Thriller Tour Group

1001 Second sister and third sister. There will be another update later.

"Dressed up like this? Which one."

An Xuefeng asked expressionlessly: "How do you say, what do you think Duke Lizard has to say?"

Lizard Duke:.

The Lizard Duke remained silent and turned his head irritably to pretend to be deaf. Since he just blurted out without concealing his surprise, and then was locked with the intimidating gazes of An Xuefeng and the Life-seeking Man, his wild instincts swallowed him up. The words were stuck in his throat, but every time he saw An Xuefeng and Mingxiren's attire, the words stuck in his chest and he was really unhappy.

The divine power outlined by the rules on them is unmistakable. These two people really played the role of the Nordic goddess of fate - the second and third sisters of the three Norens sisters. He really didn't expect that An Xuefeng and Xi Mingren, who had been enemies of each other for so many years, would be willing to play the role of gods with such a close relationship! Although this is not a dress customized by the hotel itself, it will not allow them to have a 100% theocratic experience, and they will not be involved in a short period of time like real 'sisters'. However, when they take a group photo later, they will play the role of Norens. The three sisters have to stand together. An Xuefeng ordered someone to stand so close to take a group photo. This is really big news that can scare people awake!

Is it really because of Bingyi? Are these two planning to collaborate? This was not good news. Lizard Duke couldn't help but feel his heart sink, and several thoughts flashed through his mind. He was not only worried that Bingyi would be led astray by the Ximing people, but also worried that if the Ximing people really wanted to help Bingyi with all their strength, then their other tour guides would have no use around Bingyi. He was also worried that the Ximing people would be dictatorial. He has a cold personality, and it will be difficult to get close to Bingyi again. Thinking of this, he couldn't help but his face became gloomy, and he became silent, and the atmosphere became more solemn for a while.

Until Wei Xun withstood the pressure and asked curiously: "Aren't the tourists pretending to be the opposite of the tour guide? Giants, angels, demons, etc. How can you pretend to be a Nordic god?"

“We don’t have customized hotel clothing, so we are not subject to this restriction.”

An Xuefeng withdrew his gaze, tangled his fingertips in the slightly curled white hair hanging down on Wei Xun's cheek, and looked at him gently. Odin has a strong and burly physique, and is extremely tall. Although he has lost his strong physique after being played by Wei Xun, he is still as well-proportioned and good-looking as Wei Xun before. However, with Wei Xun's obsession, he still managed to keep his height and height. As tall as Odin. The second goddess of destiny, Verdandi, is much shorter than the King of Gods. It is true that An Xuefeng could retain his height and even be taller, but he did not do so.

So now the top of his head has just reached Wei Xun's chest. This is really a rare and wonderful height difference experience. As An Xuefeng expected, Wei Xun really likes the feeling of looking down at him, even though the long hair on the opposite side was rarely tied into his hair at first. The braided man attracted attention for a moment, but soon his attention returned to An Xuefeng. His eyes were as bright as stars. Wei Xun still leaned against An Xuefeng habitually, but his hands couldn't help it. Zhu eagerly grabbed his waist and made some more intimate gestures.

When Xi Mingren looked over, the atmosphere that had just relaxed a bit became more solemn.

Fortunately, the next moment they heard the announcement from the hotel in their minds, saying that the opening ceremony of the carnival dinner would be in one hour, and they were asked to arrive early. The hostel's announcement was not heard three times, and the people who wanted to live were the first to leave the hall, leaving only their backs.


After he left, the Lizard Duke snorted heavily, gritted his teeth and said dissatisfiedly: "I really can't stand his temper. He seems to want to kill me. Why, pretending to be the goddess of fate, you are not allowed to be curious? Where does that come from? Big rules.”

"If you're not worried about him holding a grudge, just be curious."

An Xuefeng said lightly.


The Lizard Duke had never experienced such a series of anger. He glared at An Xuefeng and didn't bother to talk to Bingyi at this moment. He only gave him a look that said, "We'll go out to chat in a while." He snorted coldly and left. .

Seeing Wei Xun's eyes following the man's back, he simply leaned into his arms, and as expected, Wei Xun's full attention was immediately drawn back.

'Is there any significance in dressing up as Fortune at a rave? ’

Wei Xun and An Xuefeng chatted secretly, making gestures in disbelief, but stopped talking.

Is the identity of the goddess of fate really so important? He actually allowed his brother to walk barefoot on the ground - the three goddesses of destiny don't wear shoes! Although there are many barefoot gods in various murals, which is normal, the fact that a man who is obsessed with life is so willing to go barefoot to pretend to be the goddess of fate, and he also wears a white robe of almost the same style as An Xuefeng, really puts Wei Xun on Wei Xun's radar. Bright.

'Usually, the settlement dinner has several processes: countdown, review of classic scenes from the competition, host's speech, on-site settlement for the best tour guide, awards, posters, on-site settlement for the best passenger, awards, posters, interspersed with various Reviews, some warm-up programs, lucky draws, and some activities'

An Xuefeng considered: "Some of the classic scenes will be reenacted on site. I chose to dress up as the goddess of fate, mainly because the old dream is definitely a classic scene, and the hotel may include it in the reenactment scope."

