1430. Chapter 1420 says my name (13)

    Water, this is a place with water.

    It is built by the river and is remote.

    The rusty Ferris wheel, the squeaky animal rocking chair, and the numerous abandoned rides show that it has been abandoned for many years.

    On the edge of the overgrown road, a wooden advertising board stood alone in the wind, with an old poster on it, the Banos Brothers Circus.

    Perhaps not many people still remember the name, but many years ago, this group was quite famous.

    Gotham was one of the stops for their tour. The mayor at that time just wanted to greet them and specially allocated funds to build such a carnival in the suburbs.

    Time has passed, now, the Bowos brothers have no idea where to go, and this carnival venue…It has also become a broken place where even the tramp will not stop.

    But tonight, here…A guest has arrived.


    The man in a purple long suit sat in a broken animal rocking chair. He shook his chair like a child, a look of nothing.

    "I know you are."At some point, Feng did not feel up and looked up at the sky, saying to himself, "You are watching, listening, waiting…"He paused. "I have been here for fifteen minutes and have not done anything, but still have not been judged as a 'negative game'. This can only be explained as…You interfere with the judgment system of 'destiny'. ”

    His voice is behind, it is about five seconds of silence.

    Then, another voice, said: "How do you know…It's me.

    This is a gentle male voice, the tone sounds cold and numb.

    "Exclusion."Unconsciously, he replied, "listing people who have the ability to perform timeline operations and have the ability to interfere with 'destiny', and then wonder who is more likely to…The conclusion is that a character lower than you can't do this, and a character higher than you will not make this kind of nondescript, so…I think about it, I only have you. ”

    After all, Feng Buan turned his face and looked at the man who suddenly appeared not far from his side.

    WellIt is a full-body blue humanoid, and the whole person is like a blue light stick.

    He is very tall, at least he is taller than the seal, and he opens the unusual skin color. He is generally a middle-aged man with no clothes and no hair.

    In the setting of the DC universe, there are many existences that can be called "God", and he is one of them, and is a very powerful one; people call him – "Doctor of Manhattan" (Doctor_Manhattan) ".

    GuessYou have to talk to me about a deal now. ”Two seconds later, Dr. Manhattan said.

    "You can predict the future of you…Still need to 'guess'? ”Feng Jie did not pick up.

    RequiredDr. Manhattan replied, "Because…You are not within the scope of my 'observation'. ”

    So,What about Bruce Wayne? ”Feng did not ask, "or say…That 'probably Bruce Wayne' guy…Can you see his future? ”

    "You already know the answer, why do you know why?"Dr. Manhattan answered.

    "Smirk!"He smiled and smiled. He lifted his leg and turned it over from the pink elephant (that is, the animal rocking chair he was sitting on). "Yeah…If you can see clearly, our conversation at this moment will not exist. ”

    "You seem to be somewhat dissatisfied, why?"Dr. Manhattan is telepathic, and even if he is smiling on the surface, he can see his true emotions.

    "Because the 'tips' you gave me are too obvious, it makes me feel a little boring."Unconsciously, "You can keep your thoughts, and I am very happy to help you to relieve this confusion." When you explore the truth, you will get a logical answer…Alien traveler. '"In the next second, he repeated the last paragraph of the opening brief, and then repeated it for half a second. Then again, "The last "outside traveler" in your passage seems to be in context. It’s a name for me, but actually…Is the 'answer' itself…You told me the 'truth' from the beginning – the various anomalies in the world, the reason is…Alien traveler. ”

    "Tell you not?"The Manhattan doctor asked again.

    "Smirk!"Feng did not know, "I don't want to answer this question. After all, you don't know me, so I can't say that you did something wrong."

    “hmm…Dr. Manhattan snorted, and in the process, he tried to analyze the psychology of Jing Ge. "I did not expect…You are such a dangerous person. ”

    "You should be thankful, I am not like that Wayne'…I will not stay here for a long time. ”I don’t know how to seal it.

    "Yes, I am very happy."Dr. Manhattan nodded slightly. "If the people come in the past…The world is probably overturned. ”

    "Well, I don't have time to think about the expansion of another non-existent timeline. Let's talk about the 'transaction' part."The cover changed the topic.

    It is said that the expression of Dr. Manhattan has not changed. He just paused for a moment and then he said: "A long time ago…I also made a deal with 'he', when he first came here…

    "In that year, Bruce Wayne was nine years old. On the night of the first anniversary of his parents' death, he sorrowed and swallowed half a bottle of sleeping pills to end his life.

    "The cause of everything happened at that time…

    "After a minute of Bruce's vital signs disappeared, a 'consciousness' from a different world entered his body, making it 'return to life'; and that 'consciousness'…It is the 'Batman' that has been compared to you twice today.

    "When this special individual that could not be foreseen was born on this timeline, I immediately came to him and negotiated with him.

    "He claims to be from a higher dimension than me, where all the multiverses of my dimension, all the people, things, things…However, they are all delusional products for people to enjoy.

    "He detailed the details of several different futures, and I did observe the universes that are exactly the same as his description.

    "In addition, he knows me well and can tell many secrets about me that are never known to outsiders.

    "As an 'observer,' in the face of such a existence, I naturally would not choose to obliterate him…Because he is 'unique' and 'very valuable'…His appearance has changed the 'reality direction' of this universe. This universe is an excellent specimen for me regardless of the future.

    "So, I reached a deal with him…

    "I gave him the power that Bruce Wayne deserved – amazing IQ, physical strength, energy, etc. I also cleared all the people who seemed to him to become 'threats'…For example, in other multiverses, the comet is called 'Superman', and other alien civilizations in the universe that may intersect with the Earth.

    "He promised that he would 'do better than the real Bruce Wayne."

    Having said that, Dr. Manhattan stopped for a moment and shook his head: "In fact, I don't care if he would do 'better' or 'worse', I just want to see…He will 'do what', and…'How to do

    "So to say……Have you seen enough to this day? ”I did not feel the way to take the road.

    "I have already seen enough."Dr. Manhattan replied, "What I need now is change, but I can't predict it, by me…Or 'someone I' (Mc. Manhattan can copy himself into countless, and each has his own thinking, ability as the ontology) directly intervene in material or non-material level, will be my own quantum flow and this dimension What effect does all the multiverse have? ”

    SoHearing, "You want me to do it for you…"Kill Batman'? ”

    The Manhattan doctor nodded and said: "My demands and needs are these. Tell me about you."

    "Smirk!"Say it~" The seal evoked the corner of one side of the mouth, and an evil smile came to his face. "My request is definitely simpler than that of the "passer", and it is easy to achieve…"

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