Chapter 214 Infighting, completely destroying Goguryeo [1/10, begging for full order]

At this time, the entire capital of Goguryeo was panic.

That Lee Siye and Luo Sung led tens of thousands of soldiers and horses to surround the city of Pyongyang.

King Goguryeo vomited blood on the spot and was carried out by the Minister of Civil and Military Affairs.

At this time, when the imperial doctor treated him, he saw the ministers of civil and military affairs waiting outside the hall.

But when I saw the Prime Minister Goguryeo, he looked at the ministers and said in a deep voice: “Now, the king is in a coma, and the country cannot be ruled for a day. Therefore, everyone discusses what should be done? After all, the enemy soldiers are coming down the city.”

Hearing that, those civil servants and generals, looking at the prime minister together, seemed to understand the meaning of his words.

However, a military commander said in a deep voice: “Although the country cannot be ruled for a day, the king is only in a coma. Moreover, the prince is impatient and incompetent, so he cannot take on such important tasks.

As soon as this statement came out, some of the civil servants asked: “According to you, what should it be? Is it possible to establish the son of the great general “four zero three”?”

The military commander heard the words and hummed: “The general is to die for the country, and the horse is covered in leather. Isn’t it possible that the elder can not be able to control the soldiers and horses?”

Among the civil servants, one shouted: “The elder son is the elder son after all, and the general is the general after all, and the prince is the future prince.”

At this moment, I saw a military commander shouting: “What is wrong.”

With a loud shout, the Wenchen head was cut off with a knife.

When the other civil servants saw this, they couldn’t help being taken aback, and said, “What are you doing?”

“Do you dare to kill the Minister of Korea and China without authorization?”

“Could it be that the world’s son is going to rebel?”

For a while, those civil servants were panicked and suddenly fled each other.

Soon, I saw a young man wearing a battle armor and shouted in a deep voice: “The King of Goguryeo killed my father, all the soldiers, let me go in.



In the shouts, those generals slew to the palace.

But when the prime minister led an imperial forest army, he shouted: “Who dares to do it?”

The son shouted: “I dare to do it.”

Striding forward, raising his hand and cutting off the prime minister’s head.

But seeing the blood rushing through the neck, the Yulin Army had already been scared and panicked.

The son shouted: “Those who surrender and submit will bear the blame for the past.”

When the voice fell, the imperial forest troops surrendered one after another.

The prince smiled triumphantly and led the soldiers into the palace.

For a time, the screams inside and outside the imperial palace had already alarmed Prince Goguryeo.

The Goguryeo prince shouted, strode forward, and shouted, “Bold, what do you want to do?”

Hearing this, the son said in a cold voice, “It’s just killing you.

With a loud shout, the prince’s head was chopped off with a knife.

The prince screamed and died suddenly.

However, Shi Zi led a soldier and horse and went straight to the palace of Goguryeo.

Suddenly, I saw those civil servants running back and forth, all being caught and slashed by the generals.

The entire capital of Goguryeo was caught in civil strife.

Soon, the prince led everyone to the palace.

He pushed the door and entered, and saw the Goguryeo King, still in a coma.

He strode away and saw King Goguryeo, and said angrily: “It was you who killed my father.”

With a loud shout, he picked up a big knife, and beheaded to the head of King Goguryeo.

With a puff, the Goguryeo King who had fallen into a coma, no matter how he could resist, he was cut to the first level and killed on the spot.

At this time, I saw Seiko holding the head of the King of Goguryeo, and he said solemnly: “From today, I will be the King of Goguryeo.

“Meet the king.”

“I’ll wait to see the king.”

Before the sound fell, I saw the Malay newspaper: “Report to the son, then Lord Hou led his army.”

The son of the world heard the words and shouted: “There is a man of war, and all the soldiers will kill me.

With loud shouts, the son led the soldiers and killed them.

At this moment, the camp outside the city, Li Siye and Luo Cheng already knew about the internal strife in Goguryeo.

“Report to the two generals, the son of the general, to behead the king of Goguryeo, and now he is fighting the royal family of Goguryeo.”

As soon as this statement came out, Li Siye and Luo Cheng looked at each other, and the two said in unison: “That’s right.

Immediately, Li Siye and Luo Cheng ordered the soldiers and horses under their command to go straight to the royal city of Goguryeo.

Soon, he went outside the king’s city.

At this time, there were not many defenders in the royal city.

I saw that Li Siye solemnly said: “Siege!”



Tens of thousands of soldiers and horses went straight to the Goguryeo King City to kill.

Because the defenders on the city disappeared, they soon occupied the gate tower.

And the black ice platform lurking in the city opened the city gate and welcomed Li Siye and Luo Cheng in.

Li Siye and Luo Cheng shouted in a deep voice: “Kill!”

When I asked for time, I saw that the defenders in Goguryeo City were surprised when they saw this…

And that Li Siye and Luo Cheng led all the soldiers and directly smashed in, making the Goguryeo defenders unstoppable.

The son was fighting against the Goguryeo royal family. Hearing that Li Siye and Luo Cheng were killed, he roared, “Kill as I am, and block with me.”

For a moment, I saw that the son of the elders led all the soldiers under his command to kill Li Siye and Luo Cheng.

When Li Siye and Luo Cheng saw it, one was holding a Mo knife and the other was holding a silver gun. The two were openly not afraid and looked at the son.

Shizi roared and fought hard to kill.

However, Li Siye shouted loudly and said, “The Rat, are you still not allowed to die?”

With a sudden shout, Mo Dao cut off the head of that elder son.

The son yelled and died on the spot.

And Luo Cheng led the soldiers and killed the Goguryeo royal family.

The people of the Goguryeo royal family all showed a touch of surprise.

They looked at Li Siye and Luo Cheng in shock. Before they could react, they were crushed by Li Siye and Luo Cheng and died on the spot.

I saw the people of the Goguryeo royal family, and they were frightened, but they felt too terrifying.

At this time, I saw that Li Siye was holding a Mo knife, and Luo Cheng was holding a Zhangbagun silver spear, cutting it, and completely beheaded the Goguryeo royal family.

Since then, Goguryeo was completely annihilated.

Afterwards, Li Siye and Luo Cheng took the Goguryeo woman to Jicheng, but the man did not stay.

It even burned the royal city of Goguryeo.

For a time, 4.9 saw that Goguryeo was completely destroyed, and at the same time, there was also that Buyeo.

And the King of Han, Ma Chen, formally occupies the entire northern land.

Including Jizhou, Youzhou, Bingzhou, Liangzhou, Goguryeo, Fuyu, Wuhuan, Xiongnu, Xianbei, Xiqiang, Wusun, Cheshi and other prefectures and other ethnic groups.

The entire north became the territory of Ma Chen, and the vast grassland in the north became the back garden of Ma Chen.

At this time, Na Luocheng was left to occupy Liaodong, Wuhuan, Fuyu and Goguryeo.

And Li Siye led the Mo Dao Army and went to Bingzhou with Tai Shici.

They knew that Youzhou Mu Liuyu died of illness, and the lord had to go back to Bingzhou to deal with the matter.

At the same time, at the Yuzhou Pastoral Institute, Yuan Shu heard that Yuan Shao had been killed, and his expression was shocked.

He hated: “Ma Chen, you dare to kill my Runan Yuan people!”.

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