1428. Chapter 1418 says my name (11)

    "What?" MrThe driver apparently heard the words of the brother, and the tone and voice of the latter indicated that he was talking to the driver. For this, the driver could not be indifferent. "Are you talking to me?"

    "That depends on what you mean by 'I'."Unexpectedly spread his arms and sit on the back seat and look at the rearview mirror inside the car. "Is it an ordinary taxi driver?" Or does it mean Bruce Wayne? Or…Is it referring to Batman? Interesting…For you, which one do you think is the real you? ”

    The speed of the car began to speed up, but the driver did not step on the gas pedal because of the tension – he was deliberate.

    "It seems that you know more than I expected…"When the second opening, the driver's voice and tone changed, and it became low and cold.

    "To each other…"Sealed and said, "It seems that you have already listened to the recording of my conversation with Dr. Kui Yin and found a clue that can track me…"

    "Your observation ability is also more acute than I thought…"So far, we don't have to call him a "driver" anymore. Yes, he is Bruce Wayne, that is, Batman.

    "Observation?"Jue Ge repeated the four words, and immediately reported a disdainful laugh, "Ha!"

    "what are you laughing at?"Wayne asked.

    "There are a lot of ridiculous places…"Feng did not know, "First, someone seems to think that they only need to paint a foundation, then put on a cheap jacket, wash off expensive wax, and put a scar on the cheek…It is a foolproof camouflage.

    "Secondly, this 'taxi' opened by someone…"Speaking of this, I still raised my hands and made a quotation mark, "…It is clear that the car shell has been the same as the real one, but the tires used are still high-priced goods; even more ridiculous is…The interior of the car was cleaned and had no smell, and there were no messy decorations in front of the car…"

    “Fine.I have to admit that I do have very few opportunities to rent. ”Wayne was somewhat unhappy, but he remained calm, "and…Before you, I have used this camouflage, and this car…I have deceived many people's eyes and ears, so I did not realize that there are so many flaws. ”He shook his head. "In any case, I will remember your words…I will improve it in the future. ”

    The conversation was going on, and the car was always accelerating. In the twinkling of an eye, they had already left the road with more vehicles and entered a small road with less traffic.

    Improvement Measures For whom? ”Feng did not know, "in order to deal with a group of amateur criminals? Or to deal with a few characters like Zas? ”His words are ridiculous. "Do you know what is the most ironic?" When you drive in the car and appear in my sight, what makes me doubt about you is not what you call 'observation ability', but 'general common sense'…This is really disappointing to me.

    "Of course, there is something worthy of my observations right now – for example, the super-running or racing engine in front of you will be equipped with a tachometer, and the button on the opposite side of the steering wheel that you have been covering with your hands. ……These two things have made me a very bad association…"

    When the voice fell, the taxi that the two had taken had reached a speed of 140 kilometers per hour, and the speed continued to rise.

    Wayne's driving skills are amazing. Driving a car at this speed in a complex urban terrain makes it easy for him to ride a bicycle.

    "I can feel it…You are a self-sufficient person and have the ability to take on that proud person. ”When Wayne returned to this, the taxi had arrived near Gotham’s Pioneer Bridge. "Unfortunately…You are also a person who will bring chaos and sin to the world…"At this point, he has pressed the switch on the opposite side of the steering wheel. "So I can only ask you to disappear…"

    After the words, Wayne stunned the button that the brother thought was suspicious.

    As soon as the button fell, the steering wheel in front of Wayne collapsed back into the body. At the same time, the roof above the driver's seat quickly unfolded and formed a gap.


    The next second, with a shock, Wayne with his seat belt tied with the seat under him and flew out from the roof.

    And the taxi itself…At a speed of nearly two hundred kilometers, along the next unmanned path of the Pioneer Bridge, it went straight downhill. After three seconds, it crashed into the guardrail of the river and crashed into the cold Gotham River.

    The water splashed by the big iron shovel did not dissipate, and Wayne, who was bombed into the air, bent over to smash a "safety switch" at the bottom of the seat.

    The reason why this switch is mounted on the bottom of the seat is also obvious…Because it is used to detonate the entire car, it must be designed to ensure that it can only be pressed when the ejecting function of the driver's seat is activated.


    When the self-explosive device is activated, a flashing fire brings out a muffled sound…Burst under water.

    And Wayne, who had finished the switch and got out of the seat, did several gymnastics moves in the air for nearly ten meters, and then landed steadily.

    As in his plan, on such a night, in such a sparsely populated place, there was no witness to the whole incident.

    Of course, even if it doesn't matter…No one will recognize him; although it seems that Wayne’s disguise is ineffective, but for most ordinary people…and it's good enough.

