Chapter 217 Mu Guiying showed great power, Yuan Shu had no choice but to retreat [4/10, beg for full order]

Yuan Shu was really angry when he heard the words. Even though the woman was wearing a battle armor, she dared to humiliate him. Damn it.

He led an army of 150,000 and came to Luoyang.If he was indifferent, wouldn’t he be laughed at by others?

Moreover, he is not the kind of indifferent person.

But seeing Yuan Shu’s voice fell, a military commander flashed behind him.

This person is tall, holding a weapon, and said in a deep voice: “Master, I will go there in the end.”

Yuan Shu looked at the man and couldn’t help showing a smug look. He smiled and said, “Okay, Chen Ji, the general’s general, will definitely be able to kill that woman.”

It turned out that this person was a general under Yuan Shu’s command, named Chen Ji.

Chen Ji led the way, riding a war horse and armed with weapons.

He looked up to the city gate and shouted, “That woman, won’t you come down and surrender?”

Mu Guiying smiled coldly, picked up the pear spear, and shouted: “Little ants, dare to make a difference with this general?”

Mu Guiying looks handsome, although she is not as good as Diao Chan and Cai Yan’s two daughters, but her appearance makes people shine.

Therefore, Yuan Shu felt that Mu Guiying was despised, which made him very embarrassed.

Mu Guiying strode out, and Guo Jia seemed to see Mu Guiying’s strength and did not stop him.

Immediately, I saw Mu Guiying riding a war horse and holding a pear spear, coming outside the city.

Chen Ji sneered and said, “It turns out that she is such a woman.

747 he looked contemptuously, holding a weapon, and blatantly killed.

Seeing Chen Ji kill, Mu Guiying picked up the pear spear and stabs forward.

But when Chen Ji screamed, he felt enveloped in the pear blossoms and couldn’t tell which pear blossoms were from guns.

With a puff, Chen Ji yelled in the pear blossom spear thrust, turned over and fell off the horse, and died of unfavorable fate.

Upon seeing this, Yuan Shu couldn’t help but angrily said: “Damn it, do you dare to kill my general Chen Ji?”

But seeing Yuan Shu behind him, Na Lei Bo shouted and said angrily: “Mu Guiying will leave and take his life.”

Pat the horse straight to Mu Guiying to kill.

Mu Guiying asked with surprise: “Where did you see me leaving?”

Lei Bo was taken aback when he heard the words, ignored Mu Guiying, and wiped the weapon in his hand.

Mu Guiying’s gaze sank, seeing the Lei Thin Weapon kill, but slapped back.

Seeing this, Lei Bo shouted, “Stop!” He slapped his horse to chase him.

But when Mu Guiying suddenly fell back on his horse, the pear spear stabbed back like lightning.

Na Lei Bo chased him anxiously. Seeing the pear spear pierced back, he couldn’t help but look surprised.

He hurriedly reined his horse, and the horse under the hip was suddenly strangled. For some reason, he jumped forward.

With a puff, the thunder-thin face was shot, and he fell off the horse and died unexpectedly.

Yuan Shu shouted angrily. Before speaking, he saw a military commander rushing forward and shouted to Mu Guiying: “Dare to kill General Lei Bo, Mu Guiying, take your life.”

Mu Guiying stopped her horse, holding a pear spear, and yelled softly: “This general is here!” She was brave and brave.

The military advisors such as Guo Jia and Tai Shici couldn’t help showing admiration when they saw Mu Guiying killed several generals.

“General Mu Guiying, it’s really a woman who doesn’t let his eyebrows be shaved.

“These heroines are really powerful, and they are not weaker than men with beards and eyebrows.”

Yuan Shu looked ugly and looked at Mu Guiying with a hint of hatred in his eyes.

The general yelled and swung his knife straight at Mu Guiying.

Mu Guiying fought with him to break the dawn and drag the gun back.

The man laughed and said, “Lord, I will catch Mu Guiying for you today.”

When happy, pat the horse to chase.

