Chapter 216 The generals rush to support Luoyang, Mu Guiying angers Yuan Shu [3/10, Guiqiu customized]

In a few days!

Outside the city of Yuzhou, I saw Yuzhou Mu Yuan Shu, together with Yuan Yi, the military generals and counsellors, and the 150,000 army, heading for Luoyang.

At this time, Yuan Shu visited the horse under his command to inquire about news back and forth.

In the evening, Heibingtai also sent information to Luoyang.

“Report to the military division, that Yuan Shu led 150,000 soldiers and horses to Luoyang.”

Hearing that, Guo Jia’s expression changed slightly, and Yuan Shu’s soldiers and horses were as large as 150,000.

Mu Guiying looked at Guo Jia and asked in a deep voice, “How many soldiers and horses are there in Luoyang City?”

“In Luoyang City, plus General Mu Guiying’s cavalry, there are about 30,000.

“Thirty thousand?”

“Exactly, the Xuanjia Iron Cavalry, the Heavenly Strategy Army, and the Shence Army are in Luoyang.”

Mu Guiying and Guo Jia were on the city gate and looked out.

Then Mu Guiying said solemnly: “It’s better to send troops to ambush and attack him by surprise first.

Guo Jia heard this and hurriedly stopped and said: “No, it would be too risky if this happens. In my opinion, the lord will definitely send someone to come.”

Mu Guiying sighed after hearing the words: “It is a pity that General Li Cunxiao cannot leave Jizhou.

“It’s okay, the lord has his own magical plan.”

Hearing the words, Mu Guiying nodded and looked out with Guo Jia.

At this time, it was dawn, but the dust was flying in the distance.

But saw several military commanders, and the iron cavalry coming.

The first few people are burly and extraordinary.

When Guo Jia and Mu Guiying saw it, they hurriedly said, “The generals.”

It turned out that the people who came were Yuan Chonghuan, Li Rusong and Guan Ning Tieqi.

Yuan Chonghuan and Li Rusong also met Guo Jia and Mu Guiying for the first time. The two generals said in unison: “I am here to help Luoyang by the lord’s order.”

“General please.

Ordering people to open the city gate, Guo Jia and Mu Guiying invited Li Rusong and Yuan Chonghuan, and Guan Ning cavalry to enter the city.

After a while, I saw the thunder of iron cavalry outside the city, but it was Li Siye and Tai Shici who led the Mo Dao army.

It turned out that Li Siye and Taishi Cizheng were going from Taihang Eight Paths to Bingzhou.

On the way, I came to the city of Jizhou where Li Cunxiao was.

Knowing that Luoyang is in danger, the soldiers rushed to the city.

Guo Jia cupped fist said: “Two generals, please.” Immediately, Li Siye, Taishici and Mo Daojun were invited into Luoyang City.

As soon as I entered the city, I saw someone outside the city shouting: “Military officer, I have arrived.

It turned out that outside the city was the second general Dian Wei Xu Chu who had been ordered to come.

The second general led an army of 10,000 tigers and came to help Luoyang.

When Guo Jia and Mu Guiying heard the words, they walked out quickly and said in unison: “Major things can be done.”

At this time, the generals in Luoyang were Mu Guiying, Yuan Chonghuan, Li Rusong, Li Siye, Tai Shici, Dian Wei, Xu Chu and other generals.

The arms are Tiance Army, Xuanjia Iron Cavalry, Huben Army, Guanning Iron Cavalry, Mo Dao Army and other arms.

Guo Jiadang even said: “The generals, please come to the Chamber.

Immediately, everyone followed Guo Jia and came to the Chamber.

When they arrived in the Chamber, the generals sat separately.

Then Guo Jia said solemnly to the black ice platform outside the door: “What’s the situation?”

“Report to the generals and generals. This time, Yuan Shu started from Yuzhou and led a 150,000 army to Luoyang.”

“At this time, Yuan Shu was still fifty or sixty miles away from Luoyang.

