- As long as there is one soldier and one soldier...they have not lost.

Cao Cao affirmed Zhang Liao's eyes, bit his lip, and patted his shoulder heavily.

"Wenyuan, you go to Xiangyang... Go to Brother Yi... Tell him we lost..."

Cao Cao closed his eyes, adjusted his mood, and continued:

"Remember... It must be said that the Prime Minister has escaped danger, and it is his brother who is rushing towards Xiangyang..."

At this time, Cao Cao really missed Yi Xiaotian's unhurried smile. At this moment, they were alone and helpless. Only then did he understand how lucky he was when Yi Xiaotian was by his side...

But time waits for no one, and there is no room for him to be disappointed at this moment.

He forced a smile and said in a bleak tone to Zhang Liaoyu:

"Tell Brother Yi... I'm sorry I can't help him, I hope he... can... save... save... me..."

For the last few words, Cao Cao's nose was sore for some reason, and he was holding back tears before he said it in a trembling tone.

Zhang Liao gritted his teeth and nodded heavily.

"Prime Minister, take care... I'm going!"

This time, he didn't have any words to win, and all his determination was in his eyes - one day and one night, eight hundred miles in a hurry, he might die... but he would definitely send the news.

Everyone watched Zhang Liaoyuan go away.

Immediately, Cao Cao shouted to the soldiers behind him:

"Good sons... Jiangling is coming soon... must... must hold on!"


Everyone exhausted their last strength and desperately responded to Cao Cao.

The army set foot on the journey again--


"The last hurdle, in the past, in another hour, Jiangling will arrive..."

Jia Xu covered the map with his entire body to prevent it from getting wet by the pouring rain.

However, he was already weak, his lips were purple at this moment, and after finishing his way with his trembling middle finger, he fell down on the horse.


Cao Cao hurriedly embraced Jia Xu's body, tears welling up from his eyes.

Tears like rain Note that what he once said was just one thing, and the down-and-out Cao Cao finally understood why there was such a description in the book.

Because when tears and rain are intertwined, the kind of sadness cannot be described in words, but can only be experienced personally.

"Wenhe... must hold on... it will be here soon... we will be there soon!"

Cao Cao was really about to collapse, Hua Rongshi's laughter, in retrospect, turned out to be so ridiculous.

If Jia Xu leaves him again, the foundation that supports Cao Cao's beliefs may really collapse.

Jia Xu was supported by Cao Cao in his arms, and smiled at his dying breath:

"Prime Minister...No...don't worry, I'm just a little tired...let me sleep...just get some sleep..."

Jia Xu's bloodless face came into Cao Cao's eyes, and Cao Cao could only shout in a hurry:

"Come on, come on! Give me... use a shield for me, hold up the shield, and protect Wen He from the rain!!"

In the rain, a visor shield was propped up, and the soldiers crowded together, barely holding up a small piece of heaven and earth that would not get wet for Jia Xu and his horses...

With grief, Cao Cao kept driving the crowd forward.

But at this moment, when the exit was less than three or five miles away, the hoarse roar of the soldiers suddenly sounded behind him:

"Prime Minister! Soochow's soldiers and horses are catching up!!"

"Protect the Prime Minister! Hurry up, hurry up!"

"No! They are so fast!"

"Stop them for me! Protect the Prime Minister!"


The sound of Yu Jian's breaking wind completely shattered Cao Cao's last psychological defense.

Zhang He, Yu Jindian, Wei and the others, who reacted first, turned around and rushed towards the place where the sound of killing came from behind.

"Zixiao! The Prime Minister has handed it over to you!"

With a grim face, Yu Jin shouted out these words through gritted teeth.

"Prime Minister! Hurry up, there is our queen!"

Dian Wei's muscles instantly exploded with great force. His body was like a strong bow, with the halberd in his hand, and he roared and threw the halberd with all his strength—

The black halberd cut through this chaotic rainy night.

Like a black dragon, it nailed and killed the Soochow Pioneer who was about to rush into Cao Jun's formation on the spot.

Dian Wei jumped on his horse, turned over and pulled out the halberd directly from the chest of the dead vanguard. With both halberds in hand, he roared and charged towards the Eastern Wu cavalry that was rushing up like a tidal wave.

One husband is the gate, and ten thousand people are not allowed to open. On the long and narrow mountain road, with Dian Wei in front, hundreds of elite Eastern Wu cavalry can hardly move an inch.

Yu Jin and Zhang He also rushed up.

And Cao Cao watched this scene sluggishly, and suddenly felt extremely painful in his heart.

But how could Cao Ren allow Cao Cao to be dazed here.

"Zixiao... What are you doing! You bastard! You are disobeying the military order! Go back to me, don't go! Let me go!"

Cao Cao had lost the ability to think, he only saw Dian Wei and the others who were fighting in the rain and blood under the shroud of night.

"I'm sorry Prime Minister, but we can all die, but you can't die!"

