Chapter 218 Yuan Shu was shocked to hang up the free battle card, Li Siye cut Yuan Yi with one sword [5/10, begging for self-determination]

Outside Luoyang city, shouting for killing!

On both sides, several military commanders led their iron cavalry to enter Yuan Shu’s army.

On the left is the second general Dian Wei Xu Chu, and on the right is the second general Yuan Chonghuan and Li Rusong.

The 10,000 Guanning Iron Cavaliers followed closely behind, majestic and majestic~.

That Guanning cavalry was extremely brave, armed with a flintlock and wearing heavy armor,-entered the formation.

Wherever they went, the corpses were everywhere, and the more than 100,000 Yuzhou soldiers had no time to react, so they were killed.

Moreover, the flintlock gun of Guanning Iron Cavalry was very powerful, like a fire dragon, spraying out a fire, burning the Yuzhou soldiers to death a lot.

Second General Yuan Chonghuan and Li Rusong, his eyes sank, and directed Guan Ning’s iron cavalry to make a bloody road.

On the other side, Dian Wei Xu Chu took a weapon and led a cavalry under his command, rammed and fought hard to kill.

All of a sudden, I saw that Yuan Shu’s generals, many of them died in the hands of the generals.

Guan Ning’s iron cavalry is a high-level unit. Although only about 10,000 yuan, Yuan Shu’s army was placed under his command, which caused a lot of damage.

Yuan Shu was extremely frightened and panicked and ordered the army to retreat quickly.

Those Yuzhou soldiers fled to the camp desperately, and soon, under the chase of Guanning Iron Cavalry and Mo Dao Army, those Yuzhou soldiers fled to the camp.

At this time, Yuan Shuxin had lingering fears and hurriedly ordered people to hang up the free card.

Seeing that the Yingzhai hangs the free-to-play card, Yuan Chonghuan and Li Rusong and other generals surrounded Yuan Shu’s Yingzhai country.

At the same time, send someone to inform Guo Jia and others about this matter.

Upon hearing this, Guo Jia ordered Li Siye and Tai Shici to lead the Mo Dao Army to join Yuan Chonghuan and other generals, and then surrounded Yuan Shu’s camp.

Looking at the 150,000 Yuzhou soldiers in Yuan Shu’s camp, only about 100,000 remained.

Their morale is low and their military spirit is unstable.

And Yuan Shu also saw that he suffered a lot of military commanders under his command, and immediately saw Yuan Shu hate him: “Unexpectedly, he was caught in the ambush of Guo Jia, and that Mu Guiying defeated several military commanders under my command, Damn it. , Ma Chen, I don’t share the same spirit with you.”

Yuan Shu was very angry and hated. He saw General Yang next to him and sighed: “Master, for the sake of this plan, I can only retreat.”


Yuan Shu’s eyes sank, he looked at General Yang, and shouted: “One hundred and fifty thousand troops have lost about fifty thousand. At this time, the army retreats. How do you avenge the dead brothers? It’s really a foolish opinion.

General Yang looked stunned, and then told Yuan Shu again: “Lord, the current situation is beyond our control.”

Yuan Shu looked at General Yang with a gloomy look, making the latter startled and stepped back.

At this moment, I saw a horse trotting quickly and said: “Master, the big thing is not good, the tens of thousands of cavalry outside the camp have not left.”

“What? They never left?”

Yuan Shu looked stunned, and hurriedly led his generals to look outside the gate.

But outside the gate, Ma Chen’s Dian Wei Xu Chu and other generals surrounded Yuan Shu’s camp.

Even tens of thousands of iron horses waved the flag and shouted, and the gongs and drums were noisy.

In this way, the Yuzhou soldiers in the camp were uneasy and feared in their hearts.

Yuan Shu was upset and irritated and returned to the camp.

However, I saw that the general Qiaoyu said to Yuan Shu: “Master, the final general is willing to open a gap and kill the general Ma Chen.”

Qiaoluo is a general who Yuan Shu has put down. As soon as he said this, Yuan Shu said in a deep voice: “If this is the case, be careful.”

The bridge rattles promised and walked away quickly, and then, riding a war horse, led 10,000 soldiers and horses, and left the camp.

