1429. Chapter 1419 says my name (12)

    Gotham River, a black river.

    Before Gotham became a commercial city, it was a typical industrial city. The perennial pollution made this river across the city permanent color. Nowadays, even if people use more money to control it, it can’t be called. Go back to its original appearance.

    There are many things in the world, it is easy to clear from turbidity to turbidity, but it is difficult to change from turbid to clear; it is easy to change from white to black, from black to white…It takes a high price.


    The sound of the propeller rotating under the water, with the air bubbles, floated on the river.

    In this dark night, no one will notice what is happening quietly in this vast turbid river.

    At the moment, a "bat submarine"…If you are willing to call it like this…I am slowly moving forward on the riverbed.

    And the person who drives it is naturally Batman.

    About an hour ago, after the incarnation of the taxi driver and the surprise attack, Wayne entered a subterranean dark passage not far from the Pioneer Bridge.

    This “dark road” spread all over the city, it took him many years to develop it slowly. (The slow progress is not due to technical reasons, simply because he has to try to avoid the possibility of becoming a subway line in the next few years. Place), the entrance is distributed in all corners of Gotham, you need to scan Wayne's own iris to open.

    There are simple tracks and small magnetic levitation mobile cabins in the dark passages, which can help Wayne travel fast in the city. In addition, some places in the dark passages also contain some "bat equipment" for the occasional needs.

    Of course, these spare "equipment" does not include the big guy like "submarine".

    Therefore, Wayne still had to go back to his bat cave, start the submarine, and then enter the Gotham River along the tributary of the river and head to the place where his fake taxi sank.

    This process has undoubtedly spent a lot of time on him.

    If he can successfully find the body of "Jack" in the wrecked car wreck, then the time spent is worth it, but…

    "This kid…Did you escape? ”Looking at the picture on the scanner, Wayne was surprised and confused, and then he fell into meditation. "How did he do it…From the surveillance video of Arkham, in addition to being slightly stronger than the physical fitness of ordinary people, he did not show other special abilities…Is it that his eccentric gang has saved him? ”He quickly denied this speculation, "No…No, to do that, he must let his accomplices wait in front of the water in the whole set of diving equipment, and get him out of the car within one second of the car entering the water…Unless he knows the exact point of the crash in advance and there is no one-meter error, this arrangement can be made; but the specific drop point…It’s impossible for me to be mastered by this driver…"

    The so-called "reasoning" is like walking in a maze. The exit of the maze is the "truth"; in this maze, when you walk into a dead end, you often have to step back and find another way to go. Drilling in the dead end – wasting time is a trivial matter, and it is awful to be trapped there forever.

    So,Did he break the window at the last moment and escaped from the car? ”Wayne is obviously a veteran of the activity in the inference maze. He immediately retired from the dead alley and took another path. "My timing of detonation is undoubtedly perfect. As soon as the explosion is over, the explosion cannot be covered by the river…A late night will give him more reaction and time to move…Within a few seconds of reaching the limit, the influx of water will seriously hinder his movements. Even if he really broke the window, he couldn’t escape the car…At the moment of the car explosion, he explored half of the body…"

    Thinking of this, Wayne's line of sight was removed from the scanning device, and he immediately turned the submarine's direction a few tens of degrees, aiming at the lower reaches of the river.

    "So to say……Perhaps the shock wave of the explosion pushed his body out. I should look for it downstream, maybe I can…"Wayne thought as he began to accelerate the submarine.

    "Slow!"But in that second, a flash of light flashed through his mind.

    Inspiration is like a hot stream, pouring a series of thoughts into his mind.

    The gesture that I did not know what to do with the surveillance video, and every sentence he said before he fell into the water…They all reappeared in front of Wayne’s eyes.

    "He wanted to invite me into the game from the beginning…It is also counted that I will definitely enter. ”Wayne can't help but whisper to himself. At this moment, he must say these words and help him think more intensively. "When I got into my car, he already saw my identity…He can pretend that he doesn't know, suddenly sneak up on me from behind, or not…Just jump off and escape. ”He paused for half a second and read, "Even at that last minute, he still has a chance to escape…He even deliberately identified the button behind my steering wheel, which indicates that he had expected the next danger. ”

    Mind here, under Wayne's mask, the cold sweat has soaked his resolute and handsome face.

    "think carefully……This 'Jack' is a step faster than me, but he does not take advantage of the 'one step'…Why?Wayne felt scared. In the "world", he has never been so scared.

    TimePerhaps fear has produced some kind of stimulation to the brain. Wayne's thinking has become more acute. Two seconds later, he found the correct answer. "He has been hiding ability from the beginning!" I guessed what I was doing before I drove the car into the river…Or at least this possibility has been taken into account, but he does not care…Because he is ready to face every possible preparation.

