Chapter 245 heaven-defying weapon, the artillery of the Daming naval division [guild for self-determination]

Xiangyang City!

A detective horse came quickly and saw Cai Tao, and hurriedly said: “The governor, the big thing is not good!”

Cai Hao heard the words and hurriedly asked: “What’s the matter?”

His expression was very flustered, and he asked the detective horse.

“The governor, outside Xiangyang city, suddenly there are ten thousand soldiers and horses and ten thousand naval forces.”

Hearing this, Cai Hao looked at him for a moment, and asked: “Do you know who is in charge?”

“Those soldiers and horses, under the banner of the King of Han.”

Cai Hao looked surprised, and said, “What? Han Wang Ma Chen?”

It is no wonder that Cai Hao would be very surprised. After all, Han Wang Ma Chen has nothing to do with Jingzhou. His appearance made Cai Hao distraught.

He knows that Han Wang Ma Chen’s iron cavalry is even stronger.

That is the tiger and wolf teacher who destroyed the foreign race!

Cai Hao’s expression changed suddenly, and he hurriedly ordered Xiangyang to wait.

After all, when the lord Liu Biao was leaving, he entrusted the land of Xiangfan to him.

Now, Han Wang Ma Chen’s military commander, suddenly arrived, destined to win Xiangyang.

Before the sound fell, he saw a spy who walked quickly and said: “The governor, the big thing is not good, there are many soldiers and horses outside Fancheng.

As soon as these words came out, Cai Wei stood up and asked 19: “What’s the matter?”

He looked startled, but he didn’t expect that Fancheng would also have many soldiers and horses?

“Report to the governor, the soldiers and horses outside Fancheng are under the banner of the King of Han.”

“King of Han, is the King of Han again? The King of Han, Ma Chen, is going to seize the land of Xiangfan?”

He knew that Ma Chen’s generals occupied Nanyang, but he didn’t expect Ma Chen to come so fast.

Even, he felt that the lord leading the army to attack Jiangdong was a trap.

He looked down and asked Tan Ma: “Where is Gong Lu?”

Lu Gong was a general under Liu Biao’s account and guarded Fancheng.

Tan Ma said: “General Lu Gong ordered me to come, please the governor to lead his army to help.”

Cai Hao said angrily when he heard the words: “Aid? Xiangyang is also about to be attacked by the generals under the command of Han Wang Ma Chen, and I am also incapable of doing it now.”

Before the sound fell, a guard came and said: “The governor, the soldiers and horses of the Han king, have arrived at the city of Xiangyang.

Cai Hao was taken aback and hurriedly took people to Xiangyang City.

But seeing outside the city, those hundreds of warships, tens of thousands of soldiers and horses galloping outside the city, are horizontally and horizontally on the surface of the river.

Seeing such brave soldiers and horses, Cai Hao was shocked in his heart, and said: “The King of Han Ma Chen is indeed well-deserved, and his soldiers and horses are so powerful.”

At this time, there were about 50,000 navy forces in Xiangyang City.

However, there are not many naval forces in Fancheng, only about 10,000.

But when he saw the hundreds of warships outside the city and ten thousand navy soldiers, he felt contemptuous in his heart.

You know, he is the captain of the navy who crosses the river.

In water warfare, almost no one can match him.

Moreover, he remembered that the king of Han, Ma Chen, occupies most of the land in the north.

In the north, it is convenient for tens of thousands of horses to travel to and from Mercedes-Benz.

But in the south, the iron riders that cross the world are like land ducks.

Cai Hao said solemnly: “The Jingzhou navy army listened to the order. Although the king of Han Ma Chen is powerful, most of them are iron knights. When they get into the water, they are like ducks. All the soldiers will kill with me.”

Tens of thousands of Jingzhou navy soldiers heard the words and said in unison: “Kill!”


Cloud time, I saw that Cai Hao led hundreds of warships and tens of thousands of Jingzhou naval forces to kill.

In the Three Kingdoms at the end of the Han Dynasty, naval forces fought with crossbow arrows and throwing weapons.

Even the warships are connected and fight on the deck.

