xuefeng, too. When it comes to shouting, their West District is far more open-minded than the East District. Watching the excitement is not too big a deal. All kinds of shouts and cheers, ghosts, howls, and howls came one after another. The excitement almost lifted the lid of the entire virtual hall.

The focus of this meeting has subtly shifted to who is on Hongqiao! When the trio of Nolens goddesses walked down the Hong Bridge, the noise in the virtual hall still continued. The audience, who were completely aroused, wanted to continue shouting. The atmosphere at the scene reached its highest point, so when Wei Xun stepped onto the Hong Bridge, The virtual hall burst into the warmest cheers!

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