    "He not only has some special ability that I don't know yet…and alsoStrong

    "If he wants to kill me, I have already died, but for some reason…He wants me to be alive, and at the same time doesn't want me to hinder his actions, so he jumps into my trap…Take this for yourself…'Time

    After leaving the doubts, Wayne quickly ran on the panel in front of him, letting his communicator begin to collect police communications.

    In less than thirty seconds, he learned the news of the accident at the Twin Towers from the frequency of the police.

    "God damn it!"Wayne couldn't calm down, he couldn't help but snorted, then he stood up and ran to the back cabin of the submarine.

    Due to the prison break in Arkham in the afternoon, more than half of the police force in the city still stayed in the suburbs, and this half is the elite handling the serious cases in the weekdays. The police officers in the downtown area of ​​Gotham can maintain the localities. The basic law and order is good, I hope they will save the mayor…It is tantamount to idiots who say dreams.

    So, now the mayor and others can count on people…There is only one Batman.

    "Ready to start the 'three-pointer' program."Wayne, who walked into the rear cabin of the submarine, fixed himself in a horizontal seat with a very skilled movement and gave a command to the computer with a voice.

    [Mr., according to the results of the last test, the security of the program…]The computer did not immediately execute his orders, but tried to inform him of the risks.

    Wayne didn't let the computer finish the words at all, and directly interrupted: "Start the program, aim to locate the 'double building' in the city center, fast!"

    【Yes, sir. 】

    ["Three-pointer" program starts, target point calibration -]

    Accompanied by the computer's unaffected voice, a layer of translucent light film projected from under the metal deck, wrapped the seat where Wayne was lying, turning it into a rugby-like cabin. Shape device.

    [Computing the probability of obstacles and adjusting the best parabola -]

    [Five seconds into the projection process, five, four, three, two, one…]

    At the end of the countdown, the "three-pointer" of the ultra-long distance rushed out of a pipe trough above the submarine, breaking through the river of Gotham River and flying up the sky…


    At the same time, the top floor of the Twin Towers is in the ballroom.

    "Gentlemen, I know that you are in a mess now, let me help you sort out your thoughts."When I stopped talking, I was still approaching. "Anyone of you shoots at me, there is a very high probability that the five of us will die together, and I will shoot you…"


    With that said, he actually opened a shot.

    However, his gun was not running, he just smashed the glass of the building behind the mayor.

    The horror brought by the gunshots has not yet receded. A "high-rise wind" blew in from the big hole on the glass. The four people who are closer to the gap almost instinctively hit the ground and lowered the center of gravity…I was afraid that a cockroach would be brought out of the building by the strong wind.

    Interesting…It doesn't necessarily lead to worse results, isn't it? ”Looking at the reaction of the few people in front of him, I couldn't help but open my arms and smile at the cold wind in front of me.

    "You crazy!"Dent pressed his own wind-blown hair and groaned in the wind. "What do you want to do?"

    "I just want to……Ask you, and the mayor…A Problem!At this point, the seal is no longer close to the other party, because he knows that if they continue to approach, the two bodyguards will have a certain degree of certainty to shoot his head directly in the case of avoiding the bomb. "As long as you answer the truth." I am…I don't have to ask me, I will leave myself. ”

    After all, I felt a slap in my arm, put the gun on my shoulder, and then, like a drunken person, swayed close to a dining table next to it, and picked up a glass of champagne on the table. And do it.

    His actions look mad, and in fact every step of the way is not meaningful – the barrels on his shoulders, the elusive movements, the exaggeration of drinking champagne…All are measures that prevent others from aiming at his head; plus the interference caused by the wind…Even though the other guests in the banquet hall were already empty, the two bodyguards could not shoot at the madman who was tied with explosives.

    What do you want to know?Two seconds later, the mayor of Cobbert also spoke. Of course, he was also shouting with a scorpion.

    Very simpleI couldn’t help but look at the two people and replied, "Please ask two of you…Clearly.Say your full name. ”

    This requirement is a bit puzzling, but in the eyes of the four people in front of the window – a request made by a madman, there is no logic, it does not matter, since he is now in control of the situation, like this request…Satisfied with him is.

    "I am Oswald Chesterfield Cobert."Mayor Coport waited for a second and reported his name.

    "I am Harvey "Apollo" Dent…"Dent is also close behind.

    [Task progress has been updated]

    After they reported their names, the system voice was heard in the ear.

    At this point, his hidden mission progress has come to 9/10, and the nine "super villains" he already knows are:

    Halle Quinn, now a psychiatrist, married Bruce Wayne.