    If you know enough about the US police's process of asking the suspects from the eyewitness, you can come up with the most effective way to disguise.

    Exaggerated wigs, fake beards, make-ups that modify the contours of the face, etc., are often not practical in these film and television works, and sometimes they will let the police perceive that "this person deliberately disguised."

    In fact, a few points about the best camouflage method, when I heard that Wayne had fallen into Wayne, almost all of them were said one by one –

    First, the skin color can be solved by the foundation.

    Second, clothing, do not explain.

    Third, hair style, ibid.

    Fourth, a single, remarkable feature; such as a narrow knife, a conspicuous tattoo, a rotten sore…Something like this can divert someone's attention, and it's best to stick it on your face.

    As long as the above four points are achieved, even if they are seen, it is easy to mislead the police investigation.

    By way of example.Assuming that there is a passer-by in the vicinity, and that he is far from seeing Wayne through the light of a street lamp, he will not be able to recognize it, and when asked by the police, he would only follow the police's questions and say "It's a brown-skinned Latino man, about six feet tall, with a long scar on his face." That's it……It’s already quite reliable, but will this test lead the investigation to the white billionaire who has no face on Bruce Wayne’s face? That is basically the South.

    "Computer, check your health."After setting up, Wayne immediately raised his left hand and glared at the screen of his watch.

    [In the process of testing -]

    [The respiratory system is normal. 】

    [Pulse, blood pressure is slightly above the average and is falling. 】

    [No significant trauma. 】

    [Muscle and knee joints are slightly damaged. 】

    [Connecting the belt end injection device -]

    [The supplement has been injected, it is expected to neutralize the lactic acid effect in 10 seconds and repair the damage. 】

    This unfeeling computer voice was directly transmitted to his inner ear through the special communication equipment in Wayne's cochlea, and even the other person could not hear his face.

    In the course of this narrative, Wayne has gone to the "driver seat" that fell to the ground not far away, and quickly destroyed it with the micro-combustion bomb carried on his body.

    FollowHe looked around a few times and then broke into the night.


    At the same time, in the Gotham River…

    I couldn't help but feel a pipe in my mouth, my hands crossed my chest and stood on the river bed at the bottom of the river.

    The wreckage of the car that was blown up was just 20 meters away from him.

    If he wants to be willing, he can actually leave the car earlier than Wayne, but he doesn't…

    After he learned the other party's intentions, he chose to count.

    At the moment when the car rushed into the water, he knew that he had left Wayne's line of sight. At this time, he twisted his body and made a note, and unloaded a door in the back row. And got out of that mouth.

    As a result, he just came out of the car and the explosion occurred. The shock wave from the underwater explosion will push the brother away from the center of the explosion, and he will lose some survival value; of course…This damage is not enough to kill him.

    “hmm…A good son of Gotham, killing and decisive, resolute and popular…"By relying on [oxygen pipe], I can not only breathe underwater, but also talk to myself while spitting. "Unfortunately…As 'Batman', your approach has gone a bit far…"

    He stood there waiting a little, and said: "It has been more than two minutes, can't you still?"He stared at him, "Sure enough…He is also very clear that even in the case of inadequate equipment, even if he has diving ability close to human limits…It is also impossible to complete the investigation work at the bottom of this dark river; however, with his ingenuity, if I don’t find my body, I will never give up…So,From his return to the bat cave, to the submarine, and then to confirm that my body is not in the car, nor is it rushing downstream along the river…In total, I have at least won more than an hour. ”

    Read this, I feel shrugging: "Hey…It’s really tiring to be a hidden task. ”

    His sighs stem from a helplessness; at this time he has understood that time is the difficulty of this script.

    For such "non-sleep mode" "normal difficulty" scripts, the time required for customs clearance is usually not much – in the ratio of 1:2 in non-sleep mode, eight hours of real time, that is, sixteen of the game time The hour is basically the upper limit.

    To be honest, if you want to finish the script quickly, you can do it before six hours (game time).

    The method is also very simple, three steps will do: First, cause a commotion in Arkham, thereby leading out Batman; Second, laying a trap; Third, killing the coming Batman.

    However, in order to find the opportunity to "contact with the high gods", and to understand some of the "doubts" brought to him by the opening briefing, he did not do so; he chose to lengthen the progress of the script and found it smoothly afterwards. Hide the task…

    Jue Ge even gave up a chance to kill Batman in the near future – just in the car, as long as he is willing, he can do whatever he wants in the back seat without even wearing the bat. Bruce Wayne sent to the West.

    And all this forbearance, in the final analysis…It’s all about fighting for time.

