Chapter 215 Yuan Shu conspired in Luoyang, Ma Chen deployed separately [2/10, Guiqiu customized]

And state governance!

At this time, the king of Han Ma Chen was in the office, dealing with the funeral of Youzhou Mu Liu Yu.

In Jicheng, Youzhou, Ma Chen had already guessed something when he learned that Liu Yutu had a serious illness.

Now, seeing Liu Yu’s death, Ma Chen finally understands that Liu Yu must have had a cerebral hemorrhage.

The medical conditions between the three countries in the late Han Dynasty caused Liu Yu to become ill and die.

This kind of disease, even if Ma Chen traveled through the previous era, it is still incurable.

Even if it can be cured, it is expensive, and even leaves very serious sequelae.

At this time, Ma Chen ordered Wei Zheng and others to deal with Liu Yu’s funeral, and he went to comfort Liu Yingying.

Liu Yingying cried and became a man of tears. The pear blossoms bring rain. Ma Chen feels very distressed, but the pain of losing his father cannot be replaced.

He could only comfort Liu Yingying with a few words. Liu Yingying cried out and threw herself in Ma Chen’s arms.

Ma Chen comforted: “Yingying, although Yue Zhang died, you still have me.

Liu Yingying nodded lightly, feeling a little calm.

For the next 19 days, Ma Chen has been dealing with Liu Yu’s funeral.

But he didn’t know what Yuan Shu, who was far away in Yuzhou, was discussing with Yuan Yi.

It turned out that when Li Siye and Luo Cheng went to Beiping County on the right, the news of Yuan Shao’s death was spread all the way to Yuzhou by Tan Ma.

At the Yuzhou government office, he saw the Tan Ma and said, “Lord, the matter is not good, Yuan Shao was killed.”

As soon as this statement came out, Yuan Shu and Yuan Yi looked at each other with horror, and the two said in unison: “How can this be?”

Yuan Shu and Yuan Yi both showed extremely shocked expressions.

They remembered that even though Yuan Shao was defeated, he conspired with Gongsun Zan from Beiping County.

However, now he heard that Yuan Shao was killed, which made his heart very uneasy.

Na Tan Ma heard this and said, “Master, Yuan Shao Gongsun Zan and Gongsun Du were killed by Ma Chen.

Yuan Shu was shocked when he heard the words, and asked: “What are you talking about? Han Wang Ma Chen? Damn it, he even dared to kill my Runan Yuan family, Damn it!”

Yuan Yi was also shocked. He looked at Yuan Shu and asked, “What should I do now?

But when one of Yuan Shu’s counsellor heard the words, he smiled and said, “Master, at this time, it is an excellent opportunity.”

Yuan Shu heard the words, looked at the man in surprise, and asked, “What opportunity?”

The counselor smiled and said: “Lord, it can be seen that the king of Han Ma Chen is in Youzhou, and the lord’s Yuzhou is close to Luoyang. Therefore, the lord does not have to worry, and can even send troops to attack Luoyang. At that time, Ma Chen wants to come to Luoyang for rescue. Too late.”

Hearing that, Yuan Shu pondered for a moment, and then said: “This general is about to take Luoyang, but he is afraid that Ma Chen will come. Now, Ma Chen is in Youzhou, which is just what I want.”

Immediately, he looked at the counselor and said with a smile: “In that case, let’s go to Luoyang, how about?”

“The Lord’s words are extremely true.”

Immediately, seeing the counselor promised, Yuan Shu hurriedly summoned his soldiers and horses to prepare to attack Luoyang.

At this time, the generals and counselors under Yuan Shu looked at him together.

Yuan Shu hated: “Ma Chen killed Yuan Shao to provoke my Runan Yuan family. This general couldn’t bear to see the collapse of the Han Dynasty. Therefore, this general decided to capture Luoyang this time.

Hearing that, the generals and counselors under Yuan Shu looked at each other, and saw one of the counselors said: “Master, will you go rashly?”