But I saw Mu Guiying suddenly turning around on horseback, and that person’s lower abdomen in a spear thrust of the pear spear.

Poor, the chicken was beaten up and died on the spot.

At this time, Mu Guiying killed three military commanders in a row, making Yuan Shu angrily said: “Taking Mu Guiying will be rewarded many times.”



Seven or eight generals agreed to kill Mu Guiying.

Upon seeing this, Mu Guiying patted his horse and headed for the city gate.

Soon, he returned to the city and hurriedly ordered people to close the city gate.

The seven or eight generals continued to kill downstairs of the city gate. Before they could react, they saw a burst of crossbow arrows shooting up the city gate.

Whoosh whoosh!

Seven or eight generals were shot by the crossbow arrows before they were relieved, and died on the spot, only to escape back to less than three people (bjfa).

Yuan Shu was very angry at this time, he shouted in a deep voice: “Kill, kill, take Luoyang.

Losing so many generals in a row, it might be possible that the military will be unstable before taking Luoyang.

Yuan Shu saw it in his eyes, and suddenly jumped into thunder.

But I saw Ji Ling, Li Feng and other generals, leading 50,000 soldiers and horses, pushing and crashing cars, setting up ladders, and shooting with crossbow arrows.

For a time, countless crossbow arrows were shot upstairs of the city gate.

And the defender above the gate hurriedly blocked it with a shield.

At the same time, the soldiers and horses going to the ladder to climb the city were immediately hit by the crossbow arrows, rolling stone woods, kerosene, etc. on the upper gate of the gate, or they were poured with kerosene. stand up.

For a time, it was like a purgatory on earth, with no amount of death or injury.

Yuan Shu’s eyes sank, and he suddenly realized that although Luoyang City was tall, could it be that he couldn’t attack Luoyang?

Right now, he has 150,000 elite soldiers.

That Yuan Shu was inexhaustible, he said solemnly: “Anyone who breaks into the gate tower will be rewarded by this general.”

As soon as these words came out, the soldiers who attacked the city, it was precisely for this reason that they tried to kill them as if they had been beaten in blood.

And above the city wall, all the soldiers and horses under Ma Chen’s command are brave.

Na Ji Ling Li Feng tried to rush to the gate tower several times, but was repelled by the crossbow arrows.

Even Li Feng couldn’t dodge, he yelled, fell off the ladder on the spot, his brain cracked, and he died.

Yuan Shu became more anxious, and if this continues, will he lose more soldiers and horses?

The long history of General Yang said: “Lord, Luoyang city is strong. I am afraid that it will be difficult to capture it for a while. It is better to return to the camp first and wait until the time is ripe before making plans.”

Yuan Shu turned his head and asked, “When is the time ripe?”

General Yang was stunned when he heard this, and said with a stunned expression: “Lord, now many soldiers, horses, and generals have been damaged. If you don’t return to the camp, I’m afraid the military will be unstable.”

Yuan Shu heard the words and sighed: “I originally thought that there were not many guards in Luoyang City, but I didn’t expect that Mu Guiying would not be able to deal with it. I heard that Ma Chen has four heroines, all of them are extremely brave.”

Grand General Yang comforted: “Lord, that female general is a woman, and she is also a generation of women, so the lord does not have to worry.

Yuan Shu heard the words, his eyes were full of hatred, and said: “My hatred with Ma Chen is not shared!

Immediately, General Xiang Yang sighed helplessly: “Since this is the case, retreat and leave.”


General Yang promised and shouted to the generals, “Retreat, retreat.

More than 100,000 soldiers and horses heard about it and retreated one after another and left Luoyang.

Suddenly, outside Luoyang city, there were shouts of killing on both sides, and several military commanders and tens of thousands of cavalry rushed out.

They are extremely fast, and they shoot crossbow arrows like a gust of wind and rain.

Immediately, as if entering an uninhabited state, he would kill Yuan Shu’s army.

Upon seeing this, Yuan Shu said in shock: “It’s not good, it’s a trick.”

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