An Xuefeng said steadily: "Passenger Wei Xun corresponded to Director Huang in his old dream. A sudden recurrence may reveal the secret." The old dream was related to the three Norens sisters. I played the goddess of fate and would also appear in the reenactment. Then I could use my hands and feet to prevent us from being passive. ’

‘Director Huang is your mother. If the reenactment were to be broadcast live, wouldn’t it be the same as revealing the truth? ’

Wei Xun couldn't help but ask, but An Xuefeng shook his head with a smile and said: "I intervened, the hotel understands my attitude. The current reality is terrible, and based on its judgment, it will not quarrel with me again." '

There is a high probability that the reenactment of old dreams will not be broadcast live, or the blocking will be strengthened.

‘Then my brother dressed up as the goddess of destiny just for old dreams? ’

Wei Xun pondered, while An Xuefeng only smiled and said nothing, but snorted coldly in his heart.

For old dreams? Not always! He was sure that the Mingxing person looked up at him knitting a white robe and judged that he wanted to pretend to be the goddess of fate before knitting it! The enemy-controlling orb in the past still made An Xuefeng feel like it was stuck in his throat. If Wei Xun hadn't been by his side, he would have thought that Yin Yang Xi Ming was a scholar.

But in the final analysis, the probability of the hotel repeating the old dream is really high. This is considered as the hotel using its power to give them a brief opportunity to return to the dream and explore. Although it is estimated to be only ten minutes at most, it really means that they can go back and get the absolute meaning. major. Especially since Wei Xun had just obtained the pupa shell bookmark, and Ximingren had also read the notebook he was going to get before. He might have discovered something new and wanted to go back to Director Hong for confirmation.

Then 'replaying' is the fastest way to confirm and will not arouse suspicion in the hotel.

Even so, An Xuefeng still felt depressed when he thought that he still had to hold his nose and pretend to be a "sister" with him. Thinking about the pause when the hotel's rule force came over just now, based on An Xuefeng's understanding of the hotel, it must be in Take a group photo to 'take a souvenir'!

Damn it, there were rare times when An Xuefeng didn't want to face the outside. But he has always been able to handle things. No matter how violent his mood swings were, he suppressed them and did not show them. He was still able to hold his own when Wei Xun asked curiously.

"So the Lizard Duke is just surprised that you two, bitter enemies, are playing the role of Fate?"

"Well, after all, we will stand together and take pictures."

"That's it-"

Wei Xun drawled his voice and murmured in his heart. He was shocked at the time because both An Xuefeng and Xi Mingren were pretending to be 'goddess' and wearing 'goddess costumes'. It really shocked him and opened the door to a new world. Although it must be said that the sun goddess played by Yin Yang Die at that time was also a woman, but Yin Yang Die was young and had been quite coquettish in front of him recently, so Wei Xun didn't feel any sense of violation.

If it were An Xuefeng and Xi Mingren, he would be very excited! However, seeing that they didn't even think there was any problem, the Lizard Duke was not surprised at all by the goddess, which made Wei Xun unable to pour out the words that were surging in his heart. It was really suffocating.

They waited until they went to the second floor hall of the Golden Palace and took their seats early to wait for the carnival dinner to begin. Wei Xun, both an Icelandic tour guide, once again sat down with the Devil Merchant. The two new tour guides, who had never seen the world before, found each other's soul mates and started a heated discussion.

‘You know, the most popular thing on the forum now is no longer our photo together’

The devil businessman couldn't help but whisper to Bingyi: 'It's your captain and your...eldest brother, the two of them are facing the poster of the knitting dress! ’

Thinking of this devilish businessman, he couldn't help but close his eyes with lingering fear. He still remembered that when he first saw the poster, his mind went blank for a moment, as if he was stupid. All he could think about was 'I saw something I shouldn't have seen' and I'm going to die. ' I was shocked and despairing, until I discovered that there was this poster in the virtual lobby, and it was also displayed in the hotel. My heart was still beating fast, and I was wandering here like a ghost. I still feel that my soul has not completely returned to its place.

Seeing him like this, Wei Xun couldn't help but share with the devil merchant: 'Let me tell you, do you know who they are playing? ’

'who? He looks like a Norse god.’

‘Yes, they play the roles of Verdante and Cicotti, the goddesses of fate. ’

'goddess? ? ? ! ’

‘Jesus, God, Satan, the audience in the live broadcast room tonight is going to explode! No wonder the live broadcast room of the carnival dinner was still dark, there were already tens of millions of people... The hotel really knew how to attract everyone's attention! ’


Seeing the devilish businessman's eyes shaking, he finally had a friend who was as shocked as himself and focused on the goddess. Wei Xun felt extremely relieved. He discussed with the devilful businessman An Xuefeng's disheveled hair and the braided hair of the life-seeking man, and finally couldn't bear it. I regretted: 'It's a pity that they didn't sit with us, but you can see it after a while.'

‘Where are they sitting? ’

The devil merchant couldn't help but ask, and then suddenly paused with a complicated expression: "The three goddesses of Nolensi, are they sitting together? I remember that the black angel also plays the role of the goddess of fate?" ’

'That's right'

Wei Xun also paused. The incident between An Xuefeng and Xi Mingren was so shocking that he had even forgotten about the puppet master. He still remembers that the Puppet Master was very proud that he had obtained the identity of the Goddess of Destiny, but now if the three goddesses really sit together, she will still be the eldest sister...

The puppet master can hold his own.

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