Chapter 244 The death of Cao Cao [Kneel for subscription]

At this time, in Xuzhou City.

In that rather secret cell, I saw the former Qingzhou Mu Cao Cao, sitting in a dim room, muttering to himself.

In the room, the furnishings are simple, with only some hay, laid out as beds.

Cao Cao raised his head and looked at the dim room, a sharp glow appeared in his absent-minded eyes.

Thinking of him, Cao Mengde, is like a hero. He didn’t realize it, but he was defeated by Han Wang Ma Chen.

At the beginning, he was detained here by Mu Guiying and Li Siye, which made Cao Cao feel extremely panic and uneasy.

After a few days, Cao Cao stabilized and began to hit the cell door desperately.

The sturdy prison door cut him off from the outside world, and the taste of being a prisoner at that level made Cao Cao particularly flustered.

At this time, sitting in the cell, Cao Cao thought of all the things before.

He even thought to himself: “If he is not an enemy of Han Wang Ma Chen, can he become Ma Chen’s confidant now?”

“Seven Six Three”

But after all, he came to the opposite of Ma Chen.

Although sad and indignant, Cao Cao survived for a few days.

Until the head of the broken mouth said to him: “General Cao, Sun Jian, the Jiangdong Tiger, was killed by Jiangxia Huangzu.”

As soon as this statement came out, I saw Cao Cao startled and said: “What?”

Immediately, there was a wild laugh.

The head of the cell looked at him with a look of fear in his eyes.

Cao Cao’s smile was stern and sharp, like a night owl in the middle of the night.

At this time, I saw Cao Cao sitting down.

The princes who used to be the same as him, one by one left him.

Yuan Shu, Yuan Shao, Gongsun Zan, Sun Jian, and even Tao Qian, Liu Dai and others who died because of him.

“It seems that I, Cao Mengde, will also be on Yellow Springs Road, waiting for you as a company.”

At this time, Cao Cao even believed that it was only a matter of time for the king of Han Ma Chen, who occupies more than half of the prefectures and counties of the Han Dynasty, to destroy the remaining princes.

“Han Wang Ma Chen, I, Cao Mengde, was completely defeated and defeated.”

Cao Cao, who shook his head and sighed, suddenly picked up the dagger that he had taken from nowhere, slammed it in the chest with a puff.

He wowed, vomiting blood, and his face showed a decisive look.

After defeating Ma Chen, he was convinced.

With a bang, the historical hero Cao Cao committed suicide in his cell.

When he was dying, he knew that everything in the past was nothing but a passing moment.

At this time, Cao Cao passed away in tears.

Ma Chen did not know that Cao Cao committed suicide. He heard the report from the Black Ice Platform and called the generals.

Mi Zhu heard the words and cupped fist said: “Lord, although Liu Biao is heading to the east of the Yangtze River, the land of Xiangfan is extremely empty.”

Ma Chen heard the words and said in a deep voice to Mi Zhu: “What he said is extremely true, that Cai Wei is nothing but ants, and fifty thousand Xiangfan soldiers and horses, and that’s not enough. Generals, are you interested in taking Xiangfan for your king?”

Xiangfan is Jingzhou’s governing place. Once the governing place is lost, the nine counties of Jingxiang will inevitably be shaken.

Ma Chen looked at the generals under his command, and the generals heard the words and agreed in unison.

At this time, I saw Chen Deng saluting: “The lord, the nine counties of Jingxiang, where the money and food are located in Jiangling, once the land of Xiangfan is taken, you can go straight to Jiangling. I don’t know what the Lord will do.”

Ma Chen heard the words and said with a smile: “Yuanlong’s words are just what I want, Siye, Guiying, you two led the Modao Army and attacked Xiangyang.


Mu Guiying and Li Siye agreed and saluted Ma Chen.

“Element, Zimao, you two led Guan Ning Iron Cavaliers and attacked Fancheng.”


Yuan Chonghuan and Li Rusong agreed and saluted Ma Chen.