But under Ma Chen’s command, Na Yu Dayou led 10,000 Daming navy divisions, but they possessed very heaven-defying weapons.


This is because the system has modified the powerful settings of the warship, and the appearance of this artillery is enough to make Cai Hao and other Jingzhou naval forces frightened.

Compared with Cai Wei, Yu Dayou’s ability to command troops is even more powerful.


Cai Hao raised his saber, led tens of thousands of Jingzhou navy forces, rushed out of Xiangyang, and went straight to Yu Dayou’s Daming navy.

I heard a loud bang, as if the sky was sinking and the river was flooding.

The dozens of Jingzhou warships led by them suddenly burst into flames, and then dozens of warships were instantly burnt in the flames.

The fire was raging, and it also burned the war spirit and military spirit of Cai Hao and other Jingzhou navy forces.

Cai Hao said in surprise: “What is this?”

Even he didn’t know that it was the artillery of the Daming Navy that blew up dozens of Jingzhou warships.


After several more artillery sounds, the hundreds of Jingzhou warships were destroyed by artillery fire before they came over. Tens of thousands of Jingzhou naval forces were killed for this.

Even if he fell into the river, he was shot into a hedgehog by the crossbow arrows of the Da Ming navy.

The crossbow arrows of the Wan Daming Navy are also very advanced.

Cai Hao looked shocked, and said, “Devil, devil.”

He hurriedly led his army back to Xiangyang, and had just returned to the city gate of Xiangyang.

Hearing a loud bang, the impenetrable Xiangyang city gate was suddenly blasted through a big hole.

Under the leadership of Li Siye and Mu Guiying, the 10,000 Mo Sword Army broke through Xiangyang and entered the city.

Cai Hao looked shocked and hurriedly led the crowd to kill Li Siye and Mu Guiying.

Li Siye shouted, holding a Mo knife, and cut Cai Tao’s head with a single knife.

With a puff, Cai Yuan splattered blood on the spot and died unexpectedly.

At this time, Li Siye, Mu Guiying and Yu Dayou occupied Xiangyang.

And in Fancheng.

Yuan Chonghuan and Li Rusong led 10,000 Guanning cavalry to the outside of Fancheng.

At this time, he saw Fancheng defender Lu Gong, leading 20,000 Jingzhou soldiers, setting up a battle outside the city.

Lu Gong shouted in a deep voice: “Who is under his command, dare to trespass into Fancheng!”

Yuan Chonghuan shouted: “I am a general under the command of Han Wang Ma Chen.”

As soon as this remark came out, Lu Gong’s heart-763 was shocked and said: “Han Wang Ma Chen.”

Already, anxious.

However, he saw Li Rusong shouting, holding a weapon, and killing Lu Gong.

When Lu Gong saw this, he did not know why, and ran back.

For a time, tens of thousands of Jingzhou soldiers under his command were in chaos.

Li Rusong slapped his horse to catch up, raised his hand, and cut off the head of Lu Gong with a knife.

But seeing that the head was beheaded, Gong Lu hurried forward a few steps before he stopped and fell to the ground with a bang.

Yuan Chonghuan shouted, “Kill!”

In the time of ink, ten thousand Guan Ning cavalry, shouting to kill, slammed to Fancheng.

Some of those Jingzhou soldiers fled, and some were killed by Guan Ning’s iron cavalry.

At this time, Yuan Chonghuan and Li Rusong occupied Fancheng.

Since then, Fancheng and Xiangyang have fallen into the hands of Han Wang Ma Chen.

Immediately, the soldiers met in Xiangyang, sending people to Jiangdong to spy on intelligence, and at the same time they would attack the land of Xiangfan and inform the lord Ma Chen.

Because Liu Biao led the crowd to go, there were not many soldiers and horses in the land of Xiangfan, which made it easy for the generals to occupy the land of Xiangfan.

At the same time, the generals didn’t know that in Xiangfan, Dong Zhuo’s work was planted, and the work patted Ma Juechen and left.

A few days later, Xi Zuo arrived in Chang’an and hurriedly came to Dong Zhuo’s residence to report to Dong Zhuo.

At this time, Li Ru also learned that Xi Zuo had come from Xiangfan.

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