Having said that, Cao Ren directly lifted the struggling Cao Cao, even if Cao Cao slammed Cao Ren's back with a punch and a hammer, Cao Ren still looked at the mountain pass with incomparable determination, and galloped on his horse.

"Hahahaha! Good brother Zixiao! Well said!"

Dian Wei came out with his halberds, and directly overturned a cavalry in front of him. Juli sent the cavalry together with horses and smashed them into the air. They fell to the bottom of the ridge and brought down a group of Soochow soldiers.

At this moment, Dian Wei is like a god of war, no one can approach within ten steps.

"Prime Minister, just take a look! These rubbish of Soochow, come one and I will kill one, come one pair, I will kill one pair!"

He suddenly saw the tiger and leopard cavalry around him still struggling to help him resist the soldiers of the Eastern Wu Dynasty.

In front of him, there were still tigers and leopards that had not evacuated cleanly. In order to cover their retreat, Dian Wei abruptly took a hundred steps forward to the formation of the Eastern Wu soldiers.

"What are you doing standing still! Hurry up and protect the Prime Minister! Today, Dian Wei put the words here. If you want to chase the Prime Minister, you have to step over my body!"

"Dian Wei! Dian Wei! You bastard! Listen to this Prime Minister! Don't die... Prime Minister, I won't allow you to die!"

Dian Wei laughed heartily at Cao Cao's shouting as he walked away. He smashed the chest of a warhorse in front of him with a halberd. When the blood was flying, he didn't look back, just replied calmly.

"Follow your orders, Prime Minister..."

Chapter [-] Awei, not a coward

"What's going on here! Why haven't you caught up?"

The Central Army led by Cheng Pu was blocked in the mountains, and rushed to the front in a hurry.

While yelling, only to find that his own army is not only not advancing, but is even slowly retreating?

"Don't retreat! Put the old man on top! What happened in front of you, can't you even defeat a group of remnants?"

Cheng Pufei was about to explode with anger. Gan Ning was the one who took the lead. At this moment, he wanted to ask Gan Ning's question, but...


"Ah ah ah..."

"My God! What kind of monster is that!"

"Ahhh... run!"

After the deafening loud noise, Cheng Pu only felt chaos in front of him.

The mountain road got narrower and narrower, and when he turned the last bend in front of him, Cheng Pu had a clear view of the battle ahead.

But it was because of the unobstructed view that Cheng Pu realized how exaggerated the scene he saw was.

Cao's army has already withdrawn to the mountain pass, and a few cavalry are also rushing towards the mountain pass quickly... Looking around, the entire gorge is full of their own troops.

And Gan Ning was fighting at the very front of the army—not so much a fight, but rather, he was being played with as a toy...

Not only that... Rocks that were even bigger than the city gates rolled straight at them.

The boulder was unstoppable, and the Soochow soldiers who couldn't dodge escaped in despair, but in the end they couldn't avoid death... The screams, the sound of broken limbs, and various voices were mixed together, and they were quickly washed away by the pouring rain.

And if all of this was done by one person, it's no wonder that Cheng Pu would stay in place and lose the ability to think.


"Dian Wei! You fucking don't want to die! Let's go! With the two of us covering you, we will be able to withdraw soon!"

Zhang He's eyes were red from the killing. He was the oldest here, and he had the most calm demeanor as an elderly person. After weighing the pros and cons, he felt that if he stayed any longer, it would definitely be worth the loss...

Seeing that there were more and more soldiers and horses in Soochow, Dian Wei was still taking cover for the tiger and leopard horses that had not evacuated - there were several terrifying bloodstains and wounds on his body, but he was unwilling to take a step back. Zhang He's heart was dripping blood while watching this scene!

...If there was no Dian Wei just now, their own soldiers and horses would probably lose more than [-]%... But... But if there is a choice between soldiers and horses and Dian Wei, Zhang He will definitely choose the latter without hesitation.

"Not enough! Not enough! Not enough!"

"General Zhang! I know what you're thinking! But ah..."

Dian Wei laughed horribly in the blood. The blood-red halberd had already been used by him to great effect. Every time he swung it, he would take away the life of one or even several soldiers of the Eastern Wu Dynasty.

And those tiger and leopard riders who had worked so hard to retreat, saw this scene, and all of them burst into tears.

"General...you...you go! We...we fought with them!!"

A cavalryman who saw that he had no hope of getting out of trouble and was a hundred or ten paces away from the mountain pass stood up and was about to charge behind him. Tears welled up in his eyes. He only felt that he could work with a general like Dian Wei in this life. Is to die ... still no regrets.

"Let's go, General!!"

It was not only the cavalryman who faced the same situation. Which of the soldiers brought out by Dian Wei and Zhang He did not form an indelible friendship with them after birth and death?Because they didn't want to see Dian Wei die for these ordinary soldiers, they chose death...

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