1409. Chapter 1399 Buying Homicide (middle)

    "Listen to this meaning…Are you already confessing that you are buying murderers? ”The left side took the opportunity to pick up.

    This question is:Very critical.

    If Sam gives a positive answer here, then the left word only needs to briefly describe the case in front of the case, and this "inference show" will end.

    At the most, let Sam come to a slightly tragic confession and talk about the details of the psychological changes of the suspects that were missed by some detectives. This will not take too long.

    However, everyone has also seen it. Counting this chapter, there are still seven chapters from the thirty-three chapters. If the situation develops according to this rhythm, the unsuccessful task will fail. I am shameless…Oh no!Unsolved pen power will also be questioned.


    "I …Sam spoke up, looking at his expression and the tone of the word at the beginning of the sentence, he was obviously ready to plead guilty.

    After all, he is still a good person, at least much stronger than the two of John and Miller; nowadays, he also feels that there is no need to struggle again, and the consequences of his own hatred are self-responsible.


    "Of course he won't admit this kind of thing."At that moment, I couldn’t help but scream, interrupting Sam’s words and attracting the attention of someone at the place and a cat.

    "Mr. Feng…MeSam seems to want to talk to him.

    But he felt that he was just waving his hand and smiled. "You don't worry about it, we…"He paused and looked at the left, "and listened to the left-speaking classmates to finish his reasoning."

    Seeing the unspeakable look, Sam hesitated…

    The confident smile and the confident tone of the chest, like a dose of tonic, let Sam rekindle hope.

    “hmm…AlrightSam responded with a sentence, and then he turned his eyes to the left, no longer speak.

    CutI almost got hooked. ”In the dark, Vidok saw the words, "This guy is really doing something…"

    "What should we do now?"The left words heard the words, and immediately asked with a heart dialogue, "Continue?"

    "Ahhhh…"Vidok responded. "It’s almost finished anyway."

    "Okay, then I will go on."The left words were no nonsense. After receiving the instructions from Vidok, he directly opened the door. "About a year ago, Miller managed to find Sam and told the secret of John's life. For such incredible news, Sam must have been suspicious of the letter…Obviously, he still has a certain feeling for John. After all, he was still small when he entered Herbert's house, and he did not know from John that he was not related to the other party.

    "Of course, Sam is not totally ignorant of Miller. So, in the following year, they met several times. Every time Miller collects some new evidence to prove his claim, and he I spare no effort to use my own eloquence to try to logically convince Sam.

    "Finally, after a year, Miller got some decisive evidence; this evidence is what we don't know yet, but I estimate…He should have managed to get John's DNA sample, such as hair that fell somewhere. Considering that John leaves the island for a few months every year, and his whereabouts are not so difficult to check…For half a year, it is not difficult for Miller to get a few hairs.

    "Imagine…Sam, who saw the evidence, was furious; he could endure the design of his brother to take away the family's legacy, but he couldn't stand an outsider…A person who did not see himself as a brother from the beginning to the end hurt him. The most important were:After confirming John's identity, Miller did not need more proof when he told Sam that 'Old Herbert is also John's death by some means.'

    All things considered,The killing of the father, the hatred of wealth, and the incident also made him carry the stigma of the "liar"…After being blinded for many years, Sam’s revenge of fire, which has been suppressed for many years, has revived and ignited.

    "His life that has gradually stabilized, there is only one goal of revenge overnight; in order to achieve this goal, he will not hesitate to pay…Miller saw this through, and proposed to him a very good idea – the two joined forces to kill John, then Sam inherits his legacy, and the last two sit and divide the money.

    "I have to say…This idea is really good, definitely a win-win plan. Miller and Sam hate John, and John's death and his huge fortune are the recipe for quelling their anger.

    "In this way, after the two men planned a month, a plan that they thought they were brilliant would come into being…"

    The words went to here, and the left words paused for two seconds. Then, he wanted to repeat the murder case that passed not long ago: "So we can return to my initial evaluation of this case – one Simple small case.

    "It goes through…It is roughly as follows.

    "Yesterday, Sam came to visit John without warning; his sudden visits over the years have undoubtedly surprised John, but it is such a 'sudden attack' that often has a good effect…Imagine if Sam told John himself in advance through some means of communication that the other party had time to think and prepare, then John would have thought of an excuse to avoid or refuse to see…

    "And Sam suddenly came to the door of the big house and asked to go in. John didn't have so many choices, and he was caught off guard…It also let him enter the house.

    Sam, who was back home, had a good posture to catch up with John, and he was very friendly, after drinking afternoon tea, having a snack, and chatting with John for one hours, he had figured out two important messages to get on the trip-one, John's bedroom, and the phone number in the bedroom.

    "In order to be on the safe side, after bidding farewell to John and returning to the hotel, Sam made a phone call and 'greeted' John, and thanked him for his previous hospitality; and Sam’s real purpose…In fact, it is to confirm the authenticity of the number.

    "Up to this step, the preparations for this murder plan are completed…

    "At dusk, Sam left the hotel again…With the money he was going to hand over to Miller, he agreed to a meeting with Miller.

    "As I said before, in order not to leave any records in the communications department, the two people never communicated with each other. They all agreed in advance on time and place, then talked and traded face to face, and they tried to reduce the number of encounters to lowest.

    "Milller got the money almost as the sun went down. Later, Sam returned to the hotel in order to prepare his own proof of absence; and Miller…However, he did not rush into the house of Herbert’s house. He first added the recording that I had heard to you before…I left my own hands, and then I changed the clothes that are easy to move, put on gloves and fishing lines…let's go. ”

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