Chapter 775 Step aside

Sure enough, as soon as he walked into Zhou Yu’s big tent, Zhong, Jiangdong, he had already arrived. It was a kind of nervous feeling. Zhou Yu stood in the middle, facing the map, thinking.

“General Feng is going to visit Gong Jin, I don’t know what is urgent, is it possible?”

Before Ma Chen finished speaking, Zhou Yu couldn’t wait to turn around and pointed at a person outside the door and said, “This is a special envoy sent by Sima Yi.

He came here with a letter written by Sima Yi, persuading me not to help Liu Yuzhou, so he asked Ziwei to make the decision!”

After hearing the words, Jian’s eyebrows raised, and he immediately said with a smile: “This is a communication with him, why should I inform Feng?”

Zhou Yu listened, but did not answer. He just came to Sima Yi’s messenger and asked with a sneer: “What do you mean by coming here? Did Sima Yi ask you to tell him?”

This person doesn’t know Ma Chen

Zhou Yu finally asked, and replied with a big smile: “The Prime Minister personally wrote this letter and asked me to hand it over to Governor Zhou Yu, so as to form an alliance with Jiangdong and eliminate Xuande and oppose the thief.

The governor will know the specific matters after reading the letter,~!”

What if my Jiangdong did not follow Sima Yi’s wishes? Zhou Yu did not immediately accept the letter, but just responded and asked.

“If this is the case, the prime minister’s army will soon send troops to Sanjiang, then I am afraid that Jiangdong will be destroyed, and it will be a disaster!”

When this person saw that Zhou Yu had this question, he only felt that most of them had taken care of it, so he answered proudly.

I saw Zhou Yu expressionless and took the letter with one hand. When I read it, I saw that there was a statement in the letter: The prime minister of Han University would pay the governor to open it.

This shows Sima Yi’s fear of the Jiangdong navy. On the eve of the war, he still came to test Jiangdong’s determination.

Zhou Yu picked up the letter, but did not open it. He secretly took it away in front of everyone in the room.

Suddenly, he put his hand on it and tore it to pieces.

The messenger looked stiff at a glance. Somehow, this is fine. Zhou Yu tore up the letter, and then drew the sword from his waist.

Jianfeng pointed at the messenger’s cheek and shouted: “He is a thief from the Han Dynasty. Why can’t he say that he is the lord of the tiger and wolf? When Liu Yuzhou and I defeat him, we will behead our heads and tell God! Push the thief out Outside the door, kill him!”

The messenger never expected that when Sima Yi’s millions of troops were under pressure, Zhou Yu would not give Sima Yi half a face, and was so scared that Jiang Dong soldiers would drag them around and shout: “The two armies are fighting, don’t underestimate the enemy!

When he saw it, he said to Zhou Yu: “This messenger is not guilty. Why not let him go, so what?”

At this time, Zhou Yu just waved to Ma Chen and said: “Ziwei doesn’t know anything. This person already knows the details of my camp and can’t stay. However, the child needs the head of this person to establish prestige and firmly break through. Cao’s determination!”

With that said, he ordered the messenger to lift off. After a while, a big head appeared in front of Zhou Yu. In front of him, Zhou Yu ordered the infantrymen to hang their heads on the mast to improve the morale of Sergeant Jiangdong.

As soon as the incident happened, Zhou Yu stopped talking and pointed to the map on the wall.

He said: “”” Today, I really got news from the patrol sergeant on the river. At this time, the naval forces on the front line of Sima Yi had already assembled in Jiangbei.

(Zhao Zhao) If the messenger does not return, most of them will cross the river to attack the Sanjiang River mouth today.

We must solve this first wave of offensive, otherwise, why not talk about being in Sima Yi? How about defeating the army of millions?

Although Zhou Yu’s tone was urgent, there was not much anxiety on the surface.

Sima Yi’s army is gaining momentum, and the offensive is only a matter of time.

Therefore, today’s matter, as early as Zhou Yu’s expectation, moved Ma Chen to this place, which is to discuss the enemy’s strategy with him. .

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