Chapter 246 Li Ru’s plan, release the minister of the loyal to Han faction

Chang’an, Dong Zhuo’s mansion!

But when I saw Tan Ma coming quickly and seeing Dong Zhuo, he hurriedly said, “Master, the big thing is not good!”

“What’s the matter?

Hearing this, Dong Zhuo looked stunned, and asked the prober, then a figure that made him very angry appeared in his mind.

“Report to the lord, that the king of Han Ma Chen captured Xuzhou and imprisoned Cao Cao. Now, Cao Cao has committed suicide.


Dong Zhuo looked surprised. He didn’t expect that Han Wang Ma Chen would occupy the land of Xuzhou, Damn it!

Moreover, after hearing that Cao Cao was killed, Dong Zhuo’s heart also flashed with terror.

So far, many princes have been killed by Ma Chen.

And Ma Chen’s strength in the big man is unprecedented!

Even he, who held the emperor to make the princes, felt extremely flustered and uneasy in his heart.

At this moment, Dong Zhuo suddenly thought of something. He shouted and overturned the several cases in front of him.

With a bang, over a few cases, the wine jue’s fruits scattered all over the floor.

Dong Zhuo looked angrily at Li Ru who was striding over, and said in a deep voice, “Wen You, Cao Cao was killed, what should happen to this matter?”

Now, even he has no plan to deal with Hanwang Ma Chen.

Li Ru heard this and said in surprise: “What? Cao Cao was killed?”

Immediately, from the inspection of the horse, it was learned that Cao Cao died in Xuzhou by suicide.

He pondered for a moment, and said to Dong Zhuo: “Lord, Han Wang Ma Chen occupied Xuzhou and Yuzhou, does it mean to garrison Jingzhou?”

Hearing this, Dong Zhuo turned his head to look at Li Ru and asked, “How can Liu Biao, who guards the nine counties of Jingxiang, allow Ma Chen to attack Jingzhou? As a Han family clan, he might send someone to Chang’an.”

As soon as this statement came out, I saw Tan Ma’s stubborn endowment: “The lord, the land of Xiangfan has been occupied by the Han King Ma Chen!”

Before the sound fell, Dong Zhuo strode forward, grabbed the collar of the horse, and asked, “What did you say?”

He was completely shocked, how can the land of Xiangfan be occupied by Ma Chen?

Immediately, thinking of something, he questioned: “Then Jingzhou Mu Liubiao, where is it, 々?”

“Reported to the lord, that at first it was Liu Biao who ordered people to ambush Sun Jian in Jiangxia, causing Sun Jian to be killed by Huang Zu.”

“What? Jiangdong Tiger Sun Jian is dead?”

“It is precisely that Sun Jian’s son, Sun Ce, who is known as the Jiangdong Xiaobawang, tried to avenge his father. He was shot and killed by violent fire outside Xiangfan City.”

“Now, when Liu Biao learned that Sun Jian and Sun Ce had been killed, he personally led his army to the east of the Yangtze River. That’s why Han Wang Ma Chen took advantage of the vacancy to enter, kill Cai Hao Lu Gong, and capture the land of Xiangfan.”

As soon as this remark came out, Dong Zhuo’s expression was taken aback, and then he showed an extremely shocked expression.

He didn’t expect that in just a few days, such a huge change would happen in the world of the Han Dynasty.

The Jiangdong tiger Sun Jian was killed, Cao Cao committed suicide in Xuzhou City, Liu Biao led the crowd to attack Jiangdong, and Han Wang Ma Chen captured the land of Xiangfan.

Nowadays, there are only Liu Biao from Jingzhou, Liu Yan from Yizhou, Liu Yao from Yangzhou and Jiaozhou scholars.

He looked at Li Ru eagerly, for fear that Ma Chen would not play cards according to common sense and suddenly sent troops to Chang’an.

He asked Li Ru: “Wenyou, what do you think?”

When Li Ru heard the words, he was shocked when he learned what happened.

But then he had a plan and told Dong Zhuo: “Master, his subordinates thought that Wang Yun, Cai Yong and other ministers of the loyal Han faction who were imprisoned in the prison could be released.