Outside the camp, Li Siye, Tai Shici, Xu Chu and other generals looked at the bridge.

Holding a weapon in his arms, the bridge shouted to everyone: “Who are you waiting for to come and die.”

As soon as he said this, he saw Li Siye holding a Mo knife and said in a deep voice: “Your grandfather Li Siye is here to kill you.

Qiao Yu said angrily: “Bold.” Brandishing his weapon, he killed Li Siye.

Li Siye was blatantly not afraid, holding a Mo knife, he looked at the bridge.

The bridge slapped away, and the weapons waved like gusts of wind and rain.

Seeing that Li Siye saw the bridge rushing, he suddenly shouted.

Qiao Yu didn’t expect Li Siye to shout suddenly. He looked surprised and looked at Li Siye.

I saw Li Siye swinging a Modao.

Qiao’s expression changed suddenly and suddenly he yelled.

Before the sound fell, Mo Dao slashed his neck, and saw the first stage of the bridge protactinium, flew out, and with a bang, the bridge protactinium fell off the horse and died.

The 10,000 soldiers and horses had not reacted, they were overtaken by Guan Ning Iron Cavalry and Mo Dao Army, and they were killed in a row, causing heavy losses to 10,000 soldiers and horses.

The guard at the gate hurriedly closed the camp. Someone walked away quickly and told Yuan Shu about it.

…For flowers…

“Report to the lord, General Qiaoju, who was beheaded by Li Siye under Ma Chen.,

As soon as this remark came out, Yuan Shu’s heart trembled, and he suddenly felt uneasy.

He only felt bored in his chest, and a mouthful of blood sprayed straight to the ground.

Seeing that the generals on the left and right saw this, they hurriedly helped him up and said in unison: “Master.”

Yuan Shu heard the words and sighed: “I didn’t expect Yuan Shu’s general Qiaoyu to die under the command of Ma Chen, Damn it.”

Thinking of this, he hated Ma Chen unwillingly.

Upon seeing this, Yuan Yi on the side said, “Tonight, I will attack Ma Chen outside the camp under the command of soldiers.”

Yuan Shu heard this, looked at Yuan Yi, and asked: “Ma Chen’s generals are very powerful. Don’t go rashly.”

Upon hearing this, Yuan Yi said: “It’s okay, I don’t believe that there is no way out of blood.”

Yuan Shu said helplessly, “Well, if you can kill the bleeding, you will return to Yuzhou.”

Yuan Yi promised to summon 20,000 soldiers and horses to prepare for a sneak attack at night.

At night, Yuan Yi didn’t know that his every move was expected by Ma Chen’s black ice platform.

He saw the Black Ice Platform stepping out quickly and informed Li Siye, Yuan Chonghuan and other generals of Yuan Yi’s sneak attack.

When the generals heard the words, Qi Qi showed a sneer, and they said solemnly: “That’s it. Let Yuan Yi come and go tonight.”

Immediately, the troops were divided and deployed, and they lay in ambush in secret.

That night, Yuan Yi led 20,000 soldiers and horses, quietly left the camp, and went to the camp of Li Siye and others to kill.

Then Yuan Yi approached the temporary camp built by Li Siye and others, and said solemnly: “All soldiers, follow me.”

The sound did not fall, but I heard the shouts of killing from both sides.

In the night of Yin, the torch blasted into the sky, and the generals such as Li Siye, Tai Shici, Dian Wei Xuchu, Yuan Chonghuan and Li Rusong, came out of the dark.

At the same time, Guan Ning Iron Cavalry, Profound Armor Iron Cavalry, and Mo Dao Army broke out separately, causing those Yuzhou soldiers to scream.

Yuan Yi was shocked and hurriedly wanted to escape every day.

But seeing that Li Siye catch up with him,

He shouted: “Yuan Yi, where are you going to escape?”

Mo Dao in his hand was sent forward, Yuan Yi yelled and fell off his horse.

The defeated army hurried back to the camp and said anxiously: “Master, the big thing is not good, General Yuan Yi was killed.

As soon as he said this, he saw Yuan Shu yelling, and suddenly he felt dark in front of him, and he fell to the ground. Xi,

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