1411. Chapter 1401 forcible offense (on)

    "I remember this detail and continue to listen to your statement…

    "Your analysis of the case and the interpretation of the psychology of several people involved are indeed reasonable and excellent…However, in some parts, you still use the words 'according to my estimation' and 'speculation', which makes me wonder how much information can be provided in that recording?

    "Why, after you have mastered such an ironclad certificate, you still have to support your explanation through so many logics rather than straightforward information?

    "Until you say that to John – 'The evidence available is basically annihilated, no matter what we say here can only be inferred, this is why you can maintain this kind of fearless attitude.'

    "Your sentence, although not for Sam, gave me inspiration; I suddenly understood…That recording is actually a trick.

    "Actually, the recording went from beginning to end…There is only one sentence.

    "Miller just recorded such a sentence before seeing Sam at 6 o'clock in the afternoon to prevent him from happening in the process of seeing Sam.

    "According to his thoughts…Once he had problems with Sam’s negotiations, he could bluff and threaten the other party…I have already recorded the sound before I came here…If you don't follow the agreement, or plan to kill me, the recording will be made public.

    "But after seeing Sam'? Miller is not as you said…'Added the recording '.

    "It is true that Miller is a cautious person, but his mind is far from reaching the step you said…What 'the response after the arrest', 'the situation caught by people outside the police'…If he can take the problem into consideration, he will not be a criminal who has a record of committing crimes and almost stalking the streets, but a successful person who has already made a fortune by committing crimes.

    "As long as you leave your mind, you will understand if you think about it…The degree of Miller is not going to leave the kind of recording that you said "turning the transaction between him and John from start to finish."

    "The reason you say this is to swindle Sam. After listening to what you call the beginning of the recording, if Sam is really guilty, he will naturally feel desperate in the face of such a 'iron card'. If you are lucky, he is likely to plead guilty directly under pressure. ”

    Speaking of this, I didn’t feel it and smiled and looked at Sam: "Good…The Qing Dynasty is self-cleaning, and Sam is not guilty, so he will not be hooked. ”

    "This guy is clearly hooked! It’s okay for you to force him off the hook! ”

    This moment, Zuo Yan and Vidok both sighed in such a deep heart.

    However,Their fraud is also a fact, and it is not good on the surface.

    "Smirk!"Ha haThe big trouble is not dead, and there are still some scared Sam, this time a bit of a "scam" in the mood, he can not suppress the laughter, and wiped the cold sweat on his head, "to…Yes! Mr. Feng said yes! I was innocent! Hahahaha…"

    His "smart" laughter fell in John's ear and looked very harsh: "You are farting fart!"John immediately shouted, "So how do you explain…You suddenly came to me yesterday afternoon and asked the phone number in my bedroom? And then the two calls you gave me…I happened to be attacked by someone else during the second call. ”

    "Coincidence?"Sam still didn't respond, and he rushed to say a nearly unscrupulous and unbelievable answer.

    What?John couldn't believe his ears, his shackles flew up and shouted "啥".

    "Sam has come to see you, is there anything wrong with it?"Feng did not know, "The legacy case has been seven or eight years in the past. Is it normal for him to come to you for reconciliation?"He paused, "actually…You will let him in during the day, chat with him, and leave a call to him…It has already been explained, at least yesterday…You also think this is the case. ”

    "You want to say…It happened that on the day he came to see me for reconciliation, I was attacked by Miller, and the attack happened to happen at the time when he called me for the second time in the same day. ”John pressed the fire and asked this question.

    FebruaryThere is only one coincidence. ”Feng does not know, "That is…The day when Miller came to attack was exactly the day when Sam came to you for reconciliation. ”He spread his hands and put on a natural expression. "I think this is normal too…Because the ships leading to the island are not available every day, they are on the same boat to the island, so things are on the same day…Is there anything weird? ”He paused for half a second, and then said, "As for the phone, what…It’s not a coincidence; we might as well think about it…Miller had been ambushing in your bedroom, ready to find a chance to start. Suddenly, the phone rang, and he took the opportunity to hide from the curtains not far from the phone, and wanted to pick you up when you answered the phone and distracted. ”

    Good.Good.John nodded. "Then I have to ask…Why?In the past seven years, when Sam didn't know my life, he didn't come to me for reconciliation. However, when he learned from Miller that I had nothing to do with him, instead came to me to reconcile? ”

    "Who said that he learned about your life from Miller?"I did not use a question and answered another question.

    "This…"John instinctively turned his gaze to the left.

    "I said it."The left words still seem calmer, "Of course…You can say that all the things I talk about are reasoning, but…Sam also confirmed that it is not? ”

    NoUnexpectedly, he looked at Sam. "Have you confirmed anything?"

    “Ewww.”Sam already doesn't know what to answer.

    I don’t need this level of teammates to answer. I haven’t waited for the sound of Sam’s “呃” to sound, and I’m robbing myself: “If you mean his sentence—“John’s life story It’s Miller’s card. In case I am blocked in the process of inheriting the inheritance, he can use that to turn over the table; in addition, when he first came to me, he was expected to…Just show me the card and I will help him. 'if……"He recounted Sam’s original words at the end of Chapter 26 and said, "…Then I have to remind you that the sentence is just the 'reasoning plot' that Sam followed along with your thoughts. Such a sentence today I also said to John…But this does not mean that we agree with what you said.

    "Don't forget, after he finished reading this sentence, you asked him aloud, 'Is it confessing that he bought a murderer', and he did not give a definite answer to the direct question.

    "The difference between this 'attachment' and 'answer'…You still have to figure it out. ”

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