Chapter 773 Bad test

Although Ma Chen is not in a hurry, few people can eat Jiangdong’s rich fruits alone in the room.

It seems that after a day, the night is deep, Ma Chen is studying some war books written by predecessors in his room.

When he saw footsteps in front of the door, he walked into a person and looked intently. It was Zhang Ziyi who had been defeated by Qing Hongbao before Chai Sang.

“General Ziwei has free time. As early as Chai Sang’s “Zero Six Zero”, I felt that I was very close to the general.

This time I finally got my wish and came uninvited. I still hope that General Ziwei will not be offended.

After all, Ahahaha smiled, and Dama Jindao sat in the first place under Ma Chen.

Ma Chen didn’t answer immediately, just looked at Zhang Ziyi, but Zhang Ziyi just sat in front of Ma Chen and smiled.

He saw that this Ziyi was mostly sent by Zhou Yu to interrogate Ma Chen. The generals in Jiangdong have some qualifications, and they don’t want to come when they think about it.

Only Zhang Ziyi is the new candidate. He has Ma Chen’s past that is superior to Sun Quan’s court, so he can only teach Zhang Ziyi to come here.

“General Xingba is a predecessor and a martial artist. He was lucky to win when he was in Chaisang.”

Ma Chen just gave Zhang Ziyi, a cool reply, the art book in his hand has not been put down yet.

He has confirmed that Zhang Ziyi is here to test, so he should let him take the initiative to explain later.

Sure enough, after being silent for a while, Zhang Ziyi gave a dry smile and said in a low voice: “I heard that Liu Huangshu has many consultants.

Even in Nanyang, Zhuge Kongming, known as the contemporary Wolong, does not know whether the plan that General Ziwei said the day before came from this person?”

After hearing what Zhang Ziyi said, Ma Chen smiled in his heart.

From the front, Zhang Ziyi is a rough person. How could he treat Kong Ming Zhuge?

What’s more, if this plan is made by Ma Chen or various red pine nuts.

This has nothing to do with Zhang Ziyi and Zhou Yu asking Zhang Ziyi to test at this time, but some people look down on the wisdom of Ma Chen.

If you want to come, just take a break yesterday, and then some people don’t believe that the plan was made by Ma Chen, so they just did it.

At this moment, Ma Chen smiled at Zhang Ziyi and said: “Zhuge, sir, I am really talented.

I came here with Dragon King Anxin because Mr. Zhuge led troops in Fankou, and Teacher Feng was not in a hurry to return to Fankou, and also because there was Teacher Zhuge sitting in Fankou.

However, the tactics that Teacher Feng put forward had nothing to do with Teacher Zhuge, and it didn’t hurt to say that it had nothing to do with General Xingba. Whether Teacher Zhuge should come here with Dragon King is to take the letter.

“This. General Ziwei really has the courage!”

Obviously, Zhang Ziyi didn’t think of the things he mentioned before and didn’t conceal it, so he directly told all the facts.

Before he came, Zhou Yu just kept saying that he had asked Ma Chen if he had come with all the Chisongzi tricks.

At this time 1.4, he knew that Zhang Ziyi was speechless and did not know when to speak.

“General Xingba’s words are not good. Feng Hou knows that all generals in Jiangdong are mature people who are not good at playing power in secret places.

This can only prompt the Dragon King to come here to discuss with General Gong Jin. If all the people in Jiangdong break their promises like Sima Yi, they are duplicity. Can Feng let the Dragon King take a personal risk?”

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