Hearing this, Dong Zhuo looked stunned. He didn’t know why Li Ru had let these loyal ministers go. He solemnly said: “These people are old men and they are finally imprisoned. They are all opposed to the old men, especially Wang Yun and Cai Yonger. People, Wenyou, why let them go?”

“My lord, Wang Yun Cai Yong is Ma Chen’s father-in-law. The lord has Wang Yun Cai Yong, so that the king of Han dare not attack Chang’an. Now, the lord can use both grace and power, so that the loyal Han officials will be grateful to the lord. When the time comes, Han Wang Ma Chen will certainly not attack Chang’an.

“Even, the lord can take advantage of the unprepared Han King Ma Chen and earn him to Chang’an. At that time, he will be ambushing all around and be executed on the spot.”

Hearing the words, Dong Zhuo lowered his head and pondered for a moment, his eyebrows furrowed, as if he was thinking about something.

Suddenly, I saw Dong Zhuo raising his head, looking at Li Ru, and said in a deep voice: “Wen You, that’s it, the old man will go to the prison with you.”

“The lord’s wise man is really the lord of the world.

Li Ru saluted the cupped fist and praised Dong Zhuo.

When Dong Zhuo heard the words, he looked up to the sky and laughed, and immediately followed Li Ru and went straight to the prison.

Inside the prison.

But I saw Wang Yun, Cai Yong and other ministers of the loyal Han faction, and looked up and saw Dong Zhuo smiling and standing at the door of the prison.

Wang Yun asked with a cold expression: “The prime minister is here, why?”

Dong Zhuo smiled after hearing the words: “Master Situ, the old man was confused for a while, which caused the adults to suffer in the prison. Now, the old man is pursuing the grievances of the adults on the will of your majesty.

Li Ru said on the side: “In order to save you adults, my master of the family has tried to persuade Your Majesty with all his heart.

Wang Yun, Cai Yong and others naturally knew that this was Dong Zhuo’s hypocritical behavior.

But they seemed to have thought of something, and tacitly nodded their heads, and said: “.| Thanks to the prime minister’s kindness, I am so grateful.

Wang Yun, Cai Yong and others pretended to bow to Dong Zhuo.

When Li Ru saw this, his expression was stunned. He thought that these ministers would be ridiculed again, but he didn’t expect that things went surprisingly smoothly.

But he didn’t think about it, but winked at Dong Zhuo.

When Dong Zhuo heard the words, he shouted to the guards: “Hurry up and open the prison door and let the adults come out. 1

The guard agreed and hurriedly opened the cell door.

Then Wang Yun, Cai Yong and other ministers walked out of the prison together.

Dong Zhuo laughed and said: “Everyone, the old man built a mansion for all the adults in Chang’an. All the adults, first go to the mansion and rest. When the old man finishes his work, he will definitely come to visit.”

Wang Yun, Cai Yong and other ministers of the loyal Han faction said to Dong Zhuo falsely: “Thank you, the prime minister.”

Immediately, all (Wang Zhao) people left separately.

Wang Yun, Cai Yong, Huangfusong, Lu Zhi and others lived in a mansion not far from the imperial palace in Chang’an City.

And Dong Zhuo saw the figures of the ministers leaving and asked Li Ru: “Wenyou, what should happen next?”

“Lord, next, be kind to all the adults. Tomorrow, your Majesty will be able to add officials and noble titles for all the adults and grant rewards. At that time, all the adults will definitely be grateful to the lord.”

Hearing this, Dong Zhuo nodded and said, “Wenyou, you are really an old man’s think tank. I haven’t seen Fengxian recently, do you know where he is?

“My lord, Fengxian was defeated last time and was severely reprimanded by my lord. He is now reflecting on the reform in the mansion.”

Speaking of Lu Bu’s defeat, Dong Zhuo snorted coldly, and said: “This son has been defeated after repeated battles, and the old man really looked away.”

He glared at Li Ru, turned around and walked away.

Li Ru was shocked when he saw this.

Could it be that the lord has to settle the old accounts?

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