Yuan Shu heard the words, looked at the counselor, and asked, “Why do you say that?,

“Lord, although there is no Ma Chen in Luoyang, there is Guo Jia, a counselor under Ma Chen. This person is a celebrity in Yingchuan, very powerful.”

“Yingchuan celebrity?”

Yuan Shu looked at the counselor and asked, “Isn’t the gentleman also a famous person in Yingchuan?”

“This, Guo Jiacai has learned several times better than me, please think twice.”

I saw a military commander under Yuan Shu’s command and shouted in a deep voice: “Then Guo Jia is not a weak scholar. Go to Luoyang.”

Yuan Shu heard that although he was arrogant and arrogant, he also knew that everything should not be rushed forward.

Immediately, he said: “Since this is the case, I will send a horse to Luoyang to spy on the virtual reality, Houtian, and attack Luoyang.”

A counselor heard the words and persuaded Yuan Shu: “Lord, I won Luoyang today, why wait until Houtian?”

Yuan Shu asked back: “How about Houtian?”

The counselor persuaded: “Lord, lest nights have many dreams.”

Yuan Shu chuckled and said: “I heard that Ma Chen’s Yue Zhang, Liu Yu died of illness. Now, I just send soldiers to attack Luoyang. I am afraid that Ma Chen will know about this and it will be too late.”

Upon hearing this, the generals said in unison: “The lord’s words are extremely true.”

At this moment, Yuan Shu smiled triumphantly, and then sent someone to Luoyang.

At this time, Yuan Shu didn’t know that his mansion also had a hidden black ice platform.

The black ice platform rushed all the way to inform Guo Jia of Luoyang.

In fact, Guo Jia already knew Yuan Shu from Yuzhou, and I’m afraid he had bad intentions.

He looked at the black ice platform and said solemnly: “What did you say?”

Hei Bingtai heard the words and said to Guo Jia cupped fist: “Yuan Shu intends to attack Luoyang with Houtian. Recently, he sent someone to Luoyang to spy on the reality.”


Hearing this, Guo Jia couldn’t help but sneered, and laughed: “This Yuan Shu is really dead. If he comes today, maybe Luoyang can’t stop him, but he Houtian is coming, I can tell the lord.

“Come here.”

“It will be at the end.”

“Go to the Bingzhou Office and inform Lord Lord 933 of this matter.”


“Go to Jizhou and inform General Li Cunxiao of this matter.


“Go to Hanoi and tell Mu Guiying and Zhao Yun about this matter. Since Yuan Shu wants to pour Yuzhou’s soldiers, then have fun with him.

Immediately, the black ice platform went to Jizhou, Binzhou and Hanoi.

Soon, that Jizhou Li Cunxiao, Hanoi Mu Guiying and Zhao Yun all knew about this.

Mu Guiying immediately led his troops to leave Hanoi for Luoyang.

On the next day, the Black Ice Terrace also used an eight hundred li to expedite the information to inform the lord of the Nami Prefecture Office.

Han Wang Ma Chen.

Ma Chen saw this and looked at the military commander under his command.

Although there are Li Cunxiao in Jizhou and Mu Guiying and Zhao Yun in Hanoi, the generals perform their duties.

Ma Chen immediately ordered Yuan Chonghuan and Li Rusong to lead Guan Ning’s cavalry with 10,000 and head straight to Luoyang.



Yuan Chonghuan, Li Rusong and Guan Ning Tieqi drag the cupped fist together and said: “No!’

Immediately, the second general led Guan Ning Tieqi and went straight to Luoyang.

In Luoyang, Mu Guiying took the first step and led five thousand soldiers and horses to Luoyang City.

“Farewell to Mr.”

“General Guiying, I didn’t expect you to come.”

While the two were talking, they saw the Black Ice Platform hurriedly approaching, and it seemed that they had new intelligence. .

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