1410. Chapter 1400 Buying Homicide (Part 2)

    "Miller's entry and exit to Herbert's house is absolutely many. When he was still giving John an assistant, it was common to spend the night here. It can be said that he is more than many staff members in this house. Also be familiar with the situation here.

    "Of course, it’s been a few years since he came here as a 'guest'. It’s been a few years since Miller was implementing a planned crime, so he’ll definitely come back and touch it beforehand. Inside and outside the situation…

    "But in any case, after combining some of the information Sam got in yesterday afternoon…For Miller, it is not difficult to sneak into this house.

    "In this way, at around 10 o'clock in the evening, Miller stared at the night, and turned into the Herbert Manor from a place without monitoring. Then he touched the west side of the mansion, and there was no lock on the first floor. The window entered the house.

    "There is a house here, not a heavily guarded military facility. There are only a few security guards. In the evening, the cleaners and chefs have all returned to the side of the building, so Miller entered the house. No one found him.

    "So, Miller came to the empty bedroom at the time, and hid behind the curtains of the floor-to-ceiling windows."

    "On the other hand, Sam…In the bar of the Alfred Hotel, chat with a detective he just met to make his own proof of absence.

    "At eleven o'clock, the agreed time was up, Sam went to the toilet in the bar and used the phone to dial the phone in John's bedroom.

    "That was an old-fashioned phone. There was no extension, no call forwarding, and the power was separated from the power system of the mansion. John put the phone in the bedroom and used it as a 'line'. The number of this phone, he only gave a few people.

    "So, when I heard the phone ringing, John, who was working in the next-door study, got up and went to the bedroom to answer the call.

    "at this time……Miller started.

    "He chose a good location. The curtains were only a few meters away from the table where the phone was placed, and he appeared just behind John.

    However, ……The accident still happened.

    "Miller didn't think that John, a man who was nearly ten years older than himself, had a good physical and responsiveness. After a struggle and struggle, John ran back sideways and the whole person was on the side. Miller's body, and Miller stepped on the carpet, the soles of the feet slipped, and the back of the head hit the corner of the table.

    "This collision, which roughly carried the weight of two adult men, caused an irreparable damage to Miller's back brain, causing him to die on the spot.

    "At the same time, Sam, who heard the wrestling process on the other end of the phone, also noticed something wrong, because he finally heard the gasp…It’s not Miller’s, but John’s who should have died.

    "After a few seconds, the breathless John naturally recognized that the perpetrator was Miller. He quickly realized Sam’s sudden visit during the day, a connection with the call, and Miller’s sneak attack. here……He quickly hung up the phone.

    "After things…Everyone, you should be clear. ”

    The left story is here, and the whole case has basically been presented in front of everyone.

    The four people in the room were once again in silence.

    “hmm…After a while, I still broke the silence first. "Are you finished?"

    “Ewww.”The left word was also asked. He paused for two seconds and wanted to wait for the instructions of Vidok, but Vidok did not say it. Therefore, the left words can only return on their own. "Yes, I finished." ”

    "OK, then change me now."Unconsciously, shaking the red wine glass in his hand, he began to take a leisurely tone.

    "What else do you want to say?"John looked at him, "It’s up to now…Do you think you still have a way to help Sam offense? ”

    "Offence?"Hearing his eyebrows and whispering back in a relaxed tone, "Is it necessary?"He glanced at Sam. "Sam is not guilty."

    “Ha!This time, Dust is also dumbfounded. He looked at him and said, "Hey…Did you just hear a sentence from the left big detective? Things have been said so clearly, you actually said that Sam is innocent? ”

    Ha haI didn’t feel a chuckle, "He said it is very clear, and the logic is clear, but…What about the evidence? ”He paused and looked at John again. "Just like John can confidently deny that he has ever made a fortune in the estate case, as long as there is no evidence, Sam can deny it." Something in this reasoning is not?"

    But,Doster thought for a few seconds, "That recording…"

    By the wayFeng Shuai interrupted loudly. "I am going to talk about that recording…"He smiled and looked at his left tongue and said, "Left-speaking classmates, please release the recording completely."

    "God damn it!"At this moment, Vidok slammed the street in his heart. "Sure enough, this kid sees through…"

    After hearing the voice of the brother, the left words hesitated for a few seconds, then sighed, took out Miller's mobile phone again, and pressed the play button.

    The voice of Miller came out again in the phone – "I am Pat Miller. It is now at 6 pm on October 12, and after an hour, I will meet Sam Herbert…"

    This time, the left words did not press the stop button, but the recording…Did not continue.

    A few seconds later, John, Sam, and Dawster realized what they were, and the look on their faces changed.

    There!As I said…"Feng shrug shrugged and answered. "Many times…A thing that does not need to be questioned at first glance is essentially different from the appearance. ”

    "you……"After a second, Zuo Yan asked Vidok, "…Why do you know that this recording is only so long? ”

    Very simpleI didn’t know how to return to the phone. “In your reasoning process, you used the phone three times in total. The first time was to use Miller's mobile phone to display Miller's photo. The second time was to use Miller's mobile phone to play the recording, and the third time…I used my mobile phone to show us Miller’s speech on social networking sites.

    "In this, for the first time and the third time, you have turned the screen of the mobile phone to us for display, only the second time…You have not done so.

    "At first glance, this is also normal…Because the first and third times you want to show the picture, and the second time you want to show only the sound; but…When you press the recording stop button, you are really anxious. You almost squatted before the end of the last word fell. this point……I am suspicious. ”

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