    Obviously, Feng’s obsession with solving puzzles far exceeds his desire to clear customs. In addition, he has a personal “discontent” about the world’s abnormalities, which is driving him to make more dangerous. Action…


    Late, 9:50.

    For some people, this time is close to sleeping time, but for another group of people…This is the beginning of their wonderful life.

    Here, it is a banquet restaurant located on one of the top floors of the Gotham Twin Towers.

    The well-dressed celebrities gather here to do what they do every day – exchanging interests in a circle filled with hypocrisy and lies, and cursing each other early in their hearts.

    The banquet tonight was hosted by the Mayor of Cooper, whose purpose was to celebrate his victory in a recent poll.

    In addition to the common faces of Gotham’s high society, the mayor also invited two people who were slightly out of tune with the atmosphere here – prosecutor Harvey Dent and police chief James Gordon.


    "Ahhhh……Did Gordon not come…"When the mayor of Coppola heard the news, he did not show much surprise.

    "I must have heard of you…"The Dent prosecutor who was talking to him answered in awe-inspiring tone. "This afternoon, there was a very serious incident in Arkham, and the suspect and the suspect in the fire axe hacking case last night were same person."

    "I know all of this."Coppola answered. "I also know…The guy who claimed to be 'Jack' was still unclear at the moment, and when I thought that such a sinister criminal was still swaying in the street, it made me goose bumps…"He paused and lowered his voice. "Yes…What is the action of our mysterious 'Dark Knight'? ”

    Dent drank the champagne in his mouth and snorted: "How do I know that Gordon is more familiar with him…"He tweeted for half a second, "Wait…Mr. Mayor, are you still wondering if I am Batman? ”

    "Are you?"Coppola's eyes widened and he expected to take a look.

    "Of course not."Dent rolled his eyes.

    Compared with the blackened version, the "Penguin" and "Double-faced Man" who have always been good people seem to have no sense of oppression, an amiable and a straightforward one; fortunately, the IQ of these two are still online, as a good person. They say that their ability to work in their positions is indeed excellent.

    "Sir, you can't go in…"

    Just halfway through the banquet, suddenly there was a noise from the door.

    A waiter's gradually rising voice attracted everyone's attention.

    ___________, Esq., MrHe advised no results, only picked up the walkie-talkie, "Security! There is a man in a purple long suit at the entrance…"

    "I have seen him, give it to us."The waiter’s words have not been finished, and the security response has been sent from the radio.

    At the same time, three or four well-trained brawny men have rushed toward their goal with great speed.

    However, just as they approached the man’s body about five meters away, he only heard the sound of the wind breaking.

    In a twinkling of an eye, the security guards screamed and fell to the ground.

    The sharp-eyed guests noticed…At that moment, it seems that there are a few card-like things flashing black light from the hands of the uninvited guest.

    Hey – hey!

    Although he didn't have to rely on firearms, he tried to control the scene in a way that the people around him could understand. He took time to get some guns and ammunition before he came. At this moment, he took out one and looked very embarrassed. The man’s shotgun came to the ceiling.

    The screams rang as the gun rang.

    Although the men did not scream, their reaction was similar to that of women. Most of them instinctively bent down, looking at and away from the direction of the gunshots; and some people who were more alert… …It is already moving in the direction of the exit.

    These are all expected things, and I don’t care if the passers-by run away.

    "Good night, ladies, gentlemen."After releasing a shot, I stopped walking toward the center of the banquet hall and said, "You don't have to panic, I am coming…Just looking for two people. ”

    When he spoke, he did not relax his vigilance, because he knew that in addition to the security of the banquet hall, in addition to the security of the banquet hall, there will be the security power of the mayor himself.

    "One of them is the mayor of Cobbert…"When he said this, he had quickly searched the direction of the mayor through the eyes of some passers-by around him. "The second…It is the Dent Prosecutor…"

    It’s just that the mayor and the prosecutor stood together at this time, which helped the brothers save a lot of things.

    "Ahhhh……Very good, both are there. ”The seal did not know where the target was, and it accelerated.

    "Freeze!"At this point, the bodyguards of the two suits rushed out and stopped in front of the mayor and the prosecutor; they both shot the pistol and aimed at the buddy, one of them also screamed and refused to move (a common usage of freeze) .

    Some people may think that they are stupid, just shoot them directly, what are they calling?

    However, in fact, their approach is no problem, because there are many other guests around the ring, some of them are running out, some people are still standing in the spot, and at this time they are shooting in the direction of the brother. In case it is missed…Ghosts know where the bullets will fly? How did you count down a rich man next to you?

    “Ha!I didn’t know how to look at the two, and smiled. "I know there will be such a thing…"As he said, he opened his suit and revealed the two rows of dynamite. "Fortunately, I have already prepared."

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