Hearing this, Guo Jia looked at the generals and said solemnly: “Generals, this time, we are facing Yuan Shu’s 150,000 army.”

The generals heard the words and said in unison: “Military officers can rest assured, I will definitely defend Luoyang.

“I thank you generals for the lord.

Mu Guiying heard the words and said to Guo Jia: “Military officer, don’t be polite, please tell us the strategy.,

Guo Jia’s eyes sank, looking at the generals, and said: “The generals, since Yuan Shu is leading an army of 150,000, although we don’t have many soldiers, we can win by tricks. Now, I talk to the generals about their strategies. .”

Immediately, he told the generals his strategy in this way.

After hearing the words, the generals looked at Guo Jia together and said in unison: “The strategy of the military teacher is really mysterious.”

Upon hearing this, Guo Jia said to the generals: “If this is the case, the generals, let’s act separately.

The generals stood up and said in unison: “No!”

Immediately, we saw that everyone would leave.

Nadian Wei Xuchu, Yuan Chonghuan, Li Rusong and other generals left the city.

It turned out that they led the iron cavalry under their command, lying in ambush on both sides of Luoyang city.

At this time, Guo Jia and Mu Guiying and other generals climbed to the gate tower and looked out.

That’s forty miles away from Luoyang. I saw Yuan Shu leading his 150,000 soldiers and horses, heading straight for Luoyang.

At this time, Yuan Shu said to the generals: “All generals, today, I will be able to win Luoyang, and then this general will have many rewards.”

As soon as this statement came out, all the generals responded in unison: “Thank you, Lord.”

The generals shivered and went straight to Luoyang.

Yuan Shu looked triumphant. Although he sent troops in the name of revenge for Yuan Shao, he was trying to contend for the great man and occupy Luoyang.

He laughed very proudly, and then went to Luoyang with the crowd.

At this time, every move of Yuan Shao and 150,000 soldiers and horses was detected by the black ice platform.

Immediately, the black ice platform will inform Guo Jia and others of the information.

Guo Jia and others said solemnly: “.|Yuan Shu this time, just like Yuan Shao, it is no different from defeat.”

After hearing the words, everyone nodded in unison.

Although Yuan Shu has a 150,000 army under his command, the iron cavalry in Luoyang City is also very powerful.

The Xuanjia Iron Cavalry, Mo Dao Army and other arms have experienced a hundred battles.

Therefore, the generals did not show a look of fear, but showed a touch of contempt.

At the same time, news came from the black ice platform that Yuan Shu, led by an army of 150,000, was already approaching the city.

This time, Yuan Shu and the 150,000 army did not immediately attack the city, but set up camp outside the city.

The camp of 150,000 soldiers and horses is endless and magnificent.

Once the camp was built, Yuan Shu smiled triumphantly, and led an army of 150,000 under his command, (good Li Zhao) approaching Luoyang city.

But seeing Yuan Shu looking upstairs at the gate of Luoyang City, he said in a deep voice, “Let Han Wang Ma Chen come out and meet.

With a triumphant expression, he looked at Guo Jia and others.

Upon seeing this, Guo Jia and others said in a deep voice, “My lord has no time to see you.”

As soon as he said this, Yuan Shu couldn’t help but his eyes sank, and he sneered upstairs at the city gate: “Hehe, Guo Jia, do you think I don’t know? That Han Wang Ma Chen is not in Luoyang.”

Hearing this, Guo Jia looked at Yuan Shu with contempt, and asked, “Since you know, why do you do this?”

Yuan Shu heard this and couldn’t help but angrily said: “Guo Jia, with you ants, dare you to show me up? Humph, my Runan Yuan family, today I will settle down in Luoyang.”

But seeing that Mu Guiying smiled lightly and said: “Runan Yuan family, is it very prestigious? I think it’s not as good as the ant column.”

This sentence made Yuan Shu finger Mu Guiying and said angrily: “Who is going to kill that woman…”.

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