    The killer crocodile – was imprisoned in a secret room in the sewer and died.

    Frozen people – now an ordinary researcher.

    Poison Ivy – now an ordinary college student.

    Scarecrow – now a professor of psychology at Gotham University.

    Riddle person – now a bartender with a brain disease.

    Zas – has now become a life-disabled parole.

    Penguin – the current mayor of Gotham.

    Double-sided person – now a local prosecutor in Gotham City.

    Only need to find the whereabouts of a villain, and then you can complete the hidden task. At that time, he will also uncover some kind of hidden under the appearance of this "no-reverse world"…the truth.

    Pang 啷啷啷…

    Just as I felt that I was getting the response I wanted, the glass at the other end of the banquet hall was broken.

    But this piece of glass was not shattered by a gun, but was smashed from the outside by a football-like cabin.

    whispering sound–

    The cabin that broke through the window had not stopped sliding completely, and the sound of a gas spurt announced that it had been turned on.

    Then, in a group of white smoke, a black shadow with a cloak slowly emerged…

    "Do you know what is the most annoying thing for me?"The late-stage voice of the laryngeal cancer came as expected. "It means you can quickly make me three steps, but I always wait for me to catch up when I am only one step away…"

    “Ha!Unconsciously looking at the person, he smiled and threw away the gun on his hand, and quickly took off the fake explosive bag on the inside of his clothes and threw it on the ground. "Do you think there is only a three-step gap between me and me?"

    Wayne ignored his provocation and continued: "I can feel…You enjoy this process very much, 'losing' or 'winning'…It doesn't matter to you. ”

    "But..That is very important to you. ”Feng Jie did not pick up.

    Eh…Wayne sighed. He looked at the two bodyguards of the mayor and asked him a little. "Why don't you shoot?"

    The two men were also asked by him.

    Wayne’s question is indeed asking the idea – it’s said that the “dynamite” has been thrown away, and it’s back to them, they can shoot at his back, at this distance. Not to mention hundreds of shots, but the hit rate of the torso should be at least 80%.

    "He has been disarmed and we should arrest him according to the procedure!"A few seconds later, Dent took the lead in reacting and gave such an answer in a serious way.

    "Heng!"Wayne snorted and said to him, "I think…Should you understand? Why?I want to win, why…I have to win. ”

    I can see.Feng does not know, "but does not agree."

    "Oh?"Wayne wondered, "Do you want to say that I am doing something wrong?"

    "Of course it is wrong."Feeling brother should be.

    AbsurdismWayne commented in a cold tone that he apparently did not shake at all because of the denial of his brother.

    "I don't expect you to understand right away."Feng did not know, "But I am here. If a person's principle transcends everything, then it is an extreme selfishness."

    "Oh?"What Wayne heard from the other person's words, "Sounds, do you think you can leave here?"

    "I have achieved my goal, what are I still doing here?"Unexpectedly spread his hands and replied with a natural tone.

    PURPOSEWayne's gaze moved again, looking at Cobert and Dent. "What did he do?"

    HeCobot was hesitating for a second and replied, "Just asking our name."

    "Name?"Wayne said, and he took his steps, and at this moment his whole body was ready, and under his cloak there were more than 10 kinds of equipment to help him subdue the man in front of him, and he himself was one of the best fighting Masters in the world, despite all the elements of the equipment, and he would not be able to fall off in a personal struggle, at least ……I seem to have forgotten a very important thing…"He walked straight to the sensational brother. "'Jack' is not a real name?"He paused, "…What is your name? ”

    I didn’t feel that I didn’t respond to each other, because when Wayne walked up, I felt that my brother had turned around…Run up.

    His goal is obvious, that is, the gap that he opened with a gun.

    On the speed, Bruce Wayne can compare with the sprint world champion, but the footsteps of the seal are the standard that breaks the limits of ordinary people, so…He must be faster.

    In the twinkling of an eye, I felt that I had run away from the mayor, and the speed was so fast that both bodyguards had no response.

    At the same instant, two bat darts also flew out of Wayne's hands, drawing two arcs, bypassing Cobot and others, and taking the unconscious back.

    "I will wait for you in 'there', Batman!"

    It was late, when it was fast, when I heard this, I saw him turning around and jumping out of the building, and after returning…With just one hand, he steadily caught two bats.

    And his other hand, pulled out something from his arms – a flashlight.

    A few tenths of a second before the gravity of the earth pulled him down, he opened the switch of the flashlight and threw it from the mouth he jumped out into the building.

    Then he fell.

    “Ha!Ha ha ha…Hahahaha…"

    His body is falling, but the crazy laughter is rising.

    The figure quickly disappeared into the night, but the laughter echoed between the buildings for a long time…

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