“Heibingtai, send people to Luoyang and order Yu Dayou to lead 10,000 Daming navy to the land of Xiangfan.”


Hei Bingtai agreed and hurried away.

Later, Ma Chen ordered Tai Shici to guard Xuzhou with Mi Zhu and Chen Deng. He returned to Luoyang and finalized the establishment of Luoyang Academy with Sima Hui.


All the soldiers agreed and saluted Ma Chen. Then, they led their troops away.

These military commanders are enough for the Southern and Northern Wars.

Following Li Siye and Mu Guiying led the Mo Dao Army to Xiangyang.

Yuan Chonghuan and Li Rusong led Guan Ning Tieqi to Fancheng.

Mr. Shui Jing, Sima Hui had already left for Luoyang with Xu Shu yesterday.

Therefore, Ma Chen decided to go to Luoyang with only a few soldiers and horses.

He ordered Tai Shi Ci to guard Xuzhou in order to monitor Huainan and Yangzhou.

He already had the intention of going south to the south of the Yangtze River.

First north and then south, this is Ma Chen’s strategy of conquering the world.

Calm down the north, and then map the south.

After that, you can dominate the world.

Immediately, Ma Chen was ready to wait for tomorrow to leave Xuzhou.

This trip naturally brought Qin Liangyu and Mi Lingxiang.

And that night, the head of the cell hurriedly came to report: “Master, Cao Cao committed suicide in the cell.

As soon as this remark came out, Ma Chen was slightly startled, and then disapproved…

He imprisoned Cao Cao, waiting for a suitable opportunity to behead Cao Cao to the public.

Since he committed suicide in fear of sin, Ma Chen also saved a lot of time.

Immediately, he said to the guard: “Buried Cao Cao outside the city of Xuzhou.”


Several guards agreed and hurried away.

Although Cao Cao died, Ma Chen did not spare Cao Cao’s family.

After all, Ma Chen today is not before crossing.

He knows the ancients’ cutting grass and roots, so he has no mercy.


The guard agreed and was about to kill Cao Cao’s family members who were detained in the cell.

Everything is done.

Ma Chen, together with Qin Liangyu and Mi Lingxiang, led an army to leave Xuzhou and head for Luoyang from Chongzhou on the next day.

A few days later.

Ma Chen led the crowd to Luoyang.

There have long been advisers such as Guo Jiaxu Shu, and military commanders such as Zaimin to greet them out of the city.

Now, under Ma Chen, Li Cunxiao guards Jizhou.

Xue Rengui guarded Qingzhou.

Zang Ba guards the state.

Tai Shici guarded Xuzhou.

Huang Zhong Zhang Liao and two generals guard Youzhou

Liu Bowen and Ma Chao guard Liangzhou.

The state was guarded by Wei Zheng, Li Shanchang and others.

Back in Luoyang, Ma Chen started with Mr. Sima Hui and built a college on the left side of Luoyang City, near the palace.

This academy is Luoyang Academy!

Luoyang Academy, with Mr. Sima Hui as the dean, and Yingchuan celebrities as professors, recruiting talents from all over the world.

At this time, the ancient collections of Yingchuan School 5.3 Academy were also moved to Luoyang.

In the idea of ​​Ma Chen and Sima Hui, every county in Dahan should have an academy like Luoyang Academy.

The status of deans and professors has also improved.

After all, although it occupies a lot of states and counties, it is the first task to educate the people.

In addition, Ma Chen also sent heavy troops to guard the excavation of the Grand Canal, salt mines, iron ore, kerosene and other minerals.

at the same time.

Yuan Chonghuan and Li Rusong led Guan Ning Tieqi to reach 30 miles outside Fancheng.

Li Siye and Mu Guiying led the Mo Dao Army, and Yu Dayou’s Daming Navy, arrived outside Xiangyang City.

At the same time, Xu Chu Dian Wei also sent troops from Nanyang.

And that Xiangyang and Fancheng are like in the urn.

At this time, a horse inspector hurriedly informed Cai Tao, the governor of the water army in Jingzhou. .

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