Chapter 774 siege

Ma Chen before Zhang Ziyi said anything else, that is, he said it again and spoke.

After listening to Ma Chen’s words, Zhang Ziyi showed a trace of guilt on his face. He doesn’t know what to say now. “General Ziwei’s words are very reasonable.

In that case, “Zhang Ziyi is already sitting on pins and needles. He really admires Ma Chen in his heart, but he is a straightforward person.

Today, he was entrusted by Zhou Yu and restless. Many words cannot be said under this hypocrisy.

So when I got news from Ma Chen, I wanted to leave, go to Zhou Yu to find my life in 08, and solve the matter.

However, Ma Chen has seen how to make Zhang Ziyi get his wish. He also said: “The last time General Xingba challenged me in Chaisang Chaotang. I want to show one or two in front of General Sun. I’m afraid Gong Jin’s intention is to come here. Ask for the seal.

Investigate the cause. General Xingba’s time in Jiangdong was very short, so he had no choice but to do so.

“This. Zhang Ziyi is leaving now!” Zhang Ziyi did not expect this. Ma Chen directly said what he meant.

For a moment, naturally speechless, stood up and said goodbye.

“Wait a minute, General Xingba, I know the confusion in your heart and other difficulties of General Xingba.

Since I am very close to General Xingba, I want to resolve my doubts with General Xingba. I don’t know what General Xingba thinks. ”

At this time, Zhang Ziyi was about to go out

. After listening to Ma Chen’s words, he stood there again and looked at Ma Chen suspiciously.

Seeing this, he stood up and helped Zhang Ziyi back to his seat.

He sat next to him and whispered: “The day Sima Yijun came, it was the day when General Xingba made his battle. He is willing to help Xingba, and Xingba only needs this!”

Seeing no one around, he leaned over Zhang Ziyi’s ear and talked for a long time. When he got up, Zhang Ziyi stood on the spot.

After thinking about it for a long time, he woke up and thanked Ma Chen: “Thank you, General Ziwei, I only have a few faces with the general, but the general is impressed, he will be rewarded one day!”

Ma Chen hurriedly helped Zhang Ziyi up and waved.

“This is just to break Sima Yi’s army. Xingba’s brave general is very, very hopeful. It is not appropriate for the general to say more. This time, I will tell Gong Jin the truth.”

After hearing Ma Chen mention Zhou Yu and Zhang Ziyihong, he bowed to Ma Chen several times and left.

In this way, Ma Chen stayed in Zhou Yu’s camp for a few days.

During the period, Ma Chao led ten people and took a boat from Fankou.

Ma Chen led him into Zhou Yu’s camp. When Zhou Yu saw that Ma Chao was a stunning woman, he didn’t care, just let him meet Ma Chen.

“Before the general entrusted Wei Yan, Wei Yan had done everything.

At this time, Wei Yan and Li Chuang had settled down according to the general’s instructions. Only when the general ordered them, they could act according to the plan. ”

Ma Chao told Ma Chen this sentence, and a smile appeared on Ma Chen’s surface. 060

Zhang Ziyi was sent away from Ma Chen, and Zhou Yu did not come to test again.

Ma Chen knew that Zhou Yu already knew he was really smart, so he didn’t dare to send someone to test.

Otherwise, he will be repeatedly exposed and his face will be ugly.

On this day, when Ma Chen was studying law with Ma Chao, a sergeant from Jiangdong came to report: “General Zhou Yu, ask General Ziwei to discuss!”

After hearing the news, Ma Chen and Ma Chao looked at each other, and said to Ma Chao: “Before rectifying the sergeants, send people to follow the previous deployment arrangements, and other sergeants are on standby at any time!’

With that, he hurried to Zhou Yu’s handsome account. Ma Chen thought to himself that the Sima Yi million army was afraid that it was about to reach the river. .

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